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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. JULIAN II the APOSTATE RI Julian II 360-363 CE Fallen Horseman AE3 RI Julian II CE 360-363 AE1 maiorina Diademed R - SECVRITAS REIPVB 2 stars Apis Bull stg R ANT-Gamma 2 palms ANTIOCH RIC 217 LRBC 2641
  2. Elaea-Aeolis AE10 1.4g 3rd C BCE Athena Left-Barley
  3. Umm... Baby Got BackRI AE As Trajan CE 98-117 26mm 11.0g Rome Laureate Draped - SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS Victory R wreath palm S-C RIC 675
  4. This is believed to be a portrait of Scipio in his younger years after he captured Carthago Nova. This is BEFORE he was Africanus, an honor bestowed AFTER he defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 202 BCE. If this is a true portrait, this would be the first living Roman on a coin. It was minted far from Rome.Carthago Nova, SpainSCIPIORoman Occupation209-206 BCESear Vol2 6575 R
  5. So @DonnaML’s God theory goes out the window…
  6. RI Probus276-282 CEBI Ant2.80gcaptives l and rCohen 768
  7. Celtic Britain Iceni Boudicca 61 CE 1.03g Celt Hd r Celtic horse galloping Seaby 434 Rome deserved everything they got from Her... and more.
  8. This one is worth $5,200... CRISPINARI Crispina m Commodus 177 CE AR denarius 2.29g Juno stdg RIC-283 Mine. :)
  9. I got this coin because the SCYTHIANS were BAD-AS dudes from the Steppes... India Indo-Scythian King Azes I 57-30BCE AR Drachm
  10. Great Celtics @John Conduitt. I do not have as many as I should. And want more. I just finished this book... and I really recommend it. I have read smatterings of history about my heritage, but this was a great read.
  11. I put together a hardscrabble "Five Good Emperors"... (I have other examples, but this one is fun.)NERVA: RI Nerva AE Dupondius 96-98 CE LIBERTAS PVBLICA -pileusEx: @TIF (got it because she is no expert) TRAJAN:RI AE As Trajan CE 98-117 26mm 11.0g Rome Laureate Draped - SENATVS POPVLVSQVE ROMANVS Victory R wreath palm S-C RIC 675Ex: @John Anthony (got this cuz the SPQR acronymn is SPELLED OUT)HADRIAN: RI Hadrian, AD 117-138 Æ Limes Denarius 18mm 3.5mm after AD 125 Genius stndg sacrificing altar cornucopia RIC II 173Ex: @John Anthony (my only Limes)ANTONIUS PIUS: RI Antoninus Pius 138-161 BCE BI Tet Alexandria Egypt Dikaiosyne ScaleEx: @Mat (The Tet Master)MARCUS AURELIUS: RI Aurelius Marcus 161-180 AE Sestertius S-CEx: @John Anthony (my first purchase from him)
  12. Well, it I do not see a heart or other rating for your post. But I would give it a Double-Like! Very nice set, @Restitutor,
  13. Change / Cambio... I mean, why pay a full As when it is only worth a Semis? (Half an As = Semis)
  14. I enjoy my ancient historical specialties and niches. I focus on an historical approach to Ancients, with interest in pivotal junctures in Human History:Focus:1) Roman Republic 2) Those states, Empires, and entities that interacted with the Roman Republicie: Carthage, Makedon, Mamertines, Italia, etc.3) AlexandrineOther Ancients interests:1) Ancient China2) Ancient India3) Egyptian Royal ScarabsAreas of emerging Interest:1) Celtic BCE2) Sicily BCE3) Fun issues ETRURIA, Arretium (?). The Chiana Valley. Circa 208-207 BC.Æ Quartunica .Head of African right; monogram to left /Indian elephant standing right, bell around neck; monogram below.HN Italy 69; SNG ANS 41 (same obv. die); SNG Copenhagen 48 var. (no monogram on obv.). r
  15. Roman Republic Aemilius Scaurus and Plautius Hypsaeus 58 BCE AR Denarius camel scorpion quadriga 4.1g 19mm Rome Craw 422-1b
  16. GALLIENUSRI Gallienus Silvered Æ Ant CE 263-264 AVG rad cuiras R Hercules R lion skin club star RIC 673
  17. CARTHAGE SPAINCarthage Iberia 218-208 BCE AE 13 1/4 Calco Barcid Military Mint - 2nd Punic War Tanit Helmet
  18. CELTIBERIA / Non-Roman Spain OSCA Spain AR silver denarius 204-154 BC. Head r beard -N behind - Horseman spear, Iberian PMAN BOLSCAN Burgos 1501 Villaronga 3 Celtiberia, SecaisaAE As, 25mm, 8.5g, 5h;2nd to early-1st centuries BC.Obv.: Male head right flanked by dolphins.Rev.: Horseman galloping right holding spear // SECaISA in Iberian script.Reference: SNG Copenhagen 363ff
  19. Roman As cut in Half to make a Semis... Or a Half-As...RI Augustus 27 BCE-14CE AE As cut made into a Semis Spain Celsa Mint 29mm 5.0g Laureate Augustus - Bull RPC271 Cut in ancient times to make change RR Anon AE Semis 211-206 BCE Saturn S Prow ROMA Sear 766 Craw 56-3 Spain Punic War
  20. Mysia Kyzikos AR Hemiobol 480-450 BCE 0.4g Boar-Lion retrograde K Sear 3850 ChersonesosAR Hemi-Drachm - TriObolLionX-dot amphoraSeaby-Sear Vol I 1606 ASIA MINOR Uncertain mint AR Tetartemorion Lion - Incuse 5mm 0.13g
  21. I enjoy my ancient historical specialties and niches. I also just enjoy cool coins. Again, I even enjoy some cool historical modern coins. Oh, and Gold is always great. i reckon I specialize in specializing in super broad categories. Hmmm... I just like them ALL. 😄 Marsic Confederation / Italian AlliesSocial War 90-88 BCEAR Denarius19x17.9mm, 3.7gAnonymous Issue, Corfinium MintObv: Italia head, l, ITALIA behindRev: Oath-taking scene with eight warriors, four on each side, pointing their swords towards a sacrificial pig, which is held by an attendant kneeling at the foot of a standard. - Binding the Marsi, Picentines, Paeligni, Marrucini, Vestini, Frentani, Samnites, and Hirpini Tribes into the Marsic Confederation against Rome during the Social WarComment: The reverse is based on the gold Stater and Half-Stater from the Second Punic War, and the Ti Viturius denarius...Sear 227 SYD 621 SCARCE
  22. Imitative Imitating Octavian- and M. Porcius Cato reverse AS quinarius 13.89 mm 1.29g imitating Octavian r blundered legend - Victory seated r patera Cr 343-462
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