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discreet enough ?? (if not then six-hour rule :classic_smile:)



Ruler: Mexico, Charles IIII, 1788-1808
Av: Bust
Rv: Coat of arms
Value: 8 Reales
Year: 1807
Material: Silver, 26.1g, 40mm


Next: more chop mark

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Wanli Emperor
Ruled 1572 - 1620

This is called the first chopmark, occurring in the late 1500s or early 1600s. They're thought to be from Manila, Philippines and thus are called the Manila Chops.


Next: anything considered a "first"

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First issue for Faustina II. 

Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 21.26 gm, 29.3 mm, 11 h.
Rome, December 147 – early 148 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: VENERI GENETRICI SC, Venus Genetrix standing left, holding apple and child in swaddling clothes.
Refs: RIC 1386(a); BMCRE 2146n.; Cohen 237; Strack 1306; RCV –; Banti 128.
Note: Scarce with bare-headed bust. 

Next: Mottled but pleasing patina. 

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18 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Mottled but pleasing patina. 


Marcus Aurelius, Sestertius - Rome mint, 173 CE
M ANTONINVS AVG TRP XXVII, Laureate bust of Mercus Aurelius right
VICT / GERM / IMP VI / COS III / SC in five lines within a laurel wreath
20,50 gr, 30 mm
Ref : RCV # 5015, C # 995 (15), RIC #1090


Next : sestertius from the Antonine dynasty


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2492127_1642408777.l.jpg.21674f7d61d44f9eac0a280c90b695bc.jpg.399e42c582c8b7a32c3ae5a8f89f25ba.jpgAntoninus Pius (138-161). AE Sestertius, 159-160. Obv. Laureate head right. Rev. Pietas standing left, holding globe and child; a child standing on either side of her. RIC III 1031. AE. 25.61 g. 32.50 mm. Good F/About VF. 

Next: Chocolate patina

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Moesia Inferior, Nikopolis
Obv.: AVT K M AVP ANTΩNEINOC, Laur. bust right
Rev.: VΠ ΝΟΒΙΟV ΡΟΥΦΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙTΩΝ Exergue: POC ICT PΩ, Nemesis/Dikaiosyne standing left, holding scales and cornucopia, wheel at feet
AE, 12.12g, 25.8mm
Ref.: Varbanov 3945 (picture not text)


Next: red patina



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Diocletian AD 284-305. Potin Tetradrachm (19.5mm, 7.38 g.)
Egypt, Alexandria mint, dated RY 6 (AD 290/1).
Obv. A K G OYA ΔIOKΛHTIANOC CEB, laureate, cuirassed bust right
Rev. Eirene looking left, holding branch and scepter, SL (date) across field. No reverse legend.
Scarce variety with unusual date order,SL instead of LS


NEXT: Stag(s)

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Kaulonia, Bruttium

475-425 BC
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.82g)
O: Apollo, nude, walking right, holding branch in raised right arm; small daimon running on outstretched left arm; stag standing right in field to right, head reverted, KAVΛ (retrograde) to left.
R: Stag standing right, laurel branch to right; KAV (retrograde) above.
Noe, Caulonia, Group F. cf 97; HN Italy 2046; Sear 462 
ex NB Numismatics

Next: a really huge coin


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Not an ancient, but still big!

Currency     Balboa (1904-date)
Composition     Silver (.925)
Weight     129.59 g
Diameter     61 mm
Thickness     4.7 mm


NEXT: Same theme

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Central Italy, Uncertain. AE Aes Grave As 66 mm (334.5 g), 3rd century BC. Helmeted head of Minerva left. Reverse: Kantharos. ICC 257; HN Italy 344. Fantastic glossy apple-green patina. Choice Very Fine.
Ex Julio Belluscio Collection, purchased between 1980 and 1990. Ira and Larry Goldberg.


next ,  large coin...

