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17 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Trophy and captive(s).


Claudius II "Gothicus", Antoninianus - Cyzicus mint, 269 CE
IMP CLAVDIUS P F AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
VICTORIAE GOTHIC, Two captives leaning besides a trophy.
3.08 gr
Ref : RCV # 11381; RIC V pt. 1 # 252; Cohen # 308
This antoninianus comemorates Claudius II' victory against Goths at Naissus, thus becoming "Gothicus"

Next : A reverse commemorating a specific victory over an ennemy 


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I didn't want to post this as there are other more interesting and less common examples, but nobody has one, apparently, so ....


30 mm, 18,30 g.
Pontos, Amisos. Time of Mithradates VI Eupator. Ӕ. Circa 105-90 or 90-85 BC.
Helmeted head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Pegasos / AMI - ΣOY - Perseus standing left, holding harpa and head of Medusa, whose decapitated body lies at his feet; monogram to left and right. SNG BM Black Sea 1169-72; HGC 7, 238.

Next - Pegasos. 

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Asia Minor, Dynasts of Lykia
AR Tetrobol
Obv.: Facing scalp of lion.
Rev.: Triskeles within incuse circle, TRBBÊNEME (in Lycian) around
Ag, 3.12g, 17mm
Ref.: Müseler VIII.25-7; SNG von Aulock 4215


Next: lion scalp

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This is a little tongue in cheek as it is a lion skin on someones scalp so lets continue the theme that next is a lion scalp.

Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint in Asia Minor. Alexander III "the Great" 336-32...

AR DIDRACHMA, Rome, 270-260 B.C.  Obv. side depicts diademedhead of Hercules right, wearing lion skin around neck and with club overshoulder;  
 Rev. she-wolf standing right,head reverted, suckling Romulus and Remus. ROMANO in exergue
RSC 8, CRAW 20/1

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19 minutes ago, Dafydd said:

This is a little tongue in cheek as it is a lion skin on someones scalp so lets continue the theme that next is a lion scalp.

Kings of Macedon. Uncertain mint in Asia Minor. Alexander III "the Great" 336-32...

AR DIDRACHMA, Rome, 270-260 B.C.  Obv. side depicts diademedhead of Hercules right, wearing lion skin around neck and with club overshoulder;  
 Rev. she-wolf standing right,head reverted, suckling Romulus and Remus. ROMANO in exergue
RSC 8, CRAW 20/1

Oops. I'd requested a bearded Herakles. Do you have one with beard?

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I have one.


17 mm, 2,46 g.
Moesia Inferior, Nikopolis ad Istrum. Septimius Severus AD 193-211. Ӕ.
A K CE - [CEVHROC], laureate head r. / NIKo - PROC IC, bearded head of Herakles r.
Ref. a) not in AMNG b) not in Varbanov c) Hristova/Hoeft/Jekov (2020) corr. (same dies, writes NIK - PROC IC in error, but the depicted coin is very worn).
Hristova/Hoeft/Jekov (2021) under No. (this coin)

Next - a plate coin in your collection. 

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CILICIA. Seleucia ad Calycadnum. Severus Alexander (222-235). Ae.
Obv: ΑV Κ Μ ΑVΡ СЄΟVΗΡ ΑΛЄΞΑ, with remaining part of legend ΝΔΡΟС right field inside legend.
Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Rev: СЄΛЄVΚЄΩΝ ΚΑΛVΚΑΔΝ, with remaining Ω of legend in upper right field.
Tyche, holding branch, seated left on rocks between two columns; river god Calycadnum to lower left.
RPC VI online 7034.
Weight: 13.99 g. Diameter: 29 mm.
Plate coin: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/search/browse?q=Severus Alexander&page=109
 (AC Search) ex Numismatik Naumann (formerly Gitbud & Naumann). Auction 79, Lot# 439, 07/07/2019. Purchased from Marti Classical Numismatics, Spain, 2023.


NEXT: Another plate coin

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Taras, Calabria

333-331/30 BC
AR Diobol (11.5mm, 1.12g, 1h)
O: Head of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with Skylla.
R: Herakles standing right, strangling the Nemean lion; bow, quiver, and club to left; K between legs, [|- to lower right].
D'Andrea XXXII, 664; D'Andrea Diobols 36 (this coin); Vlasto 1241 (this coin); HN Italy 914
From the David Wray Collection. ex Michel P. Vlasto Collection; ex CNG

Vlasto plate coin, #1241
D'Andrea Diobols plate coin, Series E, Type 36

Next: another plate coin 


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This is in Spink 'Coins of England & the United Kingdom', believe it or not.

Henry VI Second Reign (Restored) Groat, 1470-1471
Tower. Silver, 26mm, 2.72g. Crowned facing bust in tressure of arches, trefoils on cusps above crown, saltire stops; hЄnRICV DI GRΛ RЄX ΛnGL Z FRAnC (Henry by the Grace of God King of England and France). Long cross pattee, trefoils in quarters, saltire stops; + POSVI DЄVm ΛDIVTORЄ mЄV (I have made God my helper); CIVI TAS LOn Don (City of London); mintmark pierced restoration cross both sides (S 2082, this coin). Ex Ivan Buck.

Next: more plate coins.

