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Not a shilling, but it's British and earlier -- the first ruler of England to use a profile portrait since the Romans:

Henry VII, AR Groat, profile issue, regular issue, 1504-1509, London Mint. Obv. Crowned and draped bust right, wearing arched imperial crown with triple band, HENRIC' · VII' · DI' · GRA' · REX · AGL' · Z · F' [Henry the Seventh by the Grace of God King of England and France] / Rev. Royal shield of arms over long cross fourchée, POSVI DEV . · A DIVTOR E' : MEV' [abbreviation of POSUI DEUM ADJUTOREM MEUM; I have made God my helper]. Mintmark pheon [barbed arrowhead pointing downward] on both obv. and rev., saltire stops (mixed on rev.). S. 2258. 26 mm., 2.98 g., 9 h. Purchased from Noonans (Noonans Mayfair Ltd., London, UK), Auction 270, 9 Mar 2023, Lot 2097; ex Clive Dennett Coins, Norwich, UK (retail purchase 1991).*


*See Peter Seaby, The Story of British Coinage (1985) at pp. 83-84 (ill. 106 at p. 83 shows a specimen of S. 2258 with mintmark pheon), describing the introduction under Henry VII of an individualized profile portrait of the king, instead of the facing image of a generalized monarch that had previously been featured on the obverses of English coinage, representing “a step moving from medieval to Renaissance style, . . . perhaps coinciding with the appointment of Alexander de Brugsal, a German goldsmith, as engraver to the mint.” Thus, “in 1504, there were produced at the London mint coins with a profile portrait which compete for excellence with the finest portrait pieces issued by the Italians. This new coinage consisted of testoons of twelve pence (the first of this denomination to be issued), groats and half-groats, though only the last two coins appear to have been minted in any quantity. These portrait pieces have been attributed to Alexander de Brugsal, though as he moved to Antwerp in 1504 it is possible that they were the work of some other engraver.” The author notes that Henry VIII retained his father’s portrait on his own coins for the first fifteen years of his reign.  

Next: Shield or Coat of arms on reverse, any country, before 1700.

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6 hours...

Syracuse, Reign of Dionysius I

405-367 BC
AE Hemilitron (18mm, 3.05g)
O: Head of Arethusa (Artemis?) left, wearing ampyx and sphendone; laurel branch behind
R: Dolphin jumping right over scallop shell; ΣYPA between.
HGC 2, 1480; SNG ANS 417; Sear 1187
ex Forvm Auctions

Next: weaponry 


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Sardes, Lydia, AE16, 3.39gr civic issue, 133-1 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right / ΣAΡΔIANΩN, club, all within oak wreath. GRPC Lydia 1. Unpublished monogram.


NEXT: Another club

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Taras, Calabria

302-290 BC
AR Diobol (12mm, 1.07g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with wreath.
R: Herakles kneeling right wrestling the Nemean lion, club in right hand.
D'Andrea XXXIX, 859; D'Andrea Diobols F, 106; Vlasto 1340-43; SNG France 2109-10; McGill II, cf.170; Cote 256; HN Italy 976
ex LAC

Next: bow and/or arrow or quiver


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2 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: bow and/or arrow or quiver



C. Postumius, Denarius - Rome mint, 74 BCE
Bust of Diana right, bow and quiver above shoulder
Hound running right, C POSTVMI and TA (ligate) at exergue
4.0 gr
Ref : RCV # 330, RSC, Postumia # 9


Next : dog


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> 6 hours. How about Victory driving a biga?

Cn Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus, 88 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.51 g, 18.1 mm, 2 h.
Rome, 88 BCE.
Obv: Bust of Mars wearing Corinthian helmet, seen from behind, with head turned to right, spear over left shoulder and sword slung from baldric over right shoulder.
Rev: Victory in biga right, holding reins in left hand and wreath in right hand; in exergue, 
Refs: Crawford RRC 345/1; RSC Cornelia 50; Sydenham CRR 702; Sear RCV 254.

Next: A god of war. 

