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  1. MYSIA, Kyzikos. Circa 450-400 BC. AR Obol (13mm, 0.8 g) Forepart of boar left, E (retrograde) on shoulder; tunny behind / Head of roaring lion left within incuse square GCV# 3848, SNG Copenhagen# 48, SNG France# 378, Von Fritze# 11 Next: Less than a gram
  2. Wow! Very well formatted and the differences are really clear. Did you make all those small diagrams of the noses and the like
  3. Was scrolling through vcoins, came upon this https://www.vcoins.com/en/stores/savoca_gmbh__co_kg/234/product/thessaly_larissa_circa_400370_bc__drachm_ar/2087563/Default.aspx. Very nice 3/4 face of Larissa, her hair flows nice and freely. However, I noticed something weird? It seems to have sold as Leu 29 - Lot 535 on 24.02.2024. Then later sold as Savoca 214 | Silver - Lot 14 on 26.05.2024. But it seems it was somewhat recently listed on vcoins by Savoca again. Did they not sell it / how are they selling it again? Is it just three different people who bought the coin and then instantly tried to resell? The previous sales weren't mentioned either was just looking through acsearch and saw it in other lots.
  4. @Deinomenid It does indeed sound very nice. Just curious, do you know if Boehringer ever mentioned Arethusa? Tried to find a pdf of it now, could find the die couplings which I remember looking at since I before since I have a bunch of Syracuse octopus coins, but not the actual pdf. But all of the coins, especially tetradrachams, from Syracuse I have seen identify themselves as Arethusa. Die Münzen von Syrakus was in 1929. There is also Calciati, R. Corpus Nummorum Siculorum. The Bronze Coinage which is 1983 - 1987, and even he seems to have been hesistant to identify them as Arethusa as can be seen in this link. But now it seems like everyone is confidently saying that the tets, didrachams, and bronzes are all Arethusa. I wonder if there is some other evidence that caused that. Somewhat related, I also remember reading this tetradracham lot https://nomosag.com/nomos-32-33/365 where it talks about "it has been suggested that the two different heads on Kimon's dekadrachms are actually portraits of those two wives [of Dionysios I]". Arethusa is a follower of Artemis, it definitely could be that some of the other ones are based on Priestesses of Artemis of Syracuse.
  5. This sounds interesting, what coins were Boehringer referring? I've generally seen just Arethusa on coins from Syracuse
  6. Another little octopus bought from Pavlos Pavlou on Vcoins, but this time it is not Syracusan. Infact the mint, obverse, and value are all debated. It was previously often attributed to Eryx, but HGC 2 949 reattributes it to Motya and this CNG listing which says "Puglisi (p. 252), the majority of finds of this issue have been in the vicinity of Motya". The obverse is always listed as female head, as it really isn't certain at all. It could be Arethusa as Motya has had other coins like tetradrachams as seen on Wildwinds which claim to be Arethusa. It does look similar to the Arethusa obverse of the Syracusan Octopus Onkia. Otherwise maybe a local nymph, but I couldn't find any related to Motya. For the value both hexas and onkia are suggested in various listings. I definitely think it is an onkia due to its resemblance to the Syracusan Octopus Onkia. As mentioned by Calciati "It is difficult to distinguish between this issue and the similar issue of Syracuse: the latter beeing more accurate in style and struck on better metal." The main difference I can tell is the one from Motya has often a bit fatter of head. Updated this coin a bunch on Numista, hopefully it will help someone else in the future. SICILY. Motya. Circa 400-397 BC. Onkia (1.69g, 12.5mm, 4h) - Female head to right, hair loosely gathered at the top of her head / Octopus
  7. Just received this lovely Arethusa / Octopus litra. Heritage, ANA Signature Sale 3118 - Lot 34013 IMO (but probably an over exaggeration esp since it has a lot of deposits), it does have the best reverse Octopus. I really liked that the eyes are perfect circles, very enthralling and they really stand out. Very clean edges on the octopus as well, nice and smooth. I would say best of this type (better than Leu 14, 40), and top 5 of the similar types. Linked are coins of this and a similar type (ordered by price). Nomos 26 - Lot 181 - 7000 CHF - 21 May 2023 (diff) Leu 14 - Lot 40 - 5500 CHF - 14 Oct 2023 (same) Numismatica Ars Classica 72 - Lot 323 - 4750 CHF - 16 May 2013 (diff) Numismatica Ars Classica 82 - Lot 91 - 3750 CHF - 20 May 2015 (diff) MINE Heritage 3118 - Lot 34013 - 3800 USD - 16 Aug 2024 (same) Leu 25 - Lot 172 - 3000 CHF - 11 Mar 2023 (Prev Nomos Obolos 4 - Lot 98 - 1200 CHF - 21 Feb 2016) (diff) Davissons Printed Auction 36 - Lot 20 - 3000 USD - 22 Feb 2017 (diff) Nomos 26 - Lot 182 - 1600 CHF - 21 May 2023 (same) Nomos 21 - Lot 86 - 1500 CHF - 21 Nov 2020 (same) Gemini V - Lot 451 - Unknown - 6 Jan 2009 (diff) SICILY. Syracuse. Ca. 470-450 BC. AR litra (12mm, 0.80 gm, 2h). NGC Choice AU 5/5 - 4/5. ΣVRA, head of Arethusa right, wearing pendant earring, beaded pearl taenia (headband), and beaded pearl necklace, hair looped up under taenia / Octopus.
  8. Lelouch

    Making labels.

    Looks great. I was wondering, did you use archival paper and archival ink or just the normal one? Curious how necessary as I actually couldn't find any thing like archival ink for printers.
  9. I won and received Lot 521 about a week ago after 2 weeks in customs. (USA, Shipped July 29, 24 - Received Aug 16, 24) A nice coin esp as I am a fan of octopuses and it has a provenance to 1904. However, the provenance they noted is partially incorrect. I only looked into it after I paid. The pedigree is partially incorrect, it is a combination of the two lanz coins listed in its current description. Lanz 114, 128 - this coin, from Sir Weber and W P Wallace. It also says addendum BCD collection from Lanz, but it's not BCD 318. This is indeed actually Weber 3386 as we have its original image. Also a recent listing for this coin with correct history. Also, when originally bought 1904, Webber 3386, to 2003 Lanz 114, 128 and the 2023 recent listing, they all list it at 4.01 gram, while this is 3.89. Lanz 111, 318 - this is another coin, containing the info related to Ars Classica and Sothebys. This is BCD 318, BCD Eubioa is this sale. Later resold in 2021. I reached out to them and they never responded. I honestly would have paid the same if not more if it only listed Webber 3386 to 1904. Just disappointing. Good lesson to learn I guess as I recently started, always check even w reputable houses. Atleast its partly correct. EUBOIA. Eretria. Circa 500-465 BC. Drachm (Silver, 15 mm, 3.89 g, 9 h) Obverse: Cow turned left licking hoof Reverse: Octopus within incuse square
  10. Not my latest coin, but wanted to post my first coin as my first post. Bought in March, right before Roma closed. Was just reading the threads about them now. Octopus / Blank Populonia (Etruria) - 1 As Roma Auction XXX - Lot 10 Numista 152079
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