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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. Celtic AE 3 Arches Ring 700-500 BCE 3.0g 23mm DePew Collection
  2. You gotta watch it all the way through! CELTICA is awesome...they really blow out a tune! Nuttin' like bein' a badass Celt! Celtic Britain Iceni Boudicca 61 CE 1.03g Celt Hd r Celtic horse galloping Seaby 434 Scarce
  3. The Snake Charmer be a BAAAaaad chick! She is a creative Bagpipe player! This coin in honor of @Roman Collector's MASHUP KISS/EarthWindFire! Imitating Octavian-M. Porcius Cato AR quinarius 13.89 mm 1.29g imitating Octavian r blundered legend - Victory seated r patera Cr 343-462 RARE
  4. Oh, man! High School Days! Raisin' Hell and Wreakin' Havoc... big fun, great mems from that tune! Thanks @Ryro
  5. LOL, it was the trombonist I was laughing about. I know I have lowbrow taste in music… I gravitate to fun tunes. I remember as a wee lad, sitting in a bath with the “Dance of the Baby Elephant” on the radio! Early influence of music in my life… However, I do enjoy Classical, New Wave, music from many cultures around the world, etc etc. As long as I like it, then it is fun music to me! 🙂 I think you and I should start a Celtic Carnyx band!
  6. This one is just a fun listen. Earwig and all... Celtic AE Ring 800-500 BCE
  7. HEROS of the REPUBLICCASSIUSRoman RepublicGAIUS CASSIUS LONGINUS & PUBLIUS CORNELIUS LENTULUS SPINTHERAR silver denarius.Struck circa 42 BC, at a mobile military mint moving with Brutus & Cassius, probably located in Smyrna.C CASSI IMP LEIBERTAS, veiled & draped bust of Libertas right.Reverse - LENTVLVS SPINT, jug & lituus. 18mm, 3.3g.Ex: IncitisBRUTUS:Roman RepublicAR DenariusBRVTVS / AHALAStruck by the famous Marcus Junius Brutus when he was moneyer in 54 BCEObv: Bust of L. Junius Brutus, the Consul of 509 BCRev: Bust of C. Servilius Ahala, master of horse, 439 BC.Ref:Sear 398. Crawford 433/2. Junia 1Ex: @Valentinian BrutusEID MARSlavei
  8. RR Pulcher Mallius Mancinus Urbinius 111-110 BCE AR Den TRIGA S 176 Cr 299-1aAnd another of the same, that is AAAaall messed up! RR Clodius Pulcher T Mallius AR Den 111-110 BCE ERROR Flipover Double-Strike Roma Triga Cr 299-1b S 176
  9. Like it a lot!RR Naevius Balbus 79 BCE AR Den Venus SC TRIGA Sulla S 309 Cr 382-1
  10. This guy took Constantinople...Ottoman Turks Sultan Mehmet II 1451-1481 took Constantinople in 1453 Serez mint AR 1.2g
  11. Awesome job @Restitutor! Great site, great folks, great info for learning!
  12. Makedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AE 16 4-1g Salamis-Cyprus mint Herakles club bow quiver SA Price 3143Makedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AE 19 Quiver ClubMakedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AE 18 Bow Case ClubMakedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AE 17 Quiver Club
  13. One of my favorite small coins! mine... Carthage - Zeugitana AV 1/10th Stater-Shekel 350-320 BCE 0.94g 7.5mm Palm- Horse Head SNG COP 132
  14. China ANCIENTCowrie -Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE - 1046 BCE)BONE2 holes for clothing or funeral bier20mmHartill 1-2v Coole 51-66Ex: Scott Semans CoinCoinChinaShang Dynasty 1766-1154 BCE or Zhou DynastyGhost Face Ant NoseAE 1.65gHartill 1.4Holed (filled with debris)
  15. I like the "small stuff" too... Alexander III ObolMakedon Alexander III336-323 BCEAR Obol7mm 0.51gBabylonLifetimeHerakles lion skinClub bow quiver wreathM Price 3744
  16. DAD… LIFETIME PHILIP IIMakedonPhilip IIAR TetradrachmPella mintLIFETIME353-349 BCEZeusHorse star spearhdLe Rider 102SON… LIFETIME ALEXANDERMakedonAlexander IIILifetime Tet Myriandrus mint-Alexandria near Issus
