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Since my last coin posted was Saserna, here's another of his with, maybe, Pietas 


Moneyer issues of Imperatorial Rome. L. Hostilius Saserna. 48 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 3.6 g, 7h). Rome mint. Diademed female head (Pietas or Clementia?) right, wearing oak wreath / Victory advancing right, holding winged caduceus and trophy. Crawford 448/1a; CRI 17; Sydenham 951; Hostilia 5; BMCRR Rome 3989-92; RBW 1567.


"Nothing certain is known about Lucius Hostilius Saserna, one of the tresviri monetales for 48 BC, except that he was evidently a supporter of Julius Caesar. His coin types all celebrate Caesar's conquests in Gaul and the civil war with Pompey, as well as his clemency to former enemies. The female head on this type closely resembles two issues of Caesar himself and is thought to represent Clementia (Clemency). Two relations named Gaius and Publius Hostilius Saserna, possibly brothers or sons, served under Caesar in Africa in 46 BC, but history is silent about the later careers of all the Hostilia Sasernae."

Next: winged caduceus

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Winged Nemesis...

Hadrian (117-138AD)
AE sestertius- 20,83 gram- 30 mm, Rome mint, struck 134-138AD
obv: HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right
rev: Nemesis standing right, holding fold of dress and olive branch
BMC 475, 1549
RIC 2288


next ,  more wings...


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Winged Eros...

Taras, Calabria

240/35-212 BC
AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.28g)
O: Scallop shell with five teeth.
R: Winged Eros riding dolphin left, holding kantharos; ΦI(?) below. 
Vlasto 1606-07; SNG France 2181
ex Aphrodite Coins

Next: more wings


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Obv.: laureate head right, IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG
Rev.: winged caduceus, PON MAX [TR P COS V]
Ag, 3.38g
Ref.: RIC² 703, RIC¹ 75, RSC 362


Next: another winged object

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Syracuse, Fourth Democracy

289-288 BC
AE Litra (21mm, 9.57g, 7h)
O: Head of Artemis Soteira right, quiver over shoulder; ΣΩΤΕΙΡΑ before.
R: Winged thunderbolt; ΣΥΡΑΚ−ΟΣΙΩΝ above and below.
HGC 2, 1461; Calciati 138; SNG ANS 749; Sear 1207v
ex Roma Numismatics

Somewhat scarcer than the earlier ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΟΣ−ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ types, this coin was struck during the Agathokles-mandated but short lived Fourth Democracy.

Next: a rare variety of an otherwise common coin


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Apollonis, Lydia
AE20, Late 2nd-1st century BC
Obv: Macedonian shield ornamented with five stars.
AE, 5.66 g, 20.4 mm
Ref.: SNG Copenhagen 16, GRPC Vol. 2, Apollonis 4


Next: club as main element

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18 mm, 4,2 g.
Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. AR drachm. Ephesos.
Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on the throne, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on shield decorated with lion's head, transverse spear with point below, lyre to the inner left field, A under the throne.
Thompson 174; Müller 355.

Next - a Greek drachm 

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Nike Air Force


15 mm, 2,74 g.
Ionia, Smyrna. Caligula 37-41 AD. Aviola, proconsul and Menophanes, magistrate. Ӕ.
ΓΑΙΟΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΑ ƐΠΙ ΑΟΥ(Ι)ΟΛΑ, laureate head of Caligula, r. / ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙWΝ ΜΗΝΟΦΑΝΗϹ, Nike, r., with palm and wreath.
RPC I 2473.

Next - Caligula

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RPC Volume: I №: 400
Reign: Caligula Persons: Caligula (Augustus) Magistrate: Gaius Cornelius Refec— (duovir); Marcus Helvius Fronto (duovir)
City: Bilbilis  Region: Hispania Province: Tarraconensis
Denomination: Leaded bronze (27 mm) 11.92gr
Obverse: G CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS IMP; laureate head of Caligula, right
Reverse: MVN AVG BILBIL C COR(N) REF(EC) M HELV FRO(NTO); oak wreath containing II VIR
Reference: Vives 139–10, GMI 552, NAH 1131


NEXT: 1st century colonial

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Cyprus, Salamis.
Circa 331-310 BC. Æ Half Unit
Obv.: Macedonian shield decorated with gorngoneion on the boss
Rev.: Macedonian helmet; kerykeion to lower left.
Ref.: Price 3158.
AE, 3.09g, 15.9mm


Next: Macedonian shield

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I can't resist betraying Ryro. 


14 mm, 4,54 g.
Kings of Macedon. Philip III Arrhidaeus 323-317 BC or Antigonus Gonatas 288-277 BC. Uncertain mint in Western Asia Minor. Ӕ. Three-quarter-front head (Herakles?) to the right placed in the center of a Macedonian shield / Macedonian helmet; in the field on the right, a caduceus; monogram in the left field.
No. 110 in the reference books: Cop.- - Price 2803 pl. 110

Next - oh well. Macedonian shield. 

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Perseus, 179-168 BCE.
Greek AE 14.8 mm, 2.77 g.
Obv: Macedonian shield; wheel-ornament in center.
Rev: ΒΑ-ΠΕ above and below harpa, star below.
Refs: Sear Greek 6809; Historia Numorum, p. 235; SNG Cop 1281; Lindgren II (Europe) 1339; Gaebler 12.5.36.

Next: harpa.

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Roman Republic. M. Nonius Sufenas. 57 BC. AR Denarius (18mm, 4.01g, 3h). Rome mint. Obv: Head of Saturn right; to left, harpa above baetylus (conical stone). Rev: Roma seated left on pile of arms, holding spear and sword, being crowned by Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm frond. Ref: Crawford 421/1; Sydenham 885; Nonia 1; RBW 1517. Deeply toned, iridescence on reverse. Near Extremely Fine. Ex Noonans 253 (13 April 2022), Lot 1311. Ex CNG e546 (13 Sept 2023), Lot 287.


Next: Saturn

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Marius. 269 AD. AE Silvered Antoninianus (3.26g, 23mm). Cologne mint. Obv.: IMP C M AVR MARIVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev.: VICTORIA AVG, Victory standing front, head to left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond in her left.


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Seleukeia ad Kalykadnon
Asia Minor, Cilicia
AE24, 150-50 BC
Obv: Helmeted head of Athena right, mongram behind
Nike advancing left, holding branch; AΘΗ over monogram to left.
AE, 8.32 g, 24mm
Ref.: SNG France 895; SNG Levante 680


Next: very small nose

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