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Intricate hair

Julia Domna AR Denarius. Rome, 215-7 AD. 19.8mm, 3.12gr.
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding sceptre and apple, Cupid standing right, legs crossed, resting his right hand on her right knee. RIC IV-1 389b.  Rome mint. RSC 205; Sear 7099.


NEXT: More intricate hair

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1 minute ago, expat said:

Intricate hair

Julia Domna AR Denarius. Rome, 215-7 AD. 19.8mm, 3.12gr.
IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG, draped bust right / VENVS GENETRIX, Venus seated left, holding sceptre and apple, Cupid standing right, legs crossed, resting his right hand on her right knee. RIC IV-1 389b.  Rome mint. RSC 205; Sear 7099.


NEXT: More intricate hair

Amisos, Pontos. 85-65 B.C. AE 25mm, 8.47g  Obverse: Head Mithradates VI as Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy.  Reverse: AMIΣOY, Cista mystica with panther skin, diadem and thyrsos. Monogram to left. SNG BMC 1205; Sear Greek 3640; BMC 53; McClean 7368; AMNG 24. Exceptional strike and detail. Savoca Blue 185, Lot 70


Next: Peacock

Pontos, amisos, Mithradates VI Dionysos.jpg

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Faustina Junior. Augusta, AD 147-175. Orichalcum Dupondius
Rome mint. Struck under Marcus Aurelius, circa AD 170-175/6.
Obv. FAUSTINA AUGUSTA. Draped bust right. Hair curls down cheek, hair in low chignon fastened with band of pearls.
Rev. JUNO standing left, holding patera and scepter; at feet to left, peacock standing left, head right. SC across fields.
 (25mm, 11.53 g.) RIC III 1647 (Aurelius)


NEXT: Another peacock

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Faustina II AE Sestertius. 19,80g, 33mm.
 DIVA FAV-STINA PIA, draped bust right / SIDERIBVS RECEPTA S-C, Faustina as Diana, standing right, holding long torch across body with both hands, crescent behind neck. RIC 1715, Cohen 215. SEAR 1988 # 1530
Commemorative issue struck under Aurelius, circa
175/6 AD.
Reverse struck twice with clear images of two torches and two S of SC. Bizarrely, it circulated for a long time in this condition


NEXT: Diana

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C. Postumius 

At or Ta, Denarius, Rome, 74 BC; AR (g 3,56; mm 18; h 5); Draped bust of Diana r., with bow and quiver over shoulder, Rv. Hound running r.; below, spear; in ex. C POSTVMI / AT (or TA). Crawford 394/1a; Postumia 9; Sydenham 785

Next: dog

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Dog (puppy):

Roman Republic, C. Antestius, AR Denarius 146 BCE. Obv. Head of Roma right wearing winged helmet with peaked visor (ornamented with griffin’s head?), pearl necklace, and earring of pellets in form of bunch of grapes, C • ANTESTI upwards behind [partially off flan, ANTE ligate], X [mark of value, 10 asses] beneath chin / Rev. Dioscuri holding spears, on horseback galloping right; puppy running right below horses’ hooves, with both forefeet raised; in exergue, ROMA; minor flan flaws on reverse. Crawford 219/1e, RSC I Antestia 1, BMCRR I 859, Sear RCV I 95/1 (ill.), Sydenham 411. 19 mm.. 3.76 g., 3 h.  Ex CNG Auction 378, July 13, 2016, Lot 408; ex RBW [Richard B. Witschonke] Collection; ex BCD Collection [see old coin ticket], purchased by RBW from BCD March 1985; ex ASW [Alan S. Walker, currently Dir. of Nomos AG]. *



** Crawford states at Vol. I p. 258 that the moneyer “is otherwise unknown,” and suggests that “[t]he moneyer’s cognomen, if the puppy is held to be significant, may perhaps be Catulus,” meaning puppy or wolf cub in Latin. (Emphasis in original.)  Grueber suggests a different (and even more speculative) possibility for the significance of the puppy, namely that “[t]he dog was evidently the symbol of the Antestia gens, and consequently the earlier coins, which have that symbol and are without moneyer’s name, may have been issued by a member of this gens.” (See BMCRR p.114 n. 1.)  The earlier coins Grueber refers to comprise the amonymous dog series cataloged as BMCRR 486-492 (Crawford 122/1-122/6), dated circa 206-195 BCE -- i.e., 50+ years prior to the issuance of this coin. Without more, positing a family connection to those earlier anonymous coins based solely on the presence of dogs on them would seem rather tenuous, especially given that there do not appear to be any dogs on the later Antestia gens coins, either under the Republic or under Augustus during the period when moneyers’ names were still listed. 

