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18 mm, 3.01 g.
Caracalla as Caesar. 196-198. AR denarius. Rome. 197 AD.
M AVR ANTON CAES PONTIF, bust of Caracalla, bare-headed, draped, right / PRINCIPI IVVENTVTIS, Caracalla, in military attire, standing left, holding baton in right hand and spear in left hand; to right, trophy.
RIC IV Caracalla 13A (denarius).


This was incorrectly described and sold as a Geta denarius, which is the very similar RIC 18, from 202-203, with the same reverse but with obverse P SEPT GETA CAES PONT.  I was a after a Geta denarius. The auction house didn't pay attention, the small flan didn't help and I just bought it, happy for getting a Geta. 

But another collector correctly pointed that the visible remains of the obverse legend in the left indicate ANTON ----so M AVR ANTON CAES PONTIF = Caracalla. 

Next - Geta coin, as a child 

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Trebonianus Gallus, AD 251-253.
Roman AR antoninianus, 3.95 g, 21.3 mm, 12 h.
Rome, 3rd emission, AD 252.
Obv: IMP CAE C VIB TREB GALLVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust, right.
Rev: LIBERTAS AVGG, Libertas standing left, holding pileus and scepter; star in right field.
Refs: RIC 38; RSC 63a; RCV 9634; Hunter 8.

Next: Trebonianus Gallus.

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Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus. Sestertius, Rome, AD 251-252

IMP CAES C VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG, laureate, draped bust right / PIETAS AVGG, S-C, Pietas standing facing before lit altar, raising both hands.
RIC 117a; Cohen 86; Sear 9676.
23.15g. 28x31mm


NEXT: Sestertius

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Another sestertius from the same period 


24 mm, 13,86 g.
Volusian 251-253. Æ sestertius. Rome.
IMP CAE C VIB VOLVSIANO AVG, bust of Volusian, laureate, draped, cuirassed, right / IVNONI MARTIALI SC, round distyle temple, in which is seated Juno, front.
RIC IV Volusian 253a.

Next - a temple 

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8 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - a temple 


Augustus, Denarius - Colonia Patricia mint ? ca. 19-18 BCE
CAESARI AVGVSTO, laureate head right
SP - QR on either side of a domed terastyle temple, in which is a chariot with aquila.
3,66 gr
Ref : RSC # 279, RIC # 119

Next : Aquila 


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Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, AR Denarius [Restored Issue of Mark Antony Legionary Denarius Leg. VI, probably issued for 200th anniversary of Battle of Actium*], 168-169 AD, Rome Mint.  Obv. Praetorian galley moving left over waves with four crew members, ANTONIVS AVGVR around from 8 o’clock, IIIVIR R P C across below galley / Rev. Legionary eagle (aquila) facing left between two standards, ANTONINVS ET VERVS AVG REST [ = Restituit] around from 8 o’clock, LEG - VI across lower field. RIC III M. Aurelius 443 (at p. 248), RSC I Mark Antony 83 (ill. at p. 127), Sear RCV II 5236 (ill. at p. 341), BMCRE 500. 19 mm., 2.86 g. [Footnote omitted]


Next, galley.

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Larissa, Thessaly

Circa 356-342 BC
AR Drachm (21mm, 5.83g)
O: Head of nymph Larissa facing slightly left, hair in ampyx, wearing single-pendant earring and plain necklace.
R: Horse standing right, preparing to lie down; ΛΑΡΙΣ−ΑΙΩΝ above and below.
Lorber L-III; BCD Thessaly II, 319; SNG Cop 120-121

Next: Hekate


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PHRYGIA.Apamea.Pseudo-autonomous.Time of the Severans (193-235). Ae. Obv : ΠAMЄIA. Turreted and draped bust of Tyche to right. Rev : CΩTЄIPA. Hekate triformis, holding torch in each hand. BMC 110-113. Condition : Nice green patina.Good very fine. Weight : 2.2 gr Diameter : 15 mm 

Next: Severan coin

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IONIA, Herakleia ad Latmon. Circa 140-135 BC. AR Tetradrachm (33mm, 11.50 g, 12h). Stephanophoric type. Helmeted head of Athena right / Club; below, Nike advancing left, holding wreath, flanked by two monograms; all within oak wreath. Lavva, Silberprägung, Group III (unlisted dies); SNG Copenhagen 781; SNG von Aulock 1978. Chipped.very fine

Next: detailed helmet

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Here's a helmeted Licinius with quite a degree of detail. Note on the reverse that Roma's helmet is quite detailed as well, which we can chalk up to a talented celator, especially for this era.

