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23 mm, 10,8 g.
Cilicia, Tarsos. Mazaios 361-334 BC. AR stater.
Baaltars seated left on throne, head facing, holding lotus-tipped sceptre, grain ear, grape bunch and eagle; 'BLTRZ' Aramaic legend to right / Lion left attacking bull left; Aramaic legend above 'MZDI' = Mazaios, Aramaic letters below.
Casabonne Series 2A; SNG France 338-347 (controls); SNG Levante 101 var.

Next - 2 animals on the same coin. 

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3 minutes ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - 2 animals on the same coin. 

Dolphin and raven

d0d46a3b86e744adb6eb42c5e2debf28.jpgVitellius, Denarius - Rome mint, July - December 20, 69 CE
A VITELLIVS GERMAN IMP TR P, Laureate head of Vitellius right
XV VIR SACR FAC, Tripod-lebes with dolphin lying right on top and raven standing right below
3.43 gr, 16-18 mm
Ref : RCV # 2201var, Cohen cf # 110 et suiv, RIC I # 86 (this example illustrated in Wildwinds)

Next : illustrated in Wildwinds


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7 hours ago, Ryro said:


Sicily, Tetras, Syracuse

Second Democracy (466-405) c. 425 BC, AE (g 1,1"; mm 11; h 4), ΣYPA, head of nymph Arethusa r., wearing necklace and hair loosely gathered at the top of her head; at sides, two dolphins. Linear border, Rv. Octopus; around, three pellets. CNS II, n. 1; SNG Copenhagen 653;" SNG ANS 376 ff.

Next: BCE Sicily

Now I want one of those octopus coins 

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This coin was added to Wildwinds in 2004. I had to go and check to see if it was still there. I have added hundreds of coins to wildwinds over the years.

Florian Antoninianus 

Obv:– IMP C M AN FLORIANVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right
Rev:– VIRTVS AVGVSTI, Emperor advancing right, holding a shield and spear, treading down captive.
Minted in Lugdunum (IIII in exe) Emission 3 Officina 4, from September to October A.D. 276
Reference:– Cohen 107. Bastien 150. RIC 16 Bust type C


Next:- Florian

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4 hours ago, ambr0zie said:

Next - pseudo-autonomous


Time of Severus Alexander, AD 231-235.
Pseudo-autonomous AE 25.1 mm, 11.60 g, 7 h.
Koinon of Macedon.
Obv: AΛЄΞANΔPOV, diademed head of Alexander the Great with flowing hair, right.
Rev: KOINON MAKЄΔONΩN NЄΩ, Alexander, his cloak fluttering behind him and raising right arm, galloping his horse, right.
Refs: AMNG III 388; cf. BMC Macedonia p.24, 120; cf. Lindgren II 1374.

Next: Pertaining to Alexander the Great.

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1 hour ago, Ryro said:

Next: a larger than normal feature

No @Ryro, you won't get a Priapus here 😄 
Here's a big hand, which can be useful to some I guess 🥵


Valentinianus II, AE2 - Constantinople, 4th officina
D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG, Helmeted, diademed, cuirassed bust of Valentinian, holding spear in right hand
GLORIA RO-MANORUM, Valentinain standing on a galley, driven by a victory, Wreath in field, CON delta at exergue
4.93 gr
Ref : RIC # 52, Cohen #22, RC #4161, LRBC #2151

Next : outstanding portrait


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12 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next : outstanding portrait

