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Ummm, it's a dude's butt ... but still a butt


MYSIA, Kisthene, Orontes,  Satrap of Mysia, AR Half Siglos or Tetrobol

Circa 357-352 BC

Diameter: 13 mm

Weight: 2.75 grams

Obverse: Nude hoplite crouching left behind shield, spear at ready

Reverse: Forepart of winged boar right

Reference: Troxell, Orontes 4; SNG France 1164A (Lampsakos); SNG von Aulock

Other: 12h … bright surfaces, porous

Ex-stevex6 (ummm, I think I sold it to TIF?)


Mysia Kisthene Orontes.jpg



NEXT => way more butts ... butt-butt-butts!!


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On 6/9/2022 at 9:03 PM, Ryro said:

Next: big ole butt

How about Homer, sitting on his thinking about writing the Iliad and the Odyssey? This coin from Smyrna also has a great portrait of Apollo.


Ionia, Smyrna, c. 125-115 BC. Æ (22mm, 8.63g, 12h). Apollodoros, magistrate

Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right

Rev: Homer contemplating, seated left on his big ole butt, resting chin on hand and holding sceptre

Ref: Milne 197; SNG Copenhagen 1147


Next: a fabulous portrait

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linking to the request more clearly
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I got this Chola silver stater a couple of years ago, silver issues from this empire is really scarce, so when I came across this coin I bought it regardless of its condition, which set me back nearly 100 bucks (still a large sum to me). However I still haven't seen another silver coin for sale till now!

Uttama Chola, 970-985 AD


Anyways I tried to clean it, and I think I made it worth what I payed.


Next, your ugly but expensive coin.

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250 Euros, but it's Artemis with Callisto


Septimius Severus
Arkadia, Orchomenos
Diassarion (2 Assaria) Æ
Obv.: [...]CEOVHP[...], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: [ΟΡΧΟ]ΜΕΝ[ΙΩΝ], Artemis expels Callisto: Artemis standing facing left, her head to right, holding bow (?) with her right hand and extending her left to Callisto right, who holds a bow.
AE, 23 mm, 5,50 g
Ref.: -


Next: Another ugly but expensive coin

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Although I am aware that this might not sound expensive for other members, for me it was and I am not 100% happy with this coin (120 EUR+ taxes. my most expensive individual purchase). However, not a disaster since you can't find Julia Titi every day.




Next - another coin of a rare ruler, in modest condition, that you bought because you wanted that specific ruler and a decent coin from him/her would have been very expensive.

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Can't remember how much but a lot more than I normally budget for....

Layaway was my saviour.....Mr3H5XGt9bB68izFoJr2K7AjkK849D.jpg.3b49a5abc51196bffab628ee1014ad78.jpg

Antoninus Pius. 138-161 AD. AE Dupondius (11.76 gm, 25.3mm). Rome mint. Struck 154-155 AD.
Obv.. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XVIII, radiate head right.
Rev.. LIBERTAS COS IIII / S - C, Libertas with pileus and sceptre standing left.
RIC 933....BMC 1469. gVF.


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I was able to reconstruct the legends on this coin by comparing it to the two other examples illustrated online.

Soaemias Sebaste Temple.jpg
Julia Soaemias, AD 218-222
Roman Provincial AE 21.4 mm, 12.48 g
Samaria, Sebaste, AD 218-222
Obv: SVΛEMIAS ΛV[GVSTΛ] SEB, bare-headed and draped bust, r.
Rev: COL• L• SE• [SEB• ASTE•], temple of the Capitoline Jupiter* with four columns; Jupiter standing in center between Athena and Hera. Wreath within pediment
Refs: Rosenberger 36 (die match); Price & Trell 786; SNG ANS 1083.

*You can read a very interesting article about this temple here.

Next: Tetrastyle temple

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Lydia. Hierocaesaraea
Bronze, Æ 31
Obv: AVT KAI Λ AVPH KOMMOΔOC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: ЄΠ AI APTЄMIΔOPOV APX IЄPOKAICAPЄΩN, Tetrastyle temple, with pellet in pediment and containing Artemis standing right, drawing bow; behind, stag standing right
RPC IV.2, 11398 (temporary) [this coin]; SNG von Aulock -; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC -
Ex Numismatik Naumann, auction 52, Lot 1030
Ex Plankenhorn Collection


Next: Hexastyle temple

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Probus AD 276-282. Rome.Antoninianus Æ. 22 mm, 3,59 g
RIC V Probus 187
Date Range: AD 276 - AD 282
Bust of Probus, radiate, wearing imperial mantle, left, holding sceptre surmounted by eagle in right hand
Hexastyle temple, Roma seated in centre, holding Victory in right hand and sceptre in left hand
MintMark: -/-//RVA

Next - distyle temple

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Pergamon, Mysia, AD 1
Ae 21
Obv.: CEBACTON KE ΦA…, Statue of Augustus, standing facing and holding scepter, within distyle temple.
Rev.: ΠEPΓAMHNΩN KAI CAPΔIANΩN, Demos of Pergamon crowning Demos of Sardeis.
AE, 5.46g, 20.8x22.2mm
Ref.: RPC 2362, SNG Copenhagen 519.