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Messana (under the Mamertini)

288-278 BC
AE Tetras (16mm, 2.93g)
O: Laureate head of Ares right.
R: Bull butting right; MAMEPTINΩN in ex., spear head below.
HGC 2, 878; Calciati 8; Sarstrom 62; Mini' 11; Sear 1138v (bull left)
ex M&R Coins

"Even brave sailors fear rock-caved Charybdis,
Who drinks the waves, vomits them out again,
And Skylla with her barking dogs around her
Churning the waves that circle Sicily"

~ Ovid

Next: Hellenistic monarch


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+6 hours

Mars, God of war, Roman equivalent of Ares

GALLIENUS Antoninianus. 259-260 Lugdunum mint.
 GALLIENVS (dot) P (dot) F (dot) AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / DEO MARTI, distyle temple with Mars standing left within, left hand holding inverse spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC 10 var (dots in legend). Goebl 889g. Elmer 85; RSC 149; Cohen 615. Sear5 10195.  2,2 g - 21 mm


NEXT: A temple reverse

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32 minutes ago, expat said:

+6 hours

Mars, God of war, Roman equivalent of Ares

GALLIENUS Antoninianus. 259-260 Lugdunum mint.
 GALLIENVS (dot) P (dot) F (dot) AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / DEO MARTI, distyle temple with Mars standing left within, left hand holding inverse spear and resting right hand on shield. RIC 10 var (dots in legend). Goebl 889g. Elmer 85; RSC 149; Cohen 615. Sear5 10195.  2,2 g - 21 mm


NEXT: A temple reverse

That's cool, but @Phil Anthos has asked for "Hellenistic monarch." 

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8 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: Hellenistic monarch


Ariobarzanes I. Philorhomaios, Kingdom of Cappadocia, AR drachm, 66/65 BC, Eusebeia mint. Obv: Diademed head right. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ APIOBAPZANOY ΦIΛOPΩMAIOY, Athena standing left, holding shield, spear and Nike; to left monogram, Λ in exergue (off flan). 17mm, 4.3g. Ref: Simonetta 1977, no. 43.


38 minutes ago, expat said:

NEXT: A temple reverse


Maxentius, Roman Empire, AE1 (“follis”), 309–310 AD, Rome mint. Obv: IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG; head of Maxentius, laureate, r. Rev:  CONSERV VRB SVAE; Roma seated l. in hexastyle temple, holding globe and sceptre and leaning on shield; in pediment wreath, in exergue, RBT. 25.5mm, 6.27g. Ref: RIC VI Rome 210.

Next: an unusual helmet

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17 minutes ago, Ryro said:


Next: thunderbolt

A Macedonian Thunderbolt:


Koinon of Macedon. Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. AE 24

Obv: KAICAP ANTΩNЄINOC, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Antoninus Pius right

Rev: KOINON MAKЄΔONΩN, winged thunderbolt


Next: more thunderbolts

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Syracuse, Timoleon and the Third Democracy

344-336 BC
AE Hemidrachm (23mm, 12.40g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios right, hair short; ZEYΣEA EΛE-YΘEPIOΣ
to right.
R: Thunderbolt; eagle with closed wings standing to right; ΣYPAKOΣIΩN around.
HGC 2, 1440; Calciati II p. 167, 72; SNG ANS 477ff; SNG Cop 727; Sear 1192
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Timoleon was cool.

Next: the Moon



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5 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

Syracuse, Timoleon and the Third Democracy

344-336 BC
AE Hemidrachm (23mm, 12.40g)
O: Laureate head of Zeus Eleutherios right, hair short; ZEYΣEA EΛE-YΘEPIOΣ
to right.
R: Thunderbolt; eagle with closed wings standing to right; ΣYPAKOΣIΩN around.
HGC 2, 1440; Calciati II p. 167, 72; SNG ANS 477ff; SNG Cop 727; Sear 1192
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Timoleon was cool.

Next: the Moon


Here's Selene : moon goddess (note the large crescent moon in front of her near the left edge of coin)


Egypt, Alexandria, Commodus (177-192) Poitin Tetradrachm., Year Λ = 30 (AD 189/90)
Obv: Μ Α ΚΟΜ ΑΝΤΩ ϹƐΒ ƐΥϹƐΒ; laureate head of Commodus, r.
Rev: L Λ; bust of Selene, l., (wearing taenia); before, crescent

Next: as we have covered thunderbolts & moons, I suppose that we should see some stars...

