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L Papius Denarius Serratus

Obv:– Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat skin tied under chin. Behind head, Dolphin wrapped around anchor.
Rev:– Gryphon running right; in ex., L. PAPI.; in field, Hippocamp
Minted in Rome from . B.C. 79.
Reference(s) – RSC Papia 1. RRC 384/1. RCTV 311.
Symbol variety – RRC -. Babelon -. BMCRR -.

A previously unknown symbol pair and the only known example.


Next:- Juno

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5 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next:- Juno


Julia Maesa, Denarius - Denarius - Rome mint, 218-220 CE
IVLIA MAESA AVG, Bust of Maesa right
IVNO, Juno standing left holding patera and sceptre
3.48 gr
Ref : RCV #7750, Cohen #16


Next : tremendous patina on silver (not necessarily rainbow toning)


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6 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : tremendous patina on silver (not necessarily rainbow toning)


Titus Flavius Domitianus as Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus
Denarius of the Roman Imperial Period 88 AD
Material: Silver; Diameter: 19mm; Weight: 3.16g; Mint: Rome
Reference: RIC II, Part 1 (second edition) Domitian 604
Provenance: Ex Harmers of London Numismatics

Obverse: Head of Domitian, laureate, right. The Inscription reads: IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII for Imperator Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunicia Potestate Octava (Imperator, Caesar, Domitian, Augustus, conqueror of the Germans, high priest, holder of tribunician power for the eighth time); Reverse: Legend and column inscribed LVD SAEC FEC within laurel wreath with COS XIIII for Ludos saeculares fecit (He made the secular games) and Consul Quartum Decimum (Consul for the 14th time).




Next: I would like to see a Seleucid tetradrachm (before Roman times)...

Edited by Prieure de Sion
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Seleucid Kingdom, Demetrios I Soter, Silver tetradrachm

Obv:– Diademed head of Demetrios I right inside a fillet border
Rev:– BASILEWS DEMHTROS SOTEPOS / BXR, Tyche seated left on throne ornamented with tritoness, holding short scepter and cornucopia; in outer left field, controls; in exergue
Minted in Antioch on the Orontes, S.E. 162 (151/0 B.C.)
Reference:– Seleucid Coins 1641.8h; SMA 131.
Obverse struck a little off center

16.53g, 28mm, 0o


Next:- someone holding a scepter and a cornucopia

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Not sure if this is allowed but seeing as this is stalled I will move it on myself....

Septimius Severus denarius 

Obv:– IMP CA L SE SEV PER AG COS II, Laureate head right
Rev:– FORT REDVC, Fortuna standing left, holding long scepter & cornucopia
Minted in Emesa, A.D. 194
References:– RIC -. BMCRE -. RSC -.

From a rare series of obverse dies with shortened legends.


Next:- Fortuna

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Here is an uncommon depiction of Fortuna. 


19 mm, 2,96 g.
Commodus 180-192. AR denarius. Rome. 186-189.
M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, laureate bust to right / FORTVNAE MANENTI, Fortuna seated to left, holding cornucopiae and rudder with left hand and restraining horse by the bridle with right; C V P P in exergue.
RIC III 191a; BMCRE 231; RSC 168a.

Next - Commodus denarius

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4 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - Commodus denarius


Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus; Reign: Commodus; Mint: Rome; Date: 180 AD; Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 2.99g; Reference: Reference: RIC III Commodus 9a; Provenance: Roma Numismatics London, Great Britain (Auction 104, Lot 1005); Obverse: Head of Commodus, laureate, right; Inscription: M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG; Translation: Marcus Commodus Antoninus Augustus; Reverse: Trophy middle; to left and right a captive seated on the ground; Inscription: TR P V IMP IIII COS II P P; Translation: Tribunicia Potestate Quinta, Imperator Quartum, Consul Secundum, Pater Patriae; Translation: Holder of tribunician power for the fifth time, Imperator for the fourth time, consul for the second time, father of the nation.




Next: Commodus Drachm (Drachm, Didrachm, Tetradrachm etc.)

