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Syracuse, Reign of Agathokles

317-289 BC
AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.14g)
O: Wreathed head of Kore (Persephone) right, wearing pendant earring and necklace; KOPAΣ behind.
R: Nike standing right, hammer in right hand, erecting trophy; triskeles to lower left, [ΑΓΑΘΟΚΛΕΙΟΣ] behind, all within dotted border.
Struck between 313–295 BC.
HGC 2, 1536; SNG ANS 670-76; SNG Cop 766ff; Sear 972v; BMC 388v
ex Museum Surplus

“Kore, the Girl, is so intimately associated with her mother Demeter that they are often referred to simply as the Two Goddesses or even as Demeteres. Kore’s own enigmatic name is Persephone, or Phersephone, and in Attic Pherrephatta. In Homer she is mentioned alone and also in conjunction with her husband, Hades-Aidoneus, the personification of the underworld; her Homeric epithets are venerable, agaue, and awesome, epaine. Her two aspects, girl-like daughter of the Corn Goddess and Mistress of the Dead, are linked in the myth which, though ignored in heroic epic, is responsible almost exclusively for defining the picture of Demeter. The earliest extended version is the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, but Hesiod already alludes to it in the Theogony as an ancient and well known story, and aspects of the later tradition seem to preserve very ancient material.”
~ Walter Burkert (Greek Religion, 1985)

Next: Persephone 


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17 mm, 2,91 g.
Phrygia, Aizanis. Agrippina II 50-59. Ӕ.
ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗΝ, draped bust of Agrippina II, right / ΑΙΖΑΝΙΤΩΝ, draped bust of Persephone with ears of corn before.
RPC I, 3102; BMC 91; Cop 91.

Next - Roman lady, 1st century 

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Lydia. Hierocaesaraea
Agrippina Junior (Augusta, 50-59)
Bronze, AE 18
Obv.: AΓPIΠΠINAN ΘЄAN CЄBACTHN, draped bust right, hair in long plait down back of neck and looped at end
Rev: IЄPOKAICAPЄωN ЄΠI KAΠITωNOC, Artemis standing right, holding bow, stag standing right.
Æ, 18.1mm, 4.43g
Ref.: RPC I 2388, SNG von Aulock 2959, GRPC Lydia 72


Next: First century, provincial coin

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EGYPT, Alexandria. Nero
Regnal year 14 (CE 67/8)
AE diobol; 27 mm, 10.9 gm
Obv: NEPΩKΛAVK[AIΣΣEBΓEPA]; laureate head right
Rev: L - IΔ; 7-bowled bong*
Ref: Dattari-Savio Pl. 1, 2 (this coin); Dattari cf 286; RPC 5322; Emmett 153.14; Poole (BM, 1892) cf 188?



The real reason silphium went extinct during Nero's reign?

*kidding, of course.  "vase" (Emmett), or "oinochoe" per others (others are probably correct)

Next:  second century Roman provincial

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Don't Bogart that joint, my friend...

Roman Egypt. Alexandria. Hadrian, AD 117-138. Æ Hemidrachm (28mm, 14.50g, 12h). Dated RY 18 (AD 133/134). Obv: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹЄΒ; Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian to right, seen from behind. Rev: L I-H Isis seated left, holding sistrum in her right hand and scepter in her left. Ref; Dattari (Savio) 1748; Emmett 1090.18; K&G 32.607; RPC III 5923. Minor pitting, otherwise, about Very Fine. Ex Agora E-Auction 25 (27 Jan 2015), Lot 54. From the collection of Eric ten Brink. Ex Leu Web Auction 26 (13 July 2023), Lot 2917.


Next: third century Roman provincial

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THRACE, Hadrianopolis. Gordian III
AE 22 mm, 5.18 gm
Obv: AVT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC; radiate head right
Rev: AΔPIANOΠOΛЄITΩN; Pan advancing left, holding syrinx and lagobolon
Ref: Varbanov 3945 corr. (cantharus in place of syrinx).

Next:  another example of that glorious goaty god, Pan.

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Macedonian Kingdom, Reign of Antigonos II Gonatas

277-239 BC
AE16 (16mm, 3.85g)
O: Helmeted head of Athena right.
R: Pan standing right, erecting trophy; B - Φ downward to left.
HGC 3, 1049; SNG Cop 1206-09; Sear 6786v

Next:  a Titan


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Cilicia, Flaviopolis
AE17, dated Dated CY 17 (89/90 AD).
Obv.: ΔΟΜЄΤΙΑΝΟC ΚΑΙCΑΡ, laureate head right
Rev.: ЄΤΟVC ΖΙ ΦΛΑVΙΟΠΟΛЄΙΤωΝ, veiled head of Kronos right, harpa at his shoulder
AE, 2.60g, 17mm
Ref.: SNG Levante 1531, RPC II 1760, SNG von Aulock 5558.


Next: another Titan

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Apameia, Phrygia

3rd Century AD
AE15 (15mm, 2.27g)
O: Draped and turreted bust of Tyche right; AΠA-MEIA.
R: Hekate Triformis standing facing, wearing polos and double chiton, and holding 4 torches and 2 patera; CΩTEI-PA.
SNG von Aulock 3475; SNG Cop 195-96; BMC 110-13
ex Gert Boersema

"O Nox, Mother of Mysteries, and all ye golden Astra who with Luna succeed the fires of day, and thou, divine three-formed Hecate, who knowest all my enterprises and dost fortify the arts of magic."
~ Ovid, The Metamorphoses

Next: another Titan


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ISLANDS off CARIA, Rhodos. Rhodes . Circa 125-88 BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 14mm, 1.48 g 12), Timokrates. Radiate head of Helios, three-quarter facing to right. Rev. Ρ - Ο ΤΙΜΟΚΡΑΤΗΣ Rose with bud to right; below to left, coiled serpent; all within shallow incuse square. Jenkins, Rhodian 156. very fine.

