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I like the depth of reverse on this medal.

Issued By: Vatican
Type: Commemorative
Details: Pope Pius IX |
PIVS IX PONT MAX AN XXVIII - Draped bust left
BASIL S LAVRENTII M REST ET ORN - Interior of Basilica of San Lorenzo outside the walls
Grouping: Single
Designer: Giuseppe Bianchi
Shape: Round.
Mint: (1873)
Wt./Size/Axis: 34.03g / 43.6mm / -
  • Modesti 340
Acquisition: Artemide Aste Online Auction Asta 24.2E #1970 20-Oct-2013



Next - silver medal

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England, Charles II, Official AR English Coronation Medal, 1661, by Thomas Simon. Obv. Crowned and draped bust right, CAROLVS. II. D.G. ANG. SCO. FR. ET. HI. REX. / Rev. The King enthroned, left, holding scepter with right hand, crowned by Peace, flying right above, EVERSO. MISSVS. SVCCVRRERE. SECLO. XXIII. APR. 1661. 29 mm. Eimer 221 & Pl. 26 [Eimer, C., British Commemorative Medals and their Values (2nd ed. 2010)]; MI i p. 472/76 & Pl. xlv, no. 725 [Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. I p. 472, No. 76 (1885, reprinted 1969)]; Wollaston p. 6, no. v & ill. 5 [Henry Wollaston, British Official Medals for Coronations and Jubilees (1978)]. Purchased from Historical Medallions, UK, Jan. 2022.


Next, another English/British historical or commemorative medal.

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2 hours ago, DonnaML said:

Next, another English/British historical or commemorative medal.

This one commemorates the late Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee on the 6th of February 1977.

It marked 25 years on the throne. 


This medal is minted especially for the London Borough of Sutton, where I lived at the time. My aunt saw this and kindly thought of me. I have kept it safe ever since. Without further ado, here it is:




Next: A medal/coin that was given to you.

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My buddy @Ryro gave me this one!


Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 2.83 g, 18.7 mm, 7 h.
Rome, 155-161 CE.
Obv: DIVAE FAVSTINAE, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: AETERNITAS, Aeternitas (?), veiled and draped, standing facing, head right, drawing back veil with right hand and holding scepter in left hand.
Refs: RIC –; BMC 487; RSC 40a; Strack 441; RCV –.

Next: Dative case inscription in any language.

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Here's the younger Faustina.

Ruler: Faustina II (Augusta)
Coin: Brass Sestertius
DIVAE FAVSTINAE PIAE - Draped bust right, veiled
MATRI CASTRORVM S C - Faustina seated left, holding globe surmounted by phoenix and sceptre; before her, three standards
Mint: Rome
Wt./Size/Axis: 24.30g / 31mm / 0h
Rarity: R2
  • RIC 1711 (M. Aurelius)
  • Cohen 162
Acquisition: Paco Private sale 25-Aug-2010


Next - sestertius

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32 mm, 24,77 g.
Antoninus Pius 138-161 AD. Ӕ sestertius. Rome. 147-148.
ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XI, head of Antoninus Pius, laureate, right / ANNONA AVG COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding grain stalks over modius with grain stalks left and anchor.
RIC III Antoninus Pius 840.

Next - Annona

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Severus Alexander / Jupiter

222-231 AD
AE Sestertius (27mm, 19.30g)
O: Laureate head right, slight drapery over left shoulder; IMP SEV ALEXANDER AVG.
R: Jupiter standing left, holding lightning bolt and sceptre, Alexander at his feet; IOVI CONSERVATORI, S-C.
RIC 558 / Cohen 74 / BMC 692 / Sear 2246

"What you would not have done to yourselves, never do unto others."

Next: didrachm (nomos)


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As nice as the coin is above, I think Annona was next.

Antoninus Pius AR denarius, Rome, AD 152-153. 18 mm, 3.35 g. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XVI, laureate head right. / COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding corn-ears in left hand and resting right hand on modius set on prow to right. RIC 221; RSC 290; BMCRE 520.


NEXT: Modius

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Hadrian AR Denarius, Rome Mint 137-Jul. 138 AD.  Obv. Bare head right, HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P/ Rev. Four grain ears in modius with one poppy in middle, ANNO-NA AVG. RIC II.3 2318 & Pl. 41 (2019 ed.), old RIC II 230 (1926 ed.), RSC II 172. 18 mm., 3.2 g.


Next, another Hadrian denarius.

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18 mm, 2,80 g.
Aelius, as Caesar 136-138 AD. AR denarius. Rome.
L AELIVS CAESAR, head of Lucius Aelius, right / TR POT COS II, Salus standing left, holding patera and sceptre; to left, altar with snake coiled around.
RIC II, Part 3 (second edition) Hadrian 2645; Old RIC II Hadrian 434; BMCRE 977 (Hadrian); RSC 54.

Next - Salus denarius

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Don't mind if I do!

Manius Acilius Glabrio, 49 BCE.
Roman AR denarius, 3.62 g, 19.2 mm, 8 h.
Rome, 46 BCE.
Obv: SALVTIS, laureate head of Salus, right.
Rev: MN ACILVS III VIR VALETV, Valetudo standing, left, holding snake and resting elbow on column.
Refs: Crawford RRC 442/1a; Sydenham CRR 922; RCV 412; RSC Acilia 8; BMCRR Rome 3945.

