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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. awesome @Curtisimo!!! One of my pigs (used to be @Steve's) RR M Volteius Mf AR Denarius 78 BCE 18mm 3.96g Hd Hercules R lion skin headdress - Erymanthian boar Cr 385-2 ex SteveX6 And one of my VERY FEW (does that make them RARE???) ARCHETECTURAL coins! 😄 Roman RepublicM. Volteius M.f..AR Denarius;78 BCESear 312, Cr-385/1, Syd-774Obv: Laureate head of Jupiter r.Rx: Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, M VOLTEI MF in exergue
  2. Thank you Phil! Yeah, I figgerred so, especially when dealers and auctions want to "market" their wares. 🙂
  3. Nice snare @ambr0zie! I enjoy the solemnity of the Oath Scene... TI VITURIUS ROMAN REPUBLICTI VETURIUSAR Denarius, 18mm, 3.8gObv: Helmeted bust of Mars rightRev: Youth kneeling l. holding pig, between two warriors who touch with their swords, ROMA aboveRome 137 BCESear 111, Craw 234/1 MARSIC CONFEDERATION VERSION Marsic Confederation / Italian AlliesSocial War 90-88 BCEAR Denarius19x17.9mm, 3.7gAnonymous Issue, Corfinium MintObv: Italia head, l, ITALIA behindRev: Oath-taking scene with eight warriors, four on each side, pointing their swords towards a sacrificial pig, which is held by an attendant kneeling at the foot of a standard. - Binding the Marsi, Picentines, Paeligni, Marrucini, Vestini, Frentani, Samnites, and Hirpini Tribes into the Marsic Confederation against Rome during the Social WarComment: The reverse is based on the gold Stater and Half-Stater from the Second Punic War, and the Ti Viturius denarius...Sear 227 SYD 621 SCARCE And since @Helvius Pertinaxtossed out his super Germany Zwei Mark as a gift to himself, I will toss out my latest fun gift to myself! Mine: Germany Prussia Gold 20 Mark .2304 toz - Wilhelm I Type 2; 1874 A (Berlin mint)
  4. Super Victoriatus, @red_spork! I really enjoy the mint-mark variation... I wonder where it was? I only have a few of these little gems. This one is a favorite, as it has a pig... Jordan, when I review ACSearch, I see many of these described as "Rare". However, they list 14, and I have seen these offered a few times. I know that Auctions and Sellers like to hype "Rare and Scarce," etc. But, I thought the Sow series was a little more common, maybe "scarce". Your thoughts? I like my worn Jupiter as it loos as he is clean-shaved. Maybe a "rare"-day for Jupiter to be clean-cut... RR Victoriatus 206-195 BCE AR 16-5mm 2-61g Jupiter r Victory crowning trophy sow r in ex ROMA Syd 253 Russo RBW 554 Cr 121-1
  5. Congrats @jfp7375! One of my favorites, and represents Sulla's Triumph! Roman RepublicManlius Torquatus L. Corn Sulla82 BCEAR Denarius 17mm 3.7gMilitary mint w Sulla.Roma -Sulla triumphal quadriga vict wreathCr 367-3 Syd 759 Sear 286
  6. Congrats @John060167! CAESAR Lifetime, last 2 weeks of his life.Roman ImperiatorialJulius Caesar LifetimeP Sepullius MacerAR Denarius, 1st 2 weeks-Mar 44 BCE, 19 mm, 4.03g.Obv: CAESAR – DICT PERPETVO Veiled and wreathed head of Caesar R.Rev: P·SEPVLLIVS – MACER Venus standing l., holding Victory and sceptre resting on star.Ref: Syd 1074a Sear Imperators 107e Crawford 480-14 R
