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  1. Thank you all for your input. I appreciate it. The man I got it from said it came from his grandfather‘s brother he also had several pictures and relics of said great uncles times overseas in the military during World War II. I didn’t find any reason to think it was fake Or that he would be trying to mislead. I don’t really know anything about coins like these. And I’ve never seen one in person or held one. I am not sure how often they would be counterfeited or if it was likely to have been done 70 odd years ago. It is very neat to hold and think about the 2200 years or so it’s been passed from generation to generation and it is a pretty hefty piece of old metal. Thanks again
  2. I acquired this coin today. It appears to be bronze. It weighs just over 40 g. It is right at 4 cm (1 1/2”) in diameter. The strike is offset and the coin is not a uniform thickness from one side to the other. the backside is slightly larger diameter than the front. There are some abscesses along the outer edge and also one on the face. There appears to be some letters or numerals on the side with the eagle. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you very much for your time.
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