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Hmmm, thought this'll be an easy one. For example...

Maroneia, Thrace

400-350 BC
AE14 (13mm, 3.77g)
O: Horse prancing right; NK monogram below.
R: ΜΑΡ−ΩΝΙ−ΤΩΝ around linear square, vine with four bunches of grapes within; YE below.
SNG Cop 632; Sear 1636; BMC Thrace 129,66
ex Forvm Auctions

"The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken."
~ Homer (The Odyssey)

Next: the same again 


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Æ Obol of Alexandria, Egypt.
Av: AYT KAIC TPA AΔΡΙΑΝΟC CEB, Laureate head right
Rev: Modius containing poppies and grain-ears; torch on either side, date LKA (year 21 = 136-137) in exergue.
AE, 3.14g, 15.1mm
Ref.: Emmett 1166, KG 32.763, D1927


Next: Obol of Alexandria

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EGYPT, Arsinoite Nome. Alexandria. Hadrian, 117-138. Obol (Bronze, 19 mm, 5.21 g, 12 h), year ΙΑ = 11 = 126/7. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ - ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ CЄΒ Laureate head of Hadrian to right, slight drapery on his far shoulder. Rev. ΑΡCI - L ΙΑ Head of the Pharaoh Premarres (= Amenemhet III of the 12th Dynasty, 1831-1786 BCE) to right, wearing the nemes head cloth and the uraeus serpent. BMC N73. RPC III 6296. Attractive and clear with a brown patina. Minor deposits. Good very fine

Next: a coin type that you'd hunted for more than a year

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I spent a number of years looking for one of these. It's not pretty but it is rare, and the portrait is unusual, being either the nymph Satyra or possibly a helmet less Athena against Her aegis, which is difficult to see here. That image of Athena does have a precedent within Tarentine coinage but is quite rare.

Taras, Calabria

385-380 BC
AR Obol (11mm, 0.55g)
O: Head of nymph Satyra(?) right.
R: Club and strung bow diagonally; 5 pellets around.
D'Andrea XXII, 399; Vlasto 1212-13; SNG ANS 1352-53; HN Italy 858
Very scarce
ex Artemide Aste

Next: a deity not often seen


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I literally hunted a Thasos with satyr and nymph for more than 1 year. These are not rare, but usually not cheap either. 

Examples with great artistry and condition bring a premium. I was outbid several times and even the modest examples brought serious prices. 

For Christmas I bought myself this one and I am happy the hammer price was below 100 euros. 


16 mm, 4g.
Islands off Thrace, Thasos. AR drachm. Circa 500-480 BC.
Ithyphallic satyr advancing right, carrying off protesting nymph / Quadripartite incuse square.
Le Rider, Thasiennes 3; HGC 6, 332.

Next - same theme 

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2 hours ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: a deity not often seen

2 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - same theme 

So, a deity not often seen > Sparzene (but I hunted also for a Caligula :classic_cool:)


Caligula, AD 37-41
Caria, Cidramus
AE 17
Obv.: ΣΕΒΑΣTOΣ, Bare head left.
Rev.: ΚΙΔΡΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΜΟΥΣΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΚΡΑΤΟΥΣ ΠΡ, Goddess Sparzene standing facing, with outstretched arms.
AE, 5.33g, 17mm
Ref.: RPC I 2874


Next: Caligula


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Faustina II wasn't the unfaithful wife some of the unreliable sources make her out to be. 


Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 26.73 g, 32.2 mm, 11 h.
Rome, late AD 161 – early 163.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right; Beckmann Type 8 hairstyle.
Rev: IVNONI REGINAE S C, Juno standing left, holding patera and scepter, peacock at feet.
Refs: RIC 1651; BMC 921; Cohen 142; RCV 5277; MIR 19-6/10a,b.
Notes: Obverse die match to BMCRE 921. Heritage Select Auction 232238, lot 
64276, 21 September 2022.

Next: a sestertius you particularly like. 

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One of my favorites:


Philip I, Sestertius (Orichalcum, 27 mm, 14.24 g, 1 h), Rome, 246. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I to r. seen from behind. Rev. AEQVITAS AVGG / S - C Aequitas standing front, head to left, holding scales and cornucopiae.  RIC 166a. From the Peter Corcoran Collection.  

Next: A favorite 3rd century AE (imperial or provincial)

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Maximus (son of Maximinus I), as Caesar, AD 236-238. Æ Sestertius (30mm, 18.93g, 1h). Rome mint, 3rd emission of Maximinus I, struck late AD 236-237. Obv: MAXIMVS CAES GERM; Bareheaded and draped bust right. Rev: PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS; Maximus standing left, holding baton and spear; two signa to left. RIC IV (Maximinus) 13; BMCRE 213-7; Banti 6. Good Very Fine. Ex Roma e114 (23 Nov 2023), Lot 1035. 


Next: Another favorite Sestertius

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Marcus Aurelius

(161-180 AD). AE Sestertius (32,4 mm, 23.08 g), Rome, 165/166 AD.

Obv. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, Laureate head to right.

Rev. TR POT XX IMP III COS III / S-C, Providentia standing left, pointing with wand at globe and holding scepter.

