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Achaemenid Empire, Artaxerxes I Longimanus / Artaxerxes II Mnemon (465-358 BC)
AR siglos (5.6 g)
obv: Persian king/hero right in kneeling position with quiver, holding a spear in his right hand and the bow with his left
rev: incuse punch

ref = SNG Copenhagen 1029 / Carradice type IIIb


next = non-Roman, non-Cleopatra female ruler!

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You didn't specify ancient!

Victoria AR Crown 1845, Young Head, edge VIII, S. 3882. Purchased from Dix Noonan Webb [now Noonans], Auction 251, 8 March 2022, Lot 413.


Next, another British AR crown.

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6+ hours 

4991263_1703964727.l.jpg.721f9c11f9030726c6fa896c706713eb.jpg.bb63b42c5d46d93cacf451fa30f844ed.jpgCILICIA, Tarsus. Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. Æ (34mm, 21.7 g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; П П across field / Fisherman (Dictys or King Polydectes?) standing right, holding long pole from which is suspended a basket over shoulder, facing Perseus standing left, holding head of Medusa and harpa. SNG France 1759-60 (same dies); SNG Levante -. Near VF, brown surfaces.

Next: mythological scene

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25 minutes ago, Ryro said:

6+ hours 

4991263_1703964727.l.jpg.721f9c11f9030726c6fa896c706713eb.jpg.bb63b42c5d46d93cacf451fa30f844ed.jpgCILICIA, Tarsus. Trajan Decius. AD 249-251. Æ (34mm, 21.7 g, 6h). Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind; П П across field / Fisherman (Dictys or King Polydectes?) standing right, holding long pole from which is suspended a basket over shoulder, facing Perseus standing left, holding head of Medusa and harpa. SNG France 1759-60 (same dies); SNG Levante -. Near VF, brown surfaces.

Next: mythological scene

What a great scene!  Putting that type of my watch list :).  Looks like they are hard to come by... as are most really cool mythological scene coins.  

Speaking of... in the past few years I have acquired not one but THREE coins depicting the abduction of Ganymede by Zeus (as an eagle)!  I keep trying to do a write up but there is just so much to say that I get bogged down and give up.  Here's one of the coins:

PHRYGIA. Cotiaeum
Pseudo-autonomous issue circa 200-250
Assarion; AE 21 mm, 4.80 gm, 7 h
Obv: ΔHMOC; Bearded head of the Demos to right, wearing taenia and slight drapery on his left shoulder
Rev: B / KOT-IA/EΩ-N; Ganymede advancing left, holding pedum in his left hand and being carried away by Zeus, behind him, in the form of an eagle.
Ref:  Martin, Kotiaion 4.1 corr. ( same dies, but B overlooked) = SNG Copenhagen 315 corr. ( same dies, but B not K). Papillon E-Auction 8 (2021), 309 corr. 

Note:  This is a rare coin.  There is one other in ACsearch and in its first auction appearance, the reverse was misdescribed as Nike and the opening bid was set at 40 EUR 🤣.  Unfortunately it didn’t go unnoticed and so I did not win.  Despite the relatively high price, whoever bought it (Nomos, I presume), cleaned up some of the deposits and flipped it for even more money.  @Phil Davis mentioned that Nomos coin in another thread on NumisForums:

I was beyond thrilled to win this second coin for a fraction of what the Leu coin fetched half a year later.  Mine has some cleaning marks and could use a good professional cleaning to remove the deposits, but it’s pretty awesome.


Oopsie, I forgot to call the next coin.  Another mythological scene, please :).

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Septimius Severus
Arkadia, Orchomenos
Diassarion (2 Assaria) Æ
Obv.: [...]CEOVHP[...], laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: [ΟΡΧΟ]ΜΕΝ[ΙΩΝ], Artemis expels Callisto: Artemis standing facing left, her head to right, holding bow (?) with her right hand and extending her left to Callisto right, who holds a bow.
AE, 23 mm, 5,50 g
Ref.: -


next: Another mythological scene

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PHOENICIA, Tyre. Elagabalus
CE 218-222
AE29, 13.4 gm
Obv: Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev: Dido building Carthage; she stands to front before the arched gate of the city, looking left, holding a rule and transverse sceptre; above the gate, a mason at work, [below, a man digging with pick]; murex shell in upper field, palm tree to right
Ref: Rouvier 2375; BMC 409; AUB 245; Price & Trell 748