Next: Octastyle temple

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Sabina Koinon of Bithynia.jpg

Sabina, AD 117-137.
Roman provincial Æ 24.5 mm, 8.12 g, 6 h.
Bithynia, Koinon of Bithynia.
Obv: CΑΒЄΙΝΑ ϹЄΒΑϹΤΗ, draped bust of Sabina, right, with hair coiled and piled on top of head above double stephane.
Rev: ΚΟΙ-ΝΟΝ BЄIΘΥΝΙΑϹ, octastyle temple on podium; pellet in pediment; Nikes erecting trophies (?) on raking cornices.
Refs: RPC III, 1016A; SNG von Aulock 291; cf. BMC 13.107,30.
Next: Sabina. 
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Sabina (wife of Hadrian) Billon Tetradrachm, Year 15 (130/131 AD), Alexandria, Egypt mint. Obv. Draped bust right, wearing double stephane, with hair coiled and piled on top of head, ϹΑΒΙΝΑ - ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ / Rev. Sabina (as Demeter) seated left on throne without back, hair plaited over stephane, wearing chiton and peplos, holding two ears of corn with right hand extended, and, with left hand, holding long scepter, ϹΑΒƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ around; LΙΕ [Year 15] at 11:00 on reverse between ears of corn and Sabina's head. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 5773 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5773;  BMC 16 Alexandria 917 at p. 106 [Poole, Reginald Stuart, A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Vol. 16, Alexandria (London, 1892)]; Emmett 1334.15 [Emmett, Keith, Alexandrian Coins (Lodi, WI, 2001)]; Milne 1308 at p. 32 (differentiated at p. 152 from Milne 1309, on basis of reverse hairstyle) [Milne, J.G., Catalogue of Alexandrian Coins (Oxford 1933, reprint with supplement by Colin M. Kraay, 1971)], ill. at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/56405 [Specimen No. 10 of RPC 5773, held by Oxford, Ashmolean Museum]; Sear RCV II 3954. Purchased from Zuzim Inc. on Jan. 14. 2022 at NYINC 2022. 24 mm., 12.309 g.*


*One of only two basic reverse types of Roman Alexandria tetradrachm with bust of Sabina on obverse; the other type shows Sabina standing on reverse. Various subtypes exist with different legends (ϹΑΒΙΝΑ vs. ϹΑΒƐΙΝΑ) and hairstyles (queue vs. upswept) on both sides.

Next, another Empress on the obverse of a Roman Alexandrian tetradrachm.

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Faustina II
Obv.: ΦAYCTIN CEBACTH, draped bust right
Rev.: L ΙΓ (year 13), Dikaiosyne seated left, holding scales and cornucopia
Billon, 13.46g
Ref.: RPC online 13660, D 3239, Geissen 1949, M 2040


Next: Faustina II provincial

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Thrace, Hadrianopolis
Faustina II 161-176
21 mm 6.6 g
ΦΑVϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ, draped bust of Faustina II, r. /   ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing, l., wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia
RPC IV.1, 3917 (temporary), Jurukova 68, 72 and 74, BMC 7

Next - Hadrianopolis

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Now, I'm not saying there were aliens in Hadrianopolis ...


JK ...

Here's a real one from the city.

Caracalla, AD 198-217.
Roman provincial AE 17.1 mm, 3.44 g, 12 h.
Thrace, Hadrianopolis, AD 198-217.
Obv: AVT K M AVP CE ANTΩNEINOC, laureate head, right.
Rev: AΔΡIANOΠOΛEITΩN, Nude Eros standing right, left leg crossed over right, leaning with right hand and left elbow on inverted lit torch.
Refs: Varbanov 3526; Jurukova, Hadrianople 390.2; CN 5217; Moushmov 2615; cf. SNG Cop 271.
Notes: Reverse die match to CN 5217 specimen (Nacionalen Arheologičeski Institut s Muzej, Sofia, no. 1566).

Next: Tooled beyond recognition.

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10 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Tooled beyond recognition.

It is prudent to check out both sides of a coin before buying....this example showing some evidence of "cleaning" on the obverse:



Next: an untooled AE litra from Syracuse

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20 hours ago, Alegandron said:


Next: AR Pyrrhos - any of his kingdoms...


image, public domain, via archive.org

Since it has been ~11 hours - I will take some liberties with the interpretation of "AR Pyrrhos, any of his kingdoms" and share this coin of Epirote League.  Pyrrhus of Epirus became leader of the League in 297 BC.  When his wife, Antigone,  died,  he married three other women:

- Lanassa daughter of Agathocles, King of Syracuse

- A daughter of King Audoleon of the Paeones

- Bircenna, the daughter of the leader of the Illyrians, Bardyllis

This secured peace with all of Epirus' neighbors.  The other important neighbor, King Demetrius of Macedonia was married to Pyrrhus' sister.  This coin was issued well after the death of Pyrrhus and is federal coinage of the Epirote League.


Epeiros, Epirote Republic, AR Drachm, circa 234-168 BC

Obv: Laureate head of Dodonaean Zeus right; monogram below

Rev: Eagle standing right on thunderbolt, ΑΠΕΙ to left, ΡΩΤΑΝ to right; all within wreath

Ref: Franke, Group II


Next: a coin from any of the neighbors to Epirote

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