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35 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: more errors

Not a brockage, not a flip over, but a spectacular error : coin struck with two different obverse dies. How in hell can this happen, I don't know


Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Double Tournois type 8 - SD - Atelier de Trévoux
+ GASTON . VSVE . DE . LA . SOV . DOM Buste fraisé à droite

+ GASTON . VSV . DE . LA . SOV . DOM Buste fraisé à droite
3,06 gr
Ref : Divo Dombes manque, CGKL # 736v (ad)

Next : follow up with errors


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I bought this as I thought it was a legend error (this would have been pretty interesting for an Alexandrian 1st century) but this is most likely a die clash, the result being a doubled first letter on Poppaea's name. 


26 mm, 11,13 g.
Egypt, Alexandria. Nero 54-68 AD. Billon tetradrachm. 63-64 or 64-65 AD.
NEPΩ KΛAV KAIΣ ΣEB ΓEP AV, radiate head right / ΠΠOΠΠAIA (sic!) Σ[EBAΣTH], draped bust right; [LI or LIA] (date) in right field.
For RY 10, cf. RPC I 5275 and Dattari (Savio) 196; for RY 11, cf. RPC I 5280 and Dattari (Savio); Emmett 128.

Next - another error; if 6 hours pass  - a coin of Nero. 

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Here's a doozie of an error. 
Looks to be Constantius II overstruck SPES REIPVBLICE with VICTORIA AVGVSTI N but I haven't quite yet figured it all out. 


Next: I'd still like to see Nero but I want to see the chubbiest one you have!

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Here's a chubby Nero.

Ruler: Nero (Augustus)
Coin: Gold Aureus
IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PP - Laureate bust right
SALUS in exergue - Salus draped seated left on throne; right hand holding patera, left resting at her side
Mint: Rome (67-68AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 7.00g / - / 180
  • cf RIC 71
  • Cohen 315
  • Calicó 444
  • BMC 98 note
Acquisition: Kuenker Auction 157 26-Jun-2009
Notes: Jul 15, 09 - RIC 71 listed only as denarius


Next - some other Roman Imperial coin missing from RIC.

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Unlisted with a dative case obverse legend (DIVAE FAVSTINAE).


Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 2.83 g, 18.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 155-161 CE.
Obv: DIVAE FAVSTINAE, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS, Aeternitas (?), veiled and draped, standing facing, head right, drawing back veil with right hand and holding scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC –; BMC 487; RSC 40a; Strack 441; RCV –.
Note: Acquired from @Ryro, who purchased it at Aquila Five, Auction 11, 
lot 413, 23 July 2023.

Next: Coin you acquired from another NVMIS FORVMS member. 

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I did not have the chance to buy a coin directly from a member, but a while ago, Ryro informed me that one of his coins is up for sale in an auction. I liked the coin and the pedigree was a plus 


18 mm, 3,28 g.
Titus, as Caesar. AR denarius. Rome. 76 AD.
T CAESAR IMP VESPASIAN, head of Titus, laureate, right / COS V, Eagle with wings spread, standing front on cippus, head left.
RSC 59a; RIC II, Part 1 (second edition) Vespasian 861.

Next - Titus

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Titus and Domitian, Caesares, AD 69-81.
Roman provincial Æ 18.5 mm, 5.14 g, 5 h.
Lycaonia, Laodicea Combusta (Laodikeia Katakekaumene / Claudio-Laodicea).
Obv: TITOC KAI ΔOMITIANOC KAICAΡEC, bare head of Titus right, facing bare head of Domitian left.
Rev: KΛAYΔIO ΛAOΔIKЄN, Cybele, polos on head, seated left, holding patera and tympanum; lion beneath throne.
Refs: RPC II 1613; von Aulock Lykaoniens 151; SNG von Aulock 8416; Waddington 4779; SNG France III 2322.

Next: compass dot (dot resulting from the engraver laying out the design on the die with a compass).

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I am reasonably certain that that's a compass dot on the reverse of this coin between the O and the B, not a punctuation mark, given that "OB" is a single word.

Galba AR Denarius, Aug-Oct 68 AD Rome Mint. Obv. Bare head right, IMP SER GALBA AVG / Rev. S P Q R/ O • B/ C S [OB CS = OB CIVES SERVATOS (For Saving the Citizens)] in three lines within oak wreath. RIC I 167, RSC II 287, Sear RCV I 2109 (ill.). 18.33 mm., 3.29 g.



Next: another coin with an OB CIVES SERVATOS legend, or an abbreviation thereof.

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Unfortunately not a different one but I believe the dot on mine that is touching the "B" confirms your theory @DonnaML

GALBA (68-69), AR denier, 68-69, Rome. D / IMP SER GALBA AVG T. naked to r. R / SPQR / OB / CS in an oak wreath. BMC 314, 34; RIC 167. 2.73g  Ex Jean Elsen 2019 and bought as a suspected fourree.