Purchased from Savoca April 2023

 Next: flower or plant

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Cyrenaica - Cyrene
Æ 22, ca. 250BC
Obv.: Diademed head of Zeus Ammon right
Rev.: Κ-Ο/Ι-Ν/Ο-Ν Silphium plant Monogram
Æ, 9.15g, 21.9mm
Ref.: SNG Cop 1278 var.


Next: Silphium

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Bronze, 4th century B.C. Chr.

Obv: head of Carneios with ram's horn r., name of official (ΑΝΔΡ?)

Rev. silphion tree.

SNG Cop. 1216 cf.

Thick flan.


14.83g, 22mm, 11h. Rare

Ex. Collection Münzgalerie Viktor Hruby, Vienna. Purchased from Fitz March 2023

Next:  cool patina

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I think this patina is cool. 

Faustina II, 147-175 CE.
Roman orichalcum sestertius, 21.26 gm, 29.3 mm, 11 h.
Rome, December 147 – early 148 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINAE AVG PII AVG FIL, bare-headed and draped bust, right (Beckmann Type 1 hairstyle).
Rev: VENERI GENETRICI SC, Venus Genetrix standing left, holding apple and child in swaddling clothes.
Refs: RIC 1386(a); BMCRE 2146n.; Cohen 237; Strack 1306; RCV –; Banti 128.
Note: Scarce with bare-headed bust. 

Next: Faustina the Younger. 

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Faustina II

Obverse: DIVA FAVSTINA PIA, Bust of Faustina II, draped, hair elaborately waved and fastened in a low chignon at back of head.

Reverse: AETERNITAS S C, Aeternitas, veiled, draped, standing left, holding globe surmounted by phoenix in extended right hand and leaning left arm on column.

AE, 29mm, 20.46g

Ref.: RIC 1693


Next: Aeternitas

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Gallienus, antoninianus, struck 260 - 268 AD at Rome mint.
Obv: GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right.
Rev: AETERNITAS AVG / Γ, Sol standing left, holding globe, his right arm raised.

Goebl 577

Dramatic flip-over double strike


Next: double strike error

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Faustina II AE Sestertius. 19,80g, 33mm.
 DIVA FAV-STINA PIA, draped bust right / SIDERIBVS RECEPTA S-C, Faustina as Diana, standing right, holding long torch across body with both hands, crescent behind neck. RIC 1715, Cohen 215. SEAR 1988 # 1530
Commemorative issue struck under Aurelius, circa
175/6 AD.
Reverse struck twice with clear images of two torches and two S of SC. Bizarrely, it circulated for a long time in this condition.


NEXT: Faustina as Diana

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1 hour ago, expat said:

NEXT: Faustina as Diana


Faustina junior, Denarius - Rome mint, AD 161/175
FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right
DIANA LVCIF, Diana Lucifera standing left
Ref : RCV #5250

Next : Diana Lucifera associated to another character


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P. Clodius M.f. Turrinus

42 BC
AR Denarius (18mm, 3.86g)
O: Laureate head of Apollo right; lyre behind.
R: Diana Lucifera standing facing, holding two long torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder; M.F - CLODIVS flanking.
RSC Claudia 15; Crawford 424-23; Sydenham 1117; CRI 184; RSC Claudia 15; BMC 4290
ex Sayles & Lavender

Virgins, sing the Virgin Huntress;
Youths, the youthful Phoebus sing;
Sing Latona, she who bore them
Dearest to the eternal King:
Sing the heavenly maid who roves
Joyous, through the mountain groves;
She who winding waters loves;
Let her haunts her praises ring!

Sing the vale of Peneus’ river;
Sing the Delian deity;
The shoulder glorious with its quiver’
And the lyre of Mercury.
From our country, at our prayer -
Famine, plague, and tearful war
These, benign, shall drive afar
To Persia’s plains or Britain’s sea.

~ Horace (Odes 1,21)

Next: Hellenistic portrait


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Julia Domna is one of my favorite figures in history and people don't talk enough about her. 

Julia Domna, 193-217 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.30 g, 19 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 21st emission, 205 CE.
Obv: IVLIA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: MATER AVGG, Julia Domna, as Cybele, seated left in quadriga of lions and holding branch in her right hand.
Refs: RIC 562; BMCRE 48; Cohen/RSC 117; RCV 6592; Hill 759; CRE 354.

Next: lion(s). 

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Faustina II
Sestertius, AD 161-175
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right.
Rev.: MATRI MAGNAE / S - C, Cybele, holding drum, seated right between two lions.
AE, 26.24g, 32 mm
Ref.: RIC 1663
Ex Künker
Ex Collection Pudill


Next: Cybele

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Ref Caracalla AR Denarius, Rome 19 mm. 2,94 g.  
RIC 130a, RSC 97, BMC 280
Caracalla 196-198 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH below, Dea Caelestis (Cybele)  riding lion springing right over water gushing from rocks on left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, and wearing ”City Wall” crown.
Purchased from Aeternitas Numismaticas 12th Aug. 2023.
Ex, Solidus Numismatik auction 106, Lot # 1580 11th Oct. 2022


NEXT: Caracalla

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Caracalla / Salus

212 AD
AR Denarius (18mm, 2.83g)
O: Laureate head right; ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT.
R: Salus seated left, feeding snake from patera and holding cornucopia; PM TR P XV COS III P P.
RSC 206 / RIC 196 / BMC 45 / Sear 6826
ex Jack H. Beymer


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