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Unfortunately, this one falls short of @Octavius's three-quarter pound chunk of bronze, but it's still pretty large by most standards: 😉


Time of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
CU Penny Token (33.18mm, 14.92g, 12h)
Dated 1856. Heaton (Birmingham) mint
Obverse: VICTORIA D:G: BRITANNIAR:REG:F:D:, crowned portrait of Queen Victoria left; LCW at base of neck, date below
Reverse: PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA above mayflower plant; ONE PENNY TOKEN below
References: Numista 22498
Smooth brown copper toning.
"This was the first official (government-approved) coin of Nova Scotia. The reverse design, a sprig of mayflower, is now the provincial flower and is considered one of the most beautiful coins made for North America." - Numista webpage


Next: More Queen Victoria

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Great Britain. Victoria, AD 1837-1901. Milled AR Crown. Dated AD 1889. Obv: Victoria, her crowned Jubilee head left. Rev: St. George on horseback, attacking the dragon. Ref:  KM765, SCBC 3921. NGC AU58, purple and gold toned. Ex Heritage Weekly June 2019, Lot: 62241. 


Next: Another Crown.


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George II AR Crown 1746, Obv. (Type C) Old-head; mature bust, left, wearing armor with the face of a mature lion on his shoulder epaulette, GEORGIVS • II • – DEI • GRATIA •; LIMA below bust [“LIMA” = provenance of Spanish silver captured by Admiral Anson during his round the world voyage, 1740-44] / Rev. (Type 3) Crowned cruciform shields, plain in angles, Leg. around from 1:00, ∙M∙B∙F∙ET∙ H∙REX∙F∙D∙B∙ET∙L∙D∙S∙R∙I∙ A∙T∙ET∙E∙17-46 [King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Arch-Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire and Elector] / Edge DECVS • ET • TVTAMEN •  [An ornament and a safeguard] ANNO REGNI • DECIMO • NONO. S. 3689, ESC 1668 at p. 238 (ill. p. 237) [Maurice Bull, English Silver Coinage since 1649 (Spink, 7th ed. 2020)]; old ESC 125 [H.A. Seaby & P.A. Rayner, English Silver Coinage from 1649 (Seaby, 4th ed. 1974). Purchased Jan. 12, 2023 at NYINC 2023 from Baldwin’s [A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd.], London, UK.


Next, another 18th century British silver coin.

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3 hours ago, DonnaML said:

Next, another 18th century British silver coin.


George III (1760-1820) - Six pence, 1787
Ref : Spink # 3749


Next : follow up with George IV silver


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A George IV official silver coronation medal. Next: George V silver.

Great Britain, George IV, Official AR Coronation Medal, 1820, by Benedetto Pistrucci. Obv. Laureate bust left, GEORGIUS IIII D.G. BRITANNIARUM REX F.D. / Rev. King enthroned left, crowned by Victory behind him; before him stand Britannia, Hibernia, and Scotia; PROPRIO JAM JURE ANIMO PATERNO around; in exergue, INAUGURATUS DIE. JULII. XIX ANNO. MDCCCXXI. 35 mm., 16.93 g. BHM 1070 (ill. p. 264) [Brown, Laurence, British Historical Medals Vol. I, 1760-1837 (Seaby 1980)]; Eimer 1146a (ill. Pl. 125) [Eimer, C., British Commemorative Medals and their Values (2nd ed. 2010)]; Wollaston p. 12, no. xv & ill. 24 [Henry Wollaston, British Official Medals for Coronations and Jubilees (1978)]. Mintage in AR: 800 (see Wollaston p. 16). Purchased from Noonans (formerly Dix Noonan Webb) Auction 267, 1 Feb. 2023, Lot 788; ex Sir Gerard Clauson Collection of British Historical Medals [see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_Clauson: “Sir Gerard Leslie Makins Clauson (28 April 1891 – 1 May 1974) was an English civil servant, businessman, and Orientalist best known for his studies of the Turkic languages”].*


(The areas of blue and and other dark coloring turn out to be simply iridescence in hand. Noonans noted the "small dig at top of reverse," which I don't think detracts from the coin all that much, but described the medal as "otherwise extremely fine and toned.")

