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Doesn't he always have curly hair?

Marcus Aurelius (under Antoninus Pius) Denarius, 158-159
Rome. Silver, 17mm, 2.73g. Head of Marcus Aurelius, bare, right; AVRELIVS CAES-AVG PII F. Virtus, helmeted, in military dress, standing right, left foot on helmet, holding inverted vertical spear in right hand and parazonium upright in left; TR POT XIII COS II (RIC III, 480E). Found in Hertfordshire.

Next: a Caesar before he became Augustus.

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10 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

Next: a Caesar before he became Augustus.

This coin features Caesar's heir, Octavian, before he became the Augustus (first emperor) - issued by his rival and co-ruler, Mark Antony


Next: more Caesar before becoming Augustus

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Maximinus II as Caesar Nummus, 305-307
Londinium. Bronze, 29mm, 11.17g. Bust of Maximinus Daia, laureate, draped, cuirassed, right, seen from front; MAXIMINVS NOBILISSIMVS CAES. Genius, wearing modius, nude, chlamys draped over left shoulder, standing left, holding patera in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand; GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI (RIC VI, 59b). From the Rauceby (Lincolnshire) Hoard 2017.

Next: more Caesar before becoming Augustus.

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20 minutes ago, Phil Anthos said:

Julian II “The Philosopher” (as Caesar)

355-360 AD
AE3 (18mm, 2.68g)
O: Bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust right; D N IVLIANVS NOB C.
R: Soldier spearing fallen horseman; FEL TEMP REPARATIO, M in left field, ∆SISL in ex.
Siscia mint, 4th Officina
RIC VIII Siscia 382; Sear 4063v

Next: chaemera



Sikyonia, Sikyon AR Hemidrachm. Circa 330-280 BC. Chimaera standing left, raising forepaw; ΣI below / Dove flying left

Next: a bird that is not an eagle

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3 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

Next: fantastical creature



Roman Republican, Q. Crepereius M.f. Rocus, AR serrate denarius (3.87g, 19 mm), 69 BC, Rome

Obv: Draped bust of Salacia/Amphitrite right, seen from behind; fish to left, H to right.

Rev: Q CREPEREI / [ROCVS], Neptune, holding reins and brandishing trident, driving sea-chariot drawn by two hippocamps right; H above.

Ref: Crawford 399/1a.

Next: a creature that you might encounter in the real world

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Pidcock Halfpenny Conder Token
image.png.37cb95c657182fcb651b920ee37f58c3.pngBirmingham. Copper, 29mm, 7.04g. Toucan; TO THE CURIOUS OBSERVERS OF NATURAL PHENOMENA. Two-headed cow standing right; EXETER CHANGE LONDON STRAND (D&H Middlesex 454). Issuer Gilbert Pidcock was a menagerist and showman. He exhibited the two-headed cow in January 1791 at the Lyceum in the Strand in London.

Next: unusual animals

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2 minutes ago, John Conduitt said:

Next: unusual animals

Does a hippo count as unusual?


Otacilia Severa, Roman Empire, AE sestertius, 248 AD, Rome mint. Obv: MARCIA OTACIL SEVERA AVG; bust of Otacilia Severa, diademed, draped, r. Rev: SAECULARES AVGG SC; Hippopotamus walking r. 28mm, 17.39g. Ref: Ref: RIC IV, Philip I 200.

Next: more unusual animals

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Little mouse

image028.png.d6ace5058c0ccb14392d92064e950ee6.pngTime of Alexander III - Philip III. Ca. 325-310 B.C. AE unit (16.4 mm, 4.91 g). Uncertain Macedonian mint. Macedonian shield with boss decorated with thunderbolt / B-A, crested Macedonian helmet; mouse right below. Price -; SNG Alpha Bank -; cf. Leu 17, lot 347. Near VF, earthen green patina. Very rare, unpublished.

next: an area you specialize in

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Taras, Calabria

281-272 BC (Period VII - The Pyrrhic Hegemony)
AR Didrachm (19mm, 6.34g)
Sostratos magistrate.
O: Warrior on horseback right, holding shield and spears in left hand and thrusting spear downward with right; [E]Y behind, ΣΩΣTP - ATOΣ (magistrate) in two lines below.
R: Taras riding dolphin left, holding cornucopia in left hand and Nike with laurel wreath in right; ΠOΛY to left, thunderbolt to right, T-APA[Σ] below.
Vlasto 713; Evans VII, A2; Cote 371-72; HGC I, 883; SNG ANS 1084; SNG Cop 874; HN Italy 1001

 Next: Antioch


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Raymond Roupen Denier, 1216-1219
image.png.ef14e6332ac449cf0a229347977de726.pngAntioch. Billion, 18mm, 0.98g. Bust to left, wearing helmet with chin guard and chain mail armour; crescent to left, star to right; RVPINVS. Cross pattée, inward facing crescent in upper right quadrant; AITIOCHIA (cf Metcalf, Crusades 1995, class L).