Marcus Salvius Otho; Reign: Otho, Roman Imperial; Mint: Antiochia ad Orontem, Syria; Date: January - April 69 AD; Nominal: Tetradrachm; Material: Silver; Diameter: 25/27.5mm; Weight: 15.16g; Reference: Wruck 63; Reference: Prieur 101; Reference: RPC I 4199; Obverse: Laureate head of Otho, right; Inscription: ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤωΡ Μ ΟΘΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; Translation: Autokrator Marcos Othonos Kaisaros Sebastos; Translation: Imperator Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus; Reverse: Eagle with wreath in beak on wreath, left; to left, palm branch; between legs, crescent; Inscription: ΕΤΟΥϹ Α; Translation: Etous Alpha; Translation: Year one.
Outstanding portrait could be subjective... I like this Otho portrait, because it actually wants to be a nero portrait. And it's also a nice Nero-Otho portrait (for old Otho).
Next: and because the whole thing is subjective - the same topic again please.
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Very subjective is correct. The most outstanding portrait in my collection, at the moment is this of Faustina I

Faustina Sr AR Denarius, RIC 361, RSC 101a, BMC 417, SEAR 4583. DIVA FAVSTINA, with elaborate hairstyle and draped bust right / AVGV-STA, Ceres standing left, long hair tied behind, raising right hand & holding long torch with left.


NEXT: Same theme,

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Maximus Caesar
Kilikia, Coropissus
Obv.: Γ Ι ΟΥΗ ΜΑΞΙΜΟΝ ΚƐϹΑΡΑ (sic), radiate and draped bust of Maximus, r.
Rev.: ΚΟΡΟΠΙϹϹƐΩΝ ΤΗϹ ΚΗΤΩΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛƐΩϹ, front view of distyle temple, within which turreted Tyche of the City seated on rock, l., in pediment, wreath
AE, 11.99g, 28 mm.
Ref.: RPC VI, 6926 (temporary), SNG France 773, Levante 591


Next: Kilikia

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CILICIA, Soloi, (430-390 B.C.), stater (11.1 gms.), obverse Female figure (Amazon) kneeling left, examining bow, in field, right mask of satyr., reverse Bunch of grapes with stalk, in lower left field fly and the inscription ΣOΛEΩN to the right, the whole within shallow incuse square, (Dewing 2492; SNG Von Aulock 5858 var; Sear 5601). 


Next: wine

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Taras, Calabria

272-240/35 BC
AR Obol (10mm, 0.53g)
O: Kantharos; three pellets around.
R: Kantharos with bunch of grapes to right; pellets around.
D'Andrea XLIV, 1522; Vlasto 1661 (this coin); SNG France 2206; Cote ---; HN Italy 1076; Sear 356v
From the M.P Vlasto collection. ex Den of Antiquity

Vlasto plate coin, #1661.

The kantharos device on this series of coins, and the bunch of grapes on this particular specimen, probably refer to the influence upon the Tarentines of the local cult of Chthonic Dionysus, and a festival to Him was held annually within the city.

Next: mules


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Faustina Jr, AD 147-175.
Roman Æ as, 10.30 g, 24.1 mm, 5 h.
Rome, c. August AD 156.
Obv: FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, bare-headed and draped bust, right.
Rev: S C, Diana, standing facing, head left, holding arrow in right hand and bow set on ground with left hand.
Refs: Unlisted; mule of obverse of RIC 1389-91 and reverse of RIC 1405c.

 Next: mule or hybrid. 

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8 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: mule or hybrid. 

Unknown hyprid type of Faustina Sestertius? Reverse mint from Antoninus Pius (RIC III Antoninus Pius 641)

Annia Galeria Faustina I the Elder under Antoninus Pius; Sestertius of the Roman Imperial Period after 141 AD; Material: AE Bronze; Diameter: 33mm; Weight: 21.99g; Mint: Rome; Obverse: Bust of Faustina I, veiled, right. The Inscription reads: DIVA AVGVSTA FAVSTINA for Diva Augusta Faustina (The divine and venerable Faustina [the Elder]); Reverse: Securitas, draped, standing left, holding vertical sceptre in right hand and resting left arm on column. The Inscription reads: SECVRITAS PVBLICA S C for Securitas Publica, Senatus Consultum (Safety of the public. Decree of the senate).




Next: complete other theme - please a crusader coin... 

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