Some of the subtypes or varieties of this issue have the moneyer’s name on the reverse, with the puppy on the obverse behind Roma’s head. According to Grueber (p. 114 n. 1), this kind of varying interchange was an “innovation” that began with this issue.

NEXT: Another Republican denarius issued before the re-tariffing of that denomination from 10 to 16 asses circa 141 BCE.


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17 hours ago, DonnaML said:

NEXT: Another Republican denarius issued before the re-tariffing of that denomination from 10 to 16 asses circa 141 BCE.


Lucius Sempronius Pitio; Denarius of the Roman Republic Period 148 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 20mm; Weight: 4.08g; Mint: Rome; Reference: Crawford RRC 216/1; Obverse: Helmeted head of Roma right, mark of value below chin; behind, part of moneyer mark counterclockwise. The Inscription reads: PITIO for Pitio; Reverse: Dioscuri on horseback galloping right, each holding horizontal spear; inscription in exergue. Part of moneyer mark in field below horses with MP ligatured. The Inscription reads: L SEMP ROMA for Lucius Sempronius, Roma.




Next: a english penny between 1000-1400 AD please...

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Sorry for the picture size, I tried to increase it in the usual way but couldn't for some reason.


Henry III.

 1216-1272 AD.

 Longcross penny, after 1247 AD.

Nicole on London. Class IIb.

Spink 1361.


Next: Any other coin - doesn't need to be English - of the 13th century.

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Jatavarman Sundara Pandyan I
Copper Kasu, 2.85 g
Obv: Twin fish interlinked, with sceptre to left, conch below, crescent above, and unknown symbol to right.
Reverse: கச்சி வழங்கும் பெருமாள் Kachi-Valangum-Perumal in Tamil (The king who offers [the city] Kachi)
1258-1260 AD


Next- an elusive coin within your specific collection niche.

Edited by JayAg47
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11 hours ago, Ryro said:

next: anchor


Titus Flavius Domitianus, Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus; Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 82 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 3.18g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC II Part 1 (second edition) Domitian 96; Obverse: Laureate head of Domitian to right. The Inscription reads: IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG P M for Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus Pontifex Maximus (Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus, High priest); Reverse: Dolphin coiled around anchor. The Inscription reads: TR POT COS VIII P P for Tribunicia Potestate Consul VIII Pater Patriae (Tribunician power, Consul for the eighth time, Father of the Country).




Next: an ancient coin with a maritime theme...

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2 hours ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Next: an ancient coin with a maritime theme...


Bithynia, Nicomedia. Severus Alexander AE16. Galley

Obv: Laureate bust right.
Rev: ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔƐΩΝ ΔΙϹ ΝƐΩΚΟΡΩΝ, Galley with oarsmen above waves r.



Next:  Getting into baseball cards here recently so how about "one of one"

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Vespasian / Securitas

75 AD
AR Denarius (18mm, 3.36g)
O: Laureate bust right; IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG.
R: Securitas seated left with foot on stool and left arm on chair; PON MAX TR P COS VI.
RSC 367 / RIC 774 / BMC 165
ex Bart Lewis

"It becomes an emperor to die standing."

