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22 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Edited 22 hours ago by Ancient Coin Hunter

Too bad 😞 sorry 6 hours rule...



Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; Reign: Nero; Mint: Lugdunum, Gaul; Date: 62/68 AD; Nominal: Sestertius; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 34mm; Weight: 26.28g; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Nero 392; Obverse: Head of Nero, laureate, right; small globe at point of neck; Inscription: NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P; Translation: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestas, Imperator, Pater Patriae; Translation: Nero Claudius, Caesar, Augustus, victor over the Germans, high priest, tribunician power, Imperator, father of the country; Reverse: View of triumphal arch, showing front and left hand side; above, the Emperor in a quadriga escorted by Victory; arch is heavily ornamented and decorated with statues of Pax, Mars and two soldiers; Inscription: S C; Translation: Senatus Consultum; Translation: Decree of the senate
This monumental triumphal arch was erected by Nero to commemorate Roman military campaigns against the Parthians in Mesopotamia and Armenia. Although not particularly successful in a military sense (Paetus lost almost his entire army at Randeia in Armenia), the war did end with a peace treaty favorable to Rome that was upheld for nearly fifty years. This coin type is vitally important for architectural historians, for the arch was dismantled after Nero's ignominious end in AD 68, and is only known through its depiction on the coins.
Next: another ancient coin with an building, that today exists...
Edited by Prieure de Sion
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Trajan's Column.


19 mm, 2,60 g.
Trajan AD 98-117. AR denarius. Rome. 112-114.
IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, bust of Trajan, laureate, draped, right / S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Column of Trajan surmounted with a statue of Trajan; two eagles at base and a wreath with spirals and dots on column.
RIC II Trajan 292; RSC 558.

Next - a coin related to the Dacian wars. 

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I am a bit surprised to realize that I have only one non-Trajan SPQR:

Nero, AE As, 65 AD Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, NERO CAESAR  AV-G • GERM IMP / Rev. Victory alighting left, wings spread, holding shield inscribed SPQR, S|C across fields. RIC I Nero 312, BMCRE I Nero 241, Sear RCV I 1976 (ill. p. 391), Cohen 288. 28 mm., 11.9 g., 12 h. Purchased from Robert Morris (Numi Numismatic), Brighton MI, 29 Oct. 2022, ex. Gerhard Hirsch Nachfolger Auction 375, 22 Sep 2022, Lot 1310.


Next, another Imperial coin depicting Victory, issued prior to Trajan -- i.e., from Augustus through Nerva.

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4 hours ago, DonnaML said:

Next, another Imperial coin depicting Victory, issued prior to Trajan -- i.e., from Augustus through Nerva.


Titus as ceasar, As - 77 CE
T CAES IMP AVG F TR P COS VI CENSOR, Laureate head of Titus right
VICTORIA NAVALIS, Victory standing right, on a prow of galley. S C in field
10.14 gr
Ref : Cohen #390, RCV #2485 var


Next : First century CE bronze coin


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28 minutes ago, Dafydd said:

Next , any Galba

Okeeeee 😉 



Publius Sulpicius Galba; Denarius of the Roman Republican Period 69 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 3.76g; Mint: Rome; Reference: Crawford RRC 406/1; Obverse: Veiled head of Vesta right; behind, inscription. Border of dots. The Inscription reads: SC for Senatus Consulto (By Decree of the Senate); Reverse: Emblems of the pontificate: Knife, simpulum (or culullus) and ornamented axe; in fields, inscription. Moneyer mark in exergue. Border of dots. The Inscription reads: AE CVR P GALB for Curule Aedile Publius [Sulpicius] Galba.


Next: something with gold again for the weekend, please. A modern gold coin with a restrike of an older coin....

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Type     Non-circulating coin
Years     1957-1968
Value     1 Sovereign
Currency     Pound sterling (1158-1970)
Composition     Gold (.9167)
Weight     7.99 g
Diameter     22.05 mm
Thickness     1.5 mm
Shape     Round
Technique     Milled
Orientation     Medal alignment ↑↑
Number     N# 11461
References     KM# 908, Sp# 4124, Sp# 4125

NEXT: More gold

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6 minutes ago, expat said:

NEXT: More gold



Imperator Caesar Flavius Anastasius Augustus; Reign: Anastasius I (Anastasios I); Mint: Constantinople; Date: 491/498 AD; Nominal: Solidus; Material: Gold; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 4.49g; Reference: Sear 3; Reference: MIBE 4a; Reference: DOC 4 (unlisted officina); Pedigree: Ex Naumann Numimsatik Vienna, Austria; Pedigree: Ex Leu Numismatik Winterthur, Switzerland; Obverse: Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to right, cross on helmet, holding spear and shield with horseman motif; Inscription: D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG; Translation: Dominus Noster Anastasius Perpetuus Augustus; Translation: Our Lord Anastasius, Perpetual Augustus; Reverse: Victory standing facing, head to left, holding long jewelled cross; star in right field; Inscription: VICTORIA AVGGG A CONOB; Translation: Victoria Augustorum, Constantinopoli obryzum; Translation: Victory of the Augusts, Constantinople 1/72 pound pure gold
Next: more more more Gold please 😉 
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37 minutes ago, akeady said:

Next: ancient gold.


Professor Alois Matthias Memmesheimer placed this coin as the first piece in his collection of Trier coins.