Next: more mythology :)

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CILICIA. Tarsus. Caracalla, 198-217. 18,78 gr - 33,88 mm, 211-217. AYT KAI M AYP CЄYHPOC ANTΩNЄINOC CЄB ✱ / Π - Π Laureate head of Caracalla to left. Rev. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΝΗC CЄYΗ ΑΔΡ ΜΗΤ / TAPCOV / Δ / Ε Κ Herakles standing left, with lion's skin draped over his left arm and raising club far over his right shoulder, about to strike the Lernaean Hydra. Fine RARE

Next: more mythology, bonus points is it's involving Herakles

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24 minutes ago, TIF said:

Speaking of... in the past few years I have acquired not one but THREE coins depicting the abduction of Ganymede by Zeus (as an eagle)!  I keep trying to do a write up but there is just so much to say that I get bogged down and give up. 

Well, now I can't wait to read it. I've been hunting for a Zeus stealing Ganymede for a while now. 

Ryro writing tip: just write down whatever silliness comes to mind. That's what I do. Oh, and if you want it to be good then go back and edit, edit, edit. That's what I should do. 

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16 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: more mythology, bonus points is it's involving Herakles


Gordien III (29/07/238-25/02/244) - Bronze (22mm) - Seleucia ad Calycadnus, ca 238-244 CE
ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟϹ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒΑϹ,   Buste radié, drapé et cuirassé à droite, vu par l'avant. Une contremarque sur le cou.
ϹƐΛƐΥΚƐΩΝ ΤΩ ΠΡΟϹ ΤΩ ΠΡΟ, Europe assise en amazone sur un taureau bondissant à droite, tenant un voile au dessus de sa tête. Entre les pattes du taureau, un dauphin allant a droite
22 mm - 5,51 gr, 
Ref : RPC vol VII.2 # 2930, SNG France -, SNG von Aulock # 5843
Provenance : Naville auction # 74/2022 "From the collection of a Mentor".


Next : follow up with a mythological scene


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The myth of Heracles being slave of Omphale, Lydian queen, changing clothes with her. The coins depicts Omphale  holding lion's skin and club across shoulder.  It didn't show Heracles running around in her dress, but there are frescos.



Lydia, Maionia
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Time of Antoninus Pius, 138-161
Obv.: bearded head of Herakles left
Rev.: MAIONΩN , Omphale advancing right, holding lion's skin and club across shoulder
Ae, 4.28g, 19mm
Ref.: SNG von Aulock 3011var., GRPC Vol. 3 Maionia 44


Next: more mythological scenes

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A Roman Republican of Hercules. Based on the 4th labour of Herakles

M. VOLTEIUS M.F. Denarius (78 BC). Rome.Head of young Hercules right, wearing lion skin / Erymanthian Boar right, M VOLTEI M F in exergue.
Volteia 2 Sear5 #313, Syd 775, Cr385/2.
( 3.48 g. 17.8 mm ).


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Roman Republic, Anonymous 
Rome, 115-114 BCE
AR denarius, 20 mm, 3.91 g, 10 h
Obv: Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind, ROMA below
Rev: Roma, helmeted, seated on two shields, holding spear before her, she-wolf standing right at her feet, head turned back, sucking Romulus and Remus. In left and right fields, two birds flying towards her.
Ref: Crawford 287/1


Next:  more mythology

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This coin depicts baby Krishna dancing on the head of Kaliya, the demon snake. The story goes as a giant snake once terrified the people who went near the river Yamuna. Krishna as the human incarnation of Vishnu, was playing with his friends on the banks of the river, and when their ball flew into the river he went to retrieve it, but Kaliya started to constrict him and tried to swallow the child Krishna as a whole. But Krishna started to grow in its mouth, opened the jaws and got on to the snake's head, and started dancing, each step squeezed out the venom and in the end, he not only devenomized Kaliya but also showed him mercy after the snake repented.

Madurai Nayakas, 2.50 grams, unidentified Tamil legends on the reverse within an incuse. circa 1500s.

