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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. I kinda like how Boudicca redecorated Roman Londinium... 😄 BOUDICCACeltic Britain Iceni Boudicca 61 CE 1.03g Celt Hd r Celtic horse galloping Seaby 434 Scarce
  2. Roman Republic AR denarius 3.8g 18.0mm T Didius Rome 113-112 BCE Roma, star, ROMA monogram -Two Gladiators whip sword Sear 171 Crawford 294-1 Roman RepublicL Livineius RegulusAR Denarius42 BCE 3.8g 19mmBare head of the praetor L. Livineius Regulus right - bankers mark and scratch on obverseGladiators in Arena. Gladiatorial scene; in foreground, one man attacks lion with spear; in back ground, second man with shield and sword attacks panther; on left, wounded boar; in exergue, L. REGVLVSCr 494-30 Syd 1112 Sear 489 Roman RepublicMinicuis Thermus 103 BCE AR DenariusMars beardless looking left (maybe looking at @Roman Collector , trying to figure out these Old English words for his name...) 2 Warriors fighting over fallen warriorSear 197 Cr 319-1
  3. Roman RepublicAnon AR Victoriatus 211-206 BCEJupiter Dioscuri Sear 49 Craw 44-1
  4. Looks like it. I will look up my full attribution tomorrow.
  5. THEO ! RI Theodosius I 379-395 CE AE 18mm Concordia
  6. CARAUSIUSRI Carausius usurper in Britain CE 287–293 BI Ant 4.7g 24mm London radiate cuirassed - PAX AVG Pax stndg l branch scepter S—P RIC V 475RI Carausius 287-293 AE22 London mint PAX
  7. ROOSTERCampania Cales 256-240 BC AE 18 Athena Cock Star Next: Another Rooster since mine is pretty grody...
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orichalcum
  9. Thank you for the info! Very nice.
  10. @Steve I agree MEAT-HEAD!!! 😄 😄 😄 @thenickelguykeep up the acquisition mode!
  11. Agreed! You win the Booby-Prize for spotting the Booby-Eyes!
  12. SHAPUR ISasanian Shapur I 240-272 CE AE Tetradrachm 10.78g 27mm Ctesiphon mint phase 1a mural crown korymbos - fire altar type 2 SNS IIa1-1a Next: Pig
  13. Mammoth Tusk Carvings I had bought these in China, carved, from Mammoth tusk imported through the land port Manchulia, China, from Siberia, Russia. Since then, I understand now it is illegal to import Mammoth Tusk, similar to the Elephant Ivory laws. At the time I purchased them and brought them home, Mammoth was not an endangered species (being extinct), therefore there were no problems. Now, it looks like Custom Laws have changed. Like Ivory, existing pieces are grandfathered (as I understand the changes.)Mammoth Tusk - Russia find China carved Chinese Zodiac BOAR and RABBITI am the Boar, my wife's Zodiak is the Rabbit.
  14. Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang - 1st Emperor to unite ChinaChinaQin Shi Huang34mm 8.5gban liang221-206 BCE半两 Primitive Line scriptrex Dr Alex FishmanAgain:China Qin 220-180 BC AE 12 Zhu Ban Liang Blank H7.7
  15. Campania CAPUA AE 14-5mm 216-211 Hera Oscan Grain ear Hannibal capital Italia SNG Fr 517 SNG ANS 219 HN Italy 500 EE Clain StefanelliCampania CAPUA AE Uncia 216-211 BCE Diana Boar Hannibal capital Italia SCARCECampania CAPUA AE Semuncia 216-211 BCE Juno Xoanon Hannibal capital Italia SCARCE
  16. Danubian Celts:Drachm versions of the 2 below seem a little harder to find. Tets were used in trade, Drachmae were used in local commerce...Celt Imit Philip II 2nd C BCE AR Drachm ~2g Zeus Horse pellet-in-annulet above Kugelwangel type- Danube Valley - Kostial 508 OTA 204Celtic Imitation Philip II 2nd C BCE AR Drachm ~2g Kugelwangel type- Danube Valley - pecunum auction
