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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. To keep it going. The Mamertini, Sicily, c. 288 - 278 B.C.Mamertini or "children of Mars," was the name taken by a band of Campanian (or Samnite) freebooters who about 289 B.C. seized the Greek colony of Messana at the north-east corner of Sicily, after having been hired by Agathocles to defend it (Polyb. 1. 7. 2).Bronze pentonkion,Calciati I p. 93, 3/1; SNG ANS 402; BMC Sicily p. 109, 3; SNG Cop 434 var (on reverse Φ left), gF, some corrosion and pitting,Messana mint, weight 16.288g, maximum diameter27.5mm, die axis 270o, c. 288 - 278 B.C.;obverse APEΣ, laureate head of Ares right, Macedonian helmet behind;reverse MAMEPTINΩN, eagle standing left on a thunderbolt, head left, wings openNEXT: UNhelmeted Ares / Mars
  2. Sicily SelinusAR Litra400 BCE10mm 0.67gNymph on rock touching serpent Selinon leaf -Man-faced bullMildenberg 27
  3. Roman RepublicC. Allius BALA,92 BCE denarius19-18 mm. 3.83 gFemale head right (Diana?), I before neckBiga of stags (thus Diana), anchor below. A ALLISear 221. Crawford 336/1c. Aelia 4Ex: Warren EstyYear before the Social War with the Marsic Confederation Campania CAPUA AE Uncia 216-211 BCE Diana Boar Hannibal capital Italia SCARCE
  4. ROMEArcadius, AD 395-408AR Siliqua, 16mm, 1.1g, 12h.Obv.: DN ARCADI-VS PF AVG; Pearl diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right.Rev.: VIRTVS RO-MANORVM; Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and reversed spearNext: MAMERTINI / MAMERTINOI / MAMERTINES
  5. Hmmm... I believe that I have a Bronze PUCK for hockey playing in Ancient North Africa... my largest stamped / hammered coin (this is not cast)Carthage201-175 BCEÆ 15 Shekels45 mm 7.5 mm thick. 102gWreathed TanitHorse Uraeus above.MAA 104 SNG Cop 400
  6. RI Maximinus II Daia 305-308 CE Folles AE 26mm Trier mint GENIO POPV-LI Genius-Serapis stndg RIC VI Treveri 667b Next: Modus
  7. VICTORINUSRI Victorinus 269-270 CE BI Ant Gallic Empire PAXEx: Holding History
  8. Kingdom of EgyptPtolemy IV, 221-205AE Drachm, 40.01mm x 6.5mm thick, 69.46gObv: Diademed head of Zeus Ammon r.Rev: Eagle standing left on thunderbolt(Struck during Republican Rome's 2nd Punic War)
  9. This is a little one... RR Aes Grave Anon 280-276 BCE Triens 46mm 90.3g 9.3mm thick Tbolt-Dolphin Rome Crawford 14-3 T Vecchi 3 Next: Large Bronze
  10. SEXTANS of the Roman RepublicRR AE Aes Grave Sextans 270 BCE 37mm 55.28g Dioscuri R and L Next: Quadrans of the Roman Republic
  11. When I lived in NC, I panned for and found a few flake of gold. Was fun, and I have them around here someplace.
  12. GETA SpearingGETA (209-211). Denarius. Rome.Obv: IMP CAES P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG.Laureate head right.Rev: PONTIF TR P COS II.Emperor on horseback left, spearing fallen enemy.RIC 68
  13. Revival of the QUINARIUS in 101 BCE to celebrate the Triumph of Marius' VICTORY over the Teutones, Cimbri, and Ambrones. RR Fundanius AR Quinarius 101 BCe Marius triumph Jupiter E control Victory captive carnyx Q Sear 205 Craw 326-2
  14. Campania Neapolis 320-300 BC AR Didrachm Nomos Nymph Achelous Next: Bull
  15. RR Manlius Torquatus L. Corn Sulla 82 BCE AR den 17mm 3.7g Mil mint w Sulla. Roma - Sulla triumpl quadriga vict wreath Cr 367-3 Syd 759 S 286
  16. STAGS Iona-Ephesos AR Obol Bee - opposing stag heads 340 BCE Seaby Next: Another OBOL
  17. RR L Sentius 101 BCE AR Den Roma Jupiter Quad Sear 203 Craw 325-1 Next: Quadrigus
  18. RI Licinius II 317-324 CE Folles Jupiter w Eagle sinister left Antioch Next: Pre- 120 BCE Denarius
  19. China Shang 1766-1154 BCE or Zhou Dynasty Ghost Face Ant Nose 1.65g Hartill 1.4
  20. First year of the new denomination as X-bar in 136 BCE RR AR Den X-bar 136 BCE Antesius Gragulus Roma GRAG - Jupiter Quad Tbolt Cr 238-1 Sear 115
  21. RR AR Den X-bar 136 BCE Antesius Gragulus Roma GRAG - Jupiter Quad Tbolt Cr 238-1 Sear 115
  22. RR Baebius of Tampilus (2) 137 BCE AR Den Roma LEFT Apollo Quad S 113 Cr 236-1a Left
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