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Commodus Tetradrachm


Obv.: M A KOM ANTω CЄB ЄYCЄB, laureate head right
Rev.: Bust of Selene left within crescent; LΛ (date) to right, LΛ= year 30 = AD 189/190
Billon, 11.19g, 23mm
Ref.: Geißen 2252, Dattari 3889


Next: Selene


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Wow, Luna would be difficult enough without having to come up with Selene! Here's what I have:

Roman Republic/Imperatorial Period, P. Accoleius Lariscolus, AR Denarius, Sep-Dec. 43 BCE, Rome Mint. Obv. Draped bust of Diana Nemorensis right, head closely bound with fillet, and hair arranged in close locks above her forehead; behind, P • ACCOLEIVS upwards; before, LARISCOLVS downwards / Rev. Triple cult statue of Diana Nemorensis (Diana-Hecate-Selene) facing, supporting on their hands and shoulders a beam, above which are five cypress trees, the figure on left (Diana) holding bow, the figure on right (Selene?) holding poppy or lily, with Hecate in the center. Crawford 486/1, RSC I Accoleia 1 (ill. p. 9), BMCRR I 4211, Sear CRI 172 at p. 109 [David Sear, The History and Coinage of the Roman Imperators 49-27 BC (1998)], Sear RCV I 484 (ill. p. 161), RBW Collection 1701 (ill. p. 363). 19 mm., 3.32 g., 10 hr. Purchased May 2022; ex Classical Numismatic Group [CNG] Electronic Auction 491, 5 May 2021, Lot 349 (from the Lampasas Collection); ex CNG Electronic Auction 409, 8 Nov. 2017, Lot 535; ex CNG Sale 76/2, 12 Sep. 2007, Lot 3242 (from John A. Seeger Collection).*


*See John Melville Jones, A Dictionary of Ancient Roman Coins (Seaby, London 1990) (entry for “Diana,” at p. 97) explaining that in Roman religion Diana was not only generally equated with the Greek goddess Artemis as the divine huntress, but “was also equated with Luna (the Greek Selene) and Hecate [the Greek goddess associated with night, magic, necromancy, the underworld, etc.]. A triple Diana, combining these three forms, appears once on Roman coins, on a denarius of P. Accoleius Lariscolus (43 BC) which shows her as she was worshipped at Aricia near Lake Nemi, the home of the mint magistrate’s family. This Diana Nemorensis is portrayed in the form of a triple statue on the reverse of the coin, the head of the goddess being the obverse type (an earlier interpretation of the type as a representation of the Nymphae Querquetulanae is less satisfactory).” (For that earlier interpretation, see RSC I at p. 9, stating that the referenced Nymphae “preside over the green forests and it was to them that the groves of the Lares on Mount Coelius were consecrated.”)

Crawford follows the Diana Nemorensis interpretation, stating that “the types refer to the Aricine origin of the moneyer.” (Crawford Vol. I p. 497.) However, he rejects the theory of Andreas Alföldi that the type was also connected to the fact that Octavian’s mother Atia, who died during her son’s consulship in 43 BCE, was born in Aricia, stating that Lariscolus’s “appointment as moneyer will have taken place in 44 and hence have owed nothing to Octavian.” (Id.) However, in Sear CRI at p. 107, David Sear argues the contrary in the latter part of his discussion of this type:


I identify the figure on the left as Diana holding a bow, and the figure on the right as Selene holding a poppy (or lily), following the description by Jochen1 at Coin Talk, in his thread at https://www.cointalk.com/threads/diana-nemorensis.344409/#post-4859090 . The standard authorities generally identify the object held by the figure on the left as a poppy rather than a bow, and the one held by the figure on the right as a lily rather than a poppy, without specifying which goddess is which. In fact, on my specimen, the flower on the right does seem to resemble a lily more than a poppy. I am not aware of any tradition identifying Luna/Selene with either. Although I believe that lilies do open at night.

Next: Another Roman Republican coin depicting Diana.

