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1/2 Shekel, 3rd-2nd century BC
Obv: Head of Tanit left, crowned with ears of corn.
Rev.: Horse standing right, head turned left, foreleg raised, linear circle.
Billon, 5.37g, 23.3mm
Ref.: Sear 6497, SNG Cop. 396


Next: Tanit

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Postumus antoninianus

Obv: IMP C POSTVMVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: LAETITIA AVG, galley left


Right smack dab on Postumus' face is a hard orange-red encrustation. On the reverse there is base metal showing below the silver, indicating and fourree (ancient plated counterfeit).

Next: a modern fake that you bought thinking it was genuine

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I bought this a couple of years ago when I first started collecting ancients for not much money. I loved the design then and still do now, so I kept it.

Histiaia. Tetrobol circa III-II century BC, Euboia. AR 10.5mm, 1.55 g.
Wreathed head of nymph Histiaia.
Rev. IΣT – AIEΩN Nymph seated r. on galley; below, trident. BCD Euboia 387


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This is one of my first coins.  I bought it from a from a reputable seller.


-          Macedon under Roman Rule

-          AR Tetradrachm, 167-70 BC (20th century)

-          Av:  Diademed bust of Artemis right, quiver over shoulder, in the center of an ornate Macedonian shield

-          Rv:  Club; AP monogram above, all within oak wreath; thunderbolt to left.

-          AMNG III 159; SNG Ashmolean 3292.



Next: Another fake


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I fell in love with this "sestertius" of Titus several years ago until I found two others identical to it. I had no problem at all getting my money back, but was very disillusioned.

next,  more fakes...


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A fake Bactrian coin under the name of Menander. I wouldn't even call it a fake but a fantasy piece, as there're no such bronze issued under him. I got it at a flea market when I was 13 along with my Chola coins and a few other coins, they're my first foray into coins! 


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Here's one that I bought years ago and recently got a real one;



Next: a coin that you bought a fake of and then got a real one

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Okay, back to real coins...

Uncertain Mint, Lesbos

500-450 BC
Billion 1/10 Stater (10mm, 1.18g)
O: Two boar's heads confronted, creating the illusion of a single boar head facing.
R: Incuse square.
SNG von Aulock 7712; SNG Munchen 645; Sear 3488
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

An unusual little coin from the island of Lesbos off the coast of Asia Minor. The very inventive 6th century BC engraver of this die has created an illusion which is quite 'outside the box' for an ancient coin, as the two confronted boar's heads can also be seen as a single facing boar. And how cool is that?

Next: your favorite coin


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I have many that I like a lot. But this is currently my fav

TACITUS Antoninianus. Ticinum mint.
Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PAX AVGVSTI. Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; P in exergue.
RIC 150, Cohen 72.  Ticinum mint, early-June 276.  3,5 g - 22,5 mm

Marcus Claudius Tacitus was Roman emperor from 275 to 276. During his short reign, following the death of Aurelian, he campaigned against the Goths and the Heruli, for which he received the title Gothicus Maximus
Born: 200 AD, Terni, Italy
Died: June 276 AD Tyana, Cappodocia, Turkey.
Siblings Florianus
Reign: c. December 275 – c. June 276.
His Regnal name is shortened in the obverse Legend: IMPerator Caesar Marcus CLavdius TACITVS AVGustus.


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Herakleia, Lucania

281-278 BC
AR Drachm (16.5mm, 3.82g)
O: Head of Athena, three-quarters facing right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Scylla throwing stone; Φ behind.
R: Owl with wings closed, standing right on olive branch; club to right, |-HPAKΛEIΩN above, ΣΩΣI to left.
Van Keuren 114; HGC I, 999; HN Italy 1411
ex NAC

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1 hour ago, Phil Anthos said:

Next: more favorites

I have too many favourites, hard to select just one. Let's go ...

One of this last year favourites has to be that one, received as a Saturnalia gift from @Curtisimo


Vespasian, Denarius - Rome mint, 69-70 CE
IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right
Captive Jewess seated right, hands tied before, trophy of captured arms behind, IVDAEA in ex.
3.22 gr - 14x17 mm - 5 h
Ref : RIC II # 2, RSC # 226, RCV # 2296

This coin belongs to the very sought after Judaea Capta series, minted 69-71 CE


Next : follow up with a favourite of yours. Bonus point if you got it as a gift


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This has to be high up on my likes, an Emperor I didn´t have and a gift from my Wife a month or so ago.

Crispus AE follis. 316-317 AD. CRISPVS NOB CAES, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PRINCIPIA IVVENTVTIS, Crispus in military dress, standing left with vertical spear, resting right hand on a shield at his side. Mintmark AQT. RIC VII Aquileia  9.
22 mm, 3,30 g


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A gift from a very dear friend...

Syracuse, Reign of Hiketas

287-283 BC
AE23 (23mm, 11.375g, 135o)
O: Head of Kore (Persephone) left, wreathed in grain; ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ before, pellet and stalk of grain behind.
R: Nike driving biga right, whip in right hand, reigns in left; star above, Σ in exergue.
HGC 2, 1446; Calciati II, p. 259, 123; SNG ANS 760 var. (no Σ in ex.); Sear 1209
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I have been the recipient of many gifts from fellow forum friends over the years. I sometimes feel a bit self conscious and guilty at the level of pure selflessness and generosity that I have experienced from members here.

Since @Qcumbor showed a gift I sent him I am happy to show one of Q’s generous gifts to me (I have several great coins to choose from).


This type has a special significance and I was very pleased to receive it! 🙂

Next: Keep the gift train rolling!

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This one was a gift from Henry Clay Lindgren, when I met him at a coin show in the Bay area about 25 years ago. 

Faustina Jr SAECVLI  FELICIT S C As.jpg

Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman Æ as, 9.78 g, 26.1 mm, 5 h.
Rome, 161 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, r.
Rev: SAECVLI FELICIT SC, draped throne on which there are two infant boys with stars above their heads.
Refs: RIC 1666; BMCRE 991; Cohen 194; RCV 5302.

Next: Something involving babies.

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Julia Domna AR Denarius.
IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS, Isis, wearing polos on head, standing right, left foot on prow, holding Horus; behind, rudder. RIC 577, RSC 174, BMC 75
This variety differs to RIC 645 due to the two ends of the ship. They are of differing heights on RIC 577 as opposed same height on RIC 645.


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Valerian I (AD 253-260).
Asia Minor, Ionia, Ephesos.
Obv: AYT K ΠO ΛIKINI BAΛEPIANOC, Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev.: EΦECIΩN Γ NEΩKOPΩN, Leto advancing right, head left, holding her children, Artemis (right) and Apollo (left); Apollo holding branch; Artemis holding bow and drawing arrow.
AE, 27mm, 7.21 g
Ref.: Karwiese 1057 (V/R); SNG von Aulock 1921


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27 mm, 13,53 g.
Trajan 98-117 AD. Ӕ dupondius. Rome. 112-114 AD.
IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, bust of Trajan, radiate, draped, right / DACIA AVGVST PROVINCIA S C, Dacia, seated left on rock, holding aquila; in front of her on a second rock a child holding grapes; at her side a child holding grain stalks
RIC II 623a; Woytek 468b; BMCRE 990d; Cohen 127.

Next - same theme 

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43 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - same theme (more children)


Fausta, AE3 - Trier mint
FLAV MAX FAVSTA AVG, draped bust right
SPES REIP VBLICAE, Fausta standing, holding Constantinus II and Constantius II in her arms,PTR crescent at exergue
3.0 gr
Ref : LRBC # 36, Cohen # 15v

Next : a woman from the constantinian dynasty


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