  7. I have read others from him. This one is also well done. Am thoroughly enjoying the book. 🙂 Enjoy!
  8. I am reading this book as we post. Highly recommend. The Roman Republic during its Darkest Hours... Evolution of the 2nd Punic War CRISIS in a same Coin type1) Around the Time of Cannae - SILVERRR Anon AR Heavy Denarius -Quadrigatus - Didrachm 225-215 BCE Incuse Roma Janus Jupiter Cr 28-3 S 312) As Hannibal Ravages Italia and the Roman Armies - Less SilverRR Anon AR Heavy Denarius Quadrigatus Didrachm 215-213 Janus Roma Relief tablet S 32 Cr 28-33) Nadir of the Republic - Scarcity of Resources - FEAR - BillonRR 225-214 BCE Anon BILLON Heavy Denarius Quadrigatus-Janus Didrachm Janus-Jupiter galloping quadriga r 18.2mm 4-1g Cr 28-3 S 33Suddenly, the Nadir was over... a turn in History that enabled the Romans to prevail and go on and flourish!RR Anon AR denarius Roma 211-206 BCE ROMA incuse Dioscuri single horn-helmet Sear-- Craw 68-1b
  9. Makedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 17 Horse Rider LEFT-LEFT facing scarceMakedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 19 Horse Hound LEFT-RIGHT Makedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 17 Apollo - Horse Rider RIGHT-LEFT facingMakedon Philip II AE 18 Apollo - Youth Horseback spear hd below 359-356 BCE 18mm 6.2g SNG ANS 850-1 RIGHT RIGHT
  10. LUCANIA. PAESTUM (POSEIDONEIA).SECOND PUNIC WAR Æ Sextans / DOLPHINAttribution: Crawford 4/1Date: 218-201 BCObverse: Wreathed head of Poseidon right, two pellets behindReverse: ΠAIST, Dolphin right, two pellets aboveSize: 19.97 mmWeight: 6.82 gramsDescription: Old mark across the coin almost as if it was meant to be cut for changeEx: Marc Breitsprecher Next: Mercury
  11. Congratulations, @Restitutor, for building a GREAT Forum, and facilitating a super Ancients coin community. We know all the hard work, and great job you performed to make this happen! Fantastic! Thank you! Brian
  12. RR Julius Caesar is an Elephant AR Denarius 49 BCE Traveling Mint trampling snake-Pontificates Sear 1399 Craw 443-1 Next: Pachyderm
  13. How about "A Horse of a Different Color" ? GOLDCarthage - ZeugitanaAV 1/10th Stater-Shekel350-320 BCE0.94g 7.5mmPalm-Horse HeadSNG COP 132 Electrum Zeugitania, CarthageAnonymous BCE 310-290EL Dekadrachm - Stater18.5mm, 7.27gObverse: Wreathed head of Tanit left, eleven pendants on necklace; pellet before neckReverse: Horse standing right; three pellets below exergue lineRef: MAA 12; SNG Copenhagen 136SilverCarthage ZeugitaniaAR ½ Shekel17mm 3.8g2nd Punic War 218-202 BCESicily mint 216-211 BCETanit lHorse r sun as double uraeusSNG COP 359BillonCarthageThird Punic War with Rome 149-146 BCEBillon Serrate Double Shekel12.83g, 26mm.Obv: Wreathed head of Tanit leftRev: Horse standing right, pellet below raised left legRef: SNG Copenhagen 403.Comment: Very fine, several (cleaning?) scratchesBronzeCarthageAE 31mmTrishekel 220-215 BCE2nd Punic WarTanitHorse Palm Punic "th"SNG COP 342
  14. Carthage -SicilyAR Litra4th C BCE9.5mm 0.65gPalm TreeHorse HeadSNG Cop 74Ex: EE Clain-SafanelliR
  15. Roman As cut in Half to make a Semis... Or a Half-As...RI Augustus 27 BCE-14CE AE As cut made into a Semis Spain Celsa Mint 29mm 5.0g Laureate Augustus - Bull RPC271 Cut in ancient times to make change Next: Another cut coin
