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Everything posted by Alegandron

  1. Very nice Cuke! I was hoping you would unload some Dombes Bombs!
  2. Thank you for that update! I remember agonizing over that a long time ago when I snared it
  3. NICE @Carausius! Cool sleuthing too! mine is another issue, and a hot mess at that! CORDIUS RUFUSRR Cordius Rufus 46 BCE AR Den Jugate Dioscuri Venus scales S 440 Cr 463-1
  4. Agreed. Excellent Denarius! @Michael Stolt
  5. Alegandron

    Paging stevex6

    I sent him another note... πŸ™‚
  6. Ancient India, Ancient China, Celts oh, and Ancient Antarctica... cuz its non political, no bad guys, no genocide there. πŸ˜„
  7. Thanks @Restitutor! Great Forum setting... really enjoying it! well done. I understand you work in a Museum? In Indy? I grew up near there... been to the museums there. Very cool.
  8. That is a a really cool Postumus / DIANA, Mr. Z! Wow, really cool! Nice find, congrats! One of my favorites from a REBEL CITY... and Diana with a PIG! DIANA (Capua with Hannibal - NOT Roman)Campania CAPUA AE Uncia 216-211 BCE Diana Boar Hannibal capital Italia SCARCE
  9. Wow, a leftward biga, Cuke! Very nice! Here is a leftward quadriga... RR Anon AR Heavy Quinarius / Half-Quadrigatus / Drachm 216-214 BCE Janus ROMA Jupiter Victory Quadriga LEFT Cr 29-4 S 35
  10. Roman RepublicAnonymous AR Heavy Denarius (or DiDrachm to the Greeks)6.55g, 18mm, 6h.Rome, circa 265-242 BCEObv: Head of Roma right, wearing Phrygian helmet, cornucopiae behindRev: ROMANO, Victory standing right, attaching wreath to long palm, YY in right field.Ref: Sear 25; Crawford 22/1; RSC 7.From the Eucharius Collection
  11. PTOLEMY was the Greatest of the Diadochi!Egypt Ptolemy I Soter Tet Delta bankers marks CELATOR DELTA called out
  12. Alegandron


    SELEUKID EMPIRESeleukid EmpireDemetrios I Soter 162-150 BCEAE 17 serrate 16.8mm 3.9gAntioch on Orontes mintHorse Hd L -Elephant Hd R-SC 1646 SNG Spaer 1299-1304
  13. LOL, my oldest daughter was 3 or 4 when this came out. She would run around the house singing β€œDon’t worry, be BAPPY” !
  14. RI Augustus oak crown Agrippa rostral crown L AE Dupondius 26mm 12.6g Type III 9-3 BCE Nemausus chained Croc wreaths RIC I 158 Post your Agrippas! Without him, there would had been NO Augustus... only an Octavian!
  15. LOL, TRIDENT, oh, I thought that was an "E" πŸ˜„ My original attribution: MAKEDON Philip II 1-5th Stater Apollo head r - Horseman r trident below as S6691
  16. @Theodosiushere is a Violin Concerto for you! πŸ˜„ Campania Neapolis 320-300 BC AR Didrachm Nomos Nymph Achelous LOL, actually wanted to see if I could attached cool music... something to liven up a tough day that I had. πŸ˜„
  17. Big likes on those coins @Ryro!
  18. LIKE! @TheodosiusNice coin. I have several Thalers as well as Trade Dollars / Trade Coins from various countries. Just no pics...
  19. MAKEDON Philip III Arrhidaios 323-317 BCE Γ† 1-2 Unit 17mm 4.2g Miletos mint Makedonwn shield Gorgoneion - Helmet bipennis K Price 2064
  20. LIKE! @Severus Alexander! (I ran out of likes!) πŸ™‚
  21. Hmmm... My "likes" are exhausted too. Bummer that we do not have unlimited likes.
  22. Vulcan of Italia - The Samnites Samnium Aesernia 263-240 BC AE 20 Vulcan Pilos Tongs Jupiter Biga Left Samnium Aesernia AE21 263-240 BCE HN Italy 430 Vulcan Left - Biga
  23. Greetings and Salutations! An old coin, but one of my favorites. Makedon Alexander III Lifetime Tet Myriandrus mint-Alexandria near Issus Dad: Makedon Philip II Tet Pella LIFETIME 353-349 Zeus Horse star spearhd Le Rider 102
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