Next: crusade

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Cybele wearing towered crown:

Julia Domna (under Caracalla), AR Denarius ca. 212 AD, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust right, hair waved vertically and fastened in large bun in back, six horizontal ridges, IVLIA PIA FELIX AVG / Rev. Cybele, towered, standing half-left, head left, legs crossed, resting left arm on column, holding drum in outstretched right hand and scepter, nearly vertical, in left;  at feet to left, lion, half visible, seated left, MATRI – DEVM. RIC IV-1 382 (p. 273), RSC III 137 (ill. p. 56), Sear RCV II 7104 (ill. p. 553), BMCRE V 18 (p. 433). 17x19 mm., 3.54 g., 12 h. Purchased from Sphinx Numismatics; ex CNG Triton XX Auction, Jan. 10, 2017, part of Lot # 614 (consisting of 59 silver denarii of Julia Domna), No. E051; ex A.K. Collection.


Next: another coin depicting Cybele.

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Ref Caracalla AR Denarius, Rome 19 mm. 2,94 g.  
RIC 130a, RSC 97, BMC 280
Caracalla 196-198 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate and draped bust right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH below, Dea Caelestis (Cybele)  riding lion springing right over water gushing from rocks on left, holding thunderbolt & sceptre, and wearing ”City Wall” crown.
Purchased from Aeternitas Numismaticas 12th Aug. 2023.
Ex, Solidus Numismatik auction 106, Lot # 1580 11th Oct. 2022


NEXT: Caracalla

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Obverse: Macedonian shield with thunderbolt on boss.
Reverse: B – A either side of Macedonian helmet with chinstrap. ^E Monogram upper right.
Price 404 var (monogram upper instead of lower).   Uncertain mint in Macedon, ca. 326 BC.  4,65 g - 16 mm.


Next: Macedonian

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Alexander, but deified 


18 mm, 4,2 g.
Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos 305-281 BC. AR drachm. Ephesos.
Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΛYΣIMAXOY, Athena seated left on the throne, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on shield decorated with lion's head, transverse spear with point below, lyre to the inner left field, A under the throne.
Thompson 174; Müller 355.

Next - Athena holding Nike. 

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One Athena Nikephoros coming up!


Diocletian, AD 284-305
Roman billon tetradrachm, 19.2 mm, 7.24 g, 12:00
Egypt, Alexandria, AD 285-6
Obv: Α Κ Γ ΟVΑΛ ΔΙΟΚΛΗΤΙΑΝΟC CЄΒ, laureate and cuirassed bust, right
Rev: Athena seated left, holding Nike and resting on scepter, shield at side; L B (= regnal year 2) in field
Refs: Dattari 5638; BMCG 2485; Milne 4765; Cologne 3211; RCV 12856.

Next: Diocletian.

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Æ Follis, Heraclea mint
Obv.: IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG, laureate head right
Rev.: GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI / Genius standing front, head left, wearing modius on head, chlamys over shoulder, holding patera (from which liquor flows) and cornucopiae
AE, 11.69g, 26.8mm
Ref.: RIC VI, Heraclea S. 531, 17a


Next: Heraclea

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Honorius, 408-423
Heraclea. Bronze, 1.77g. Bust of Honorius, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed, right, star behind; D N HONORI-VS P F AVG. Honorius and Theodosius II standing facing, heads toward one another, each holding a spear in outer hand and holding a globe between them with inner hands; GLORIA RO-MANORVM; SMHA in exergue (RIC X Theodosius II (East), 407). Found in Britain.

Next: late empire

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Spithridates Satraps of Lycia & Ionia 334 BC, AE10 1.05g Head of Spithridates right, wearing a Persian headress Forepart of a horse right, monogram above SNG Cop 1538 Ex: Aegean Numismatics Killed by Cleitus the Black while attempting to kill Alexander the Great. Arrian reports that Spithridates, who followed his father Rhosakes as the Persian satrap of Lydia and Ionia, died in the Battle of Granikos in 334 BC after Kleitos cut his arm off to keep him from shooting Alexander in the back with an arrow amidst the battle.

Next up: coin from the lifetime of Alexander the Great 

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