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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. Imitative Imitating Octavian- and M. Porcius Cato reverse AS quinarius 13.89 mm 1.29g imitating Octavian r blundered legend - Victory seated r patera Cr 343-462
  2. DECENTIUS RI Decentius 350-353 CE AE19 VOT V
  3. MAGNENTIUS RI Magnentius 351-352 CE AE 1 CHI RHO They are all cool.RI Magnentius 351-352 CE AE 2 Maiorina 2 Victories holding wreath VOT VEx: @Mat
  4. Victory Seated RI Vespasian 69-79 CE AR Quinarius Victory seated wreath palm RIC 802 Rare
  5. HONORIUS, and Bro... RI Honorius AE3 15mm Arcadius and Honorius Stdg
  6. I happen to be reading this at the moment! Rome had been ruled by Kings traditionally since 753 BCE. However, her last King, after many offenses and excesses at the expense of the Roman people... Lucius Tarquinius Superbus was deposed in 509 BCE. The Monarchy was replaced by a Republic. Instrumental in the overthrow of the monarchy, one of the first two Consuls of Rome in 509BCE, was Lucius Junius Brutus. He was consul with Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus and later Publius Valerius Publicola. According to Livy, one of Brutus' first acts as a Consul was to have the Roman citizens swear an oath to never allow a King of Rome. Even when his own two sons were caught in a conspiracy to restore the monarchy, under orders of the Consuls, he stoically witnessed their execution... Tough love... Later, in 439 BCE Republican Rome was gripped in a severe famine; people starving, suffering abounded. Enter Spurius Maelius, a wealthy Plebeian, who saw an opportunity to seize Rome... He purchased a large amount of wheat to distribute - at a low price - to the starving people of Rome. However, his ulterior motive was to foster support to usurp the fledgling Republic and proclaim himself Rex (King). A hated word in Roman vocabulary! The cry of the people arose and Maelius was to appear before the aging Cincinnatus, (the elected Dictator during this crisis.) Enter Gaius Servilius Ahala, Magister Equitum (Master of the Horse). Maelius refused to appear, and was hunted down and killed by Ahala. Ahala then razed his home to the ground and distributed the withheld wheat to the starving people. Fast forward to 54 BCE: Long descendant of the two early Republic Heroes, Marcius Junius Brutus, (also known as Quintus Servilius Caepio Brutus), new to politics at 31 years old, enters the membership of the vigintisexvirate (the three Moneyers authorized to mint coinage). This was the first step on the cursus honorum - the road to political office in the Republic. Because of his deep-rooted love for the Res Publica, he honors his ancestral heritage by placing the busts of both great family forefathers, Brutus and Ahala, on the obverse and reverse of the denarius issue of 54BCE. You all know the rest of the story as Senator Brutus, who on the Idus Martiae, 15-Mar-44 BCE, delivered the killing blow to the Tyrant Gaius Iulius Caesar, usurper of the Res Publica... Roman Republic 54 BCE AR Denarius, 18.3mm, 3.7g Moneyer: Marcus Iunius Brutus (aka Quintus Servillius Caepio Brutus) Obv: Bare hd of L. Iunius Brutus (Consul 509 BCE), Bearded r, BRVTVS behind Rev: Bare hd of C. Servilius Ahala (Master of the Horse 439 BCE), bearded r, AHALA behind Ref: Sear 398, Crawford 433/2, from collection W. Esty CKXSUB 613My camera captures ALL details, and this coin looks VERY good in hand...the scratches are virtually non-existent to these tired eyes. I love this coin!
