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Faustina II
Mule, Probably fouree denarius 
Obv.: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA (all round legend) , bust right
Rev.: …..COS III, uncertain goddess standing left, holding sceptre
AR, 2.53g, 16.5mm
Ref.: -
Note: surface cracks 


Next: another fouree

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Orbiana fourrée.

Orbiana, 225-227 CE.
Roman fourrée denarius, 2.45 gm, 18.7 mm.
Unknown forger's workshop, after 232 CE.
Obv: SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG, diademed and draped bust, r.
Rev: FECVND AVGVSTAE, Fecunditas seated l., reaching out to child.
Ref: Reverse of a denarius of Julia Mamaea, RIC 332, issued in 232 CE.

Next: Empress exiled or executed by her husband.

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Posthumous Coinage of Augustus

Julia Daughter of Augustus by his first wife Scribonia. Born 39 BC, she was the wife of Marcellus, Agrippa and Tiberius, respectively. Banished by her father to the island of Pandataria in 2 BC, she remained there 5 years and then was allowed to reside in Rhegium, where she died in 14 AD.

Livia and Julia under Augustus. Bronze 10-2 BC, Pergamum/Mysia. LIBIAN HPAN XAPINOS Draped bust of Livia (as Hera) to r. Rev.( IO)YLIAN (AFP)ODIT(HN) Draped bust of Julia (as Venus) to r 18 mm,. 3,79 g. BMC 248. RPC 2359. Vagi 370. rare

Next: Mysia

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For me this was a top priority 


19 mm, 2,60 g.
Trajan 98-117 AD. AR denarius. Rome. 112-114.
IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, bust of Trajan, laureate, draped, right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Column of Trajan surmounted with a statue of Trajan; two eagles at base and a wreath with spirals and dots on column.
RIC II Trajan 292; RSC 558.

Next - same theme, a very important coin for you and you managed to add it in your collection 

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This denarius completed my set of the first coins issued for Faustina the Elder, minted before Antoninus Pius received the title of Pater Patriae. I had been working on this set for several years. 


Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.39 g, 18.5 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 11 July 138-28 February 139 CE.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVG ANTONINI AVG, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: VESTA, Vesta seated left, holding palladium and scepter.
Refs: RIC 334c; BMCRE 37; Cohen 285; Strack 393; RCV 467; CRE 149.
Note: Double die match to British Museum and Gemini Auction specimens. 

Next: Coin from a ruler's first issue. 

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Victorinus 269 - 271 antoninianus, Trier ("Mint I"), first emission, struck 269
Obverse: IMP C M PIAVVONIVS VICTORINVS P F AVG bust of Marius, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Reverse: PAX AVG Pax standing left, holding branch and sceptre

Cunetio 2513, AGK 12a (rated R3)

Very rare first emission with the full name of Victorinus and bust of Marius. AGK rates this type as R3 (8 specimens listed)

Next: coin from ruler's last issue


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Much of Chinese history had emperors issuing a single coin type in their name with many calligraphic varieties which could date them to early/later periods of their reign. The Northern Song Dynasty, however, had emperors issuing a handful of different coin inscriptions for different 'eras' of their reign. This emperor, Renzong, for example, issued six reign titles: Tian Sheng (1023-1031 AD), Ming Dao (1032-1033 AD), Jing You (1034-1038 AD), Huang Song (1039-1054 AD), Zhi He (1054-1055 AD), and Jia You (1056-1063 AD). There are a few other rarer iron titles, but these six are the main bronze issues of Renzong. Some other dynasties did this method too so it is not exclusive to the Northern Song.

This coin is from the last era of Renzong, the Jia You 嘉祐 era which means "Praised Protection", 1056–1063.


Northern Song Dynasty of China
Emperor Renzong
1056 to 1063 AD
AE Cash
O: Jia You Tong Bao, with gooseneck Tong variety
R: Blank
Weight: 3.6 grams
Size: 24.4mm - 1.1mm
cf. Hartill #16.153, posted to Zeno.ru 330741

Next: a holed coin OR an 11th century coin

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I think my seal script Ming Dao is my favorite calligraphy cash, but that's a tough one.


Northern Song Dynasty of China
Emperor Renzong
1032 to 1033 AD
AE Cash
O: Ming Dao Yuan Bao in seal script
R: Blank
Weight: 3.2 grams
Size: 25.1mm - 1.0mm
Ex. Andi from Palembang
Hartill #16.82, posted to Zeno.ru 332776

Next: nice calligraphy or other interesting inscription

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This coin was not bought for calligraphy, but for the curious obverse, but the reverse is also nice. Too bad I was not able to find an exact translation although I think the full ID is correct 


22 mm, 2,91 g.
Seljuq of Rum. Ghiyath al-Din Kay Khusraw II 1236-1245. AR dirham. Siwas mint. AH 639 = 1241 AD.
Lion advancing right, three stars around, above, personification of sun above / Arabic legend.
Album 1218.

