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22 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Though a supposed Hannibal portrait coin is on my want list, I've not got one yet. And we're over six, soooo



Next: A portrait that is up for debate whom it is depicting

😄 you read in to it too hard. .I did not say Hannibal PORTRAIT... so it could had been any Carthage coin issued under Hannibal, occupied territory under Hannibal, and/or of course be his portrait. 🙂

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Lydia, Silandos. Pseudo-autonomous Æ21. Roma/Kore

Pseudo-autonomous issue 3rd cent. AD. Æ (5,62 g. - 21 mm).
Obv: ΘEA PΩMH, Helmeted and Cuirassed bust of Roma right.
Rev: CΙΛΑΝΔΕΩΝ, Cult statue of Kore facing between poppy and grain-ear.
SNG Copenhagen 546.


Next: Poppies

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Egypt, Alexandria
Billon Tetradrachm
Obv.: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙΣ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΕΒ, Laureate head right
Rev.: Demeter standing l., holding grain and poppies in right and long torch in left, L-Κ-Α (year 21)
23mm, 12.94g
Ref.: Dattari 1335 var., Geissen 1209


Next: Tetradrachm from Alexandria



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SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III, AD 238-244.
AR Tetradrachm, 28mm, 13.7g, 6h, struck AD 238-240.
Obv..Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev..Eagle standing facing with spread wings, head turned to left, holding wreath in beak. //SC
McAlee 862.....Prieur 279.143490250_secret(2).jpg.17eb17c63615a338b88baddaf1469318.jpg

The same theme

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Antoninus Pius, 138 - 161 AD
Billon Tetradrachm, Egypt, Alexandria Mint, 23mm, 11.94 grams
Obverse: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Antoninus right.
Reverse: Nilus reclining left holding reed and cornucopia from which emerges Nilus, crocodile below.
Emmerr 1413.13 // Dattari 2294 // Koln 1594 // K&G 35.426336213351_Ma84byX96SegDxw224gG5rQqH3mzqC(3).jpg.5562200fb16194ed0c2264afcc7eb251.jpg

Same theme

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  • Benefactor

Otacilia Severa (wife of Philip I) AR Antoninianus, 246-248 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right, wearing stephane, on crescent, M OTACIL SEVERA AVG/ Rev. Concordia seated left holding patera and double cornucopiae, CONCORDIA AVGG. RIC IV-3 125(c), RSC IV-3 4, Sear RCV III 9147 (ill. p. 173).  22x25 mm., 4.5 g.



Next, another coin from Philip I's family

Edited by DonnaML
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Nabataean Kingdom. Aretas IV (Haritat), with Shaqilath..9BC-40AD AE unit Petra mint.
Obverse..Jugate draped busts of Aretas and Shaqilath (wife) right symbol in front (S?)
Reverse..Crossed cornucopias, Nabataean script (spelling Ruler and wifes names) in 3 lines, above, between and below the horns. Aretas name in Nabataean is 'Haritat' Spelt 'HRTT' and his wife 'Shaqilath' spelt 'SQYLT'ARETAS_WHITE.jpg.c4b27965a58e6b8587640845489876ad.jpg


Edit...Too late again...

.Next, another coin from Philip I's family


Edited by Spaniard
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Philip II AR Antoninianus 247-249AD

Philip II... AR Antoninianus 247-249AD(23mm, 4.29g, 1h). Rome, AD 247.
Obverse..IMP PHILIPPUS AVG...Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse..PAX AETERNA...Pax standing left, holding olive branch and short sceptre.
RIC IV 231c; RSC 23normal_1-7NdPwNC39MbbGa5Ht2Dt8X3nJsT4G6_(1).jpg.5607454baf131e804799a3aa3410b420.jpg

One of his dad..

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Not a coin, but bent and beautiful, IMO.2056172594_kamnassword.thumb.jpg.2e1f1d13437a649bb515933b514ae7e6.jpg

AE Sword 

Northwestern Iran, Talish area
1200-800 BC
45.5cm (18”)

Tapering ribbed blade, round shoulders, tip missing and end bent (possibly a deliberate act in antiquity).


Next: edged weapon (on a coin) - sword or dagger.

Edited by Kamnaskires
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Sounds like the winde up pitch for an Ides coin. 

But I do enjoy gnarly edged weapons!

The harpa that severed Medusa's head!


Next: a beautiful double or triple stamp (where the coin was struck by the hammer and anvil more than once)

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