Next- India 

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Western Kshatrapas
Vijayasena as mahakshatrapa, silver drachm
240-250 CE
Obv.: Head of king right, date behind head: out of flan
Rev.: Chaitya (3-arched hill), river below, crescent moon and sun above, Brahmi legend around “rajno mahakshatrapasa damasenasaputrasa rajno mahakshatrapasa vijayasenasa”


Next: more ancient india

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Severus Alexander
Mysia, Parium
Obv.: IMP CAEƧ L ƧEP ƧE ALEXANDER, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev.: DEO AEƧ VB (Deo Aesculapius subvenienti - to Aesculapius, the god who helps), Asclepius seated right, holding raised foreleg of bull standing left, C G H I P (Colonia Gemella Iulia Hadriana Pariana) in exergue.
Æ, 19mm, 5.27g
Ref.: SNG Cop - , BMC - , SNG BN - , SNG von Aulock -, ISEGRIM-, RPC VI temp 3871


Next: Asclepius

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20,5 mm, 5,23 g.
Phrygia, Docimeum. Pseudo-autonomous. Æ. Time of the Antonines 138-193.
ΔΟΚΙΜΟС, laureate head of Dokimos right / ΔΟΚΙΜƐΩΝ, Asklepios standing facing, head l., holding serpent-staff.
RPC IV.2 online 8136 (temporary); SNG Copenhagen 354; BMC 7-9.

Next - Phrygia

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Heiropolis, Phrygia

2nd-3rd century BC
AE Assarion (19mm, 3.92g)
O: Bust of Hekate/Selene right on cresent.
R: Winged Nemesis standing facing with head left, holding bridle and plucking chiton from breast; IEPAΠOΛITΩN.
SNG Cop 419-20; BMC 19
ex GB Collection

"O Selene, driver of the silver car! If thou art Hekate of many names, if in the night thou doest shake thy mystic torch in brandcarrying hand, come nightwanderer."
~ Apulius

Next: Sicily


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State, City: Sicily, Entella
Coin: Silver Tetradrachm
- Wreathed head of Arethousa left; four dolphins around
- Head of horse left; palm tree to right, [‘]MMḤNT (in Punic) below
Mint: Entella (ca. 320/15-300 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 16.78g / 26mm / 11h
  • Jenkins, Punic, Series 3a
  • CNP 267
  • HGC 2, 284
  • Ex. CGB Live Auction June 2021, lot 19
Acquisition: CNG Online auction Triton XXV Session V #5015 25-Jan-2022


Next - horse or part thereof

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SICILY, Entella. Punic issues
c. 300-289 BCE; AR tetradrachm, 24 mm, 16.8 gm, 12h)
Obv: head of Melquart-Herakles right, wearing lion skin
Rev: head of horse left; astragalos (cut over poppy) to left, palm tree to right, Punic MHSBM (approximate meaning is "quaestors" or financial controllers) below
Ref: Jenkins, Punic 366 (O115/R298), series 5b
Ex Gorny & Mosch 138 (7 March 2005), lot 33

Next: astragalos

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Septimius Severus
Lydia, Hypaipa
AE 17
Obv.: L CEΠ CЄΟΥΗΡΟC Π, laureate bust right
Rev.: VΠAIΠH/NΩN, two children (girl and boy?) playing with Astragaloi (knucklebones of a sheep), Artemis Anaitis behind
AE, 17 mm, 3.1 g
Ref.: BMC –, I.B. -, Lyd. –, SNG Cop –, Aulock –, SNG München –, Winterthur –, unpublished ?


Next: Artemis Anaitis

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26 mm, 11,75 g.
Lydia, Tralleis. Magistrate Time. Cistophoric AR tetradrachm. Circa 133 BC.
Cista mystica with serpent, within ivy wreath / TΡAΛ to left of bowcase between two coiled serpents, TIME above, cult image of Artemis Anaitis standing front in right field.
BMC 31-32; SNG von Aulock 8287; SNG Cop 661; Paris 2700-2701; SNG Leipzig 1269; Mionnet IV, 1026; Pinder 160; Whittall sale 1325b; GRPC Lydia S470.

Next - a coin showing a magistrate's name. 

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