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Macedonian Kingdom, Reign of Perseus

171-170 BC
AR Drachm (15mm, 2.81g)
Uncertain mint in Thessaly
Hermios magistrate.
O: Head of Helios facing 3/4 right, hair loose.
R: Rose with bud on right; I-Ω to either side of stem, EPMIAΣ (magistrate) above.
Price, Larissa p. 241; SNG Keckman 795; Sear 5092
ex Jack H. Beymer

Next: engravers signature 


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Medal by Pierre-Alexandre Morlon
(Morlon created also the french circulating coins)

Obv: UNION FEDERALE DES SOCIETES DE TIR AUX ARMES DE CHASSE, Artemis/Diana Standing right, holding bow, dog behind, signed MORLON
1951, 2E Prix,
(original design 1931)


Next: coin or medal depicting an ancient god or godess in modern style

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Europa is a popular character in Greek mythology. She was a Phoenician princess the Cretans considered a moon goddess. Here, Zeus in the form of a bull, is abducting her


NEXT: Mythology on a modern item

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Perfect timing! I ordered this little doozy last night:


FRANCE LOUIS XIV LE GRAND ou LE ROI SOLEIL 1675 (24,5mm, 5,49g, 6h) VF

Catalog: F.12667

LOUIS XIV LE GRAND ou LE ROI SOLEIL 1675 R1 red copper

Obverse : LVD. XIIII. D. G. FR. ET. NAV. REX Buste à droite de Louis XIV

Reverse : VNVS. TERGEMINVM. 1675. Hercule debout à gauche assomant Géryon placé à droite

next: opponents fighting to the death

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Pisidia Etenna
AE14 100 BC.
Obv.: two men fighting with curved knives
Rev.: ET-EN, Nymph advancing right with snake
AE, 1.91g, c. 13.9mm
Ref.: SNG BN 1532-1533, SNG Cop 149-150


Next: holding snake

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Holding a snake (I think she's kissing the snake 😮)


1st century BCE
AE chalkous, 14 mm, 2.1 gm
Obv: Nymph advancing right, head left, holding coiled serpent in both hands; to left, oinochoe
Rev: ET-EN Curved knife
Ref: SNG Copenhagen 147. SNG Paris 1534-6

Next:  nymph

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Here's a cool coin with BCD's tag and a clipping of the auction listing.  This coin has a marvelous story and provenance but I'll let @AnYangMan tell it, if he hasn't already.  This coin is now in AnYangMan's collection and he traded me an even better example AND several LRBs with super cool old collector's holders and inscriptions.

400-350 BC

AR obol, 11 mm, 0.84 gm
Obv: forepart of butting bull left
Rev: large Φ surrounded by four pellets
Ref: SNG Copenhagen 8-9
from Triskeles Auctions, Oct. 2013
ex BCD Collection, not in previous BCD sales.
Handwritten round tag and auction clipping indicates that BCD acquired this coin from Sotheby's, 26-27 May 1976, lot 88, for £55 + 10% VAT


Next:  another coin with collector's tag and/or interesting auction ephemera

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Sestertius, Rom
Obv.: ...MODVS AN...., Laureate head of Commodus right;
Rev.: ....., Minerva advancing right brandishing javelin and holding shield.
AE, 20.96g, 28mm
Ref.: possibly RIC III 410
Ex collection Gevers Deynoot
Ex coin gallery Leiden, inventoried 20. August 1877


Next: passed through thousands of hands

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Roman Republic. Anonymous. After 211 BC. Æ Triens (26mm, 12.53g, 3h). Uncertain mint. Obv: Helmeted head of Minerva right; four pellets (mark of value) above. Rev: ROMA: Prow of galley right; four pellets (mark of value) below. Ref: Crawford 56/4; Sydenham 143b; McCabe Group G2 (Essays Russo, 2013) pp. 166-169. Fine, pleasant chocolate brown patina. Ex-RBW. Ex Amphora, March 2017.


Next: Worn but beautiful.

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I love big worn bronzes!  

Here's a nice comfy coin:
SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Gabala. Commodus
dated CY 233 (186/7 CE)
Æ 23mm, 7.28 g, 12h
Obv: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust left
Rev: Owl standing on globe right, facing sphinx, wearing calathus and seated left on plinth
Ref: RPC IV.3 Online 5788
Ex Judy Day Frink Collection 


Next:  same (worn but beautiful)

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This coin is certainly worn, but I, at least, think it's still beautiful:

Hadrian, AE Drachm, Year 18 (133/134 AD), Alexandria, Egypt Mint. Obv. Laureate head right wearing cloak (paladumentum) and cuirass, seen from behind, AVT KAIC TPAIAN - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ / Rev. Sphinx with female human head and body of lioness, seated left, crowned with kalathos, wearing long drop earrings, wings curled upwards, tail erect, right forepaw resting on wheel, LI - H (Year 18) across fields. RPC III Online 5915 (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/5915 ), Emmett 1053.18, Milne 1427 at p. 34, BMC 16 Alexandria 848 at p. 99, K&G 32.603 (ill. p. 145), Dattari (Savio) 1996, Köln (Geissen) 1134 (same obverse die). Ex Economopoulos Numismatics, Holicong PA, Oct. 2021 (Nick Economopoulos, formerly of Pegasi Numismatics); ex CNG (Classical Numismatic Group), Mail Bid Sale 58, Lot 976, Sep. 19, 2001 (ill. at Catalog  p. 108). 33 mm., 26.23 g.


