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Do these count? my country issues a few types already holed from the mint 


My only ancient


23 mm, 3,40 g.
Severina 270-275. Billon antoninianus. Antioch.
SEVERINA AVG, bust of Severina, diademed, draped, on crescent, right / CONCORDIAE MILITVM, Concordia, draped, standing left, holding ensign in each hand. Mintmark: Q/-//XXI.
RIC V Severina 20.


Next - her husband.

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1 hour ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - her husband.



Lucius Domitius Aurelianus and Lucius Iulius Aurelius Septimius Vabalathus Athenodorus; 
Antoninianus of the Roman Imperial Period 270/275 AD; Material: BI; Diameter: 21mm; Weight: 4.10g; Mint: Antiochia ad Orontem, Syria; Reference: RIC V Aurelian 381; Obverse:; Bust of Aurelian, radiate, cuirassed, right. The Inscription reads: IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG for Imperator, Caesar, Aurelianus Augustus; Reverse:; Bust of Vabalathus, laureate, draped, cuirassed, right. The Inscription reads: VABALATHVS VCRIMDR for Vabalathus Vir Clarissimus Rex Imperator Dux Romanorum (Vabalathus, most illustrious (senatorial rank), king, Imperator, duke of Rome).


Next: does anyone here have anything from Zenobia?

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State, City: Campania, Neapolis
Coin: Silver Didrachm
ΧΑΡΙ - Head of nymph Parthenope right; behind head, kantharos
K / [ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ] - Man-faced bull walking right, bearded face, crowned by Nike flying to the right
Mint: Neapolis (326-290 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 7.36g / 21mm / 9h
  • SNG ANS 356
  • HN Italy 579
  • Ex. Stock San Diego Coin
Acquisition: CGB Online auction Internet Oct 2018 #bgr_503636 30-Oct-2018


Next - off-centre strike

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Phraates III (ruled about 70-57 BCE)

Ekbatana mint, chalkous 2.30 g. 14 mm, 12 o'clock.


Sellwood 35.18v (legend)

Next a lion.


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Septimius Severus, AD 193-211.
Roman Provincial Æ (diassarion?) 17.7 mm; 4.06 g.
Thrace, Philippopolis.
Obv: ΑV Κ Λ CΕVΗΡΟC, laureate and draped bust right.
Rev: ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤ-ΩΝ, lion walking left; ox's head before.
Refs: Moushmov 5274 var. (lion walking right); Varbanov 1305.

Some "-opolis" named after a person.

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4 hours ago, JayAg47 said:

Next- Roman republican provincial coins.

The first I can think of is gaulish. I'll post Arausio, which is scarce ...


Octavian & Agrippa, Arausio (Orange) Dupondius, 30-29 BC (Colonia Firma Julia Secundanorum Arausio)
IMP DIVI F (IMPerator DIVI Filii), bare heads of Augustus (right) and Agrippa (left), back to back
Prow of galley right, ram's head (?) enclosed in a medaillion above
17.61 gr - 28 mm.
Ref : RPC # 533
Ex. CNG e-auction #181/28, from the Patrick Villemur collection, and ex @Alwin's collection

... And let people post Nemausus as Next entry


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Augustus and Agrippa Broken Half Dupondius

Obv:- Heads of Agrippa, wearing rostral wreath, and Augustus, wearing laurel wreath, back to back, [IMP D]IVI F.
Rev:- [COL] NEM, Crocodile chained to palm branch
Minted in Nemausus Mint, Gaul, struck after 10 AD.


Next:- Crocodile

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54 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next:- Crocodile

A unpublished coin from Alexandria with crocodile...



Time of the Adoptive Emperors; Reign: Uncertain ruler; Mint: Alexandria, Egypt; Date: 2nd century AD; Nominal: Obol; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 3.91g; Reference: RPC -; Reference: Dattari -; Reference: Geissen -; RPC Online: -; Rare: Unpublished and probably unique; Provenance: Nomis Numismatics Zurich, Switzerland; Obverse: The river-god Nilus reclining left, holding reed(?) inn right hand and cornucopia in left; at feet, palm branch; below, crocodile to left; Inscription: -; Translation: -; Reverse: Soldier (Emperor ?) on horseback galloping to left, holding standard in right hand and reins in left; Inscription: L B; Translation: ΛUΚΑΒΑϚ (λυκαβας) Beta (2); Translation: Year 2


Next: another coin unpublished in the standard References...

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1 hour ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Next: another coin unpublished in the standard References...

How about Athena voting?


Pisidia, Selge. Crispina? AE13

Obv: Empress facing r.
Rev: CEΛΓEΩN, Athena standing left, holding spear and dropping voting pebble into urn.
13mm, 2.6 g.


Next: Crispina.

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3 hours ago, AncientOne said:

Next: Crispina.

I bought the following for the exquisite rendering of Crispina's lips


Crispina (178-183), AE As, Rome mint AD 180-182
CRISPINA AVGVSTA; Draped bust right, hair knotted in a bun in back.
LAETITIA; Laetitia standing left, holding wreath & rudder on globe.
11.80g, 25mm
Ref : RIC # 683; BMC # 435; Cohen # 28

Next : a detail that drove you crazy about a coin to the point you had to have it !!


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The decorative details on his beard just fascinated me so much it just had to be mine.

