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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. @Al Kowsky LOL. Cool. gorgeous coins, too! I want them both. I need to start collecting Celtic...
  2. PROBUSRI Probus 276-282 CE Ant 21mm Rome mint captive on ground Riding Horse in ex R-Thunderbolt-Z RIC 155
  3. I always chuckle when I hear the words LEPTON and PRUTAH. I always have images of some sort of aliens:MY ALIEN COINS: Judaea Alexander Janneaeus 103-76 BCE AE Prutah Wheel Widows Mite Maccabean 135-37 BC AE Lepton Widows Mite
  4. Headless Horse Bruttium Carthage occup 2nd Punic War AR Half-Shekel (approx Drachm / Denarius) 216-211 Tanit Horse SOLARdisc HN Italy 2016 Next: horse head
  5. Thasos AR TriHemiObol Satyr running Kylix Amphora 411-350BCE 0.69g 12mm SNGCop 1030 Ex: @Bing Thrace Thasos 146-50 BCE Roman provincial or Military mint AR Tet Dionysos Herakles Club Lion skin Ex: @ancientnoob
  6. LMAO !!! Awesome @Ryro! Sorry beforehand, I am going to snip and steal (just like YOU did!) 😄
  7. Bruttium Lokroi Eizephyrioi 300-268 BC AE 23 Athena Pegasus Bruttium Rhegion 415-387 BCE AE 11mm 2.46g Facing lion hd - Laureate hd of Apollo L SNG ANS 697 var
  8. AR and AECampania Neapolis 320-300 BC AR Didrachm Nomos Nymph AchelousCampania, Neapolis,c. 275-250 BCE;AE (g 4,99; mm 18; h 6);NEOΠOΛITΩN, laureate head of Apollo l.; r., Θ,Rv. Man-faced bull advancing r. crowned by flying Nike, below IΣ.Sambon 663; HNItaly 589; SNG Copenhagen -; SNG ANS 474.Beautiful light green patinaPLATE COIN - Listed Potamikon pg 232 Plate 343
  9. @KenDorney FB: I do not like FB, period. I only want to see pics of my Grandkids, look at Calvin & Hobbes, science & astronomy posts, archaeology posts, and some Far Side posts. I am rarely on that site. CT: Old news. Let my membership lapse. REALLY enjoyed the site for many years... then, the death-spiral of bickering and uncontrolled troll disease set in during the last couple years. Reddit: Nope, rarely use it. Twitter: Nope, not interested. NumisForums: Good job @Restitutor. Picking up my business. LinkedIn: Only for bidness. News: I read a dozen or so news sites each morning, across the whole spectrum so that I get a reasonable perspective to issues and apply it to my business world. Usually news written in Asia, North America, Islamic World, and Europe. Kinda hobby, but I used to read / subscribe to 6 newspapers for years until the WWW opened up. Sum it up: For coins, I druther have a dedicated Forum for my Hobby (ala NF). Not interested in my posts, etc. to be out all over sites (ie FB), for everyone to see and have all of my personal info blasted to the world. Random Coin, cuz I like this devoted coin Forum: Sicily Mamertini 288-278 BCE AE Pentonkion Mars-Eagle Mercenary Samnites Messana Now, if @Restitutor would develop a cool PET FORUM... or a Cartoons / jokes forum... to laugh and take my mind away from daily life!
  10. RR Anon AE Semis 211-206 BCE Saturn S Prow ROMA Sear 766 Craw 56-3 Spain Punic War
  11. Yummy Denarius transition coin, Phil!
  12. Iona Kolophon AR Tetartemorion 530-520 BCE Archaic Apollo Incuse Punch 0.15g 4.5mm- SNG Kayhan 343 Next: small coins under 7mm
  13. I goofed up in reverse! Purchased what I thought were the Crawford 44/5 Early Series of Denarii... Whelp, nope. Got one, posted it, and @red_spork, the early RR EXPERT pointed out my BOO-BOO! Nope not it. Rather it was a 68, minted a little later. RATS. HOWEVER, he stated that I had a Crawford 68... which are VERY HARD to fine. Cool. RR AR Denarius 214-208 BCE Roma R X behind - Dioscuri R ROMA linear frame stars Sicily RARE Cr 68-1b Soooooooooooooo. I decide to stay on mission and find my Craw 44/5. COOL! Found it... HOWEVER, one again, @red_spork saw my post (yeah, I was a happy clam with my 44/5!)... NOPE, you goofed in reverse AGAIN. Not a 44/5, RATHER it is ANOTHER VERY HARD TO FIND.... Sicily 68/1b! WHOAH! Cool... am I a dope, but a LUCKY DOPE! RR Anon AR denarius Roma 211-206 BCE ROMA incus Dioscuri single horn-helmet Sear-- Craw 68-1b SICILY ISSUE RARE was cr 44-5 Nope, not gonna give either up! Too hard to find these... and, at the time, I did not know what I was looking for!