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Syracuse, Second Democracy

415-405 BC
AE Hemilitron (16mm, 4.59g)
O: Head of Arethusa left, hair in ampyx, wearing necklace and sphendone.
R: Quadripartite incuse, eight-rayed star within incuse at center.
HGC 2, 1481; Sear 1185; CNS II, 16; SNG ANS 398
ex Aegean Numismatics

Arethusa was the Goddess of the local spring at Ortygia, the heart of Syracuse.

Next: more celestial bodies



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25 mm, 10,57 g.
Diva Faustina II. Died 175-176 AD. Ӕ as. Rome. 176-180.
DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, bust of Faustina II, draped, hair elaborately waved in nearly vertical lines and fastened in a low chignon at back of head, down cheek, curls, right / S C, crescent and seven stars: one within, six around.
RIC III Marcus Aurelius 1714; C. 213; BMC 1594 (Marcus Aurelius).

Next - Faustina II imperial bronze coin 

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Faustina II (wife of Marcus Aurelius & daughter of Antoninus Pius), AE Sestertius, ca. 161 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right, low chignon at back of head, FAVSTINA AVGVSTA / Rev. Felicitas (or Faustina as Fecunditas) standing left, between four girls (two standing at each side), holding two infants in her arms, each with a star over its head (representing the Dioscuri), TEMPOR FELIC [-IC almost entirely worn off], S - C across fields. RIC III 1673 (at p. 147), var. [no stars above infants’ heads]; BMCRE MA 949 var [same]; Cohen 222; Dinsdale 006760 & n. 1 [Dinsdale, Paul H., The Imperial Coinage of the Middle Antonines: Marcus Aurelius with Lucius Verus and Commodus, Ch. 4, Faustina II - Undated, 158-176 (http://romanpaulus.x10host.com/Marcus/04 - Faustina II - Undated, 158-176 (med_res).pdf) at p. 70] (“Minor rev. variation: sometimes each infant held in arms has star above head”). 31 mm., 24 gm. Purchased from Victor’s Imperial Coins, March 2021. Ex. CNG E-Auction 476, 9/09/2020, part of Lot 762; ex. BLS Collection.* [Footnote omitted.]


Next, another Roman Imperial coin depicting one or more children on the reverse.

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23 minutes ago, Ryro said:


Next: attractive LRB

Funny - I was just looking at an example of the same Fausta to post 😄

Here's a Constantius II I like.

Ruler: Constantius II (Augustus)
Coin: Bronze AE2
D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG - Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right
FEL TEMP REPARATIO - Soldier standing left, spearing fallen horseman
symbol25.gif spacer.gif
Mint: Constantinople (ca. 348-351 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 4.65g / 24mm / 0h
  • RIC 82 (Vol. VIII, Constantinople)
Acquisition: Naville Numismatics Online auction NN Live 59 #814 26-Jul-2020


Next - something else with a horse.

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Akragas, Sicily

213-211 BC (Punic Occupation)
AR 1/4 Shekel (14mm, 2.11g)
O: Head of Triptolemus right, wreathed in corn.
R: Horse galloping right; Punic letters 'ht' below.
SNG Cop 379; HGC 2, 174; Burnett, Enna 151; de Luynes 3965; Weber 8540; Walker Group II, 1st Series
ex Tom Cederlind

Next: sacrifice (or 'offering' for fewer points)


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Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 24.20 g, 29.2 mm, 12 h.
Rome, 22nd emission, June-September 171 CE.
Obv: IMP M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXV, laureate head, right.
Rev: VOTA SOL DECENN COS III S C, emperor, veiled and togate, standing facing, head left, sacrificing out of patera held in right hand over tripod-altar; behind altar, prostrate bull.
Refs: RIC 1014; BMCRE 1400; Cohen 1032; Sear RCV 5019; MIR 221-6/30; Banti 525.

Next: Vows taken. 

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Vows taken, but not fulfilled...

Julian II 'The Philosopher' (as Augustus)

361-363 AD
AE3 (19mm, 2.65g)
O: Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding shield and spear; DN FL CL IVLIANVS PF AVG.
R: VOT X MVLT XX in four lines within wreath; BSISC· below.
Siscia mint
RIC VIII 421; Sear 4074v
ex Munzen Sann

“Are you not aware that all offerings whether great or small that are brought to the gods with piety have equal value, whereas without piety, I will not say hecatombs, but, by the gods, even the Olympian sacrifice of a thousand oxen is merely empty expenditure and nothing else?”
~ Julian

Next: Underworld reference 


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