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Roman Republic. C. Egnatuleius C.f. 97 BC. AR Quinarius (16mm, 1.74g, 12h). Rome mint. Obv: Laureate head of Apollo; C•EGNATVLEI•C•F• downwards; Q (mark of value) below. Rev: Victory standing left, inscribing shield attached to trophy; Q between; ROMA in exergue. Ref: Crawford 333/1; King 36; Sydenham 588; Egnatuleia 1; RBW 1193.


Next: Apollo

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Gordian III, AD 238-244.
Roman Æ Sestertius, 20.01 gm, 28.2 mm, 11 h.
Rome, 5th officina. 9th emission, AD 241.
Obv: IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: PM TRP IIII COS II PP SC, Apollo seated left, holding laurel branch and resting left arm on lyre.
Refs: RIC 302; Cohen 252; Sear --; Banti 72.

Next: third century sestertius.

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Severus Alexander / Jupiter

222-231 AD
AE Sestertius (27mm, 19.30g)
O: Laureate head right, slight drapery over left shoulder; IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG.
R: Jupiter standing left, holding lightning bolt and sceptre, Alexander at his feet; IOVI CONSERVATORI, S-C.
RIC 558 / Cohen 74 / BMC 692 / Sear 2246

Next: usurper




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49 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

Next: Britannic Empire


Carausius, Antoninianus - Colchester mint ?
IMP CARAVSIVS P F AVG, radiate bust right
MONITA (sic) AVG, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopia
3,64 gr
Ref : RCV # 13629v, Cohen # 178 var, RIC, cf #867


Next : spelling error


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ΚƐϹΑΡΑ instead of KAICAP


Maximus Caesar
Kilikia, Coropissus
Obv.: Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΝ ΚƐϹΑΡΑ (sic), radiate and draped bust of Maximus, r.
Rev.: ΚΟΡΟΠΙϹϹƐΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΚΗΤΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛƐΩϹ, front view of distyle temple, within which turreted Tyche of the City seated on rock, l., in pediment, wreath
AE, 11.99g, 28 mm.
Ref.: RPC VI, 6926 (temporary), SNG France 773, Levante 591


Next: another spelling fault on a roman provincial or greek coin

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25 mm, 5,26 g.
Troas, Alexandreia. Severus Alexander 222-235. Ӕ.
M AV S ALEXANDRV (sic), laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, r. / COL ALEX AVG TROA, Apollo nude standing, l., placing foot on pedestal, holding laurel branch.
RPC VI, 4031 (temporary); Bellinger A334.


Next - 3rd century provincial 


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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - 3rd century provincial 


Plautilla, Bronze - Pautalia, Thrace
PHOYL TTLAVTILLA CEBA, diademed and draped bust right
12,4 gr
Ref : Ruzicka, Pautalia # 771a, G&M #134/1849, same obverse die


Next : something Pautalia


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Septimius Severus (193-211 AD). AE Tetrassarion (29 mm, 12.66 g). Thrace, Pautalia. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Λ CΕΠ CΕΥΗΡΟC Π, Laureate head to right. Rev. ΟΥΛΠΙΑC ΠΑΥ/ΤΑΛΙΑC, Aesculapius riding winged serpent right, holding serpent-entwined staff. Ruzicka 345; Varbanov 4687. Green patina. Fine to very fine. From the François Righetti Collection. Purchased from Auctiones GmbH Sept 2021

next: mythical creature

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It's been > 6 hours, and I have no late 3rd century anonymous denarii. 

Instead, here's a fairly early example of a denarius with a different kind of symbol or monogram, reflecting the re-tariffing of the denomination from 10 to 16 asses ca. 141 BCE.

Roman Republic, Q. Marcius Philippus, AR denarius Rome 129 BC. Obv. Head of Roma right with winged helmet; behind, large * [X with bar through it = XVI monogram] / Rev. Horseman galloping right, wearing Greek armor and high-crested helmet, holding reins in left hand and lance in right; behind, Macedonian helmet with goat horns; below, Q • PILIPVS; in exergue, ROMA. Crawford 259/1; RSC I [Babelon] Marcia 11; BMCRR Vol. I 1143; Sydenham 477. 17 x 19 mm., 3.86 g. Purchased from Künker Auction 377, 20 Oct. 2022, Lot 5524, ex The Mark & Lottie Salton Collection (with old collector’s envelope).*


*“The moneyer is doubtless the grandson of Q. Marcius Philippus, Cos. 186 and 169.” See Crawford Vol. I at p. 285. See also BMCRR Vol. I at p. 175 fn. 1, pointing out that Q. Marcius Philippus was sent as an ambassador to the Macedonian king Philip V in 183 BCE, and campaigned in Macedonia against Philip’s son Perseus in 169 BCE.

