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AE3, Alexandria mint
Obv.: FL HELENA AVGVSTA, diademed bust right wearing double necklace
Rev.: SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE, Securitas standing left, branch in right hand, raising pallium, wreath in field left, I right, SMAL in ex.
AE, 3.11g, 19.1mm
Ref.: RIC VII 48


Next: Securitas

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2 hours ago, shanxi said:

Next: Securitas


Vespasian, Roman Empire, AR denarius, 75 AD, Rome mint. Obv: [IMP] CAESAR VESPASIANVS [AVG]; head of Vespasian, laureate, r. Rev: PON MAX TR P COS VI; Securitas, naked to waist, seated l., feet on stool, resting head on raised arm. 18mm, 3.22g. Ref: RIC II, Part 1 (second edition) Vespasian 774.

Next: pretty Flavian

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Cilicia, Irenopolis. Domitian Æ20

Obv: ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; / laureate head of Domitian, r.
Rev: ΜΒ in r. field / Nemesis advancing r., pulling fold of her robe below neck, holding winged caduceus downwards; wheel at feet.
AD 92/3
RPC II, 1765


Next: Flavian provincial.

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Rev.: [NIΛOΣ], bust of Nilus with lotus flower, LΓ=year 3 (80/81).
Billon, 13.36g, 21x23.7mm
Ref.: Geißen 324 var., Dattari 425



Next: more Flavian provincial

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16 mm, 3,84 g.
Thrace, Sestos. Domitian 81-96. Ӕ.
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ-ΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ, laureate head of Domitian, right / ϹΗϹΤΙWΝ, lyre.
RPC II, 359; SNG Cop 948; Moushmov 5542; Mionnet 93; BMC 16.

Next - another musical instrument

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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC
AE 14 (13.5mm, 1.85g)
O: Scallop shell with 11 teeth.
R: Kithara with six strings; olive branch to left.
D'Andrea 1309; Vlasto 1850; HN Italy 1092; SNG France- ---; McGill ---; Cote ---
Very Rare
ex Agora Auctions

This very rare bronze is the last 'official' Tarentine coin listed in Vlasto's collection. The lyre is, of course, symbolic of Apollo, and while such a reference is not typically seen on the more common coins of Taras, the cult of Apollo Hyakanthus was strong in the city (as well as in the mother city of Sparta) and may be seen represented on the earliest (and very rare) incuse coinage struck here, as well as various gold issues.

Next: food


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Beaten to it, please carry on with pick from @Phil Anthos

Doubled reed aulos

PHRYGIA. Apameia. Ae (Circa 88-40 BC). Magistrate Attalos, son of Bianor, eglogistes.
Obv: Turreted head of Artemis-Tyche right, with bow and quiver over shoulder.
Marsyas advancing right, playing aulos; menander pattern below.
BMC 62; HGC 7, 674. 5,49 g - 18,77 mm


NEXT: Satyr

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Lydia, Kings of Lydia, Kroisos
circa 560-546 BC
Obv.: On the left, forepart of lion with open mouth to right confronting, on the right, forepart of bull to left.
Rev.: Incuse square
Ag, 7x8mm,0.87g
Ref.: Berk 26–7. Traité I 413. SNG Kayhan 1020-1. SNG Aulock 8213.


Next: Incuse square

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10 mm, 1,04 g.
Ionia, Klazomenai. AR diobol. 480-400 BC.
Forepart of winged boar right / Quatripartite incuse square.
BMC 14; SNG von Aulock 1983; SNG Copenhagen 6-8; Sear 3503.


Next - something winged 

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Byzantion, Thrace

late 3rd - 2nd century BC
AE 25 (25mm, 11.45g)
O: Veiled head of Demeter right, wreathed in grain.
R: Poseidon seated right on rocks, holding aphlaston in raised right hand and trident over shoulder in left; KAΛXA to left and BYΞAN to right.
ex Heritage Auctions; ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Next: Aphrodite 


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Cilicia. Nagidos, circa 385-375 BC. AR Stater (22mm, 10.74g, 5h). Obv: Aphrodite seated left, holding phiale over altar; Rev: NAΓIΔEΩ-N; Dionysos standing left holding grapes and thyrsus. Ref: SNG France 21; Casabonn Type 5. NGC MS, Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5. Stacks Nov 2011 Baltimore Auction (16 Nov 2011), Lot 20833. 