Next: Salus/Hygieia on any denomination from anywhere.

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2 hours ago, AncientOne said:

Next: Sabina

Ok... Poppaea Sabina 😄 



Nero, with Poppaea Sabina; Drachm of the Roman Imperial Period 62/63 AD; Material: Silver; Diameter: 16mm; Weight: 3.70g; Mint: Antiochia ad Orontem, Syria; Reference: Prieur 88, RPC I 4187, McAlee 280; Provenance: Ex Classical Numismatic Group 112 (11 September 2019), Lot 427; Obverse: Laureate head of Nero right. The Inscription reads: ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣ[ΑΡ] ΣΕΒ ΑΣΤΟΣ for Neron Kaisaros Sebastos (Nero Caesar Augustus); Reverse: Draped bust of Poppaea right. The Inscription reads: ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ ΝΕΡΩ[ΝΟ]Σ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟY for Poppaia Neronos Sebastou (Poppaea Nero Augusta).


Next: want more Poppaea Sabina coins please... 

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2 hours ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Next: want more Poppaea Sabina coins please... 


Neron (13/10/54- 09/06/68) - Tétradrachme de l'atelier d'Alexandrie, AD 63-64
ΝΕΡΩ ΚΛΑΥ ΚΑΙΣ ΣΕΒ ΤΕΡ ΑΥ, Buste radié à droite
ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑ ΣΕΒΑΣTH, Buste drapé de Poppée à droite, LI dans le champ à droite (10° année de règne)
12.3 gr
Ref : Emmett # 128/10 (R1), Kampmann #14.78, RCV # 2002 v,

Next : first century alexandrian tetradrachm


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4 minutes ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Heck I've got a Nero as well...

Type: Billon Tetradrachm, 25mm 12.73 grams

Obverse: NERW KLAY KAIS SEB GER, Radiate head right

Reverse: AVTO-KRA, Draped bust of Serapis right, wearing Kalathos, Date LI to right

Reference: Milne 222, Koln 160, RPC 5274, BMCGr 156: Sear 2001.



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Here's Serapis:

Gordian III, AD 238-244.
Roman provincial Æ Pentassarion, 12.49 g, 26.6 mm, 7 h.
Moesia Inferior, Dionysopolis, AD 238-241.
Obv: AVT K M (below)/ANTWNIOC ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC ΑVΓ, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, facing draped bust of Serapis, left, wearing modius.
Rev: ΔΙΟΝVCΟΠ-ΟΛΙΤΩΝ, Hygieia standing left, feeding serpent from a patera; E in lower left field.
Refs: Varbanov 559; AMNG I 395 var.; BMC 3, p.24, 4; Mionnet Suppl 2, 82; Moushmov 133; SNG Budapest 31; Jekov 49; SNRIS Dionysopolis 12.

Next: Dionysopolis.


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56 minutes ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Dionysopolis.



Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus; 
Reign: Commodus; Mint: Dionysopolis, Moesia Inferior; Date: 180/192 AD; Nominal: Bronze; Material: AE; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 2.54g; Reference: RPC IV.1 4552; Rare: Specimens 7 (0 in the core collections); Provenance: Solidus Numismatik Munich, Germany (Auction 116, Lot 114); Obverse: Laureate head of Commodus, right; Inscription: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ [ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ]; Translation: Autokrator Kaisaros Marcos Aurelios Komodos; Translation: Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus; Reverse: Burning torch; Inscription: ΔΙΟΝΥϹΟΠΟΛƐΙΤΩΝ; Translation: Dionysopoleiton; Translation: City and People of Dionysopolis.


Next: Dioshieron, Lydia

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Faustina II, AD 147-175/6.
Roman provincial Æ 17.1 mm, 3.04 g, 7 h.
Lydia, Dioshieron, Magistrate L. Iouli. Mithres (Grammateus), AD 147- c. 149.
Obv: ΦAVCTЄINA CЄBACTH, bare-headed and draped bust right, hair in a top-knot and looped ponytail.
Rev: ЄΠI MIΘPOV ΔIOCIЄPЄITΩN, Asklepios standing facing, holding serpent-entwined staff.
Refs: RPC IV.2, 1236 (temp); BMC 22.76, 12; SNG Cop 116; SNG Turkey 240-41; Waddington 4963.
Notes: Double-die match to Paris specimen (BNF) and Ashmolean specimen.

Next: Another one from somewhere in Lydia.
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26 mm, 11,75 g.
Lydia, Tralleis. Magistrate Time. Cistophoric AR tetradrachm. Circa 133 BC.
Cista mystica with serpent, within ivy wreath / TΡAΛ to left of bowcase between two coiled serpents, TIME above, cult image of Artemis Anaitis standing front in right field.
BMC 31-32; SNG von Aulock 8287; SNG Cop 661; Paris 2700-2701; SNG Leipzig 1269; Mionnet IV, 1026; Pinder 160; Whittall sale 1325b; GRPC Lydia S470.

Next - cistophoric tetradrachm

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Ionia, Ephesus
Cistophorus (ca. 28 BC).
Rev.: PAX, Pax standing left, holding caduceus; to right, serpent rising left from altar; all within wreath.
Ag, 11.51g, 26mm
Ref.: RIC² 476, RPC I 2203, CRI 433.


Next: Pax standing

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