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Rome, 188 CE, Denarius
Obv.: M COMM ANT P FEL AVG BRIT, Head laureate right
Rev: P M TR P - XIII IMP VIII COS V P P, Salus seated left, extending patera to snake rising from altar.
AR, 2.85g, 17.6mm
Ref.: RIC 169, C-544, BMC-250


Next: Commodus

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Mysia, Lampsacus. Commodus AE18

Obv: ΑV Λ ΚοΜΜοΔοϹ / laureate-headed bust of Commodus (lightly bearded) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, r., seen from centre.
Rev: ΛΑΜΨΑΚΗΝΩΝ / Nike advancing, l., holding wreath and palm-branch.
RPC IV.2, 600 (temporary)

Next:  Nike

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Stratonikeia, Caria

140-80 BC
AR Hemidrachm (13mm 0.90g)
Pamphilos magistrate
O: Laureate head of Hekate right, hair rolled and wearing a cresent moon headband.
R: Nike advancing right, holding palm frond and wreath; ΠAMΦIΛOC (magistrate) above, all within incuse square.
SNG Helsinki 253
ex Tom Vossen

"Lord Helios and the sacred flame,
weapon of Hekate Enodia,
which She bears when leading in Olympos
and in Her haunts by the sacred three-ways on Earth,
crowning Herself with oak leaves
and twisting coils of wild serpents."

~ Sophokles

Next: something eating something else


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Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar. AE As. 151-152 AD. Struck under Antoninus Pius.

Rev: TR POT VI COS II. VIR-TVS and S-C across fields. Virtus standing
left, foot on helmet, holding spear and parazonium (A parazonium is a long triangular dagger, wide at the hilt end and coming to a point. In Roman mythology, it is frequently carried by Virtus, particularly in early representations. It is also sometimes carried by Mars, Roma, or the emperor, giving them the aura of courage).

RIC 1307; Cohen 1013.13,0 g - 26,5 mm


NEXT: Virtus

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NERVA, AD 96-98
AR Denarius (18.47mm, 3.00g, 12h)
Struck January-September, AD 97. Rome mint
Obverse: IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR POT, laureate head of Nerva right
Reverse: COS III PATER PATRIAE, simpulum, sprinkler, jug, and lituus
References: OCRE II 24, RCV 3023

Attractive toning with rainbow hues. A fine portrait despite the heavy wear.

Next: more honest wear

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Kings of Thrace (Macedonian). Lysimachos, AR Tetradrachm, 16.43 g, 27 mm. 305-281 BC, Sardes mint.

Obv: Diademed head of the deified Alexander right, wearing horn of Ammon.
Rev: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ. Athena seated left on throne, holding Nike and spear over shoulder. ΠPΕ monogram outer left, ΔK monogram in exergue.
Ref: Thompson 86; HGC 3.2, 1750d.


Next- A Hellenic/Hellenistic tetradrachm other than lion-skinned Hercules.

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Ptolemy I Soter, 294 B.C., Tetradrachm, Svoronos 236

Silver Tetradrachm of Ptolemy I Soter, founder of the Pteolmaic Kingdom
Obv:– Diademed head of Ptolemy I right wearing aegis
Rev:– ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ, Eagle standing left on thunderbolt, monogram left
Minted in Alexandria, B.C. 294
Reference:– Svoronos 236, SNG Cop 75
14.379g, 29.9mm, 0o


"Struck on a briefly used standard of 21-attic obols. Broad flan. Overstruck over an Alexander tetradrachm, which had a banker's mark. Undertype visible at 4:00 on obverse. Minor chip. Rare overstrike!"

Signed by the Delta engraver


Next:- Ptolemy II

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Hi All,



Ar Stater (Tetradrachm)
Size: 25 mm
Weight: 13.41 g
Die Axis: 00:00
Broucheion Collection P-2015-09-19.001

Obv: Ptolemy I head facing right, wearing diadem and scaly aegis tied by snakes. Dotted border.
Rev: Εagle on thunderbolt facing left. In left field: TYP monogram over club of Heracles. Legend to left: ΠΤΟΛΕΜΑΙΟΥ; to right: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ. Large lyre countermark above eagle's shoulder. Dotted border.
Refs: Lorber CPE-561; Svoronos-644, pl xix, 14 [25 listed]; SNG Copenhagen-482 to 483 (this on is closer to 483).
Note: Reverse large lyre countermark above eagle's shoulder.

Next: Another countermarked silver coin.