Eventually I bought the same coin as a full weight denarius.

Next continue Donna's theme as this was a Hijack !

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Balbinus AR Denarius, April-June 238 AD, Rome mint. Obv. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, IMP C D CAEL BALBINVS AVG / Rev. Bearded Genius of the Senate, togate, standing front, head left, holding olive branch in extended right hand, and short transverse scepter in left hand, PM TRP COS II PP.  RIC IV-2 5, RSC III 20, Sear RCV III 8489 (ill.). 20 mm., 2.65 g. (Purchased from Kirk Davis April 2020; ex: Kirk Davis, Cat # 74, Fall 2019, Lot 83.)*


*[Footnote applicable to both this coin and a similar reverse type of Pupienus.] 

The standing figure on the reverse was traditionally believed to be the Emperor himself, holding a parazonium (a short triangular sword typically found on coins depicting Virtus) in his left hand. That view is still reflected in OCRE (based on RIC) and at the British Museum website (based on BMCRE), as well as in the descriptions of all the coins of this type I found [as of early 2021] that have been sold since 2003, listed on acsearch. However, as Curtis L. Clay explained in a Coin Talk comment at https://www.cointalk.com/threads/balbinus-denarius.358987/#post-4410967,  in discussing a Balbinus example, the reverse “shows not the emperor on the reverse, but the Genius of the Senate, so his attribute has to be a short scepter, not a sword! A pity that the [British Museum] website perpetuates this old error (Genius misdescribed as emperor). The correction was made by [Andreas] Alföldi in his "Insignien und Tracht der römischen Kaiser" (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, 1935)] . . ., followed by many others since then, including a recent article by R. Ziegler. On coins of Antoninus Pius, for example, the same togate figure is labeled GENIO SENATVS. His beard and bushy hairstyle on [the Balbinus] coin are exactly as required for the Genius, and exclude Balbinus. No surprise that the Genius of the Senate reappears on the coins of Balbinus and Pupienus, since they were senators themselves and were chosen to be emperors by the Senate.” Note that Sear equivocates, describing the reverse figure on both coins as either the Emperor or “the Genius of the Senate.” See Sear RCV III 8489 & 8528 (published in 2005). 

Next, a denarius of Gordian III. (An easy one: it doesn't have to be from AD 238!)


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1 hour ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Gordian III Antoninianus.


Gordian III, Antoninianus - Rome mint, 5th emission,  AD 05-243/02-244
IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind
SECVRITAS PERPETUA, Securitas standing left, holding scepter and resting on column
6,95 gr, 25 mm
Ref : RIC #153, RCV #8661, Cohen #336, Michaux #409


Next : large flan. Bonus point if "as large as a bin lid"


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Justinian I, AD 527-565.  Æ Follis (42mm, 22.32g, 7h), Nicomedia mint, Regnal Year 12 (AD 538/539). Obv: D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVC; Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Justinian facing, holding globus cruciger and shield; in field to right, cross. Rev: A/N/N/N/O - XII/NIKO; Large M; above, cross; below, B. Ref: DOC 115a; MIB 113a; SB 201.


Next: Another large flan issue.

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This might consider as large flan issue, it is called 3 cash by some, 2 cash by others, but it measures 33mm wide which is a bit more than the usual 25+- mm for Chinese cash. 


China (Song Dynasty) -  1119-1125 CE

Xuan He Tong Bao (seal script)

33mm = 3 cash (or 2) = Hartill # 16.475

Shipwreck coin from an undisclosed ship in the Java Sea


Next : a holed Eastern coin (cash type)

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6 hours.

George III AE Penny 1806, S. 3780 (variety with no incuse hair curl by tie knot), by Conrad Heinrich Küchler, Soho Mint. Obv. Short-haired, laureate, and draped bust right, GEORGIUS III • D G • REX., date 1806 below / Rev. Seated figure of Britannia facing left, with olive branch in raised right hand, left hand holding trident and resting on shield bearing Union flag, sea behind with ship to left, legend BRITANNIA above; the word SOHO engraved below lower right of shield, at 45 degrees. 34 mm., 19.27 g. Purchased from Noonans Mayfair (formerly Dix Noonan Webb), London, UK, Auction 271, 4 Apr. 2023, Lot 415.


Another British copper penny, before Elizabeth II.

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George II. 1727-1760. CU Farthing (22mm, 5.11g). Dated 1744. Old bust. S3721. Good Fine. From the Ken Bressett Collection. Ex Shafer 1975 @ $4. Ex CNG Keystone 6 Auction (11 Mar 2022), Lot 121.


Next: An earlier British copper.

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5 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Next: another British coin, in any metal, from the 1600s.


Charles I (1625-1649) - shilling, cinquième buste, tonneau (1636-1638)
Ref : Spink # 2794

Next : follow up with an earlier british (bonus point for a shilling)


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