Remer (lat. Remi), Belgica, Gaul; Reign: Belgian-Celtic tribes; Mint: Probably Durocortorum Remorum (modern Reims), Gaul; Date: 60/25 BC; Nominal: Stater; Material: Gold; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 6.01g; Reference: Delestrée & Tache DT 59; Reference: Scheers, Gaule Belgique Tf. VIII, 227. Slg. LT Tf. XXXVI, 8823; Pedigree: From the Collection "Trierer Münzen" of Professor Alois Matthias Memmesheimer; Obverse: Stylized head right, simplified to an eye, legend in right field; Inscription: VOCARANT; Translation: -; Reverse: Horse left; below, annulet within dotted circle; before horse, a pentacle; and above, legend; Inscription: VOCARANT; Translation: -
Next: another ancient Celtic coin of the Julius Caesar time...
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Region, Tribe: Gaul, Ambiani
Coin: Gold Stater
- Blank
- Sinuous horse right, long spurs on horse's hindlegs
Mint: (ca 58-55 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 6.11g / 16mm / -
  • ABC 16 var
  • VA 52
  • LT 8710 var
  • Sills class 2a
  • Linda Banfield collection
Acquisition: Chris Rudd Online 8-Apr-2013


Next - another Celtic coin.

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No Celtics, I guess, after 10+ hours. On to something completely different!


Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253 CE.
Roman provincial Æ 22.05 mm, 9.66 g, 7 h.
Samaria, Caesarea Maritima, 251-253 CE.
Obv: IMP C C VIB GALLVS P F AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust, right, seen from front.
Rev: COL P F AVG F C CAES METR P, Fortuna standing left, parazonium at waist, foot on uncertain object (prow or rock?), holding human bust and long scepter; at her feet, right, swimming river god.
Refs: RPC IX, 2122; BMC 27.39,204-206; Lindgren III, 1501; Kadman 198; Rosenberger II, 162; SNG ANS 850; SNG Cop 13.

Next: swimming river god.

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Roman Provincial Coins
CILICIA. Seleucia ad Calycadnum. Severus Alexander (222-235). Ae.
Obv: ΑV Κ Μ ΑVΡ СЄΟVΗΡ ΑΛЄΞΑ, with remaining part of legend ΝΔΡΟС right field inside legend.
Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: СЄΛЄVΚЄΩΝ ΚΑΛVΚΑΔΝ, with remaining Ω of legend in upper right field.
Tyche, holding branch, seated left on rocks between two columns; river god Calycadnum to lower left.
RPC VI online 7034.
Weight: 13.99 g. Diameter: 29 mm.
Plate coin: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/search/browse?q=Severus Alexander&page=109
 (AC Search) ex Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann). Auction 79, Lot# 439, 07/07/2019. Purchased from Marti Classical Numismatics, Spain, 2023


NEXT: Tyche


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4 hours ago, expat said:

NEXT: Tyche



Seleucid Autonom; Tetradrachm of the Autonom Seleucia Period after 109 BC; Material: Silver; Diameter: 30mm; Weight: 14.82g; Mint: Seleucia, Syria; Reference: S. 5887, Cohen DCA 697 var, HGC 9 1382 var, SNG Fitz. 5960 var; Obverse: Veiled, turreted and draped bust of Tyche right; Reverse: Thunderbolt resting atop draped throne, ϛ (date - stigma?) below, Δ to lower right, all within wreath. The Inscription reads: ΣEΛEYKEΩN THΣ IEPAΣ KAI AYTONOMOY.


Next: A coin with a reverse depiction that has a direct historical background...

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18 hours ago, Ryro said:

Next: a coin type that is hard to get but you were intrigued to hunt down and buy

I was on the look for a 'fat' Hercules for more than a year. These types were minted in the later period with some of the biggest flan for a silver coin in the ancient world. While not necessarily rare, it's definitely not common within my budget at a reasonable condition. 


In name of Alexander III, Aeolis, Temnos mint circa 188-170 BC,

35mm. 15.2 g.

Obv: Head of Heracles wearing lion skin headdress. Rev: Zeus Aëtophoros seated holding eagle and sceptre; monogram and E above knee, oinochoe within vine tendril at feet. Price 1676. 

Here are my varying sizes of Alexanders, a drachm and a Babylonian lifetime tetradrachm compared with the Temnos tetradrachm. 


Next- A coin that you've waited long for the right specimen. 

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9 hours ago, JayAg47 said:

Next- A coin that you've waited long for the right specimen. 

When a coin is so common you think you're not in a rush to get one, years later you realize you still don't have any specimen and it's not that easy to get the right one at a decent price


L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, Denarius - Rome mint, 90 BCE
Laureate head of Apollo right, Δ below chin
Naked horseman galloping right, holding whip; above swan  (I rather see an ibis though...). L.PISO.FRUGI / ROMA at exergue
3,93 gr - 18,8 mm
Ref : RCV # 235, RSC # 12b, RRC # 340/1-Calpurnia 12b-symbol 166
Ex. Naville Numismatics

Next : horse riding left


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Just now, Phil Anthos said:

Next: Griffin


Gallienus, antoninianus - Rome mint
IMP GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head right
APOLLINI CONS AVG, Griffin left. Delta at exergue
3.18 gr
Ref : Cohen # 77, RCV # 10180v, Göbl # 718z, CMR Gallien # 4aa4

Next : Gallienus zoo series


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Lydia, Sardeis
AE 17, after 133 BC
Obv.: Wreathed head of young Dionysos right
Rev.: Mmythical creature walking left, head facing, broken spear in mouth; ΣΑΡΔΙ/ΑΝΩΝ above, monogram below.
AE, 17 mm, 4.47g
Ref.: SNG Cop 464-465var, (monogram)


Next: head/bust of Dionysos

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11 mm, 0,56 g.
Cilicia, Nagidos. AR obol. Circa 400-380 BC. Head of Aphrodite facing slightly right; [N] to left / Wreathed head of young Dionysos facing slightly left; [N] to left. Göktürk 2; SNG France –; SNG Levante 6.


Next - Aphrodite (not Venus, if 6 hours pass, go for Venus)

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