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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. You know, I realized that I only have 3 total coins of Vespasianus. Him and Trajanus are the only two Emperors that I really like. The rest are just... I dunno, who cares... So, here is the last one that I will put out there (my Dupoinus of his in the the Dupondius thread... RI Vespasian 69-79 CE AR Denarius Jupiter Sacrificing IOVI CONSERVAT
  2. RI Vespasian 69-79 CE AE Dupondius Felicitas stdg caduceus cornucopia sinister left
  3. Ionia Klazomenai 480-400 BC AR Drachm Pentobol 3.5g 13mm Forepart winged boar r gorgoneion incuse sq Cf SNG Copenhagen 12 Rare Next:
  4. I reckon I have an As on an As... RI AE As Trajan CE 98-117 26mm 11.0g Rome Laureate Draped - Victory SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS Victory R wreath palm S-C RIC 675
  5. Hey Deac! Hope you are well. Wonderful to see you here! With your new Avatar Name... I kept subliminally thinking you were one of the Leaders of the Caesar Execution... 😄 RR Gaius Cassius Longinus & P Corn Lentulus Spinther AR den 42 BCE military mint Brutus Cassius Smyrna Libertas r- jug & lituus 18mm 3.3g
  6. Mysia Kyzikos AR Hemiobol 480-450 BCE 0.4g Boar-Lion retrograde K Sear 3850 Next: Any FLYING PIGS?
  7. Sicily Kalakte AE unit 2nd C BCE Head Athena in Helmet - Owl rev R
  8. RI Vespasian 69-79 CE AR Quinarius Victory seated wreath palm RIC 802 Rare
  9. Thrace Byzantion AR Half-Siglos bull-dolphin-incuse 340-320 BCE
  10. Agreed. I do not understand hobby rules. i understand ethics. Period. But rules for my hobby? My relaxation time? Naaaaawwwwww.
  11. No prob @Steve-Dude! I am NOTORIOUS for goofing up this type thread!!! Rabbit being RIPPED apart! 😄 Sicily Akragas AE Trias 23mm 8.5g 287-241 BCE Beardless Zeus Hellanios 2 Eagles tearing at rabbit hare in talons HGC 2 159 Next: Eagle with prey
  12. ....and, the next coin is.... ? 😄
  13. Syracuse over 200 year span Syracuse Gelon 485-478 BCE AR Tet 24mm 16.7g Slow Biga Victory Arethusa 4 dolphins Sear-Greek S 914 Ex Charles Reeve Sicily Syracuse Hieron II 275-269 BCE Persephone Core Left - Bull Left AE22
  14. RR Lucretius Trio 76 BCE AR Den Neptune dolphin boy S 322 Cr 390-2
  15. Vulcans Tongs... Samnium Aesernia 263-240 BC AE 20 Vulcan Pilos Tongs Jupiter Biga Left
  16. Uncert West Asia Minor Karia 5th C BC AR tetartemorion 5mm 0.15g Female - Frprt man-faced bull r Kayhan 968 exc rght
  17. Broad Flan … and I have always enjoyed this coin…Roman RepublicAnon AR Victoriatus 211-206 BCEJupiter Dioscuri Sear 49 Craw 44-1 Next: Victoriatus
  18. I knew Elizabeth produced some of the first milled, however, I know little of milled history or of my English coins. I do not know if this one is milled. I suspect hammered. Hence, “perhaps not.” 🙂 I am still learning. This is why I am here.
  19. Perhaps not... England - Elizabeth I 1558-1603 AR Sixpence 3rd-4th issue crescent mintmark
  20. I need to pull it out and use my microscope sometime. I have a huge project thought out when I finally retire, this is a part of it... thanks for reminding me!
  21. Bruttium Carthage occup 2nd Punic War AR Half-Shekel 216-211 Tanit Horse SOLAR-O Ureai HN Italy 2016 SNG Cop 361-3 Carthage Zeugitania AR ½ Shekel 17mm 3.8g 2nd Punic War 218-202 BC Sicily mint 216-211 BC Tanit l Horse r sun as double uraeus SNG COP 359
  22. RI Balbinus 238 CE AR Denarius 20mm 3.7g Rome Laureate draped cuirasses - Victory wreath palm RIC 8
  23. SELJUQ OF RUM Kaykhusraw II 1236-1245 AR dirhamSiwas AH 639 A-1218 lion sunface star L
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