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Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius, AD 138-161. Billon Tetradrachm (24mm, 12.81g, 12h). Dated RY 17 (AD 153/154). Obv: ANTωNINOC CЄB ЄVCЄB; Laureate head right, with trace of drapery. Rev: Isis Pharia standing right, holding sistrum and billowing sail; L I Z (date) across field. Ref: RPC 1479var (placement of date): Köln 1693 var. (placement of date); Dattari (Savio) 2261; K&G 35.577; Emmett 1403.17. Very Fine. Dark reddish-brown patina with touches of green. From the Stein A. Evensen Collection. Ex Lawrence Feinberg Collection (CNG Inventory 872663, June 2010). Ex CNG eAuction 477 (23 Sept 2020), Lot 345. CNG Note: The protector of sailors, Pharia was just one of the various appellations given to Isis. This association with sailors emanated from the Pharos–or Lighthouse–of Alexandria, indicted on this issue by holding a billowing sail.


More Alexandrian.

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A humble submission...

Trajan / Quadriga of Elephants

Alexandria, Egypt
116-117 AD (Year 20)
AE Drachm (30-32mm, 13.19g)
O: Laureate head of Trajan right; AVT TPAIAN API CEB GERM DAKIK PAR.
R: Emperor driving quadriga of elephants right, holding laurel branch and sceptre; LK above.
Koln 715; cf Milne 814; cf BMC 514

Next: a coin bigger than 32mm


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Hadrian (AD 117-138).
AE drachm
Struck year 16 = 131/2 AD.
Obv.: AVT KAI TPAI AΔPIA CEB, laureate, draped bust of Hadrian right
Rev.: Nilus seated left on rocks, holding reed and cornucopia, crocodile below, LIϚ (year 16) in left field.
AE, 26.43g, 34mm
Ref.: Cologne 1056. Dattari-Savio pl. 87, 1794. Emmett 1016/16, KG 32.517


Next: River God

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19,7 mm, 3,16 g.
Trajan 98-117. AR denarius. Rome. 103-111.
IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, river god Danube reclining left on rocks, head right, holding prow and resting elbow upon overturned urn from which liquid flows; billowing cloak above, DANVVIVS in exergue.
RIC 100; BMCRE 395; RSC 136; Woytek 277b.

Next - Trajan

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Trajan / Mars

103-111 AD
AR Denarius (18mm, 2.86g)
O: Laureate and slightly draped bust right; IMP NERVA TRAIANVS AVG GER DACICVS.
R: Mars advancing right, holding spear, trophy on shoulder; PM TR P COS V P P.
RIC 80v
ex M&R Coins

From a previous comment by Curtis Clay;
"A scarce type with these legends, and perhaps unpublished with this laureate and draped bust type."

Next: Julian as Augustus 


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Obv: D N HONORIVS P F AVG, bust of Honorius, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed, right
Rev: GLORIA ROMANORVM, SMKΓ,Emperor on horse-back right, raising right hand
RIC IX Cyzicus 29 (c)
AE, 1.49g, 17mm


Next: Emperor on horse-back

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Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253 CE.
Roman AR antoninianus, 3.82 g, 19.7 mm, 11 h.
Antioch, second series, 251-252 CE.
Obv: IMP C C VIB TREB GALLVS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: ADVENTVS AVG, Emperor on horseback, left, raising right hand and holding scepter.
Refs: RIC 79; Cohen 2; RCV 9622; Hunter 56; ERIC II 44.

Next: More Trebonianus Gallus! 

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1st century sestertius of Nero with his arch on reverse -

from CGB

NERO Sesterce 64 Lyon R2 bronze
Obverse : IMP NERO CAESAR AVG PONT MAX TR POT P P Tête laurée de Néron à gauche, un globe à la pointe du cou (O*1)
Reverse : S|C Arc de triomphe, surmonté par un quadrige vu de face conduit par Néron entre les statues de la Victoire (Victoria) et de la Paix (Pax)
Commentary : Très beau sesterce frappé sur un flan idéalement centré. Au droit, un joli portrait de l’empereur finement détaillé. Usure fine et régulière. Patine marron

Country: NERO
Year: 64
State/Grade: AU/XF
Nominal: Sesterce
Weight (g): 23,64
Material: bronze
Catalog number: C.306 RIC.500 RIC.500 BMC/RE.333 WCN.452 BN/R.-


next, another 1st century imperial bronze.

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As well as the superb portrait the overall patinated look just screamed "buy me"

TACITUS Antoninianus. Ticinum mint.
Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PAX AVGVSTI. Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; P in exergue.
RIC 150, Cohen 72.  Ticinum mint, early-June 276.  3,5 g - 22,5 mm


NEXT: Ticinum


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23 hours ago, expat said:

NEXT: Ticinum


Numerianus, Antoninianus - Ticinium mint, 5th officina, 2nd emission, Dec 282 CE
M AVR NVMERIANVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Numerianus, seen from behind
PRINCIPI IVVENTUT, Prince of youth standing left, holding baton and sceptre. VXXI at exergue
3,35 gr, 23 mm
Ref : RCV #12219, Cohen #76, RIC vol V #366


Next : Carinus, any mint


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Carinus Antoninianus. Antioch mint. 282-283 AD.

IMP C M AVR CARINVS NOB C, radiate and cuirassed bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Carinus standing right, holding sceptre and receiving Victory from Carus, standing left, holding sceptre; B in lower centre.


Next: Carus


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Ruler: Carus (Augustus)
Coin: Billon Antoninianus
IMP CARVS P F AVG - Bust of Carus, radiate, cuirassed, right
IOVI VICTORI - Jupiter, standing left, holding Victory on globe in right hand and sceptre in left hand; at foot, eagle
spacer.gif spacer.gif
Mint: Rome (282-283 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 2.70g / 22mm / 5h
  • RIC V, 39
  • Cohen 36
  • RCV 12171
Acquisition/Sale: CGB Online auction E-auction 462 #brm_721799 21-Feb-2022


Next - Jupiter

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Licinius I. AE Follis. 315 AD. Alexandria.

Obv: IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS PF AVG, laureate head right.
Rev: IOVI CONSER-VATORI AVGG, Jupiter standing left,
chlamys across left shoulder, holding Victory on
globe and sceptre, eagle with wreath left.
Wreath over H over N in right field
Mintmark ALE.


Next: Plated.

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Vespasian, Caduceus
Denarius subaeratus
Obv.: laureate head left, CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG
Rev.: winged caduceus, PON MAX TRP COS V
AE/AR, 2.82 g, 19 mm
Ref.: "RIC 75 var. (legend, bust)


Next: The AE core of a subaerate/fouree coin

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Some folks believe the figure on this coin is Livia or Livilla. If it isn't simply supposed to be a representation of Pietas, I believe this coin depicts Vipsania, the mother of Drusus. I find @Jasper Burns' 2004 article in The Celator convincing (reprinted online).

Tiberius, 14-37 CE.
Roman orichalcum Dupondius, 14.32 g, 29.15 mm, 1 h.
Rome, 22/23 CE.
Obv: PIETAS, veiled, diademed and draped bust of (Vipsania? as) Pietas, right.
Refs: RIC Tiberius 43; BMCRE Tiberius 98; CBN Tiberius 74; Cohen 1; RCV 1741.

Next: Pietas. 

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