Rome AE3, 318-319 AD. 19mm 3.1 grams IMP LI-CINIVS AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust right

ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated right, shield on lap inscribed X/V. P-R across fields.

Mintmark: RQ Reference: RIC VII Rome 151; Cohen 150; Sear 15354.

Next: Licinius Junior




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Trajan Decius A.D. 249-251 AR Antoninianus, 4.1 grams, 23 mm Rome mint

Obverse: IMP C M Q TRAJANVS DECIVS AVG, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right

Reverse: ABVND ANTIA AVG; Veiled Abundantia standing right, emptying cornucopiae held in both hands.

Reference: RIC IVc 10b, p. 121 From: the Arnoldoe collection 





Next: more Cornucopiae

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T. Carisius

Silver Denarius. Rome, 46 BC. 3,54 g // 20 mm

Obv: Head of Roma r., wearing ornate crested helmet.

Rev: Sceptre, cornucopia on globe, and rudder; all within laurel wreath. Crawford 464/3a; RBW 1615; RSC Carisia 4.VF

"The obverse of this denarius recalls the first coins of the Republic with the helmeted head of Rome. The reverse exalts Rome's dominance on land and sea and perhaps also recalls Caesar's quadruple triumph over his enemies. The scepter represents the land power of the armies, the rudder the sea power of the fleet. The cornucopia placed on the globe symbolizes universal happiness and prosperity. History: The monetary college of 46 BC includes three monetary: Manius Cordus Rufus, Titus Carisius and Caius Considius Pوtus. Titus Carisius exalts Caesar's origins in his monetary iconography and participates in the celebration of Caesar's quadruple triumph that year. Vercingetorix, after having participated in the triumph of the imperator, is strangled at the Mamertine. The career of Titus Carisius is poorly known outside of his monetary triumvirate.

Edit*Next:  still Vesta

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Here one is...


P Sulpicius Galba - Emblems Denarius. 69 BC. Rome mint. Obv: veiled head of Vesta right; SC behind. Rev: knife, simpulum and axe dividing AE - CVR legend across fields; P GALB in exergue (off flan"). Craw. 406/1; Syd. 839; RSC Sulpicia 7; Sear 345.3.53 grams.Found Romney Marsh, Kent area, 2000s. Fine. Ex Timeline

Next: axe

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Roman Republic, M. Cato, AR Quinarius [half denarius], 89 BCE. Obv. Head of young Liber (or Bacchus) right, M•CATO (AT ligate) downwards behind; below, control-mark star/ Rev. Victory seated right, holding patera with outstretched right hand and palm branch over left shoulder; in exergue, VICTRIX (TR ligate). Crawford 343/2b, RSC I Porcia 7 (ill.) (type with symbol as control-mark), BMCRR 662, Sydenham 597(c), Sear RCV I 248 (ill.), RBW Collection 1298. 15 mm., 1.58 g., 6 h. Purchased from Numismatique Louis Brousseau Auction 1, Aug. 24, 2019, Lot 255.*


*Issued at end of Social War. The moneyer’s specific identity and relationship to Cato the Younger (Uticensis) are unknown; he was not that Cato’s father, who died no later than 91 BCE. There is a possibility that he can be identified with M. Porcius the wine-merchant. See Crawford p. 352. The reverse figure is presumably Victoria Virgo, whose shrine was built by Cato Censorius (id., citing Livy).

The control-mark of a star is not among the 67 control-marks listed in Crawford Table XXV at pp. 350-351.  There is one other example of this control-mark listed in acsearch.

Next: Bacchus or Liber.

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(c. 470/440 BC). Dynasts of Lycia.

1/3 Stater, 14mm 2.86g, (Tetrobol, Silver). Approx. 470 - 440 BC Chr.

Obv: Pegasos flying left on round shield.

Rev: Triskeles in round incuse.

Müseler - (cf. IV,78 Stater); Traité 221, pl. XCV, 3; SNG by Aulock - (cf. 4089 stater).

Rare. Very nice. Purchased from Solidus Numismatik March 2023

next: Pegasos 

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