Next: More Cilicia.

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Tarsos, Cilicia

Autonomous issue
164-27 BC
AE21 (21mm, 7.39g)
O: Turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right, within dotted border.
R: Pyre of Sandon in the form of a pyramidal structure, containing figure of Sandon standing on a horned and winged lion, surmounting garlanded square basis; eagle perched on apex, M and H monograms to left, TAPΣEΩN to right.
Sear 5672
From the David Cannon Collection. ex Beast Coins

Next: Africa


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Septimius Severus AR Denarius, Rome 207 AD. 20mm, 3.31gr.
RIC 207, RSC 493, BMC 531
SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Personification of Africa standing right, holding out folds of drapery containing fruits, lion at feet walking right.


NEXT: More Africa

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RPC Volume: I №: 400
Reign: Caligula Persons: Caligula (Augustus) Magistrate: Gaius Cornelius Refec— (duovir); Marcus Helvius Fronto (duovir)
City: Bilbilis  Region: Hispania Province: Tarraconensis
Denomination: Leaded bronze (27 mm) 11.92gr
Obverse: G CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS IMP; laureate head of Caligula, right
Reverse: MVN AVG BILBIL C COR(N) REF(EC) M HELV FRO(NTO); oak wreath containing II VIR
Reference: Vives 139–10, GMI 552, NAH 1131


NEXT: More Spain

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Spanish Imitative Issue.
Roman Republican Æ semis, 5.70 g, 20.1 mm, 4 h.
Uncertain mint, 1st century BC.
Obv: Laureate head of Saturn, right; S (mark of value) behind.
Rev: Prow, right; S above; ROMA below.
Refs: ACIP 2659; Burgos R44.

Next: Prow as a prominent design feature.

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Asia Minor, Bithynia
345-315 BCE
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev.: ΠPOΞ / ENOΣ, Prow of galley left, decorated with star and a dolphin
AR, 14mm, 2.51g
Ref.: SNG Ashmolean 360-1; HGC 7, 553.


Next: Head of Apollo

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Neapolis, Campania

270-240 BC
AE19 (19mm, 5.38g)
O: Laureate head of Apollo left; NEOΠOΛITΩN before, Ξ behind.
R: Man headed bull right, crowned by Nike flying right; IΣ below.
Graziano 423; MSP I, 363; Sambon 672; SNG ANS 477; Hands Type IV; HN Italy 589; Sear 557
ex Ancient Imports

“I will remember and not forget far-shooting Apollo.
Gods tremble as he approaches the home of Zeus:
All rise from their seats as he draws near
when he stretches his gleaming bow…
… How to praise you, celebrated in so many hymns?
Phoibos, the range of songs for you spreads over
all the islands and lands that feed calves.
All high places please you, from the mountain
headlands, to the rivers that flow seaward,
and the rugged banks sloping to the sea and harbor.”

~ Homeric Hymn to Apollo (Diane Rayor translation)

Next: any protome


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Protome- head, shoulders, forepart of a boar - Aes Grave - Etruria AS.

Etruria, Tarquinii. AE Aes Grave As (295.21 g), ca. 275 BC. Forepart of boar left. Reverse: Spearhead. ICC 121; HN Italy 215. Extremely Rare. Green and brown patina. Very Fine.
Ex Julio Bellescio Collection, purchased between 1980 and 1990.



next, another boar...

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How about 3 boars...

Uncertain Mint, Lesbos

500-450 BC
Billion 1/10 Stater (10mm, 1.18g)
O: Two boar's heads confronted, creating the illusion of a single boar head facing.
R: Incuse square.
SNG von Aulock 7712; SNG Munchen 645; Sear 3488
ex Forvm Ancient Coins

Next: a tool or tools


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