  17. ALEXANDER III MAKEDONWN LIFETIME - TetradrachmBABALONIA, BabylonAlexander III LifetimeAR Tetradrachm / Stater (or Dishekel)Minted ca. 323-328 B.C.24 mm, 16.3gObv: Ba’al seated left holding scepterRev: Lion walking left, control mark Г above.(Control mark Г was minted during Alexander III Lifetime)Ref: Ref: BMC Arabia XXII no.1Comment: "This type was discussed by Martin Price in his article "Circulation at Babylon in 323 BC," in the book "Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy M. Waggoner." He asserts that a reengraved die clearly shows the "lion staters" with gamma followed the ones with delta. "They are probably shekels on the local standard." (page 67). He dates them to the lifetime of Alexander, because they were present in a hoard with deposition dated to 323/2. He doesn't give the earliest possible date explicitly, but mentions that Mazaeus was governor until 328 and issued coins, so I infer Price would put them at or after 328. So you can say "Struck 323 or before, under Alexander the Great." Quoted from @ValentinianEx: @Ancientnoob
  18. I really like Wuff coins! Makedon Amyntas II 395-393 BCE Æ12 2.0g Aigai or Pella mint Hd Pan - Forepart wolf chewing bone SNG Alpha Bank 179-80 Very Rare RR Hd Juno Sospita R goat skin hddrss She-wolf R placing stick on fire eagle stndng fanning flames 45 BCE 19.0mm 4.07g Cr 472-1 This is one of my FAVORITES: Wolf's head on ground (symbol of Roma), Foot ON head, and the Moneyer is from a SAMNITE family - only a few years after the Social War (91-87 BCE)! LOL, subtle message on a ROMAN coin... Roman RepublicCn. Egnatius Cn.f. Cn.n. Maxsumus,76 BCE Denarius, Rome.[MAXSVMVS Diademed and draped bust of Libertas to right, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; behind, pileus.Rev. [V] - CN•N / C•EGNATIVS•CN•F Roma, on left, standing facing, left foot set on wolf's head and holding staff with her right hand, and Venus, on right, standing facing, holding staff right and with cupid alighting on her shoulder; rudder standing on prow on either side.Ref: Babelon (Egnatia) 3. Sear 326 Crawford 391/3. RBW 1429. Sydenham 787Story, very truncated:The moneyer's family were originally a plebeian family of equestrian rank and were Samnites (had fought against Rome in THREE Samnite Wars (343–341 BCE, 326–304 BCE, and 298–290 BCE). After the Social War (91-87 BCE, with the Samnites holding out to 87 BCE), a part of the family moved to Rome, with a couple of them becoming Senators. However, one of the Senators was expelled, and also disowned his Senator Son. "No one has a satisfactory reason for this scene..." Hmmm... I wonder; this guy came from a Rebel Family (Samnites), and the Samnites were virtually exterminated after the Social War by Sulla. I think Roma stepping on a Wolf's severed head might say something...
  19. 🙂 I really like your Argos Wuff! Great find @Curtisimo. Yeah, I am here, just a little infrequent due to work and my new puppy!
  20. ARGOLIS. Argos. Circa 490-470 BC.AR Triobol, 14mm, 2.9g, 12h.Obv.: Forepart of wolf lying down right.Rev.: Large A; two small incuse squares above, pellet below crossbar; all within shallow square incuse.Reference: BCD Peloponnesos 1009.Ex-Coin Galleries, Ex-BCD Ex: @John Anthony Comments: Argos is one of the oldest inhabited cities in history. During the classical period, they were a powerful rival of Sparta for dominance over the Peloponnese. The citizens of Argos were also famed for their various festivals and celebrations, pottery and bronze sculpturing schools, tanneries, and manufacturers of fine clothing. This is an EXTREMELY rare variety of early triobol, with the wolf facing right. The vast majority of the early triobols have the wolf facing left. Later issues feature the wolf facing right quite often This coin is ex-BCD, with his tag, which reads “From the Coin Galleries, MBS, Nov. 12, 1986, lot 73
  21. Kostantiniye, (Istambul)Ottoman EmpireSuleyman I (The Magnificent) (r. AD 1520- 1566)AV Sultani 20 mm x 3.36 grams Dated ( AH 926 or AD 1520)Obverse: Sultan Süleyman Shah bin Sultan Selim Shah, Azze nasruhu, dhuribe fi qustantiniyah , seneh (926)-(Sultan Süleyman Shah son of Sultan Selim Shah, May his Victory be Glorious struck in Constantinople Year (AH 926) )Reverse:Reverse : Dharibun-Nadri sahibbul izzi vennasri filberri velbahr-(Striker of the Glittering, Master of Might Victory and of Land and the Sea.)Ref: Album -1317
  22. All are cool @Severus Alexander. I am particularly drawn to the Northern Wei
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