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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. So... all this Robe detail... you did not even NOTICE the significant attribute??? 😄 😄 😄 You need a chat with Sir Mix-A-Lot. LOL
  2. Congrats @thenickelguy, nice Drachm. Mine show high circulation...Makedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AR Drachm 3Makedon Alexander III 336-323 BC AR Drachm 2Makedon Alexander III AR Drachm 1Makedon Alexander III AR Drachm
  3. Thank you. Only got the ears (handles), but it is a purdy cool coin.
  4. Baktria Apollodotos I 180-160 BCE Square AR Drachm 20mm 2.4g Elephant Zebu-Brahman SNG ANS 324-327 Next: ZEBU or Brahman
  5. Seleukid Seleukos I 312-280 BCE AE 20 Athena-Elephant Spaer 129 Next: Another Elephant
  6. RI Constantine I CE 306-337 Silvered Æ Follis 19mm 3.2g Siscia CE 326-7 AVG Laureate R - PROVIDENTIAE AVGG Camp gate 2 turrets no door star RIC 200
  7. RI Carausius usurper in Britain CE 287–293 BI Ant 4.7g 24mm London radiate cuirassed - PAX AVG Pax stndg l branch scepter S—P RIC V 475
  8. MAGNENTIUSRI Magnentius 351-352 CE AE 1 CHI RHOMAGNUS MAXIMUSRI Magnus Maximus 383-388 CE AE FollisVETRANIORI Vetranio 350 CE AE3 17mm Siscia mint Emp stdng hldg Standard and SpearDECENTIUSRI Decentius 350-353 CE AE19 VOT VVABALATHUSRI Vabalathus 271-272 CE and AurelianPOSTUMUSRI Postumus 259-268 CE Antoninianus Cologne Oriens ex tifAUREOLUS?RI Postumus struck by Aureolus 268 CE Revolt of Milan ConcordiaLAELIANUSRI Laelianus CE 269 AE Ant 19mm 3.4g Moguntiacum mint Radiate cuirassed Victory RIC Vb 9 p373 blackCLODIUS ALBINUSRI Clodius Albinus 193-197 CE AR Denarius ROMAE AETERNAE Roma seated
  9. I always enjoyed Usurpers among the Roman Emperors. Makes for interesting reading, but sometimes you could imagine some horrible repercussions among the general populations as these narcissists forced their ways onto Humanity. Sometimes, most people did not get hurt, just the folks in the top rungs of politics. POST YOUR USURPERS! EUGENIUSRI Eugenius 392-394 CE AE 12mm 1.0g Aquileia SPES wreath palm Victory RIC59POEMENIUS:RI Poemenius in name of Constantius II summer 353 Trier XP RIC VIII Trier 332 RARE(mixes bust of Constantius II with Chi Rho of Magnentius - enemy of CII)Ex: @seth77 POST YOUR USURPERS! Even usurpers of OTHER Empires or Kingdoms...
  10. Ever since this product hit the market, I have been leaning heavily into the BBL Futures Market* * BBL = Belly Button Lint.
  11. RI Probus Æ Ant 22mm 3.75g 280CE CLEMENTIA TEMP XXI Emperor receiving Victory from Jupiter UNKNOWN EASTERN MINT - fight Saturninus RI Probus 276-282 CE Ant 21mm Rome mint captive on ground Riding Horse in ex R-Thunderbolt-Z RIC 155
  12. JULIAN II the APOSTATE RI Julian II 360-363 CE Fallen Horseman AE3 RI Julian II CE 360-363 AE1 maiorina Diademed R - SECVRITAS REIPVB 2 stars Apis Bull stg R ANT-Gamma 2 palms ANTIOCH RIC 217 LRBC 2641
  13. Elaea-Aeolis AE10 1.4g 3rd C BCE Athena Left-Barley
  14. Umm... Baby Got BackRI AE As Trajan CE 98-117 26mm 11.0g Rome Laureate Draped - SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS Victory R wreath palm S-C RIC 675
  15. This is believed to be a portrait of Scipio in his younger years after he captured Carthago Nova. This is BEFORE he was Africanus, an honor bestowed AFTER he defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 202 BCE. If this is a true portrait, this would be the first living Roman on a coin. It was minted far from Rome.Carthago Nova, SpainSCIPIORoman Occupation209-206 BCESear Vol2 6575 R
  16. So @DonnaML’s God theory goes out the window…
  17. RI Probus276-282 CEBI Ant2.80gcaptives l and rCohen 768
  18. Celtic Britain Iceni Boudicca 61 CE 1.03g Celt Hd r Celtic horse galloping Seaby 434 Rome deserved everything they got from Her... and more.
  19. This one is worth $5,200... CRISPINARI Crispina m Commodus 177 CE AR denarius 2.29g Juno stdg RIC-283 Mine. :)
  20. I got this coin because the SCYTHIANS were BAD-AS dudes from the Steppes... India Indo-Scythian King Azes I 57-30BCE AR Drachm
  21. Great Celtics @John Conduitt. I do not have as many as I should. And want more. I just finished this book... and I really recommend it. I have read smatterings of history about my heritage, but this was a great read.
  22. I put together a hardscrabble "Five Good Emperors"... (I have other examples, but this one is fun.)NERVA: RI Nerva AE Dupondius 96-98 CE LIBERTAS PVBLICA -pileusEx: @TIF (got it because she is no expert) TRAJAN:RI AE As Trajan CE 98-117 26mm 11.0g Rome Laureate Draped - SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS Victory R wreath palm S-C RIC 675Ex: @John Anthony (got this cuz the SPQR acronymn is SPELLED OUT)HADRIAN: RI Hadrian, AD 117-138 Æ Limes Denarius 18mm 3.5mm after AD 125 Genius stndg sacrificing altar cornucopia RIC II 173Ex: @John Anthony (my only Limes)ANTONIUS PIUS: RI Antoninus Pius 138-161 BCE BI Tet Alexandria Egypt Dikaiosyne ScaleEx: @Mat (The Tet Master)MARCUS AURELIUS: RI Aurelius Marcus 161-180 AE Sestertius S-CEx: @John Anthony (my first purchase from him)
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