  17. ETRURIA Rasenna, Fufluna, (Etruria, Populonia) 10 Asses10-Asses: (Similar to a Roman AR Denarius)Etruria PopuloniaAR 10 Asses 20mm 4.21g211-206 BCObv: Male HdRev: Blankdie break5-Asses: (Similar to a Roman AR Quinarius) ETRURIA, POPULONIA. Etruria Populonia AR 5 Asses 2.0g 3rd C BCE Obv: Young Head L, V (denomination) behind Rev: blank HN 173 Vecchi Rasna III 52 ex NAC 29 No 9 RAREAR-5 Asses, 3. Jahrhundert v. Chr.; 2.00 g. Jünglingskopf l. dahinter Wertangabe//Glatt. Rutter, Historia Numorum 173; Vecchi, The coinage of the Rasna III, 52; Vecchi, Etruscan Coinage 91.6 (dies Exemplar).Von großer Seltenheit. Feine Patina, winz. Kratzer, sehr schönExemplar der Auktion NAC 29, Zürich 2005, Nr. 9.Das Stück ist abgebildet bei Christian Gliwitzky, Aus Etruskern werden Römer - Geprägte Gold- und Silbermünzen, in: Jörg Gebauer (Hrsg.) u. a. Die Etrusker - Von Villanova bis Rom, München 2015, S. 282, Abb. 6.4Ex: Künker Auction 295 Lot 1242-1/2 Asses: (Similar to a Roman AR Sestertius)2-½ asses , AR 0.85 g3rd century BCObv: Radiate female head r.; behind, CII.Rev: Blank.Ref: EC 104 (misdescribed, Female head with an Attic helmet). Historia Numorum Italy 179.NAC Comment: Of the highest rarity, apparently only the second specimen known. Dark patina and about very fine.Ex: From the collection of E.E. Clain-Stefanelli1-As: (Similar to a Roman AR - nothing - only Bronze in Roman Currency)Etruria PopuloniaAR 1 As 0.60g 10.0mmafter 211 BCEObv: Male Head LeftRev: Plain RevRef: Vecchi 3 68-70 HN Italy 181Seller/Auction comment: EXTREMELY RAREAE Sextans:Etruria or UmbriaAes Grave3rd C BCESextans 23mm 25.15gObv: ClubRev: 2 DotsRef: HN 54 Vecchi-Th 172
  18. @ValiantKnight, I do deeply understand. RIP to your Baby. My Dog, Blue. She passed 1-1/2 yrs ago. She was my constant companion, coming with me everywhere: Work, home, even room-to-room where ever I was. She saved my life on two very critical occasions. I have had many dogs, cats, and other critters in my life. Blue and I connected like no other. She loved everyone, and everyone really liked her too. Always a tail a-waggin', always smiling. Even in her final days when her dysplasia was becoming intolerable: She smiled and was happy. I deeply miss her Soul. RR C Mamilius 82 BCE AR Den Serrate Mercury winged petasos caduceus Ulysses Dog Argos Sear 282 Craw 362-1 RR Aes Grave AE Quadrans 269-242 BCE Dog 3 pellets Six spoked wheel 59.8g Craw 24-6a Th-Vecchi 34 ex Sellwood Blue's Last Day... smiling, loving, and her paw was always on my arm all day.
  19. RI Aemilianus 253 CE AE24 Viminacium mint Moesia Bull-Lion - Damnatio Memoriae RI Fausta 325-326 CE AE3 Spes stdg 2 infants SMHA 20mm 3.48g scratch over eye damnatio memoriae by Constantine
  20. LOL, yeah, was gonna say that, but LOL, I knew @Stevewould get my drift… 🙂
  21. MACRIANUSRI Macrianus 260-261 CE Usurper AR 22mm 4.4g BI Ant Spes Publica star Sear 3.10811. RIC 13 pg 581 R2 RareQUIETUSRI Quietus usurper 260-261 CE Ant 3-74g Samasota mint Indulgentia patera scepter RIC V 5GALLIC EMPIRE - (POSTUMUS prior post) RI Postumus 259-268 CE Antoninianus Cologne Oriens ex tif- MARIUSRI Marius 269 Gallic Usurper BI Ant CONCORD MILIT Clasped Hands- VICTORINUSRI Victorinus 269-270 CE BI Ant Gallic Empire Salus- TETRICUS I RI Tetricus I 271-274 CE Ant LAETITIA- TETRICUS IIRI Tetricus II 273-274 CE BI Ant SPES w FlowerALLECTUSRI Allectus 293-296 CE AE Ant PAXCARAUSIUSRI Carausius usurper in Britain CE 287–293 BI Ant 4.7g 24mm London radiate cuirassed - PAX AVG Pax stndg l branch scepter S—P RIC V 475SATURNINUSRI Probus Æ Ant 22mm 3.75g 280CE CLEMENTIA TEMP XXI Emperor receiving Victory from Jupiter UNKNOWN EASTERN MINT - fight Saturninus PROCOPIUSRI Procopius 365-366 AE3 Ah! Thanks for the reminder! I was able to edge in MY grody version, too!!! 😄
  22. Antioch, SyriaNero Regnal year 8, Caesarian year 110, (AD 61/62)AR Tetradrachm 25 mm x 14.05 gramsObverse: NERWNOS KAISAROS SEBASTOU, Laureate bust right, wearing aegis.Reverse: Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, palm branch before, H/IP behind.Ref: RPC4182Ex: @Ancientnoob
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