Next: something not Roman



Edited by Phil Anthos
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Velia, Lucania

465-440 BC (Period II: Pre-Athena Group)
AR Drachm (15mm, 3.52g)
O: Head of nymph with frontal eye right, wearing beaded necklace.
R: Owl with closed wing perched right on olive branch, head facing; YEΛH behind.
Williams 78; HGC I, 1328; Hands Class VI; HN Italy 1265; Sear 251
ex Munzen & Medaillen GmbH

Next: a coin showing trade goods, etc



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grain ears and the transport by ship:


Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE)
Denarius 154-155, Rome
Obv: ANTONINVS AVG-PIVS P TR P (XV)I / laureate head r.
Rev: COS IIII / Annona standing, head to left, grain ears in right hand, left hand on modius to right on half-ship
Ag, 3,31g, 18,6mm
Ref.: RIC III, 221 / RSC 290


next: transport ship



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Constantius Gallus - AE2

Obv:- D N CONSTANTIVS IVN NBO(sic) C, Bare headed draped & cuirassed bust right; A
Rev:– FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Emperor standing left on galley, holding Victory on globe and labarum; Victory behind, steering galley
Minted in Siscia (III | * // BSIS)
Reference:– RIC VIII Siscia 329 var (would be C but obverse legend error)

5.16 gms. 23.42 mm. 180 degrees


Next:- A legend error with all the right letters but just in thw wrong order

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7 hours ago, maridvnvm said:

Next:- A legend error with all the right letters but just in thw wrong order

6h rule, but...

I still have a legend error - but I only discovered it today. Yesterday I bought this Tremissis at auction, but didn't really look at it very closely. Today I notice that the I is missing in the legend - instead of VICTORIA, the legend only reads VICTORA.


Flavius Zenosecond reign; Mint: Constantinopolis; Date: 476/491 AD; Nominal: Tremissis; Material: Gold; Diameter: 14.55mm; Weight: 1.49g; Reference: cf. MIB 14; Reference: cf. Depeyrot 108/4; Reference: cf. RIC X Zeno (East) 914; Obverse: Bust of Zeno, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right; Inscription: D N ZENO PERP AVG; Translation: Dominus Noster Zeno Perpetuus Augustus; Translation: Our Lord Zeno Perpetual Emperor; Reverse: Victory, winged, draped, advancing front, head left, holding wreath in right hand and cross on globe in left hand; star in right field; Inscription: VICTORA (sic!) AVGVSTORVM CONOB; Translation: Victoria Augustorum, Constantinopolis Obryzum; Translation: Victory of the Augusts, Constantinople 1/72 pound pure gold.




Next: another ancient coin with a legend error...

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Obv:– IMP C PROBVS • P • F • AVG, Radiate, cuirassed bust right
Rev:– COMITI PORBI(sic) AVG, Minerva standing left, holding olive-branch and spear and resting left hand on shield
Mint – Lugdunum (I in exe) Emission 7 Officina 1. A.D. 280
Reference:– Cohen -. Bastien 315 (example c). RIC 69 Bust type F var (PORBI in error not listed in RIC)

One of the examples cited by Bastien of 315 - the standard PROBI coin, 315c - Voetter, is also PORBI from the same reverse die. No examples cited in Bastien Suppl. II.


Next.. another legend error

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12 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next.. another legend error



Magnus Maximus, Siliqua - Treveri, 2nd officina
D N MAG MAX IMVS P F AVG, draped, cuirassed and diademed bust right
VIRTVS RO MASORVM (sic !!) Roma seated facing, holding globe and spear.
TRPS at exergue
1.91 gr
Ref : Cohen # 20 var, Roman coins # 4201

Next : follow up with a legend error


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Obv:– IMP C M AVR PROBVS AVG, Radiate cuirassed bust right
Rev:– ORIES (sic) AVG, Sol walking left between two captives, right hand raised, left holding globe.
Minted in Lugdunum (I in exe) Emission 2 Officina 1. from November to December A.D. 276
Reference:– Cohen -. Bastien 164c (same reverse die). RIC 44 Bust type F.

Weight 3.905g. 25.66mm. 0 degrees


Next... yet another legend error

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8 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next... yet another legend error



Arcadius, AE 2 - Alexandria mint, 3rd officina
D N ARCADIVS P F AVG, Diademed bust of Arcadius right
VIRTS EXERCITI (sic !), Arcadius, standing right, a captive at right foot, holding globe and standard. ALE gamma at exergue
6.28 gr
Ref : RIC # 18, RC #4230, LRBC #2896 var

Next : orange(y) patina


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