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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. RI Valentinian IIAD 375-392AR Siliqua 18mm 1.8gTrierVictory wreath palmRIC IX 43
  2. Sicilian Surf n Turf Syracuse Bull-DolphinSicily Syracuse 317-289 BC AE 23 Hemilitron Agathokles Kore Bull Dolphin Left
  3. MAXIMINUS IIRI Maximinus II Daia 305-308 CE Folles AE 26mm Trier mint GENIO POPV-LI Genius-Serapis stndg RIC VI Treveri 667b
  4. PARTHIAOrodes II 57-37 BCEAR Drachm 18mm 3.3g -Killed Crassus - gold -Ekbatana mintstars crsntArsakes on throne bow anchorSellwd48.9 Next: Numidia
  5. Griffins Troas Assos 500-450 BCE AR Tetartemorion 6.4mm 0.21g Griffin springing right - Astragalos within incuse square Klein 475 VF Rare Thrace Pantikapaion 4th C BC, AE 20 Pan head - Griffin forepart BMC 869 Sicily Kainon AE Tetras 367-357 BCE 20mm 6.7g Griffin springing - Horse Prancing SNG COP 133 IONIA Teos AR tetartemorion 0.2g 6mm Hd griffin R mouth open - Quadripartite incuse SNG Turkey 602
  6. BIGA-TRIGA-QUADRIGA !!! GOTTA Gettem, gettem, GETTEM !!! RR Servius Rullus MF Rufus 100 BCE AR Den Minerva Victory Biga S 207 Cr 328-1 Left RR Naevius Balbus 79 BCE AR Den Venus SC TRIGA Sulla S 309 Cr 382-1 Roman Republic Manlius Torquatus L. Corn Sulla 82 BCE AR Denarius 17mm 3.7g Military mint w Sulla. Roma - Sulla triumphal Quadriga vict wreath Cr 367-3 Syd 759 Sear 286
  7. Alegandron


    Awesome coin @JayAg47 ... welcome! maybe you can bring your coin and more pizzas over to my place. I’ll supply the beer! AUGUSTUS QUINARIIOctavian as Augustus LEFT-Sinister 27 BC–14 CE AR QuinariusEmerita 25-23 AR 13.5mm 1.79g - P CARISI LEG Victory trophy C 387. RIC 1b SCARCERI Octavian as Augustus 25-23 BCE AR Quinarius RIGHT facing bust Carisi Emerita Augusta Sear 1642
  8. Islamic Ghorids of Ghazna AE Jital Muhammad Sam Mu'izz al-Din AH 567-602 - AD 1171-1206
  9. RI Domitian AR Denarius 81-96 CE Minerva spear shield COS XVI CENS PPP RIC 719
  10. HUNS Nezak Huns - Spalapati Deva AR Jital 750-850 CE Horseman-Bull Tye 5
  11. GoatTHRACO-MACEDONIAN TRIBES, MYGDONES or KRESTONESAR ObolOBVERSE: Goat kneeling left, head reverted, solid rosette above, pellet to leftREVERSE: Quadripartite incuse squareStruck at Thrace, 480-470 BC.79g, 11mmLorber, Goats, Issue 6; AMNG III 14(Aigai); HPM pl. III, 16; Traité pl. XLIX, 8; SNG ANSEx-NN Auction 46Ex: @Bing
  12. MAKEDON Philip II 1/5th Stater Apollo head r - Horseman r trident below as Sear 6691
  13. RANDOM MAYHEM Roman RepublicAnon AE Semis211-207 BCESaturn SProw ROMASear 766 Craw 56-3Spain Punic War probly imitative
  14. CARTHAGE OCCUPYING BRUTTIUMBruttium Carthage occup 2nd Punic War AR Half-Shekel (approx Drachm / Denarius) 216-211 Tanit Horse SOLAR-O HN Italy 2016 SNG Cop 361-3Bruttium Carthage occup 2nd Punic War AR Half-Shekel (approx Drachm / Denarius) 216-211 Tanit Horse SOLARdisc HN Italy 2016
  15. KINGS OF MACEDON. Philip II, 359-336 BC.Æ18, 6.7g, 2h; struck 359-336 BC.Obv.: Head of Apollo left, hair bound in tainia.Rev.: ΦIΛIΠΠOY;Youth on horseback galloping left, head of lion right below.Ref.: SNG ANS 872-4; SNG Alpha Bank 371-3.Ex: @John Anthony JAZ Numismatics Auction 200
  16. @FitzNigel… I would bring them ALL
  17. Striking boo-boo’s are always fun! RR Pulcher Mallius Mancinus Urbinius 111-110 BCE AR Den TRIGA S 176 Cr 299-1aAnd another of the same, that is all messed up! RR Clodius Pulcher T Mallius AR Den 111-110 BCE ERROR Flipover Double-Strike Roma Triga Cr 299-1b S 176
  18. Possibly a start of a hole to pin the coin to armor or clothing..?
  19. Alegandron


    Lizzy Namesake England - Elizabeth I - 1558-1603 AR Shilling England - Elizabeth I 1558-1603 AR Sixpence 3rd-4th issue crescent mintmark England Elizabeth I AR 3-Pence 1566 Her bust l rose shield 19 mm G
  20. 😄 you read in to it too hard. .I did not say Hannibal PORTRAIT... so it could had been any Carthage coin issued under Hannibal, occupied territory under Hannibal, and/or of course be his portrait. 🙂
  21. Philip II Ἀργεάδαι, Argeádai Makedonwn Makedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 17 Apollo - Horse Rider RIGHT-LEFTfacing Makedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 17 Horse Rider LEFT-LEFT facing s Makedon Philip II 359-336 BC AE 19 LEFT-RIGHT Horse BONUS: Hound Makedon Philip II AE 18 Apollo - Youth Horseback spear hd below 359-356 BCE 18mm 6.2g SNG ANS 850-1 RIGHT-RIGHT
  22. AUGUSTUS QUINARIIOctavian as Augustus LEFT-Sinister 27 BC–14 CE AR QuinariusEmerita 25-23 AR 13.5mm 1.79g - P CARISI LEG Victory trophy C 387. RIC 1b SCARCERI Octavian as Augustus 25-23 BCE AR Quinarius RIGHT facing bust Emerita Augusta Sear 1642
  23. VINDEXRI Civil War VINDEX 68-69 CE AR Denarius 3.22g Gallic mint SALVS GENERIS HVMANI Victory l globe - SPQR in wreath RIC 72 BMCRE 34-36 RSC 420
  24. I got this one, @Magnus Maximus, to make YOURS look really good! However, the collectors mark on mine is kinda cool. ROMEArcadius, AD 395-408AR Siliqua, 16mm, 1.1g, 12h.Obv.: DN ARCADI-VS PF AVG; Pearl diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right.Rev.: VIRTVS RO-MANORVM; Roma seated left on cuirass, holding Victory on globe and reversed spear.Mint mart unclear ( Looks like the mint worker used his SHARPIE and wrote in "88" for the mint mark... ) Comment: Collector's number code on reverse - "88" ?From the @dougsmit Collection, #2829Ex: @John Anthony
  25. Whoah @zumbly!!! that NOSE ring! Wow! Cool coin! TIBERIUS AE18. 5.35g, 17.5mm.
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