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I love that reverse!

Chalkis, Euboia

340-294 BC
AR Drachm (18mm, 3.46g)
O: Head of nymph Chalkis (or Hera?) right, hair rolled.
R: Eagle flying right, holding serpent in his talons and beak; trophy of arms below.
SNG Cop 432; Sear 2482
From the Wallace and BCD collections. 

Next: Iberian 


Edited by Phil Anthos
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IBERIA, Gadir. Circa 150-100 BC. Æ Quarter Unit (17.5mm, 2.04 g, 6h). Head of Melqart left, wearing lion skin; club over shoulder / Dolphin over trident left. ACIP 681. Earthen dark green patina, area of weak strike on reverse. VF. From El Iberico Collection 

next: dolphin

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Taras, Calabria

315-302 BC (Period V - From Alexander the Molossian to Kleonymos)
AR Didrachm (22mm, 7.63g, 4h)
O: Warrior, preparing to throw spear and holding shield and two more spears, on horse rearing right; ΣA below.
R: Phalanthos, holding arrow and bow, astride dolphin right; |-HP and HP monogram below, TAPAΣ to left.
D'Andrea XXXVII, 777; Vlasto 631; Fischer-Bossert Group 68, 818; Evans V, B18; SNG ANS 1011; HN Italy 938

Next: spear


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Taras, Calabria

302-281 BC (Period VI - From Kleonymos to Pyrrhus)
AR Didrachm (20mm, 7.68g)
Nikon magistrate.
O: Naked ephebe vaulting from horse galloping left, holding javelin and small shield in left hand; EY above, [NI]KΩN (magistrate) below.
R: Phalanthos astride dolphin left, holding ear of grain; API to left, TAPAΣ to right, spearhead below.
Vlasto 703; Evans VI, E2; Cote 342; HGC I, 817; HN Italy 969

Next: riderless horse


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Taras, Calabria

212-209 BC (Period X - The Punic Occupation)
AR Half-Shekel (Reduced Nomos) (22mm, 3.94g)
Sokannos magistrate.
O: Warrior on horseback right, holding filleted palm frond in right hand, rein in left; ΣΩKAN-NA below.
R: Taras on dolphin left, holding kantharos in extended right hand, trident in left; eagle with open wings standing left behind, TAPAΣ below.
Vlasto 984-86; Cote 605-06; SNG ANS 1272; HN Italy 1082; SNG Ashmolean 420-1; Sear 383v (drachm)

Next: more Punic War issues


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It has been more than 24 hours. Time to move on.

Phrygia, Eumeneia, c. 133-130 BC.
Greek Æ 21.1 mm, 6.66 g, 1 h.
Menekrates, son of Askle-, magistrate.
Obv: Head of young Dionysos wreathed with ivy, right.
Rev: Tripod-lebes with three handles surmounted by flat cover fringed with spikes, star above and on either side; to right, EYMENE and filleted laurel branch (thyrsos?); to left, MENEKΡA/AΣKΛH and bipennis (double axe) with serpent-entwined handle.
Refs: BMC 25.212,14; SNG Copenhagen 382; SNG Tübingen 4008; Paris 1095; Mionnet IV, 563; SNG Oxford 1024-1025; Lindgren I 950; Istanbul 14718; Afyon 2973.

Next: Tripod.

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Sicily, Akragas. Tetras 10.35 g), ca. 420-406 BC. AKPA, eagle right, head lowered to devour hare held in talons; in left field, crab right. Reverse Crab; below, three pellets above crayfish left. CNS 50; SNG ANS 1037; HGC 2, 140. Glossy dark chocolate brown patina. Purchased at Salt Lake coin show 2017. 

Next: crab

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Taras, Calabria

290-281 BC
AR Diobol (12mm, 1.13g)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Skylla.
R: Herakles kneeling right, wrestling the Nemean lion; crab above, club behind.
D'Andrea XL, 956; HN Italy 976; Vlasto ----; Cote ---; SNG France ----; McGill ---

Next: Underworld


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Underworld as in "in mythology, a place under the earth where the spirits of the dead go." - 2nd definition in 


One of the terrifying creatures in the mythologic underworld - Cerberus


25 mm, 12,71 g.
Egypt, Alexandria. Hadrian 117-138. Billon tetradrachm. 133-134 AD.
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΒ, laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, r., seen from rear / L ΙΗ, Sarapis seated, l., holding sceptre; to l., Cerberus.
RPC III, 5871; BMC 620-623.

Next - let's see a Serapis. 

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Roman Republic - L. Roscius Fabatus. Silver denarius (4,00 g. 18 mm.) minted in Rome, 64 B.C.

Head of Juno Sospita right behind, control symbol (Gladius), L ROSCI /

Girl standing right, feeding serpent to right on left, control symbol (fasces ?); in exergue FABATI.

Crawford 412/1; Sydenham 915; 

Next Salus

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22,4 mm, 3 g.
Gallienus 253-268 AD. Ӕ antoninianus, Siscia. 260-268.
GALLIENVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / SALVS AVG, Salus standing left, holding sceptre and feeding serpent rising from altar, I in right field.
RIC 581K Siscia; Goebl 1462; Sear -.

Next - Gallienus, not a Zoo series coin 

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Gallienus ORIENS AVG Tyche and Emperor antoninianus.jpg
Gallienus, 253-268 CE.
Roman AR Antoninianus, 3.56 g, 22.0 mm, 6 h.
Samosata(?), 260 CE (?).
Obv: Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, turreted female (the Orient) standing right, presenting wreath to Gallienus standing left in military dress and holding a spear; wreath above. RIC V 445; Göbl 1698b; RSC 705a; RCV 10298; Hunter 71.

Next: Gallienus -- joint reign with Valerian.

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20,1 mm, 2,28 g.
Gallienus 253-268. Billon antoninanus. Asian mint, 255-256.
IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS P F AVG, bust of Gallienus, radiate, draped, right / VIRTVS AVGG, Gallienus and Valerian, in military attire, standing face to face, one holding Victory and the other holding globe.
RIC V Gallienus (joint reign) 456.

 Next - a coin showing two rulers 

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Philip I and II on reverse

Philip II, AR antoninianus. 22.4 mm, 4.91 g.(Thick flan), Rome mint, 249AD.
IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / LIBERALITAS AVGG III, Philip I, holding short sceptre, and Philip II seated left on curule chairs, extending right hands. RIC 230; RSC 17, Sear 9265.
Appears to be reverse die match to example held by American Numismatic Society


NEXT: Father and Son together

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30 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Next: provincial Severan


Caracalla, AE 30 - Serdica, Thrace, AD 216
ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC AVTK M AVP CEV, laureate heroic bust left, seen from behind, with sword belt and Aegis on left shoulder
OVΛΠIAC CEPΔIKHC, Hermes, naked, standing left, holding purse and caduceus
17,14 gr - 30/28 mm
Ref : Moushmov 4804 (obv), Varbanov 2372 (rev)
See Agora auction #62/102, same dies


Next : Aegis 


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What about an aegis as main design element? 


22 mm, 6,37 g.
Pontic Kingdom, Amisos. Mithradates VI. 120-63 BC. Local civic issue of common type under Mithradates VI. 100-85 BC. Ӕ.
Facing Gorgonion as boss of fleece (aegis)-covered, octagonal shield / AMI-ΣOY, ethnic across fields divided by Nike, walking right, holding wreath and palm-branch; monograms in lower fields.
SNG Cop.167 var; SNG BM Black Sea 1177-91; HGC 7, 242.

Next - a coin where Medusa/gorgon are the main theme

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