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Pyrrhus (278-276 BCE) Sicily, Syracuse, AE 23mm 10.25 gr, head of young Herakles left, wearing lion's skin, rev. Athena Promachos advancing right w/owl to right of foot

Next: Pyrrhos 

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Athena but on a countermark 


27,7 mm, 14,97 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. Otho 69 AD. Ӕ.
IMP M OTHO CAE(S) AVG (clockwise), laureate head of Otho, r. / S C, inscription in a laurel wreath of eight leaves. Countermarked - Howgego 245 - Athena facing right with shield and spear.
RPC I 4318; BMC 207; 209–11; McAlee 321c.

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Syria, Antioch
Obv.: NEΡΩNOΣ KAIΣAΡ ΣEBAΣTOΥ, laureate bust right wearing aegis
Rev: eagle standing left on thunderbolt, palm branch to left, date HIP right
14.1g, 23.3x25.3mm
Ref.: Prieur 82, RPC I 4182

Next: Nero provincial


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Nero provincial.

Nero, AD 54-68.
Roman provincial Æ 17 mm, 6.4 g.
Pamphylia, Side, c. AD 55.
Obv: ΝЄΡ
Ν ΚΑΙϹΑΡ, laureate and draped bust, right.
Rev: ϹΙΔΗΤ, Athena advancing left, holding spear over shoulder and shield, serpent alongside her; pomegranate upper left field.
Refs: RPC I, 3401; BMC 19.152,75; Mionnet Suppl. 7, p. 66,188; Sear GIC, 608; SNG France 784.

Next: Pamphylia. 

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10 mm, 0,93 g.
Pamphylia, Aspendos. AR obol. Circa 465-430 BC.
Vase with one handle (or astragalos on globe?!); retrograde E-Σ flanking / Triskeles; shield (?); EΣ in one quadrant; all within incuse square.
Cf. SNG BN 14; cf. Waddington 2868; cf. Klein 616; cf. Traité II 1544.


Next - obol or smaller denomination

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Taras, Calabria

circa 450 BC
AR Hemilitra (7mm, 0.38g)
O: Scallop shell with 7 teeth.
R: Head of Satyra left, hair rolled.
D'Andrea IX, 124; Vlasto 1186; SNG France 1642; Cote 58; McGill II, 146; HN Italy 841
ex London Ancient Coins

Next: boar


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Boar?  I got this.  Second only to snakes in terms of animal coins I own 😁.


LESBOS, Mytilene

521-478 BCE
EL hekte, 10.5 mm, 2.6 gm

Obv:  forepart of winged boar right
Rev:  incuse head of lion left; rectangular punch behind

Ref:  Bodenstedt Em. 10; HGC 6, 935; SNG von Aulock –; Boston MFA 1678; BMC –

Next:  Something with wings that doesn't have wings in our ordinary world 😁

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39 minutes ago, TIF said:

Next:  Something with wings that doesn't have wings in our ordinary world 😁

In my ordinary world thunderbolts don't have wings, but I have yet to see an actual one to make sure 😄 


Antoninus Pius, Sestertius - Rome mint, 140/144 CE
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right
PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, winged thunderbolt, S - C in field
25.86 gr, 31 mm
Ref : Cohen #682, RCV # 4208, RIC III # 618


Next : caduceus (they are usually winged)


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Here's a caduceus.

Ruler: Macrinus (Augustus)
Coin: Silver Denarius
IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG - Laureate bust right, cuirassed
FELICITAS TEMPORVM - Felicitas standing front, head left, holding short caduceus and sceptre
Mint: Rome (217-218 AD)
Wt./Size/Axis: 3.40g / 19mm / 0h
  • RIC 62
  • RSC 19a
  • BMC 9
Acquisition: Mayor 25 Madrid 9-Oct-2010


Next - Macrinus.

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1 hour ago, akeady said:

Next - Macrinus.


Macrin (11/04/217-08/06/218) - Tetradrachme de billon de l'atelier d'Antioche, c. 217-218 AD
ΑΥT.Κ.Μ.ΟΠ.CΕ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟC CΕΒ, Buste lauré et cuirassé à droite vu par l'avant, avec pan de draperie sur l'épaule gauche
.ΔHΜΑΡX:EΞ.YΠΑ.ΤΟ:, Aigle de face les ailes déployées, la tête à droite, tenant dans son bec une couronne. Entre ses serres la cuisse d'un animal de sacrifice. Δ | Ε dans le champ, de part et d'autre de la tête de l'aigle.

