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He got tired of dragging all that weight, so...

M. Sergius Silus

116-115 BC
AR Denarius (17mm, 3.76g)
O: Helmeted head of Roma right; ROMA and * behind, EX.S.C before.
R: Horseman galloping left, holding sword and severed head of Barbarian; Q in field, M SERGI below, SILVS in ex.
Crawford 286-1; Sydenham 534; RSC Sergia 1; BMC Italy 517
ex Francis J. Rath

Next: a coin of the emperor Previus after he died (if you get this you can name the next two coins  😎)...


Edited by Phil Anthos
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Okay then you get a story...

Every Friday I used to go into my local coin shop and add to my US collection. This is where I got introduced to/infected with ancient coins. That particular salesman, we'll call him 'Tom' (because that was his name) had a very dry sense of humor so when I (being an incurable smartass) asked him what Posthumus' name was before he died without even missing a beat he replied "Previus".

Next: a coin of Posthumus 

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carry on
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Messana (under the Mamertini)

288-278 BC
AE Tetras (16mm, 2.93g)
O: Laureate head of Ares right.
R: Bull butting right; MAMEPTINΩN in ex., spear head below.
HGC 2, 878; Calciati 8; Sarstrom 62; Mini' 11; Sear 1138v (bull left)
ex M&R Coins

"Even brave sailors fear rock-caved Charybdis,
Who drinks the waves, vomits them out again,
And Skylla with her barking dogs around her
Churning the waves that circle Sicily"

~ Ovid

Next: any Athena


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Faustina II
Egypt, Alexandria.
Tetradrachm circa 149-150 (year 13)
Obv.: Draped bust r.
Rev.: Athena standing, facing, head, l., holding Nike and long spear; beside, shield; in field, LI-Γ.
Ref.: RPC IV.4 13655-8 (this coin), Dattari-Savio Pl. 170, 9080 (this coin).
Billon, 21.90 mm, 13.80 g.
From the Dattari collection.


Next: A coin from the Dattari collection (or another coin from Alexandria)

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RPC Volume: VI №: 10032 (temporary)
Reign: Elagabalus Persons: Elagabalus (Augustus)
City: Alexandria  Region: Egypt Province: Egypt
Denomination: Tetradrachm Average weight: 12.63 g. Issue: L B = 2 (218/9)
Obverse: Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥϹΕΒ; laureate head of Elagabalus, right
Reverse: L Β; Sarapis bust right, draped and wearing kalathos. 23mm, 11.64g.
Reference: D 4137, Ο 2757, Geissen 2313, E 2952 (2)


NEXT: Sarapis

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Hi All,


COMMODUS (177 - 192 CE); Year 28 of MARCUS AURELIUS
ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT Year 28 (187/188 CE)
Bi Tetradrachm

Size: 25x27 mm
Weight: 11.7 g
Axis: 00:00

Broucheion Collection R-1995-06-05.003

Obv: Commodus head laureate, facing right. Legend: MA●KOM●ANTω - CЄBЄYCЄB. Dotted border.
Rev: Serapis bust wearing modius and facing right. In left field: K above L; In right field: H. Dotted border.
Refs: Emmett-2555.28; Geissen-2231; Dattari-3881; Milne-2673; BMC-1419; see Vogt I-147f, 153; Vogt II-109
Prov: Bought from David Hendin

Next, any coin of Commodus.

- Broucheion

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Commodus / Providentia

181-182 AD
AR Denarius (17mm, 2.47g)
O: Laureate head right; M COMMODV[S A]NTONINVS AVG.
R: Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and sceptre; [TR P] VI IMP IIII COS III P P.
RIC 19l RSC 804; Cohen 804; Sear 1632; BMC 66
ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: sea god/goddess


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Agrippa. Struck under his Grandson Caligula, 37-41 AD.
M . AGRIPPA . L . F . COS . III, head left wearing rostral crown / S-C in field flanking Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left.
AE As 12.62gr, 28mm. RIC 58,Cohen 3.


NEXT: Same theme

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Byzantion, Thrace

late 3rd - 2nd century BC
AE 25 (25mm, 11.45g)
O: Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain.
R: Poseidon seated right on rocks, holding aphlaston in raised right hand and trident over shoulder in left; KAΛXA to left and BYΞAN to right.
ex Heritage Auctions; ex Forvm Ancient Coins

An interesting coin commemorating an alliance between Byzantion and Kalchedon, resulting in an unusual issue featuring two ethnics.
Not an uncommon coin, but these elegant dies are not typical of the issue, and the only other specimen I was able to find with such a pretty portrait is probably from these same dies.