- Broucheion




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Kingdom of Elymais
Kamnaskires IV
Seleukeia on the Hedyphon, dated SE 255 = 58/7 BC
Obv.: Diademed and draped bust of Kamnaskires IV left, [Seleukid anchor behind]; c/m: Nike standing left, within rectangular incuse
Rev.: Zeus seated left, holding sceptre and Nike, who crowns him; IACIΛEΩC KAMNACKIPOY TOY E BACIΛEΩC KAMNACKIPOY around, PK monogram in inner left field, [E]NΣ (date) in exergue.
14.25g, 31mm, 12h
Ref.: Van't Haaff type 8.1, subtype 1-1B; cf. Alram 458; cf. DCA 520


Next: Elymais AR

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17 minutes ago, Kamnaskires said:

Next: Jugate


Augustus and Rhoemetalkes, Bronze - Semi autonomous coinage of Thracia, c 11BCE-12CE
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ, Head of Augustus right
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΡΟΙΜΗΤΑΛΚΟΥ, Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and his wife Pythodoris right
9.82 gr
Ref : RPC vol I #1711, Sear #5396

Next : Thracia


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20 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:


Augustus and Rhoemetalkes, Bronze - Semi autonomous coinage of Thracia, c 11BCE-12CE
ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ, Head of Augustus right
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΡΟΙΜΗΤΑΛΚΟΥ, Jugate heads of Rhoemetalkes and his wife Pythodoris right
9.82 gr
Ref : RPC vol I #1711, Sear #5396

Next : Thracia


(~46 AD) King Rhoemetalkes III was murdered by his wife, and emperor Claudius ended the autonomy of the client kingdom. Thracia was incorporated as a Roman province to be governed by Procurators and Praetorian Prefects.


Roman Provincial Coins, Thrace, Mesambria, Philip II (Caesar, 244-247)
Obv: ΜΑΡ ΙΟΥΛΙΟC ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC ΚΑΙCΑ/Ρ, bareheaded bust of Philipp II right vis-a-vis and draped bust of Serapis left, wearing kalathos
Rev: MECAMBPIANΩN, Demeter standing to left, holding grain ears and long torch

RPC: 48375

Next: more Tracian


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3 minutes ago, Sulla80 said:

Next: barbarous imitation

COINAGE OF THE BURGUNDIANS OR VISIGOTHS; Reign: Imitates a gold coin of the Byzantine Emperor Justin I; Mint: barbaric tremissis in Spain or Southern France; Date: 6th century AD; Nominal: Tremissis; Material: Gold; Diameter: 17mm; Weight: 1.15g; Reference: Tomasini 305Obverse: Draped, diademed bust of Justin I on the right, a cross on the bust and a fibula on the shoulder; Inscription: DN IVSTININVS P P AVG; Translation: Dominus Noster Iustinus Perpetuus Augustus; Translation: Our Lord Justin, perpetual August; Reverse: Stylized Victory walking right, in a line of exergue, holding a crown in her right hand; a spike of corn in the field, below the crown, and another above the wing; Inscription: VICTORIA AVGVSTI CONOB; Translation: VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM CONOB; Translation: Victory of the Augusts, Constantinopoli obryzum (Constantinople, 1/72 pound pure gold).




Next: a big diameter and heavy sestertius of Roman Imperial...

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NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, father of Claudius, died 9 BC. Æ Sestertius (24.6 gm 33mm). Bare head / Claudius seated on curule chair, captured arms and armor at feet. RIC.193. VF, olive brown patina. Dent is under patina, probably ancient (damnatio ?) Purchased from Varian Museum Oct 2021 

Next: another father of an Augustus that wasn't one himself

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Trajan's father was never an Augustus. 


19 mm, 3,44 g.
Trajan 98-117 AD. AR denarius. Rome. 112-114.
IMP TRAIANVS AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P, laureate bust right, with drapery on far shoulder / DIVVS PATER TRAIAN, Trajan’s father bare-headed and togate, seated left on curule chair with feet on stool, holding patera and scepter.
RIC 252; RSC 140; St. 212; Woytek 406b; BMC 500.

With this emission Trajan honours his father, M. Ulpius Traianus, who had been Proconsul of Asia in 79/80.

Next - let's see a coin honoring a deceased person. 

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9 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - let's see a coin honoring a deceased person. 

Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula for Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa; As of the Roman Imperial Period 37/41 AD; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 27mm; Weight: 10.81g; Mint: Rome; Reference: RIC I (second edition) Gaius/Caligula 58; Provenance: Ex CGB.fr Numismatique Paris France; Obverse: Head of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown. The Inscription reads: M AGRIPPA L F COS III for Marcus Agrippa, Lucii Filius, Consul Tertium (Marcus [Vipsanius] Agrippa, son of Lucius, consul for the third time); Reverse: Neptune, cloaked, standing left, holding dolphin in right hand and trident in left. The Inscription reads: S C for Senatus Consultum (by the decree of the senate).




Next: I would like to have an antique coin with a triumphal arch...

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