  7. That is just too cool! Nice one!!!
  8. Mongolia19991000 Tugriks 7.76g 586 goldDiamond Eyed Tiger 0.1 karatMC-001GLH0270
  9. OWLS... Harder to Get:Teate Apulia 225-220 BCE AE Quincunx 12.5g 26.5mm Athena R Corinthn helmet - TIATI owl K 5 pellets - BMC HN Italy 702a SNG Cop 689 var RAthens Attica 454-404 BCE ARr hemidrachm 16mm 2.08g Athena frontal eye - facing Owl wings closed olive branches COP 70 SG 2528Athens 340-317 BCE BC AE 12 Athena attic helmet R- Double bodied Owl with head facing E olive sprigs kalathos RARE BMC 224Tyre 1-16 shekel 10mm 0.47g hippocamp l over waves - owl with crook flail Sear Greek 5916.BMC Tyre 43 5th-4th BCESicily Kalakte AE unit 2nd C BCE Head Athena in Helmet - Owl rev R
  10. Owls: Easier Ones:Calabria Tarentum AR Drachm 18mm 3.1g 3rd C BCE Athena Corinthian Scylla OWL olive TAP ZOP HN Italy 975 Vlasto 1052Sicily Kamarina AE 15mm 3.4g 420-405 BCE Athena Owl Lizard 3 dots Sear Gk 1063SICILY Kamarina Æ Onkia 13mm 1.5g 420-405 BCE Gorgon tongue - KAMA owl r lizard in claw pellet in ex SNG Münch 411EX: One of @John Anthony 's past auctions...
  11. OWLS: Everybody's Got These... But, I enjoy my bankers marks...means they have been AROUND!(She is aiming for your windshield...)Athens Owl AR Tet 17.4g 20.4mm x 7.5mm Late Classical 393-300 BC, Sear 2537, SNG Cop. 63 edge-crud(OOPS! Lost her head...)Athens Owl AR Tet 17.2g 22mm x 6.7mm thick Late Classical 393-300 BC, Sear 2537, SNG Cop. 63(This one is sitting on her Egg)Athens Owl AR Tet 17.3g 22.9mm x 6.8mm thick Late Classical 393-300 BC, Sear 2537, SNG Cop. 63 crud(BAMM! Right between the eyes...)Athens Owl Tet 16.8g 22x6-5mm Late Classical 393-300 BC, Sear 2537, SNG Cop. 63
  12. I just like that Sweet XVI RR L Julius 141 BCE Roma XVI Diascuri Gallop S 100 Cr 224-1
  13. A concert at Maastricht, one of my FAVORITE towns in Europe... RR Aes Grave AE Quadrans 269-242 BCE Dog 3 pellets Six spoked wheel 59.8g Craw 24-6a Th-Vecchi 34 ex Sellwood
  14. SyracusePyrrhosSyracuse Sicily Pyrrhus Epirus 278-276 BCE AE Litra 11.4g 23.3mm Herakles Nemaean Lion scalp - Athena Promachos thunderbolt shield SNG Cop 813, SNG ANS 852 Next: AR Pyrrhos - any of his kingdoms...
  15. RI Diocletian Ӕ Quinarius 1.46g 16mm Rome AD 284-305 IOVI CONSERVAT AVGG, Jupiter stndng thunderbolt sceptre RARE RIC 193
  16. Carthage LIBYAN UPRISING Mercenary War 241-238 BCE 7.36g AR DiShekel Herakles Head in Lion's Head- Lion walking R SNG Cop 240f
  17. Troas Tenedos late 5th-early 4th C BCE AR Obol 8mm 0.60g Janiform Hera-Zeus - Labrys within incus sq RARE SNG Ash 1235 HGC 6 387
  18. RR Anon AR Heavy Denarius - Didrachm 310-300 BCE 7.3g 21mm Mars-Horse ROMANO - FIRST AR Coin of Rome Cr 13-1 Left
  19. RR Anon Ca 240 BCE AR Heavy Quinarius Drachm 16mm 3.0g Rome Helmet Hd Mars r - Horse’s hd sickle Cr 25-2 Syd 25 RSC 34a VeryRare
  20. RR Anon after 211 BCE AR Quinarius 2.12g Helmeted hd Roma - Dioscuri riding Cr 68-2b was 44-6 RSC 3 ex Clain-Stefanelli
  21. RR 234-231 BCE AR Heavy Denarius - Didrachm Apollo-Horse prancing Crawford 26-1 Sear 28
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