Next: sphinx.

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1 hour ago, DonnaML said:

Next: sphinx.


Castulo, Spain, AE As - 2nd century BC
Virile head right, a hand before
Sphinx walking right. Iberian for KASTILO at exergue
15.9 gr
Ref : Sear GIC #15, Catalogue 38 and 39 CNH (CORPVS NVMMUM HISPANIAE, L. Villaronga)

Next : Spain


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1st Century BC, Spain

AUGUSTUS. Æ. As. (Caesaraugusta, Zaragoza, Spain) 25-11 BC
Magistrates: Gnaeus Domitius Ampianus, Gaius Vettius Lancianus
Obverse: IMP. AVGVSTVS. TRIB. POTS. XX., laureate head of Augustus to the right.
Reverse: CAES. AVGVS (clockwise from 10-1). CN. DOM. AMP. C. VET. LANC (anti clockwise from 8-2). Priest ploughing with pair of oxen to the right. Below II (with horizontal line above) VIR. (*)
RPC volume I, #320
Leaded bronze,12.85g. 31mm. Reference: Vives 148–10, GMI 328, Beltrán 16, NAH 982, AB. 327.


NEXT: More 1st century (BC or AD) Roman Spain

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Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD). AR Denarius. Uncertain Spanish mint (Colonia Patricia?), c. 19 BC. Obv. Oak-wreathed head right. Rev. Shield. RIC I (2nd ed.) 36a. AR. 2.80 g. 20.00 mm. RRR. Broken and repaired, otherwise. VF. Purchased from Artemide Kunstauktionen Feb 2022

Next: shield

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Taras, Calabria

276-272 BC (Period VII - The Pyrrhic Hegemony)
AR Didrachm (20mm, 6.44g)
Apollo(...) magistrate.
O: Helmeted warrior on horse cantering left, carrying two javelins and a large round shield decorated with eight-rayed star; ΞΩ behind, [AΠOΛΛΩ] (magistrate) below.
R: Taras (of the plump Dionysiac type) astride dolphin left, holding bunch of grapes in extended right hand, distaff over left shoulder; ANΘ to right, TAPAΣ below.
D'Andrea XLII, 1203; Vlasto 789-91; Evans VII, F2 or F6; Cote 413; SNG France 1920; McGill II, 84; HGC I, 887; SNG ANS 1131-1133; HN Italy 1013
ex Numisantique

The helmeted warrior shown here behind a large shield is a definite departure from the typical image found on this coinage. The earlier naked skirmishers have been replaced by the fully armored cavalryman presented here. This was of course a gradual process, but the evolution becomes more apparent on later issues where the rider is clearly depicted wearing a cuirass.
This plump rendition of Taras also differs greatly from previous images and is actually meant to represent a young Iacchus, the son of Dionysus and Persephone. Similar images can be found on kraters and terracotta votives found in the region. The attributes of Dionysus which he carries show the foreign influence of the chthonic cult of Dionysus upon the city of Taras. This relatively new mystery cult was introduced along side the earlier ouranic cults of Poseidon and Apollo, and the inclusion of Iacchus here represents a distinct link to the Mysteries of Eleusis.
The distaff, in this context, is probably a reference to Ariadne, a wife of Dionysus, but its’ phallic nature also symbolizes the god of ecstasy Himself.

Next: some representation of wine...


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This one handled vessel probably contained wine, lol

Kyme, Aeolis. AE17. 320-250 BC. Magistrate Pedieus. 4.68 g.

KY ΠEΔIEYOΣ, forepart of horse right.
One-handled cup, HAP monogram to left.

Unpublished monogram for this magistrate. Emporium Hamburg 91, 95. Paris Inventory 1945.


NEXT: More wine related

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Maroneia, Thrace

400-350 BC
AE14 (13mm, 3.77g)
O: Horse prancing right; NK monogram below.
R: ΜΑΡ−ΩΝΙ−ΤΩΝ around linear square, vine with four bunches of grapes within; YE below.
SNG Cop 632; Sear 1636; BMC Thrace 129,66
ex Forvm Auctions

"The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken."
~ Homer (The Odyssey)

Next: drink on


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Roman Republic, the Pompeians
L. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Marcellus

Military mint in the East (Apollonia and Asia), 49 BC
AR denarius, 19 mm, 3.8 gm
Obv: Triskeles, with winged head of Medusa facing at center; stalk of grain between each leg
Rev: Jupiter standing facing, head right, holding thunderbolt in right hand and eagle on left; LE(NT) (MAR) upward to left, COS upward to right
Ref: Crawford 445/1b; Sydenham 1029a

Next:  Medusa

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Posted (edited)

Pardon the faux paw, as it doesn't explicitly say Medusa. I feel it has her brother, Pegasus, on the reverse, and is more than likely supposed to be her specifically and not one of her 2 sisters. 


Alexander I Balas, 152-145 BC. Ae (bronze, 2.13 g, 13 mm), Antioch. Aegis with gorgoneion. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ - AΛEΞANΔPOY Pegasos leaping right. SC 1792. Nearly very fine.

Next: brother and sister on coin

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