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"Greek without bust or portrait"


Ummm, or does this coin have an eagle-bust and a crab-bust?? (meh, I think this passes, eh?)


SICILY, Akragas, Æ Onkia

Circa 425/0-410/06 BC

Diameter: 14 mm

Weight: 1.65 grams

Obverse: Crab

Reverse: Head of eagle right

Reference: CNS 87; HGC 2, 153

Other: 11h … dark green patina, some cleaning marks


Sicily Akragas Onkia cool eagle.jpg


Next => Let's see a cool coin from Lesbos (or is that too specific?)

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29 minutes ago, Steve said:

Let's see a cool coin from Lesbos


Lesbos, uncertain
AR sixth of a stater
Circa 500-450 BC
Obv.:Two facing boar heads
Rev.: Diagonally quadripartite incuse square.
Ag (not billon), 2.65g, 12,8mm
Ref.: Lazzarini "A contribution to the study of the Archaic billon coinage of Lesbos", Fig.2, 3


Next: Two......facing 

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52 minutes ago, shanxi said:

Next: Two......facing 


Aeolis, Elaea. Domitian and Domitia AE21. AD 81-96.

Obv: ΔOMITIANON CEBACTON.., laureate head of Domitian right, facing draped bust of Domitia left.
Rev: EΛAITΩN, Demeter standing left, holding corn-ears upright and torch.


Next:  Domitian or Domitia

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5 hours and still nobody ??? OK here is a worn Domitian without Minerva:



Dupondius, AD 90-91, Rom
Obv.: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COS XV CENS PER P P, Radiate head right.
Rev.: FORTVNAE AVGVSTI S C, Fortuna standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae.
AE, 12.15g, 28.2 mm
Ref.: RIC II 392; BMC 444


Next: golden/brown patina

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I bought this from Joel Malter, let's just say more than a few decades ago. Even at the time, it was a good buy for $55. No, it's not something I would go after now, and for a long time it lived in my "reject" trays, but at some point I decided it deserved better, even with the obvious problems. I am still rather fond of it.


Next: Anything Octavian, BEFORE the bloodthirsty teenage twerp became the calm benevolent Augustus in 27 BC. No cheating!

Edited by Phil Davis
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"Another ancient coin depicting a building that still stands"


Volusian's original BBQ gazebo can be seen on my sweet ol' coin ... plus, I've added a more recent photo, showing that V-dawg has upgraded and added a hot-tub (great idea for get-togethers)  ... it is amazing that this place is still standing, eh?


Volusian AE Sestertius

Date: 252 AD

Diameter: 27.3 mm

Weight: 13.7 grams

Obverse: IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG - Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Volusian

Reverse: IVNONI MARTIALI - Juno, holding patera and scepter, seated in domed distyle temple (wicked BBQ gazebo)

References: RIC 253a


Volusian a.jpg

Volusian b.jpg




NEXT => another structure that is still standing


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40 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

You didn't say "building," so I guess this qualifies:

COMBINED Trajan - Trajans column denarius (obv 3 rev 4).jpg

Next, another denarius commemorating Trajan's victories against the Dacians.

Such a nice example! I don't think I've ever seen one with the spirals so pronounced. Looks like good clean metal too.

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Obv.: IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate head right, drapery on far shoulder
Rev.: COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, Dacian seated left in mourning, on pile of captured arms, DAC CAP in exergue
Ag, 3.44g, 18.5mm
Ref.: RIC 098



Next: more Trajan, any denomination (Rome or provincial)

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 "Non-European Animal"


Canadian Caribou ... ummm, do they have European Caribou? (I think they're called reindeer in Europe?)


=> oh well, here is one of my cool error-coins ... 




NEXT => Your best  "Julia-???"  coin

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1/2 Shekel, 3rd-2nd century BC
Obv: Head of Tanit left, crowned with ears of corn.
Rev.: Horse standing right, head turned left, foreleg raised, linear circle.
Billon, 5.37g, 23.3mm
Ref.: Sear 6497, SNG Cop. 396

Next: Shekel   or fractions

Edited by shanxi
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