TACITUS Antoninianus. Ticinum mint.
Obverse: IMP C M CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PAX AVGVSTI. Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre; P in exergue.
RIC 150, Cohen 72.  Ticinum mint, early-June 276.  3,5 g - 22,5 mm

Marcus Claudius Tacitus was Roman emperor from 275 to 276. During his short reign, following the death of Aurelian, he campaigned against the Goths and the Heruli, for which he received the title Gothicus Maximus
Born: 200 AD, Terni, Italy
Died: June 276 AD Tyana, Cappodocia, Turkey.
Siblings Florianus
Reign: c. December 275 – c. June 276.
His Regnal name is shortened in the obverse Legend: IMPerator Caesar Marcus CLavdius TACITVS AVGustus.


NEXT: Same theme, remarkable detail

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4 minutes ago, expat said:

NEXT: Same theme, remarkable detail

Look at that chariot on the reverse, inside the temple


Augustus, Denarius - Colonia Patricia mint ? ca. 19-18 BCE
CAESARI AVGVSTO, laureate head right
SP - QR on either side of a domed terastyle temple, in which is a chariot with aquila.
3,66 gr
Ref : RSC # 279, RIC # 119


Next : Augustus, any denomitation, either imperial or provincial


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AUGUSTUS. Æ. As. (Caesaraugusta, (Tarraconensis) Zaragoza, Spain)
Magistrates: Gnaeus Domitius Ampianus, Gaius Vettius Lancianus
Obverse: IMP. AVGVSTVS. TRIB. POTS. XX., laureate head of Augustus to the right.
Reverse: CAES. AVGVS (clockwise from 10-1). CN. DOM. AMP. C. VET. LANC (anti clockwise from 8-2). Priest ploughing with pair of oxen to the right. Below II (with horizontal line above) VIR. (*)
RPC volume I, #320
Leaded bronze,12.85g. 31mm. Reference: Vives 148–10, GMI 328, Beltrán 16, NAH 982, AB. 327.
* Taken from forumancient coins; II VIR One of two Roman officers or magistrates united in the same public functions (one of two (duumviri of a duumvirate). The title written as II VIR, appears on provincial and colonial coinage when dumvir was the title of the highest officials of the city. The office was held in much consideration during the Republic, as well for the power it conferred, as on account of its antiquity, the creation of the duumviri being referred to a period so far back as the reign of Tullus Hostillius.


NEXT: Colonial

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Taras, Sparta's only successful colony...

Taras, Calabria

315-302 BC (Period V - From Alexander the Molossian to Kleonymos)
AR Didrachm (22mm, 7.63g, 4h)
O: Warrior, preparing to throw spear and holding shield and two more spears, on horse rearing right; ΣA below.
R: Phalanthos, holding arrow and bow, astride dolphin right; |-HP and HP monogram below, TAPAΣ to left.
D'Andrea XXXVII, 777; Vlasto 631; Fischer-Bossert Group 68, 818; Evans V, B18; SNG ANS 1011; HN Italy 938
From Group SGF. ex CNG

Sir Arthur Evans places this coin at the end of Period V, during the time of Kleonymus, and the martial themes on both sides of this coin, unusual on Tarentine coinage, may support this theory.
Kleonymus, the unworthy heir to the Spartan throne, was yet another in a line of self-serving mercenary generals to come to the aid of Taras (circa 302 BC), but he was no more successful than his predecessors.

Next: something rare


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4 hours ago, Ancient Coin Hunter said:

Next: Galloping emperor


Phrygia, Acmonea. Maximus Caesar AE20

Obv: Γ ΙΟΥ ΟΥΗΡ ΜΑΞΙΜΟϹ Κ, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, r., seen from rear.
Rev: ΑΚΜΟΝЄΩΝ, Emperor on horse prancing right, wearing chlamys.
RPC VI temp 5597 #4


Next: Maximus Caesar.

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9 hours ago, Alwin said:

Next: Red patina



Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus

Reign: Trajanus; Mint: struck in Rome for circulation in Antiochia, Syria
Date: 116 AD; Nominal: As; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 23mm; Weight: 9.67g

Reference: BMC 1095
Reference: McAlee 510
Reference: Woytek 937h
Reference: not in RIC (cuirassed)
Reference: cf. RIC II Trajan 644 (only radiate)
Reference: cf. RIC II Trajan 647 (radiate, draped)
Reference: cf. RIC II Trajan 648 (radiate, l. or r. shoulder draped)

Reference: RPC III 3674
Rare: Specimens 8 (2 in the core collections)
RPC Online: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/3674 
RPC Online Plate: https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coin/464328

Obverse: Radiate and cuirassed bust of Trajan, right, with paludamentum
Translation: Imperator, Caesar, Nervae Traiano Optimo, Augustus, Germanicus
Translation: Imperator, Caesar, of Nerva Trajan, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans

Reverse: S C in oak-wreath
Translation: Dacicus, Parthico, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Vicesima, Consul Sextum, Pater Patriae
Translation: Conqueror of the Dacians, conqueror of the Parthians, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the 20th time, consul for the sixth time, father of the nation


Next: golden iridescent patina lustre on a silver coin...

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Faustina I, 138-140 CE.
Roman AR denarius, 2.68 g, 17.1 mm, 6 h.
Rome, 139-140.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVG ANTONINI AVG P P, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia seated l. on low chair, holding patera and resting l. elbow on cornucopiae which forms arm of chair.
Refs: RIC 327; BMCRE 41; Cohen 146; Strack cf. 394; RCV 4667; UCR 163; CRE 89.
Notes: Strack fails to make clear whether his cited specimens are of the variety with the cornucopiae forming the arm of the chair or with the statue of Spes; he cites Cohen's references to both types.

Next: Faustina the Elder lifetime issue.

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