  14. PUBLIUS QUINCTILIUS VARUSAE OF ANTIOCHEIA, SYRIARPC 4252, SNG Cop. 92, 20.4mm, 8.03 grams, Dated year 27 = 5/4 B.C.E.Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus to rightReverse: Tyche of Antioch seated to right, holding palm branch; below, river-god Orontes swimming right, in right field, date ZK (year 27 = 5/4 B.C.E.)This rare coin was struck during Varus' assignment as Governor of Syria from 7 - 4 B.C.E. Varus guarded the borders from Parthia and violently quelled unrest in Judaea and Samaria. Josephus records an incident wherein after the death of Herod., Varus occupied Jerusalem and crucified 2,000 Jews.Later Varus was transfered to the Northern front, where he met disaster fighting the Germanic tribes in the Teutoburg forest. Three legions under his command, legions XVII, XVIII and XIX were completely annihilated. This caused emperor Augustus great grief and he was said to have cried out on occasion "Quintili Vare, legiones redde!" or "Quinctilius Varus, give me back my legions!"
  15. There were no coins at this time in the Akkadian Empire, however, here is a Cylinder Seal from around the time of SARGON the Great of Akkad. I captured it because of Sargon and his impact on History:Cylinder Seal of Hero Fighting Animals. Akkadian, 2350-2200 B.C. Ex J Tabot collectionCylinder Seal of Hero Fighting Animals. Akkadian, 2350-2200 B.C. Ex J Tabot collection.. Buff stone cylinder seal with scene of hero wresting antelope and winged lion. 25 mm. Good subject, design worn but still makes an impression. From the J Tabot collection. Ex: Agora
  16. Nice @Ryro! Cool coins and cuneiform tablet! Vey cool. ROMAN EMPIRE Mesopotamia RI Philip II 244-249 Nisibis Mesopotamia-farthest EAST Temple Tyche river god Mygdonius - sinister left ROLL BACK the clock a bit... Alexander III ObolMakedon Alexander III336-323 BCEAR Obol7mm 0.51gBabylonLifetimeHerakles lion skinClub bow quiver wreathM Price 3744
  17. Alegandron


    LOL, Thank you @Jay GT4! I boob-boo'd on the auto-fill! AND! Yours is great too! I am a Quinarii fan. Yours is SINISTER. 🙂
  18. LUCANIA. PAESTUM (POSEIDONEIA).SECOND PUNIC WAR Æ Sextans / DOLPHINAttribution: Crawford 4/1Date: 218-201 BCObverse: Wreathed head of Poseidon right, two pellets behindReverse: ΠAIST, Dolphin right, two pellets aboveSize: 19.97 mmWeight: 6.82 gramsDescription: Old mark across the coin almost as if it was meant to be cut for changeEx: Marc Breitsprecher NEXT: Vulcan
  19. ALEXANDER III MAKEDONWN LIFETIME - TetradrachmBABALONIA, BabylonAlexander III LifetimeAR Tetradrachm / Stater (or Dishekel)Minted ca. 323-328 B.C.24 mm, 16.3gObv: Ba’al seated left holding scepterRev: Lion walking left, control mark Г above.(Control mark Г was minted during Alexander III Lifetime)Ref: Ref: BMC Arabia XXII no.1Comment: "This type was discussed by Martin Price in his article "Circulation at Babylon in 323 BC," in the book "Mnemata: Papers in Memory of Nancy M. Waggoner." He asserts that a reengraved die clearly shows the "lion staters" with gamma followed the ones with delta. "They are probably shekels on the local standard." (page 67). He dates them to the lifetime of Alexander, because they were present in a hoard with deposition dated to 323/2. He doesn't give the earliest possible date explicitly, but mentions that Mazaeus was governor until 328 and issued coins, so I infer Price would put them at or after 328. So you can say "Struck 323 or before, under Alexander the Great." Quoted from @ValentinianEx: @Ancientnoob NEXT: Lifetime of Philip II Makedonwn
  20. I dunno... Once again, my Ancestors (Celts) get killed, maimed, sold into slavery, and have their nations destroyed... Maybe the victors get to write the history, but I am going to root for the Underdogs... - Caesar: IACTA ALEA EST
  21. RProv Domitia Lydia Philadelphia AE 16 Grape Bunch RPC 1336
  22. LARISSAThessaly Larissa 344-337 BCE AR Obol 0.68g 9mm 3/4 Facing Nymph Larissa Horse Grazing SNG Cop 1
  23. For me? Most of my collecting interest is BCE. Ergo, 1 AD is Modern for me... 🙂
  24. SardiniaCarthage - LIBYAN REVOLT Rebels 241-238 BCE 9.63g 24mm Shekel Sardinia mint Tanit 3 Grain ears Crescent SNG Cop 247
  25. Between Carthage and Libya Carthage-LIBYAN UPRISING - Mercenaries issueMercenary War 241-238 BCE7.36g AR DiShekelHerakles Head in Lion's Head-Lion walking; Punic M above; LIBYA belowR SNG Cop 240fOverstrikeCoins were struck in the name of Libya and "M", which has been taken as either "machanat" - the Camp (of the mercenaries), or perhaps Matho, their leader
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