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"Shekel please"


Ummm, how 'bout 1/24th shekel? ... is that shekel-enough for ya?


PHOENICIA, Tyre. Uncertain king.

AR Twenty-fourth Shekel 

Circa 393-311/0 BC

Diameter: 7.2 mm

Weight: 0.46 grams

Obverse: Dolphin leaping right

Reverse: Owl standing right, head facing; crook and flail in background

Reference: E&E-T Group III.1.2.d, 1655-1710; HGC 10, 329 corr. (denomination)

Other: 6h … sweetly toned, minor porosity. Choice for issue


Phoenicia Tyre Dolphin & Owl Shekel.jpg


NEXT => "not" a shekel ... 


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This coin fooled me when I bought it some time ago. Luckily I did not pay a lot so I kept it.


Fake Festival of Isis. Anonymous AE3

Anonymous Issue for the Festival of Isis, AE3, 4th Century, Rome. DEO SARAPIDI, Jugate, draped busts of Serapis right wearing modius and Isis wearing hem-hem crown / VOTA-PVBLICA, Isis riding hound.


Next: Festival of Isis or Isis standing

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Cleopatra I




Ptolemy VI Philometor. First reign, 180-164 BC

Æ Tetrobol, Alexandreia mint

Struck under Cleopatra I Thea as regent, 180-176 BC.

Av:  Head of Cleopatra I as Isis

Rv: ΠTOΛEMAIOΥ BAΣIΛEΩΣ / Eagle standing left on thunderbolt with wings displayed; monogram to left. 

Svoronos 1384; Weiser 147; SNG Copenhagen 286.


Next: A ruler or family member of a ruler  who appears on the coin in the form of a deity.

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Here's Julia Domna "as Cybele."

Julia Domna, AD 193-217.
Roman AR denarius, 3.30 g, 19 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 21st emission, AD 205.
Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: MATER AVGG, Julia Domna, as Cybele, seated left in quadriga of lions and holding branch in her right hand.
Refs: RIC 562; BMCRE 48; Cohen/RSC 117; RCV 6592; Hill 759; CRE 354.

Next: Cybele

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Faustina Minor
AR-Denar, Rome
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. Draped bust right.
Rev.: MATRI MAGNAE, Cybele seated left with branch and drum, behind her a lion.
Ag, 3.34g, 18mm
Ref.: RIC III 706, CRE 173 [S]


Next: Provincial (or Roman Republic) Cybele/Kybele

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1 hour ago, shanxi said:

Next: Provincial (or Roman Republic) Cybele/Kybele


Sarmatia, Tyra. Julia Domna AE24. Cybele

Obv: TVPA NWN. Bust of Domna r., draped.
Rev: IOVLADO MNA CE. Kybele seated r., wearing mural crown; in her r., patera; beneath l. elbow, tympanon; behind, delta.


Next: tympanon or drum.

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Freiburg im Breisgau
Batzen 1533
Vs.: +MONETA·NO·FRIBVRG:BRISGAVD 1533 - Head of Raven
AR, Ø28mm, 2.7g
Ref.: Berstett 223; Schulten 903

Next: A coin minted in southern germany

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On 7/18/2022 at 9:33 AM, shanxi said:


1/2 Shekel, 3rd-2nd century BC
Obv: Head of Tanit left, crowned with ears of corn.
Rev.: Horse standing right, head turned left, foreleg raised, linear circle.
Billon, 5.37g, 23.3mm
Ref.: Sear 6497, SNG Cop. 396

Next: Shekel   or fractions

Great horse!

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"A coin minted in southern germany"


=> shanxi => wow, I "LOVE" the "Raven" on the obverse


Ummm, but how south is south? ... I only have 2 German coins, wanna see 'em? (again)


GERMAN STATES, Anhalt-Bernburg.

Alexius Friedrich Christian, AR 1/3 Taler


1799 HS

Diameter: 28.5? mm

Weight: 7.03 grams of 83.3% Silver

Obverse: Crowned-Bear advancing left on crenellated wall containing arched door below

Reverse: Three-line legend and date; •H•S• (mint-master) below

Reference: Mann 728a; Jaeger 41b, KM 70

Other: sweet rainbow-toned patina


1800 Century.jpg


GERMANY, Bremen (Erbistum).

Johann Friedrich. AR 4 Schilling

1585-1634 AD

Diameter: 18.5 mm

Weight: 1.72 grams

Obverse: Horseman right; cross before, crossed keys to upper right

Reverse: Legend in five lines.

Reference: KM 5

Other: 4h … toned. In the style of the Russian ‘wire money’ (making coins out of wire! … kinda cool coin type, eh?)