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T. Carisius
Coin: Silver Sestertius
- Diademed bust of Diana right, bow and quiver over shoulder
T. CAR - Hound running right
Mint: Rome (46 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 0.95g / 10mm / 10h
  • RSC 7 (Carisia)
  • Sydenham 989
  • Crawford 464/8a
  • HCRI 76
  • RBW 1621
  • Ex. Gemini Sale X, 2013, lot 227
  • Ex. Randy Haviland Collection
Acquisition NAC Online auction Spring Sale 2020 #660 25-May-2020



Typing on my 'phone and unable to format the above properly.   Oh well!

Next - another sestertius.

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DIVUS MARCUS AURELIUS AE sestertius. Struck by COMMODUS, 180 AD. DIVVS M ANTONINVS PIVS, bare head right. Reverse - CONSECRATIO, garlanded funeral pyre of four tiers surmounted by statue of Aurelius in facing quadriga, SC in fields. Cohen 165, RCV 5986. Scarce. 30mm, 24.7g.
Next: 1st century AD sestertius
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Denar, year 73
Obv.: IMP CAES VESP AVG CENS, Head of Vespasian, laureate, right
Rev.: PONTIF MAXIM, Vespasian, togate, seated right on curule chair, feet on stool, holding vertical sceptre in right hand and branch in left
Ref.: RIC II, Part 1 (second edition) Vespasian 546


Next: PONTIF... MAX...

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Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Roman Emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty 54-68 AD AE As, Lugdunum mint. 66 AD. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P PP, bare head right, globe at point of bust / S-C to left and right of Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed SPQR. RIC 543; BMC 381; WCN 593; Cohen 302
28.5mm, 10.01gr


NEXT> Domitian

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Roman Republic, Pinarius Natta.

Denarius, circa 149 BC.

Helmeted head of Roma right; behind, X / Victory in biga prancing right; below, NATTA and ROMA in partial tablet.

Babelon Pinaria 1; Sydenham 390; Crawford 208/1.

3.49g, 18mm.


Next: Biga


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4 minutes ago, IanG said:

Next: Biga

Manius Marcius
Reign: Roman Republic; Mint: Rome; Date: 134 BC
Nominal: Denarius; Material: Silver; Diameter: 18mm; Weight: 3.94g
Reference: Sydenham 500; Reference: Albert 940; Reference: Crawford RRC 245/1

Obverse: Helmeted head of Roma right; modius behind, denomination mark XVI as monogram below chin; Reverse: Victory in biga galloping right, holding reins in left hand and whip in right hand. ROMA and moneyer mark below horses with MAR in monogram; both divided by two corn-ears; Inscription: M MAR C RO MA; Translation: Manius Marcius, Roma.




Next: Triga…

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Gens: Naevia
Moneyer: C. Naevius Balbus
Coin: Silver Denarius
S·C - Head of Venus, right, wearing diadem
X (Control mark)/ C·NA͡E·BA͡LB (exergue) - Victory in triga, right, holding reins in both hand
Mint: Rome (79 BC)
Wt./Size/Axis: 3.69g / 20mm / 5h
  • RSC 6 (Naevia)
  • Sydenham 769b
  • Crawford 382/1b
Acquisition: Keith Candiotti Coin Fair NYINC 2023 15-Jan-2023


Next - Victory

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CARACALLA AR Denarius. Victoria - VICT PART MAX.
Obverse: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust to right.
Reverse: VICT PART MAX. Victory advancing left, holding palm and wreath.
 A good example of this interesting coin, celebrating the roman victory over the Parthian empire during the reign of Septimius Severus.
RIC IV-1 144a. RSC 660. Rome mint, A.D. 204.  3,2 g - 18 mm.

NEXT> Caracalla Imperial

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AE As (26.58mm, 10.33g, 6h)
Struck AD 211. Rome mint
Obverse: ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head of Caracalla right
Reverse: VICTORIAE BRITTANNICAE, Victory standing right with foot on helmet, inscribing shield set on palm; S C in exergue
References: OCRE IV 522a (leg. corr.), RCV 7015

Rough surfaces. Struck in commemoration of the completion of the Severan military campaign in northern Britain.


Next: another ancient coin mentioning Britain(nia)

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