  16. The REAL Roman REPUBLIC Empire BEGAN when they captured Sicily from Carthage during the 2nd Punic War. Creating their first Province...the REAL Roman Empire began... and was an Empire 200 years before the wimp Augustus! RR Anon AR denarius Roma 211-206 BCE ROMA incus Dioscuri single horn-helmet Sear-- Craw 68-1b SICILY ISSUE R
  17. Roman Empire? Whooo - Daayyy? MAKEDONMakedonPhilip IIAR TetradrachmPella mintLIFETIME353-349 BCEZeusHorse star spearhdLe Rider 102 ACHAEMENID PERSIA, Achaemenid Empire.Darios I to Xerxes II. Circa 485-420 BCEAV Daric (14mm, 8.30 g).Lydo-Milesian standard.Sardes mint.Persian king or hero, wearing kidaris and kandys, quiver over shoulder, running right, holding spear in right hand, bow in left /Incuse punch.Carradice Type IIIb, Group A/B (pl. XIII, 27);Meadows, Administration 321; BMC Arabia pl. XXIV, 26Ex: CNG QIN ChinaQin Shi Huang34mm 8.5gban liang221-206 BCE半两 Primitive Line scriptrareex Dr Alex Fishman MONGOL Great Mongols, Genghis (Chingiz) Khan,AH 603-624/ AD 1206-1227,AE Jital (4.12gm, 2h),Ghazna type, undated, citing Genghis as Khaqan andciting on the reverse, the 'Abbasid caliph al-Nasir. O: 'adl / khaqan / al-a'zam("the Just and Supreme Khaqan" or "Just [coin] of the Supreme Khaqan"). R: al-Nasir / li-Din Allah / amir al-mu- / -minin ("al-Nasir li-Din Allah, commander of the faithful").SICA-9, 1008; Tye 329; Album 1969 ASHOKA Grandson of ChandraguptaIndia Maurya ser VIB AR Karshapana punchmark 270-175 BC ASHOKA POST-ETRURIAN ETRURIA Rasenna, Fufluna, (Etruria, Populonia) 1-As: (Similar to a Roman AR - nothing - only an As is Bronze in Roman Currency)Etruria PopuloniaAR 1 As 0.60g 10.0mmafter 211 BCEObv: Male Head LeftRev: Plain RevRef: Vecchi 3 68-70 HN Italy 181Seller/Auction comment: R
  18. Roman ProvincialTrajanEgyptAE DichalkonLaureate hd LRhinoceros walking L LI-Z yr 17CE 113-11412.9mm 1.25gEmmet 719 var. rhino rightEx: SteveX6 collection Next: Non-European Animal
  19. Sri Lanka Bhuvanaika Bahu CE 1273-1284 Æ Massa 3.9g 19mm King throne solar symbol altar flame lotus - conch Bahu MNI 851-52
  20. RR Servilius Rullus MF Rufus 100 BCE AR Den Minerva Victory Biga S 207 Cr 328-1 Left Next: Coin from 101 BCE
  21. Japan Meiji Era AV-AR Ingot 1868-1869 Nibu Kin Samurai Shogun Paulonia Chrysanthemum
  22. Alexander aside; it was his FATHER, PHILIP II that built the Makedon state from a ruined country, created a first Nationalized State in Europe, built an incredibly effective and innovative phalanx Army, and built an incredibly effective Cavalry. He went on to unify most of Greece, pacified Thrace, and mined wealth in Gold and Silver to finance the means to attack and conquer Persia. He started this process BEFORE Alexander III was born, he masterminded unifying Greece when Alexander was too young, and he developed the plans to conquer Persia well before Alexander was mature enough to participate. Philip was cut down too Early.With Philip's Plans; Philip's innovative, tried, and seasoned Army and Cavalry; Greece pacified and unified at his back; Thrace pacified behind his back; owning rich mines that Philip acquired that financed the War efforts; Alexander III was able to execute Philip II's plans and conquered Persia. and, yes, I am an INTJ...THE BRILLIANT MASTERMIND, PHILIP II: Makedon Philip II Tet Pella LIFETIME 353-349 Zeus Horse star spearhd Le Rider 102
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