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Severus Alexander

Roman Provincial Coins
CILICIA. Seleucia ad Calycadnum. Severus Alexander (222-235). Ae.
Obv: ΑV Κ Μ ΑVΡ СЄΟVΗΡ ΑΛЄΞΑ, with remaining part of legend ΝΔΡΟС right field inside legend.
Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: СЄΛЄVΚЄΩΝ ΚΑΛVΚΑΔΝ, with remaining Ω of legend in upper right field.
Tyche, holding branch, seated left on rocks between two columns; river god Calycadnum to lower left.
RPC VI online 7034.
Weight: 13.99 g. Diameter: 29 mm.
Plate coin: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/search/browse?q=Severus Alexander&page=109
 (AC Search) ex Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann). Auction 79, Lot# 439, 07/07/2019. Purchased from Marti Classical Numismatics, Spain, 2023


NEXT: River God

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My request was a Severus Alexander denarius. 

But to combine the river god with a denarius, here is one


19,7 mm, 3.16g.
Trajan 98-117. AR denarius. Rome. 103-111.
IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust right, drapery on far shoulder / COS V P P SPQR OPTIMO PRINC, river god Danube reclining left on rocks, head right, holding prow and resting elbow upon overturned urn from which liquid flows; billowing cloak above, DANVVIVS in exergue.
RIC 100; BMCRE 395; RSC 136; Woytek 277b.


Next - I would still like to see a Severus Alexander denarius 

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Here is the little sibling of your coin.


"Ruler": 康德, Kang De
Year: 12 (1945)
top: 滿洲帝國, mǎn zhōu dì guó (Mandschu Reich)
middle: 1, zwei Punkte
below: 康德十二年, kāng dé shí èr nián (Kang De, Jahr 12)
Rev: 壹分, yī fēn (1 Fen), wreath
Value: 1 Fen
Material: Fiber, 17.6mm, 0.73g
Ref.:r: KM Y#13a


Next: Japanese cash coin 


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Victoria Jubilee Coinage Double Florin, 1887
image.png.10faede1a7e0b6f79b26d3dfabd0983a.pngLondon. Silver, 36mm, 22.60g. Head 1; VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Four crowned cruciform shields with sceptres in angles; FID DEF BRITT REG; Roman I in 1887 (S 3922). The double florin was introduced in 1887, but discontinued in 1890 because it was frequently confused with the crown and half-crown. It earned the name ‘barmaid’s ruin’, since barmaids would have to make up the difference if they accidentally gave change for a crown in a dark pub.

Next: unpopular

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Phillip II, son of Phillip the Arab had a short everything. Being Ceasar, Augustus and dying all within 11 years.

Marcus Julius Severus Philippus (Philip the younger). Struck under Philip I

Philip II, AR antoninianus. 22.4 mm, 4.91 g.(Thick flan), Rome mint, 249AD.
IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LIBERALITAS AVGG III, Philip I, holding short sceptre, and Philip II seated left on curule chairs, extending right hands. RIC 230; RSC 17, Sear 9265.
Appears to be reverse die match to example held by American Numismatic Society


NEXT: Father and son together

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Bithynia, Nicaea. Valerian (253-260). AE26

Obv: ΠΟV ΛΙΚ ΟVΑΛΕΡΙΑΝΟC CEB / Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust left, raising hand and holding eagle-tipped sceptre over shoulder.
Rev: NIKAIEΩN / Gallienus and Valerian I facing each other in military dress, clasping hands and each holding a spear; Valerian II, togate, standing left, holding patera.
Cf. SNG Copenhagen 536.


Next: 3 or more adults on reverse.

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L. Titurius L.F. Sabinus
AR Denarius, 89 BC, Rome
Obv.: SABIN A PV, Head of King Tatius right, palm below chin
Rev.: Tarpeia facing between two soldiers, star and crescent
Ag, 17mm, 4g
Ref.: Crawford 344/2C, Sydenham 699a
Clashed dies. See the mirrored BIN from SABIN behind the leg of the right soldier
Ex E.E. Clain-Stefanelli Collection


Next: 2 or more adults on obverse.

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A gathering of adults 


17,9 mm, 2,66 g.
Commodus 180-192. AR denarius. Rome. 186 AD.
M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate head of Commodus right / FID EXERC P M TR P XI IMP VII COS V P P, Commodus standing, left on platform, three soldiers standing, right holding legionary eagles.
RIC II 130d; RSC 143.

Next - 2 or more children on a reverse 

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This is what happens when you are posting during a work meeting! Sorry!

But let's use a correct example


Moesia Inferior. Marcianopolis. Septimius Severus, with Julia Domna 193-211 AD. Pentassarion Æ. 210-211. Flavius Ulpianus, legatus consularis. AV K Λ CEΠ CEYHΡOC IOYΛIA ΔOMNA CEB, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus and draped bust of Julia Domna facing one another / ΥΦΛ ΟΥΛΠΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; Є (mark of value) to left.
H&J, Marcianopolis; AMNG I 601; Varbanov 868; Moushmov 411.


Next - 2 or more children on a reverse 

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Septimius Severus
Lydia, Hypaipa
AE 17
Obv.: L CEΠ CЄΟΥΗΡΟC Π, laureate bust right
Rev.: VΠAIΠH/NΩN, two children (girl and boy?) playing with Astragaloi (knucklebones of a sheep), Artemis Anaitis behind
AE, 17 mm, 3.1 g
Ref.: BMC –, I.B. -, Lyd. –, SNG Cop –, Aulock –, SNG München –, Winterthur –, unpublished ?


Next: bones

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No Saxons from anyone, it seems. Time to move on.

Maxentius as Augustus, AD 307-312.
Roman billon follis, 6.53 g, 24.6 mm, 10 h.
Rome, AD 307-308.
Obv: IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG, radiate head right.
Rev: CONSERV VRB SVAE, Roma seated facing in hexastyle temple, head left, globe in right hand, scepter in left, shield at side behind, Victories as acroteria, wreath on pediment, H left, R S in exergue.
Refs: RIC 202a; Cohen 21; RCV 14986.

Next: Temple with acroteria.

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28 mm, 17,2 g.
Antoninus Pius 138-161 AD. Ӕ sestertius. Rome. 158-159.
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate bust right / [TEMPL DIVI AVG] REST COS IIII SC, octastyle temple, with figure of Divus Augustus between two reclining figures on pediment, quadriga at top of roofline, acroteria (Romulus on left, Aeneas bearing Anchises on right) at bottom of roofline, and containing cult images of Divus Augustus and Diva Livia.
RIC III Antoninus Pius 787.

Next - Antoninus Pius sestertius

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I think this is Antoninus. Before the bronze disease gets it.

Antoninus Pius Sestertius, 157-158
Rome. Bronze, 32mm, 19.50g. Head of Antoninus Pius, laureate, right; ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P IMP II. Fortuna, draped, standing left, holding patera with right hand and holding cornucopia in left; TR POT XXI COS IIII S C (RIC III, 983). Found Hampshire.

Next: Nerva-Antonine sestertius.

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Marcus Aurelius AE Sestertius, Rome, A.D. 153/4, 31 mm, 20,01 g, as Caesar under Antoninus Pius, bare-headed, draped bust right, with light beard, AVRELIVS CAESAR AVG P[II FIL], rev. TR POT [VIII] COS II, S-C, Minerva standing half right, holding reversed spear and owl (BMC 1955) Jan 2021 Elkowicz 

next: young curly haired Marcus Aurelius 

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