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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. This was my first Denarius... I bought it directly from the Rome Mint when they first issued it... Oh, wait. My Grandkids think that I am that old... RRM Furius LF PhilusAR Denarius119 BCEJanusTrophy CarnyxCr 281-1 Sear 156
  2. CONGRATS! Great first Denarii ! I really like them. HAVE FUN!
  3. MAKEDON Philip III Arrhidaios 323-317 BCE Æ 1-2 Unit 17mm 4.2g Miletos mint Makedonwn shield Gorgoneion - Helmet bipennis K Price 2064
  4. THRACO-MAKEDON TRIBES- MYGDONES or KRESTONES 480-470 BCE AR Obol 0.79g 11mm Goat Quadripartite incuse square AMNG III 14 Makedon Alexander I 498-454 BCE AR Obol 10mm 0.75g Horse - Quadripartite incuse sq SNG ANS 32 Rare ARGOLIS Argos 490-470 BC AR Triobol 14mm 2.9g Forepart of wolf lying - A 2 incuse sqs pellet crossbar within shallow sq incuse BCD Peloponnesos 1009 RARE Ionia AR Tetartemorion 4mm 0.13g 530-500 BCE Rosette - Incuse sq punch 5 pellets SNG von Aulock 1807 Ionia Klazomenai 480-400 BC AR Drachm Pentobol 3.5g 13mm Forepart winged boar r gorgoneion incuse sq Cf SNG Copenhagen 12 Rare
  5. Troas Assos 500-450 BCE AR Tetartemorion 6.4mm 0,21g Griffin r Astragalos incuse Klein 475 Rare Kolchis 5th-4th C BCE BI hemidrachm 11.5mm 1.8g Archaic female head possibly Georgian goddess Dali - Bull head border SNG Cop 98 Kebren AR Obol Archaic hd Apollo Left - Hd Ram in Incuse sq 5th C BCE 7.65mm 0.64g SNG Ash 1086 Ex: @Steve Ionia Kolophon AR Tetartemorion 530-520 BCE Archaic Apollo Incuse Punch 0.15g 4.5mm- SNG Kayhan 343 Left old Persia Achaemenid Empire Darius I 510-486 BC AR 0.11g 5mm 1-32nd Siglos Persian hero-king in running incuse Klein 758 R
  6. RI Prv Lydia Hierocaesarea 54-59 CE Capito under Nero Artemis STAG Leaping RPC 1 2391-2
  7. LICINIUSRI Licinius I 308-324 CE AE3 Jupiter w Eagle LICINIUS IIRI Licinius II 317-324 CE Folles Jupiter w Eagle sinister left Antioch
  8. billon tetradrachm Alexandria Egypt, LI ry.10 63-64ADobv. Radiate head of Nero rightrev. Draped bust of Poppea right, LI before23mm, 12.8gMilne 217, RPC 5275 Next: Non-Roman Female Ruler
  9. billon tetradrachm Alexandria Egypt, LI ry.10 63-64ADobv. Radiate head of Nero rightrev. Draped bust of Poppea right, LI before23mm, 12.8gMilne 217, RPC 5275
  10. AR LITRA SICILYCarthage - Sicily AR Litra 4th C BCE 9.5mm 0.65g Palm Tree Horse Head SNG Cop 74 Ex: EE Clain-Safanelli R
  11. I always enjoy tossing Vindex into the lineup. He started the kill-off the of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty...RICivil WarVINDEX 68-69 CEAR Denarius 3.22gGallic mintSALVS GENERIS HVMANI Victory l globe -SPQR in wreathRIC 72 BMCRE 34-36 RSC 420RICivil WarRevolt of VindexCE 68-69AR DenariusROMA RESTITVTA -IVPITER LIBERATOR Jupiter seated r Tbolt Scepter17mm 3.02gRIC I 62 RSC 374
  12. Antioch, SyriaNero Regnal year 8, Caesarian year 110, (AD 61/62)AR Tetradrachm 25 mm x 14.05 gramsObverse: NERWNOS KAISAROS SEBASTOU, Laureate bust right, wearing aegis.Reverse: Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, palm branch before, H/IP behind.Ref: RPC4182Ex: @Ancientnoob
  13. Sicily Messana - The Mamertines / Mamertini / Mamertinoi - Samnites & Campanians as Mercenaries. AE Pentonkion 264-241 BCE
  14. Sicily Syracuse 317-289 BC AE 23 Hemilitron Agathokles Kore Bull Dolphin Left
  15. WOW, NICE!!! I have a mish-mash / mash-up of around 150 of the Rulers. You have a well thought out plan! CONGRATS! Great job @Finn235
  16. RI Augustus oak crown Agrippa rostral crown L AE Dupondius 26mm 12.6g Type III 9-3 BCE Nemausus chained Croc wreaths RIC I 158
  17. This one was minted out by @Qcumbor.... Maybe he can explain what Quality allowed this to be off-centered... 😄 Roman EmpireAR Denarius, 17.03mm, 3.76gAugustus (27 BCE - 14 CE)Lugdunum mint (2 BCE - 4 CE)REV: C L CAESARES AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesars standing, shields and spears between them.Sear 1578, RIC 206Mine has Left shield in front.
  18. Sicily Kalakte AE unit 2nd C BCE Head Athena in Helmet - Owl rev Hard to find
  19. Judaea Claudius w-Britannicus CE 41-54 Æ Prutah 17mm 2.8g Antonius Felix-procurator Dated RY 14 54 CE 2-crossed shields spears - Palm tree BPIT K AI L IΔ date Hendin 1348
  20. I understand that a Lepton is half a Prutah. However, they were all so poorly struck and controlled that many do not have a weight or size difference to truly distinguish them. So, I fall back on that they are actually NAMES of ALIENS... 😄
  21. CWT: Yeah, had almost 300 when I sold them in my 30's... career, kids, corp move across country, etc. I regret parting with them. Have a few now. Actually have a decent sized modern collection of US and World, as well as Modern Gold, but I just never take pics of them. Ancients seem to have a LOT more Historical appeal to me.
  22. Here is my fat-boy from Syracuse... GelonSyracuseGelon 485-478 BCEAR Tet24mm 16.7gSlow Biga VictoryArethusa 4 dolphinsSear-Greek S 914Ex Charles Reeve
  23. REALLY like these Denarii. Very cool placement of Banker's Mark on 187 !
  24. That is a purdy cool coin @ominus1, I can see why you started with that...
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