Germany Bremen Wire Money.jpg



a) a coin from southern Germany (more southern than my examples)

b) nude people 

... meh, the choice is yours



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@Steve Not even close to the south, Bremen is northern north. ☺️


Go on with

12 minutes ago, Steve said:


a) a coin from southern Germany (more southern than my examples)

b) nude people 

... meh, the choice is yours

I think I know what will be selected.😏

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Nude dude:


Gordian III, AD 238-244.
Roman provincial Æ Pentassarion, 13.30 g, 27.1 mm, 7 h.
Thrace, Anchialus, AD 238-244.
Obv: ΑVΤ Κ Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC ΑVΓ, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: ΟVΛΠΙΑΝWΝ ΑΓΧΙΑΛΕWΝ, Nude athlete standing facing, head right, holding palm branch and wreath.
Refs: AMNG II, 632.3, p. 276; Mionnet Suppl. 2, 136; RPC VII.2, — (unassigned; ID 48982); Corpus Nummorum Thracorum cn.anchialus.4915.

Next: More Anchialus.

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Gordian III and Tranquillina, with Apollo on the reverse. Anchialus, Thrace (now Pomorie, Bulgaria).


Next, another Roman Provincial coin from a town in today's Bulgaria. (Hint: a lot of places in Moesia Inferior, Thrace, etc., especially along the Black Sea coast.)

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Odessos, now Warna



Gordianus III
Moesia Inferior, Odessos
Æ Pentassarion
Obv.: AYT K M ANTΩNIOC ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian left and draped bust of Darzalas with cornucopia right, vis-à-vis.
Rev: OΔΗCCEITΩN, Demeter, standing l., holding poppy and corn-ear in extended r. hand and leaning with l. hand on torch. Inverted E in r. field
AE, 12.57g, 27x27.5mm
Ref.: Varbanov 4481


Next: Demeter

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Hadrian, AD 117-138.
Roman provincial billon tetradrachm, 12.76 g, 24.8 mm, 11 h.
Egypt, Alexandria, year 21=AD 136/7.
Obv: ΑVΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ; laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on l. shoulder.
Rev: L ΚΑ; Demeter standing facing, head l., wearing crescent, holding ears of corn and torch.
Refs: RPC III, 6131; BMC 16.71,579; Köln 1209; Dattari 1335; Milne 1519; Emmett 832.
Note: Ex-Clain-Stefanelli.

Next: another portrait with the drapery on the far shoulder.

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Pergamon, Mysia
Magistrate Cl. Cephaliôn
AE 16, AD 118
Obv.: ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟ, laureate head of Hadrian, with drapery on left shoulder
Rev.: [ΠΕΡΓΑ С]ΤΡΑ ΚΛ ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩ(ΝΟ), ΤΟ Β, Telesphorus standing facing
AE, 2.66g, 16mm
Ref.: RPC III 1734 (same reverse die)


Next: bust with aegis

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Lydia, Bagis. Athena/Asklepios AE19

Obv: BAΓHNΩN / Bust of Roma r., helmeted, shoulders draped, aegis on breast.
Rev: EΠI ACKΛHΠIAΔOY / Asklepios standing head l., resting on serpent staff.
AD 193-268. Magistrate Asklepiados.


Next: scarce provincial city.

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" scarce provincial city"


Ummm, it's been over 3 hours, so I'm merely gonna wing a coin into the ring and hope that you guys will approve of this offering as being from a scarce city ... 


=> "Sestus", an ancient city in Thrace ... is that scarce enough? (hmmm, but is it a Provincial city?)


Sestus, Thrace AE bronze

'after' 150 BC

diameter: 16.2 mm

Weight: 2.34 grams

Obverse: Hermes head left

Reverse: Lyre

Reference: Weber 2465

Other: RARE … Steve thinks it’s a scarce Provincial city (ahaha)


hermes a.jpg

hermes bb.jpg


... please tell me if this doesn't pass muster ... and then I will slink out of the thread and wait for a proper offering 


Oh sorry => NEXT => another coin from THRACE

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13 minutes ago, Steve said:

" scarce provincial city"

... please tell me if this doesn't pass muster ... and then I will slink out of the thread and wait for a proper offering 



It is certainly scarce, and certainly a provincial city (annexed by Claudius in 46AD). At the end of the Third Macedonian War (168 BC) it became a tributary state to the Roman republic which is pretty close to being a "province".  There were some other twists and turns on the path to full Roman control and province,  but for your coin of after 150 BC, I'd say, "if not provincial, at least close enough that we can continue". 

What do you call it (Next), @Steve?

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Diobol 450/350 BC
Obv.: Crested Corinthian helmet facing
Rev.: M-E-T-A in the four quarters of a wheel surrounded by border of radiating lines
Ag, 1.15g, 11.07mm
Ref.: SNG.Cop:652f, SNG Black Sea 268, Sear 1673


Next: wheel

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