Crawford continues his discussion of this type at p. 285: “The helmet with goat’s horns on the reverse seems to be the distinctive headdress of a Macedonian king . . . . It doubtless alludes, by way of the Macedonian monarch who made the deepest impression on the Roman mind, Philip V, to the moneyer’s cognomen, Philippus. The origin of this is of course unknown and unconnected with the Macedonian royal house. But this allusion is entirely intelligible . . . ; the moneyer may have thought of it because of his family’s friendship with Philip V. The horseman on the reverse, whose helmet is completely different from the helmet with goat horns, is perhaps more likely to be divine than human; he resembles one of the Dioscuri and it is just worth recalling that this issue is contemporary with the plebiscitum reddendorum equorum, by which Senators were forbidden to retain the equus publicus . . . , and that the Dioscuri were the patrons of the Equites.”

Next, a choice, to make things easier. Because this is the worst time of day to get a response within 6 hours, either from North America or Europe! So: another Roman Republican coin, either with some kind of Macedonian-related symbology, or issued by a moneyer belonging to the gens Marcia.

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Lucius Postumius Albinus Denarius, 131BC
Rome. Silver, 18mm, 3.57g. Helmeted head of Roma right, apex behind, mark of value below chin. Mars driving galloping quadriga right, holding trophy, shield, and spear; L POST ALB/ROMA (RRC/Crawford 252/1). Found near Lavenham, Suffolk, in 2018. Portable Antiquities Scheme: SF-C5FD5D.

Next: East Anglia.

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Perhaps too obscure.

Ecen Unit, 35-43
Iceni Tribe, East Anglia. Silver, 16mm, 1.13g. Two outline crescents back to back; two pellets between crescents; crescents between two parallel lines; lines and rows of pellets extend perpendicularly from the two lines. Horse right with outline head, daisy above horse, pellets below horse and under the tail, ECEN below (ABC 1657).

Next: crescents

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Here are a pair, the first a Vlasto plate coin, the second the last coin i purchased...

Taras, Calabria

302-228 BC
AR Hemiobol (8mm, 0.25g)
O: Scallop shell with seven teeth, within linear border.
R: Two crescents back to back, with two pellets above and below.
Vlasto 1791 (this coin); SNG France 2258-60; Cote 181; HN Italy 926
Very scarce

Next: left facing portrait 



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Aegis with snakes: quite dangerous and fancy


Asia Minor, Phrygia
Pseudo-autonomous issue
Time of Hadrian, AD 117-138
Obv: Helmeted bust of Athena right, wearing aegis.
Rev: ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Facing statue of Artemis Ephesia
AE, 16mm, 3.11g
Ref.: RPC III 2479; Lindgren I 1049.


Next: fancy hairstyle


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2 hours ago, shanxi said:

Next: fancy hairstyle


ANCIENT GREECE. BITHYNYA. Nicomedes IV. Tetradrachm (c. 92-74 BC). A/ Diademed head to right. R/ Zeus left with crown and sceptre, before eagle on beam of rays, in field monogram and date GKS; BASILEWS/EPIFANOUS/NIKOMHDOU. AR 14.35g 29.8mm 650 see SBG-7276 vte. 

Next: fancy animal

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Pretty fancy haistyle

Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 361, RSC 101a, BMC 417, SEAR 4583. DIVA FAVSTINA, with elaborate hairstyle and draped bust right / AVGV-STA, Ceres standing left, long hair tied behind, raising right hand & holding long torch with left.
Rome mint, A.D. 141.  3,0 g - 15 mm

NEXT: Denarius with Empress


pM9Ga3PtcD2ZbDx8J42ozRM75wgC5L - Copy.jpg

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Since I saw a reddit post today showing a very bad Orbiana fake, here is one her coins that's not very special, but is at least genuine


17 mm, 2,68 g.
Orbiana. Augusta 225-227. AR denarius. Rome. 227 AD.
SALL BARBIA ORBIANA AVG, bust of Orbiana, diademed, draped, right / CONCORDIA AVGG, Concordia, draped, seated left, holding patera in right hand and double cornucopiae in left hand.
RIC IV Severus Alexander 319; BMC 287-290; RSC 1.

Next - a denarius of her husband

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