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Taras, Calabria

375/70-370-65 BC
AR Diobol (11.5mm, 1.15g, 2h)
O: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with hippocamp.
R: Naked Herakles seated half-left on dead lion left, holding cup in right hand and club in left.
D'Andrea XXIV, 450 (this coin); D'Andrea Diobols Type 14 (this coin); Vlasto 1235 (this coin); SNG Cop 968 (same dies); HGC I, 829; HN Italy 910
Extremely Rare
From the AG Collection. ex Michel Pandely Vlasto Collection; ex Vecchi 17; ex CNG

Vlasto plate coin, #1235.
D'Andrea plate coin, Series XXIV, 450.
D'Andrea Diobols plate coin, Series D, Type 14

Next: Poseidon 


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53 minutes ago, Ryro said:

Oops. I'd requested a bearded Herakles. Do you have one with beard?

Gosh @Ryro, I do apologise. That was a senior moment. My mind told me I was playing Coin Uno not post-it-and-pick- it. A long day and I should stay focused.

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Great patina shanxi!

Taras, Calabria

325-280 BC
AR Litra (11mm, 0.64g, 12h)
O: Scallop shell with nine teeth.
R: Dolphin leaping right; small dolphin left above, |-HP(?) below.
Vlasto 1489 (this coin); McGill II, 182; HN Italy 979
From the M.P Vlasto Collection. ex MNS

Vlasto plate coin, #1489.

Next: Helios


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Hadrian, AD 117-138. AR Denarius (19mm, 3.34g, 6h). Rome mint, struck circa AD 124-125. Obv: HADRIANVS–AVGVSTVS; Laureate bust right, slight drapery. Rev: COS–III; Spes advancing left, holding flower and raising hem of dress. Ref: RIC II.3 714; RIC II 181; RSC 390. 


Next: Hadrian

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Ptolemaios I., 305-285 BC
AR Tetradrachm, Alexandria mint. Struck circa 290-285 BC.
signed by D...,
Obv: Diademed head of Ptolemy I to right, wearing aegis around his neck; within his hair behind his ear, tiny letter Δ.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ Eagle, with closed wings, standing left on thunderbolt; to left, Ρ above monogram of ΜΙ.
Ref.: Svoronos 252; SNG Copenhagen 69; BMC 57


Next: eagle on thunderbolt

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Eagle on thunderbolt...

Ruler: Ptolemy I
State, City: Egypt, Alexandria
Coin: Gold Triobol
- Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, lion skin tied around neck
ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΥΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΥ - Eagle standing left on thunderbolt with spread wings; in left field, MI ligate
Mint: Alexandria (ca 305-282 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 1.75g / 10mm / 2h
  • BMC 48
  • Svoronos 200
  • SNG Berry 1466
Acquisition: Roma Numismatics Online Auction E-Auction 2 #302 2-Nov-2013


Next - ancient gold coin

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  • Benefactor

Antoninus Pius AV aureus, AD 150-151 [see fn], Rome Mint. Obv. Laureate head right, ANTONINVS AVG – PIUS P P TR P XIIII / Rev. On left, Ceres [possibly representing Faustina II] standing three-quarters facing, head right, holding two grain ears in right hand; on right, Proserpina standing facing, head left, next to her mother, holding pomegranate in extended left hand, the two gazing at and embracing each other [possibly celebrating birth of Lucilla in AD 151, and, as a result, the restoration of a granddaughter to the Imperial family; hence the reverse inscription naming Laetitia, the personification of joy; see fn.], LAETITIA – COS IIII.  19 mm., 6.89 g., 6 h. RIC III 199c [“Scarce”] (see http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.3.ant.199C ); Cohen 476; Sear RCV II 4008; BMCRE IV Antoninus Pius 725 & Pl. 15 No. 14; Strack 224 [Strack, Paul L., Untersuchungen zur römischen Reichsprägung des zweiten Jahrhunderts, Teil III: Die Reichsprägung zur Zeit Antoninus Pius (Stuttgart, 1937)]; Calicó 1556 [Calicó, E. Xavier, The Roman Avrei, Vol. I: From the Republic to Pertinax, 196 BC - 193 AD (Barcelona, 2003)]; Dinsdale 037180 [Dinsdale, Paul H, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius Caesar AD 138-161: Antonine Coinage (2nd Rev. ed., Leeds 2021) Ch. 18 at p. 421; photo at same page, indicating a probable obverse die match to my specimen] [see http://romanpaulus.x10host.com/Antoninus/old/18 - Antoninus Pius - TR POT XIIII Period - 150-151 (med_res).pdf.]* Purchased from Arete Coins [George Matev], Seattle, WA, Feb. 2022; ex Classical Numismatic Group [CNG] E-Auction 360, Sep. 30, 2015, Lot 458 (from “Group SGF” Collection); ex Jesús Vico, S.A., Auction 141, Mar. 5, 2015, Lot 121.** [Footnotes omitted.]


Next: Your favorite coin of Antoninus Pius.

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2 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

Next: Your favorite coin of Antoninus Pius.

Haven't been around for a while but I'm looking to be online a bit more in the future!

This is my favourite coin of Antoninus Pius because I think that it is one of his best reverses. 


Next: Another one of your favourite/'iconic' reverses of any ruler

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38 minutes ago, Hughie Dwyer said:

Next: Another one of your favourite/'iconic' reverses of any ruler

The she-wolf suckling twins is a recurrent theme during the whole duration of the roman era, from the begining of the republic coinage to the end of the empire.

The following was minted on the occasion of the millenium of the mythical foundation of Rome, 248 CE


Philippus I, Antoninianus - Rome mint, AD 248, 2nd officina
IMP PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind
SAECVLARES AVGG, She wolf left, suckling Romulus and Remus, II at exergue
3.7 gr
Ref : RCV # 8957, RIC # 15, Cohen # 178 

Next : follow up with a favourite/iconic reverse


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