BMC 1279; RIC


Next: Pleasing patina

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Syracuse, Reign of Dionysius I

405-367 BC
AE Hemilitron (18mm, 4.12g)
O: Head of Arethusa left, hair in sphendone and wearing earring and necklace; dolphin behind.
R: Wheel of four spokes; ΣΥ-ΡΑ in upper quadrants, two dolphins in lower quadrants.
HGC 2, 1479; Calciati 20; SNG ANS 404-10; Sear 1186
ex Jack H. Beymer

“The Island of Ortygia... has the fountain of Arethusa, which sends forth a river that empties immediately into the sea. People tell the mythical story that the river Arethusa is the Alpheus, which latter, they say, rises in the Peloponnesus, flows underground through the sea as far as Arethusa, and then empties thence once more into the sea.”
~ Strabo

Next: a reference to a celestial event 


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Uncertain Mint
Pontus or Asia Minor
about 130-100 BC
Obv.: Horse's head with star
Rev.: Comet
AE, 1.66g, 12.1mm
Ref.: SNG Black Sea 984, Lindgren III 154
OMNI 8 (11-2014), p.49, Fig. 17, this coin


Next: Horse's head

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Lots of horses heads...

Taras, Calabria

circa 302 BC
AR Trihemiobol (11mm, 1.04g)
O: Two horse heads, joined at truncation; four ):( symbols around.
R: Two horse heads back-to-back; four ):( symbols around.
D'Andrea XXXVIII, 837 (this coin); Vlasto 1688 (trihemiobol); McGill II, 210v (trihemiobol); SNG France 2229; HN Italy 1072 (diobol); Sear 353v (diobol)
From the E.E. Clain Stefanelli collection. ex ex Naville Numismatics

D'Andrea plate coin, Series XXXVIII, 837

Next: cart or conveyance 


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Here's a quadriga.

Gens: Anonymous
Coin: Silver Didrachm
- Laureate Janiform head of Dioscuri
ROMA - Jupiter, holding sceptre and hurling thunderbolt, in fast quadriga right, driven by Victory
Mint: Uncertain (ca. 225-214 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 6.69g / 21mm / -
  • Sydenham 64
  • Crawford 30/1
Acquisition: Naville Numismatics Online Auction NN Live 55 #386 9-Feb-2020


Next... Janiform head.

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Roman Republic. Anonymous. Circa 225-217 BC. Cast Æ Grave Triens (43mm, 79.65g). Prow right, libral cast series. Rome mint. Obv: Helmeted head of Minerva left; •••• (mark of value) below. Rev: Prow of galley right; •••• (mark of value) below; all on a raised disk. Ref: Crawford 35/3a; ICC 78; Sydenham 74; RBW 87; HN Italy 339. Lovely dark patina with green hues. About Extremely Fine. Ex Artemide Kunstauktioen e33 (2 Jun 2024), Lot 230.


Next: More RR bronze.

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One of my favorite Republican bronzes.

Anonymous RR AE semuncia Mercury.jpg
Roman Republican Æ semuncia, 6.11 g, 20.8 mm, 10 h.
Rome, 217-215 BCE.
Obv: Head of Mercury, right, wearing winged petasos.
Rev: Prow, right; ROMA above.
Refs: Crawford RRC 38/7; BMCRR 129; RCV 620; Sydenham CRR 87.

Next: A coin you've never posted here before. 

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17 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: A coin you've never posted here before. 

And with good reason. Behold...

Pherai, Thessaly

Pherai, Thessaly
404-339 BC
AE Trichalkon (19.5mm, 6.64g)
O: Head of lion right.
R: Hekate riding side-saddle right with head turned back on horse prancing left, holding torches in both hands;
Rogers 517; Weber 2920; Sear 2206
ex Wayne Phillips; ex Ancient Imports

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20 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: A coin you've never posted here before. 


House Habsburg, Ferdinand 2, AR 3 kreuzer, 1630 AD, Breslau mint, moneyer: Peter Hema. Obv: FERD: II. D. G. RO I. S. A. G. H. BO: REX; bust of Ferdinand II, r.; in exergue, 3. Rev: AR: AVS: MS: MO DVX SIL & c 1630; crowned double eagle with central shield; in exergue, monogram of moneyer Peter Hema. 20mm, 1.46g. Ref: Herinek 1287.

Next: another coin you've never posted before

EDIT: Please ignore – @Phil Anthos has been faster.

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1 hour ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: your ugliest coin

Ugly enough?


Freiburg (Germany), 2 Kreuzer 1720, raven

Next: Unusual bird (no eagle)

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Kroton, Bruttium

480-430 BC
AR Stater (20mm, 7.57g)
O: Tripod-lebes with lion's feet; heron standing right in left field, QPO to right, lemniscate serpents in ex.
R: Tripod-lebes incuse, with dentate border.
SNG ANS 312; SNG Cop 1764v
ex Tom Vossen

Next: a warrior in action


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Constantius II, AE2. Rome 352-355 CE.
 D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, B behind bust / FEL TEMP RE-PARATIO. Soldier helmeted, draped and cuirassed advancing left and spearing fallen horseman with right hand, and wearing a shield on left arm. Shield on ground to right of horseman wearing a Phrygean helmet and falling forward, clutching horses neck.
Gamma in left field, R wreath Z in exergue. 22mm, 5.21gr.
RIC VIII Rome 257.


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