*See Sir Gerard's biography from Noonans, published in connection with an auction of his ancient coin collection in 2022, at https://issuu.com/noonansauctions/docs/coins_13_oct_22:


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Just to be consistent, here's a George VI silver crown, using a crown as part of the device on the reverse. It was the last British crown minted for circulation in silver; all the later ones were issued in cupro-nickel, with silver specimens minted only for the collectors' market:

George VI AR Crown 1937, S. 4078 (Coronation commemorative).


Next, Elizabeth II in silver (bullion coin, special issue, medal, or anything else).

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Showing 300 years of Manx coinage, with various examples of past coinage on the reverse. 70,000 struck

Composition     Silver (.925)
Weight     28.28 g
Diameter     38.47 mm


Next:Coins showing other coins as featured image

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General edition
Year: 25 (1936)
Av: 中華民國二十五年, zhōng huá mín guó èr shí wǔ nián (Republic of China year 25), star
Rv: 壹分, yī fēn (1 fen), ancient spade money
Value: 1 Fen
Material: AE 26.1mm, 6.48g (year 25)
Literature: KM Y#347



similar example:



Next: same theme

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It's been a bit over 6 hours



China, Ming Dynasty, anonymous dated late 1500s AD

Imitating earlier Northern Song Dynasty issue

Obverse: Xian Ping Yuan Bao

Reverse: Blank

So-called 'Amoy Pitis' issued from the Quanzhou/Xiamen area of China, minted for trade with Indonesia and Vietnam kingdoms

Found in Surabaya area, Java


Next: another imitative coin

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Antoninus Pius
Egypt, Alexandria.
Tetradrachm 141-142 (year 5)
Obv.: ΑΝΤⲰΝΙΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ ƐVϹΒ, laureate head of Antoninus Pius, r.
Rev.: Artemis advancing, r., drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow; at feet, dog r. and in field, L-Ɛ
Ref.: Dattari-Savio Pl. 108, 2152 (this coin).
Billon, 24mm, 13.53g


Next: Artemis with stag

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Otacilia Severa, 244-249 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 23.5 mm, 6.89 gm, 7 h.
Thrace, Bizya, 244-249 CE.

Obv: M WTAKEIΛIA CEBHPA CEB, diademed and draped bust, right.
Rev: ΒΙΖVΗΝΩΝ, Artemis Phosphoros standing right, holding arrow and torch; stag at her feet.
Refs: Tachev, Bizija 5 (this coin); Moushmov 3514; Sear GIC 3991; Varbanov 1592; Lindgren II 759; Jurukova 147; Mionnet Suppl 2, 193; RPC VIII, (unassigned; ID 48718); CN 3897; Milano IV/3 --; BMC Thrace --; SNG Tubingen --; SNG Copenhagen --; Wiczay --.
Notes: Double die-match to RPC specimen and to Lindgren II 759.

Next: Otacilia. 

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Roman Egypt, Alexandria. Otacilia Severa, Augusta, AD 244-245. Potin Tetradrachm (22mm, 13.71g, 11h). Dated RY 2 of Philip I (AD 244/245) . Obv: M ωT CЄOΥHΡA CЄ M CTΡA; Diademed and draped bust right. Rev: Serapis standing facing, head right, holding sceptre in right hand and drapery in left; L-B (date) across field. Ref: Dattari (Savio) 4997; Köln 2762; Emmett 3564.2 (R3); K&G 75.18. RPC VIII online 2559 (unassigned, 5 examples). Rare. Very Fine, nice chocolate brown patina.


Next: Philip I

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Philip I depicted on reverse

Philip II, AR antoninianus. 22.4 mm, 4.91 g.(Thick flan), Rome mint, 249AD.
IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LIBERALITAS AVGG III, Philip I, holding short sceptre, and Philip II seated left on curule chairs, extending right hands. RIC 230; RSC 17, Sear 9265.


NEXT: Father and son on same coin

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