12.76 gr

Ref : Prieur # 246_055, McAlee # 721 (même coin d'avers), Sear #2948, 

Next : syrophenician tetradrachm 


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5 hours ago, Qcumbor said:


Macrin (11/04/217-08/06/218) - Tetradrachme de billon de l'atelier d'Antioche, c. 217-218 AD
ΑΥT.Κ.Μ.ΟΠ.CΕ ΜΑΚΡΙΝΟC CΕΒ, Buste lauré et cuirassé à droite vu par l'avant, avec pan de draperie sur l'épaule gauche
.ΔHΜΑΡX:EΞ.YΠΑ.ΤΟ:, Aigle de face les ailes déployées, la tête à droite, tenant dans son bec une couronne. Entre ses serres la cuisse d'un animal de sacrifice. Δ | Ε dans le champ, de part et d'autre de la tête de l'aigle.

12.76 gr

Ref : Prieur # 246_055, McAlee # 721 (même coin d'avers), Sear #2948, 

Next : syrophenician tetradrachm 


Q, Excellent die engraving, strike, & condition on that gem 🤩!

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25 mm, 12,22 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Emesa. Caracalla 198-217. AR tetradrachm. 215-217.
AΥ•T K M ANTΩNEINOC CE•B•, laureate bust right / ΔΗΜΑΡX ΕΞ VΠΑΤOC TO Δ, eagle standing facing, head left, with wreath in beak; H under beak; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash left between legs.
Prieur 983.


Next - Caracalla

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Rome mint, 200 A.D.
Obv.: ANTONINVS AVGVSTVS, Draped and cuirrased bust right
Rev.: PONTIF TRP III. Sol standing facing, head left, holding globe and spear
Ag, 3.3 g, 18.5 mm
Ref.: RIC 30a


Next: innocent looking Caracalla

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CARACALLA AR Denarius. Victoria - VICT PART MAX.
Obverse: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right.
Reverse: VICT PART MAX. Victory advancing left, holding palm and wreath.
 A good example of this interesting coin, celebrating the roman victory over the Parthian empire during the reign of Septimius Severus.
RIC IV-1 144a. RSC 660. Rome mint, A.D. 204.  3,2 g - 18 mm.


NEXT: Elagabalus

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I had a great time with a writeup for this coin but can't link it right now because CT is down.  Here's the diorama from that writeup:




Next:  more Elagabalus!

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1 hour ago, TIF said:

I had a great time with a writeup for this coin but can't link it right now because CT is down.  Here's the diorama from that writeup:




Next:  more Elagabalus!

The added photos are hilarious 🤣!

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Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


NEXT: Geta

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18 mm, 3,1 g.
Geta as Augustus 209-212 AD. Rome. AR denarius.
P SEPT GETA PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / TR P III COS II P P, Janus standing facing, holding sceptre and thunderbolt.
BMC 12; RSC 197a; RIC 79.

Next - Janus

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Lampsakos, Mysia

390-330 BC
AR Trihemiobol (10mm, 1.32g)
O: Janiform female head, wearing tainia and earring.
R: Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet.
SNG France 1195; Sear 3893; BMC 15 83,43

Next: hippocamp


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I love hippocamps.  Hard to pick just one to post.  Here's my sharpest depiction of a hippocamp:

SICILY. Syracuse. Dionysius I (400-345 BC). Æ hemilitron (20mm, 8.23 gm, 3h). Sruck circa 390 BC. Head of Athena left, wearing  wreathed Corinthian helmet pushed back on head / Hippocamp to left. Calciati 35. SNG ANS 426. A splendid specimen with an incredibly sharp hippocamp. Dark green patina with earthen edges.
Formerly slabbed (NGC MS 5/5 - 4/5, Fine Style.)

Edit:  in my excitement I forgot to pick the next:  MORE HIPPOCAMPS 😄

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Just for a diversion momentarily. I don´t have any ancients with hippocamp, so here is a modern one


And a real one I found washed up on the beach. A wonderful example of the exo-skeleton


NEXT: Back to ancient hippocamps


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