Next: bow & arrow


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Faustina II, AD 147-175.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 25.21 g, 31.2 mm, 12 h.
Rome, autumn AD 154-December AD 155.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, left, with Beckmann Type 5 coiffure.
Rev: S C, Diana, draped, standing front, head left, holding out arrow in right hand and resting left on bow, set on ground.
Refs: RIC ; BMCRE –; Cohen 208; Strack 1325 (Paris); RCV –; Banti (Paris) 114.

Note: Also known from a specimen in Nomos Obelos Web Auction 7, lot 347, 7 September 2019, Roma E-Sale 104, lot 993, 15 December 2022, InAsta Auction 58, lot 915, and from a specimen in the collection of @curtislclay. This coin is an obverse die-match to the Nomos example, but a die break has developed above the empress's chignon. The Roma specimen has the same die break. Curtis Clay's specimen was struck with a different obverse die.

Next: Die cud/die break

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Postumus antoninianus with die break on reverse

Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG; radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Postumus right
Rev: P M TR P CO-S II P P, emperor standing facing, head left, holding globe and spear


Next: coin with old collection number written on coin in pen

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Antoninian Rom
Obv.: GALLIENVS AVG, Bust right
Rev.: LIBERO P CONS AVG, Tigress walking left
3.11g, 20 mm
Ref.: RIC 230, MIR 713b


Next: More Gallienus / Animal 

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A fanciful animal, yes...Gallienus

Because of his long reign he managed to strike a varied and interesting coinage, even in the base metals. One could probably make a career out of strictly collecting Gallienus coins. Despite his faults, Gallienus was an interesting third-century character who provided fiscal support to the Neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus. His poor reputation, before being rehabilitated in the history books, was caused by Edward Gibbon's scathing review of his reign.

Type: AE Antoninianus Rome mint, A.D. 267-268

Obverse: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate bust right

Reverse: SOLI CONS AVG, Pegasus springing right Reference: RIC V 282 




Next: More of Gallienus' sole reign

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Gallienus AE Antoninianus. Rome. AD 260-268 (Sole Reign). 4.13 g. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right. / AETERNITAS AVG, Sol, radiate, standing left, chlamys draped over shoulder and hanging down behind, holding globe and raising right hand. Γ in left field. RIC V-1 Rome 160; Goebl 0577w.



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Issue struck in the name of Nero Claudius Caesar and Britannicus.
RPC-4971, Sofaer 59-61. Jerusalem mint, RY 14 = 54 AD. 2,49 g - 17 mm
Volume: RPC I №: 4971
Reign: Claudius Persons: Britannicus (Caesar)
City: Jerusalem  Region: Judaea Province: Judaea
Denomination: Æ Average weight: 2.41 g. Issue: Year 14 (AD 54)
Obverse: ΒΡΙΤ ΚΑΙ, LΙΔ (in field); palm tree
Reverse: ΝƐΡW ΚΛΑΥ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; two crossed spears and shields
Reference: Meshorer 29


NEXT: More Judaea

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15 mm, 1,52 g.
Judaea, Jerusalem. Jewish War Ӕ prutah. Dated year 3 = 68-69.
שלוש שנת (Year three) in Paleo-Hebrew, amphora with broad rim and two handles / ציון ת[ו]חר (The
freedom of Zion) in Paleo-Hebrew; vine leaf on small branch with tendril.
Meshorer 204; Sofaer 31–35; Hendin GBC 6, 6392; Hendin GBC 5, 1363.


Next - vase 

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Central Italy, Uncertain. AE Aes Grave As 66 mm (334.5 g), 3rd century BC. Helmeted head of Minerva left. Reverse: Kantharos. ICC 257; HN Italy 344. Fantastic glossy apple-green patina. Choice Very Fine.
Ex Julio Belluscio Collection, purchased between 1980 and 1990.



next ,   more central Italy

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Luceria, Apulia

211-200 BC
AE Semiuncia (13.5mm, 2.63g)
O: Bust of Diana wearing crescent moon headdress right, within linear border.
R: Crescent; LOVCERIA to right, all within linear border.
HGC 612; HN Italy 683
Very scarce
ex Aphrodite Art Coins

Next: southern Italy


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20,5 mm, 1,9 g,
Venice. Alvise Mocenigo III 1722-1732. Billon soldo – 12 bagattini. DEFENS NOSTER, Jesus Christ standing, nimbate, right hand raised in benediction, book of gospels in left / S M V ALOYS MOC, Doge kneeling left before winged lion of Saint Mark, left paw resting on book of gospels, in exergue value *12* (12 bagattini). KM# 499; CNI VIII# 54; Pap# 39; Paol# 22.

Next - billon

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