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Croatian Coin Collector

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  1. Roman Silver Denarius of Geta (minted in Rome sometime between 200 and 202):
  2. Roman Silver Denarius of Geta (minted in Rome sometime between 200 and 202):
  3. Also, yesterday I bought this Slovenian Gold 5000 Tolar (minted in Celje in 1993) commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Sisak: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Sisak
  4. Kingdom of Hungary Silver Denar of Nikola III Zrinski (father of the Croatian national hero Nikola IV Zrinski (more commonly known as Nikola Šubić Zrinski)), minted in Kostajnica, Croatia in 1531:
  5. Today I bought this Kingdom of Hungary Silver Denar of Nikola III Zrinski (father of the Croatian national hero Nikola IV Zrinski (more commonly known as Nikola Šubić Zrinski)), minted in Kostajnica, Croatia in 1531: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_III_Zrinski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_IV_Zrinski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hrvatska_Kostajnica
  6. If you (or somebody else here) are interested, one will be up for auction in a little over two weeks: https://auctions.stacksbowers.com/lots/view/3-1CZGO9/t-china-state-of-chu-warring-states-period-yuan-jin-gold-cube-money-nd-ca-475-221-bc-graded-80-by-hua-xia-coin-grading-c
  7. Slovenian Gold 5000 Tolars from 1993 commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Sisak:
  8. Kingdom of England Silver Penny of Edward I (minted in Canterbury sometime between 1279 and 1307):
  9. Kingdom of England Silver Penny of Edward I (minted in Canterbury sometime between 1279 and 1307):
  10. These are my Japanese coins: Also, I am bidding on this one: https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=8479&lot=48
  11. Slovenia: https://www.ma-shops.com/fleischmann/item.php?id=129
  12. True, it actually said "Struck From Fresh Dies" above the CNG listing: https://auctions.cngcoins.com/lots/view/4-EMBP3J/lucius-verus-ad-161-169-ar-denarius-19mm-310-g-6h-rome-mint-struck-ad-166-ef
  13. My biggest bargain is winning this unique Zand Gold 1/2 Mohur of Karim Khan Zand (minted in Isfahan) for 400 CHF:
  14. Roman Silver Denarius of Lucius Verus (minted in Rome in 166):
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