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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. How about some unusual Amphibians and Aquatic Critters! FROG Luceria AES Grave Anonymous 217-215 BCE Uncia 7.35g Frog-Corn Ear pellet retrograde L T-V 285 OCTOPUS SYRACUSE 2nd Democr 466-405 BCE Æ Tetras 2.7g 15mm c.425 BCE Arethusa dolphins - Octopus 3 pellets SNG ANS 376 Calciati II.21.1
  2. Wow, very cool contrast with that toning!
  3. Thrace -Lysimachos AR Tet 14.3g 28.7mm 305-281 BCE Alexander head-Ammon horns - rev Lysimachos Athena
  4. Numidia Numidia - Micipsi Left - 148-118 BCE Galloping Horse - thnner face
  5. Enormous amount of very cool History around the North African Nations! Post your coins! NUMIDIA Numidia - Massinissa Left 203-148 BCE Leaping Horse - thicker face
  6. Very nice example @velarfricative! Nicely done. Indo-Greek Baktria Menander I Soter BC 155-130 AR Tet 26mm 9.6g Diad - Athena Alkidemos tbolt Gorgon shield SNG ANS 764-767
  7. Seleukid Seleukos I 312-280 BCE AR Tet 14.46g Seleukia on Tigris. Zeus - Athena driving a quadriga of 4 horned elephants SC 130
  8. LOL, THANK you. Being dyslexic, I have to edit A LOT!
  9. Mercury playing the Lyre RImp Octavian 32-31 BCE AR Den Rome mint Bare CAESAR DIVI F Mercury lyre RIC 257 Sear 1550 Mercury playing the Piano
  10. ARTEMISLydia Hierocaesareia AE15 Artemis Persica - Stag 1st C CE
  11. Griffin! Troas Assos 500-450 BCE AR Tetartemorion 6.4mm 0.21g Griffin springing right - Astragalos within incuse square Klein 475 VF R
  12. FIRST DENARIUS of Rome is:Anonymous, circa 310-300 BCE Heavy Denarius / DidrachmTarrifed at 10 Asses(Silver, 20mm, 7.28 g 11),uncertain mint (Neapolis?).Helmeted head of Mars to left; oak spray to right.Rev. Horse’s head right, wearing bridle, on base inscribed ROMANO; to left, stalk of grain.Crawford 13/1. HN III 266. Sydenham 1.Minor reverse corrosion, otherwise, about very fine.From a Swiss collection, formed in the 1990s.RR Anon AR Heavy Denarius - Didrachm 275-270 BCE ROMANO Apollo-Galloping Horse Sear2310 Asses = Denarius Anonymous AR Heavy Denarius / Didrachm. Rome, circa 265-242 BC. Head of Roma right, wearing Phrygian helmet, cornucopiae behind / ROMANO, Victory standing right, attaching wreath to long palm, YY in right field. Crawford 22/1; RSC 7. 6.55g, 18mm, 6h. Very Fine. From the Eucharius Collection Tarrifed at 10 Asses = Denarius RR Anon Ca 240 BCE AR Heavy Quinarius Drachm 16mm 3.0g Rome Helmet Hd Mars r - Horse’s hd sickle Cr 25-2 Syd 25 RSC 34a Rare 5 Asses = Quinarius Anonymous AR Heavy Denarius / Didrachm. Rome, 234-231 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / Horse prancing left, ROMA above. Crawford 26/1; RSC 37. 6.63g, 20mm, 12h. Very Fine.Tarrifed at 10 Asses = DenariusRR Anon AR Heavy Denarius Quadrigatus Didrachm 225-215 BCE Craw 28-3 Sear 3110 Asses = DenariusRR Anon AR Heavy Quinarius Drachm Half Quadrigatus 225-212 BCE 3.1g 18mm Janus Jupiter in Quadriga L Victory ROMA Craw 28-4 Sear 35 SCARCE5 Asses = Quinarius next: More Pre-211 BCE Roman Republic
  13. Looking forward to this Forum evolving into the premiere Ancients chat site.
  14. Thank you! Hope you are well!
  15. Here's a 6p... And she's HAMMERED! England - Elizabeth I 1558-1603 AR Sixpence 3rd-4th issue crescent mintmark
  16. I dunno... it looks like Shrek's DONKEY to me! 😄 😄 😄
  17. Alegandron

    Free at last!

    I met him down in FL. We had lunch, and he brought one of his albums! Awesome guy... really enjoyed our time together. ThasosAR TriHemiObolSatyr runningKulix Amphora411-350 BCE0.69g 12mmSNGCop 1030Ex: @Bing : Auction #1, Lot #1
  18. Way cool @DANTE... always a big fan of archaic Griffins. I have a small Griffin ... IONIA Teos AR tetartemorion 0.2g 6mm Hd griffin R mouth open - Quadripartite incuse SNG Turkey 602Ex: @John Anthony
  19. I always liked the DiDrachm size / denom! Just a great coin... I like the "lamination" on yours, too. Cool And an MFB? Always a cool critter!
  20. Alegandron

    Free at last!

    Where is @BING ?
  21. One of my Daughter's name. And, since she is my FIRST Daughter... I reckon she could be an Elizabeth I... 😄 England - Elizabeth I - 1558-1603 AR Shilling England Elizabeth I AR 3 Pence 1566 Her bust l rose shield 19 mm G
  22. RI Orbiana w Severus Alexander Augusta 225-227 CE Æ AS 23 mm 8.75g Rome Concordia patera double cornucopiae RIC 656 Next: Any cornucopia
  23. Don't have many! Yours is a very nice example, @Spaniard! Persia Sasanian Ardashir III 628-629 CE AR Drachm 36mm 3.85g Zoroastrian Fire Alter Gobl II-1 yr 2 Delta RARE This guy messed up a few Romans... and an Emperor... Sasanian Shapur I 240-272 CE AE Tetradrachm 10.78g 27mm Ctesiphon mint phase 1a mural crown korymbos - fire altar type 2 SNS IIa1-1a
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