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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. Since I enjoy the Roman Republic's history so much, my first Ancients book was Sear / Spink "Roman Coins and their Values" Vol. 1. It is still my go-to that I refer the most. I added Vol II, and, of course, several other books.
  2. Remember: Armadillos are ARMORED Possums... they dig up your yard cuz they are preparing for TRENCH WARFARE! 😄 😄 😄
  3. Thank you @Ryro, that is a very kind thought. I am truly honored. It feels good that others share your passions, even if they can be a bit eclectic.
  4. Not much of the Rocks front.... but here is one:
  5. FOSSILS: (are these reasonably correct attributes?)My wife dug these out on her recent Utah trip with one of our Granddaughters...SPECIES: Elrathia KingiCLASS: TrilobitaAGE: Middle Cambrian ( circa. 509 - 497 Million BCE)LOCATION: UtahFORMATION: Wheeler FormationSIZE: 25x34x4mmNOTE: Specimen removed from original concretion.Utah USATrilobite in rock Pre-Cambrian thru Devonian 521M-252M BCE 33x42mm Utah USA
  6. This is part of my Aquarium...Fossil Diplomystus Dentatus Fish 53.5M-48.5M BCE 37mm x 10mm Green River Formation Wyoming USA I lived in NC for 10 years. My wife found this on the beach... Black Shark Tooth.Fossil - Great White Shark Tooth 43x29mm
  7. Calabria Tarentum AR Drachm 18mm 3.1g 3rd C BCE Athena Corinthian Scylla OWL olive TAP ZOP HN Italy 975 Vlasto 1052
  8. Macrinus RI Macrinus 217-218 AE25 CE Facing Quadriga RI Didumenian and Macrinus 217-218 CE AE28 Markianopolis mint Serapis modius
  9. Here is the Uber-Rare nature's own Horned LAND-Hippo... 😄 😄 😄 RI Trajan Egypt AE Dichalkon Laureate hd L HORNED LAND-HIPPO >Rhinoceros< walking L LI-Z yr 17 CE 113-114 12.9mm 1.25g Emmet 719 var. rhino right Kinda the same idea as the:
  10. China Wu Zhu coin clay mold unearthed in SanMenXia City in HeNan Province full obverse impression partial second impression probly H-8.6 110-90 BCE
  11. Here is one of my Jitals without Horseman and Bull... Mongols-Ghazna mnt Khwarezm Genghis Khan 1206-1227 CE AE Jital Islamic RARE - "only The Just Kahn" in title Album 1969 Tye 329
  12. Around 141 BCE, Rome went through a revaluation of the Denarius from 10 Asses to 16 Asses... That is some inflationary impact! or Just a cute way to increase the value of Treasury Reserves... Regardless, there were cool denomination markings from 141 BCE onwards until everyone understood the new valuation of 16 Asses to a Denarius. Please post your cool Revaluation Denarii! 141 BCE XVI Denomination marking RR L Julius 141 BCE Roma XVI Dioscuri Gallop S 100 Cr 224-1 But a little later they went back to a X Denomination, but it represented 16 Asses NOT the original 10 Asses to a Denarius... hmmm a bit CONFUSING... RR C Renius AR Denarius 18mm 3.8g Roma 138 BC Helmeted hd Roma r X - C RENI ROMA Juno driving biga goats r whip reins scepter Cr 231-1 (X must had been a "Get your GOAT" on everyone) Maybe by 136 BCE EVERYONE was confused... maybe angry that they were only get 10 Asses change on their X Denarii, that should had been 16 Asses change! SO, it looks like the put a BAR across the the X ( crossed X- or *) to ensure everyone knew it was a 16 Asses Denarius... RR AR Denarius 3.85g L Antestius Gragulus 136 BCE Rome mint Roma Jupiter quadriga tbolt Cr 238-1 Syd 451 THEN, in 124 BCE they decided that everyone MUST understand that there are 16 Asses to a Denarius... and went BACK to the X denomination... which is not the Roman Numeral 10, rather a secret society script to mean 16 Asses 🙂 RR AR Den Q. Fabius Labeo 124 BCE 18mm 3.7g Rome - Roma R X below - Jupiter in quad Prow LABI Cr 273-1 Syd 532 Welllll... that got all hinkey! Please post your cool Revaluation Denarii!
  13. Yeah, SICILY! Roman Republic Anon AE 28mm 19.2g Quadrans - Sicily mint 214-212 BCE Hercules-Erymanthian boar headress- Bull snake ex RBW Craw 72-7 Scarce
  14. RI Otho 69 CE BI AR Tet 23mm Egypt Helmeted Roma Emmet 186
  15. I actually took several courses at Indiana University back in the 70's from Dr. J Rufus Fears. He was later known by Great Courses. He was Professor of the Year at IU 4 different times, and went on to become History Chair at University of OK, where he was Professor of the Year several more times. He was awesome in the 5 or 6 Ancient History courses that I took with him. Really had a passion and brought it all to life. Unfortunately he passed a few years ago. RR AE Double Litra 235 BCE 19.5mm 6.54g Rome mint Hercules r club - Pegasus r club ROMA Cr 27-3 HN Italy 316 S 591
  16. Sicily Syracuse Timoleon Third Democracy 344-317 BCE AE Hemidrachm Zeus Thundrbolt Sicily Kainon AE Tetras 367-357 BCE 20mm 6.7g Griffin springing - Horse Prancing SNG COP 133 Sicily Gela AR Litra Horse-Achelous 0.63g 13mm 465-450 BCE HGC 2 p 373
  17. Great Jital @thenickelguy... they are all purdy cool designs... HUNS Nezak Huns - Spalapati Deva AR Jital 750-850 CE Horseman-Bull Tye 5 Islamic Ghorids of Ghazna AE Jital Muhammad Sam Mu'izz al-Din AH 567-602 - AD 1171-1206
  18. ARGOLIS Argos 490-470 BC AR Triobol 14mm 2.9g Forepart of wolf lying - A 2 incuse sqs pellet crossbar within shallow sq incuse BCD Peloponnesos 1009 RARE
  19. So, it's like a SECOND WIFE??? Restrike??? Love-struck again... 😄
  20. RR fourée mule anon Q Fabius Labeo denarius 18mm 2.9g after 124 BC Roma X Jupiter Quadriga tbolt scepter Cr 159 obv Cr 273-1 rev
  21. Ok, more Sweet... Carthage Zeugitania Æ17 6.1g 350-320 BCE Palm Tree Horse Head SNG Cop 102
  22. Etruria 3rd C BCE AE 18mm 4.76g Hd African r Elephant r letter below SNG Cop 48 HNI 69 SNG Paris 138-140 SNG Morcom 44 R I think this Tune needed the Harpsichord as an accent... right @JeandAcre?
  23. This was my first Denarius... I bought it directly from the Rome Mint when they first issued it... Oh, wait. My Grandkids think that I am that old... RRM Furius LF PhilusAR Denarius119 BCEJanusTrophy CarnyxCr 281-1 Sear 156
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