Next -  sun 

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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Next -  sun 


Dombes, 1641 - Gaston d'Orleans (1627-1650), Jeton, laiton

Atelier de Trévoux
(Rose) GASTON . DE . FRANCE (croix de l'Ordre de St Esprit) FRERE . VNIQVE . DV . ROY. Ecu d'Orléans couronné entouré des colliers des ordres du roi
FRATERNA . LVCE . REFVLGET . Le Soleil au-dessus des nuages à droite, éclairant le croissant de la lune ; au-dessous, des nuages et des montagnes. A l'exergue . 1641 . 
Laiton 6,36 gr,- 27 mm
Ref : Feuardent # 10852a, Sirand cf p. 64

Next : 17th century 


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Trier isn't Bavaria, to be sure, but it's south of Germany's midline. 

Maximian, 1st Reign, 286-305 CE.
Roman billon follis, 10.96 g, 27.2 mm, 12 h.
Trier, 298-99 CE.
Obv: IMP MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, laureate head, right.
Rev: GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius, wearing modius, nude but for chlamys draped over left shoulder, standing left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; A/*//TR.
Refs: RIC vi, p. 186, 277b.
Notes: Typically, the reverse legend is broken GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI.

Next: Genius. 

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1782052_1616695661.l.jpg.c8e45597f43b7449fb16a0aabd8459a3.jpg.60abfde3f81ac01fbcb24364c8fe26bd.jpgFonteius. Mn. Fonteius C.F. Denarius. 85 BC. Auxiliary mint of Rome. (Ffc-717). (Craw-353/1a). (Cal-589). Anv.: Laureate head of Vejovis right, mongram (of ROMA?), below chin, thunderbolt below head. MN. FONTEI. C.F. (MN y NTE interlace), behind. Rev.: Infant winged Genius seated on goat right, caps of the Dioscuri above, thyrsus below, all within laurel-wreath. Ag. 3,68 g. Centered struck. Almost VF. Purchased from Tauler & Fau 4/2021


The moneyer is perhaps the brother of the moneyer M. Fonteius (see Crawford 347) and not inconceivably the tribune featured on the reverse of Crawford 429/1 (see the coin of P. Fonteius P.f. Capito below).The reverse recalls that the god Jupiter was suckled by the she-goat Amaltheia on Mt. Ida during his infancy, and depicts a statue that was within the Temple of Vejovis in Rome

Next: Thunderbolt

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14 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: Thunderbolt


Antoninus Pius, Sestertius - Rome mint, 140/144 CE
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P COS III, laureate head right
PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, winged thunderbolt, S - C in field
25.86 gr, 31 mm
Ref : Cohen #682, RCV # 4208, RIC III # 618

Next : Providentia


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share6658015938215512636(1).png.6d41d629b402e026be6e499c0b5342ad.png.66fdba9d54c37f9e1e617923ad2b29f5.pngMarcus Aurelius

(161-180 AD). AE Sestertius (32,4 mm, 23.08 g), Rome, 165/166 AD.

Obv. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS P M, Laureate head to right.

Rev. TR POT XX IMP III COS III / S-C, Providentia standing left, pointing with wand at globe and holding scepter.

BMC 1279; RIC 923

Next: Marcus Aurelius 

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4 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: Marcus Aurelius 


Marcus Aurelius, Antoninianus - Rome mint, 250/251 CE
DIVO MARCO ANTONINO, Radiate head of Macus Aurelius right
CONSECRATIO, Eagle facing, wings open
3.34 gr
Ref : RIC IV # 91b, RCV # 9477, Cohen # 1057


Next :  Consecration coin


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18 mm, 3,59 g.
Diva Mariniana. Died before 253 AD. AR Antoninianus. Rome. Struck 256-257 AD.
DIVAE MARINIANAE, veiled, diademed and draped bust right, set on crescent / CONSECRATIO, peacock, with tail in splendor, standing facing, head to left.
RIC 3; RSC 2.

Next - Roman lady, 3rd centiry 

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Valerian II, son of Gallienus and Salonina, 256-258AD, as Caesar, fourree antoninianus

Obverse: VALERIANVS CAES, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Reverse: IOVI CRESCENTI, Jupiter as a child riding goat right


Next: your best goat coin

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Not difficult to choose my best goat coin as I only have one

AR denarius (3,87 g. 17 mm.). Rome, 138 B.C. C Renius
Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet and 5 drop earring; behind, X designating value/
C•RENI below, ROMA in exergue, Juno Caprotina, holding crook, reins and scepter, driving biga of goats right.
Crawford 231/1; Sydenham 432; Renia 1.


NEXT: More goats

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OK - here's a goat:

State, City: Cilicia, Kelenderis
Coin: Silver Stater
A - Nude youth, holding whip, dismounting from horse rearing left
ΚΕΛΕΝ / A - Goat kneeling left, head right
Mint: (ca. 430-420 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 10.64g / 20mm / 2h
  • SNG Von Aulock 5618
  • Casabonne Type 2
  • Ex. Euclidean Collection
  • Ex. Roma Numismatics E-Sale 79, lot 336
Acquisition/Sale: The Coin Cabinet Online auction Ancients Auction 10 #80 30-May-2024


Next - horseman

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PHRYGIA, Kibyra.


Circa 166-84 BC. AR Drachm (15mm, 2.65 g, 11h). Helmeted head of male (Kibyras?) right / Horseman, holding couched spear and palm, riding right; O below. HGC 7, 706; SNG Ashmolean 996 var. (O below). VF

Next: a beautiful coin that's unfortunately off flan

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