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Well, I got this coin type from a next door neighbor in San Diego, I didn't know at time, but it was a fake Crusader coin.

Bohemund VII (1275 - 1287 A.D.)

AR Grosso

City walls of Tripolis

By the time of this striking, Tripolis was one of the final Crusader strongholds. It had been under the control of the Principality of Antioch for a couple of centuries, but that city had fallen to the Muslims in the 13th century...except for the port of Latakia

Next: Another Crusader coin



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6 hours rule. I do not have a crusader coin but here is one from a close period 


14,8 mm, 0,4 g.
Papal State. Senate of Rome, Italy. Billon denaro provisino. 1300-1400.
SENATVS P Q R, comb, S flanked by crescent and star above / ROMA CAPVD M, cross pattée, pellets in 1st and 3rd quarters.
Biaggi 2119.

Next - cross. 

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something evil


Charm (Amulet(), religious
Left : Celestial master Zhang 张天师, chasing away two demons
Right : The animals of the Chinese zodiac, in picture and writing, e.g. top left: the horse 午 and the snake 巳
Material: 71mm, 50g


Next: Chinese charm (amulet)

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None here but we are at 6 hours:


P. Nerva, 113-112 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.77 g, 6 h), Rome. Helmeted bust of Roma to left, holding spear over right shoulder and shield decorated with a horseman on left; to left, star. Rev. P NERVA Three citizens voting on comitium: one voter receives ballot from attendant below, another voter places ballot in cista; P on tablet above bar. Babelon (Licinia) 7. Crawford 292/1. Sydenham 548. Nicely toned. Some graffiti and banker's marks, otherwise, fine. 

Purchased from Leu Numismatiks Aug 2021

Next: coin with ancient graffiti on it

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After 15 hours without post, these scratches should be counted as graffiti.


C Calpurnius Piso L F Frugi
Denarius, 67 BC, Rome
Obv.: Laureate head of Apollo right, wheel behind
Rev.: [C] PISO L F FRV, Horseman with palm, star above
Ag, 17mm, 3.89g
Ref.: Cr.408/1a, Syd.850f.


Next: Apollo with long hair


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21 mm, 6,26 g.
Ionia, Smyrna. 75-50 BC. Ӕ.
Laureate head of Apollo right; laurel wreath border / ΞMYPNAIΩN, Homer seated left, resting chin on hand and holding transverse sceptre.
Milne 359; SNG Copenhagen 1207; BMC 116; Mionnet 921; Weber 6138; SNG Tuebingen 3180.

Next - Smyrna

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Time of Commodus
Quasi-autonomous AE 26.1 mm, 8.01 g, 5 h
Ionia, Smyrna, Strategos Kl. Stratoneikianos, AD 182-184
Obv: ΙЄΡΑ ϹVΝ [ΚΛΗΤΟϹ], draped bust of Senate, right
Rev: CΤΡ•CΤΡΑΤΟΝЄΚ[ΙΑΝΟV СΜVΡΝΑΙΩΝ], Winged Nemesis of Smyrna, advancing right, plucking chiton and holding bridle
Refs: RPC IV.2, 278 (temp); Klose XV B a; SNG Cop. 1304.

Next: Nemesis.


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Macrinus - AE27

Obv:- AYT K M OPELLI CEV MAKRINOC AYG, laureate head right
Rev:- VP KTA LONGINOV NIKOPOLITWN PROC IC, Aequitas/Dikaiosyne standing right, holding scales and cornucopiae; wheel before (note mixed attribute with Nemesis)
Minted in Nicopolis ad Istrum. Magistrate Statius Longinus

References:- AMNG I/1, 1772, not in Varbanov (engl.), Hristova/Hoeft/Jekov (2018) No.


Next:- Macrinus

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27 mm, 13,60 g.
Syria, Laodicea ad Mare. Macrinus 217-218. Ӕ.
IMP C M OP S-EVE MACRINO-S AVG, laureate head of Macrinus right / ROMAE above, FEL in exergue, she-wolf standing right, head turned to look back at the suckling twins, Romulus and Remus.
Cf. SNG Hunterian 3218 (obv. legend); SNG Righetti 2121; SNG Copenhagen 369; BMC 98.

Next - Laodicea ad Mare. 

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Caracalla - Tetradrachm - Laodicea

Obv:- • AVT • KAI • - • ANTΩNEINOC - • CE •. Laureate head to right
Rev:- • ΔHMAPX • EΞ • VΠATOC • TO • Γ •. Eagle seen from front, wings spread, head left, laurel wreath in beak, standing on ground line; between legs, star-shaped light
Minted in Laodicea ad Mare, A.D. 212-213
Reference:= Prieur 1176


Next:- Caracalla Tetradrachm

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50 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next:- Caracalla Tetradrachm


Caracalla (04/02/211-08/04/217) - Tetradrachme de billon de l'atelier d'Antioche, c. 211-212
ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝOC CΕ  Β, Buste lauré de Caracalla à droite
.ΔHΜΑΡX[.E.Ξ.]YΠΑΤΟ.ΤΟ.ΤΟ.Γ, Aigle de face les ailes déployées, la tête à droite, tenant dans son bec une couronne. Entre ses serres la cuisse d'un animal de sacrifice.
13.65 gr
Ref : Prieur # 214A_001 (unique à ce jour avec la légende de revers à laquelle manque le C à TOC.TOG. Avec mes remerciements à Mr Michel Prieur pour les informations complémentaires), McAlee #674v, Sear #2649 var, 


Next : follow up with Caracalla tetradrachm, but not from Laodicaea and not from Antioch


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Caracalla Tetradrachm - Berytus

Obv:- ΑΥΤ ΚAI AN-ΤΩΝΙΝΟC CΕ, Laureate head right with slight drapery on far shoulder
Rev:- ∆ΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟCΤΟ ∆, Eagle standing facing, head left, wings open, wreath in beak, prow right between legs
Minted in Berytus (modern day Beirut, Lebanon). A.D. 215-217 (Prieur)
Reference:- Prieur 1293 (67 examples cited)

A nice stern portrait of Caracalla


Next : follow up with Caracalla tetradrachm, but not from Laodicaea, not from Antioch and not from Berytus

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4 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next : follow up with Caracalla tetradrachm, but not from Laodicaea, not from Antioch and not from Berytus


Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Caracalla
Tetradrachm of the Roman Imperial Period 208/212 AD
Material: Silver; Diameter: 26mm; Weight: 12.80g
Mint: Tyros, Syria; Reference: Prieur 1536

Obverse: Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right. The Inscription reads: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC CE for Autokrator Kaisaros Antoninos Sebastos (Imperator Caesar Antoninus Augustus); Reverse: Eagle standing facing on club, head left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak; murex shell between legs. The Inscription reads: ΔHMAPX ЄΞ YΠATOCTO Γ for Demarchos exousia Hypatos to Gamma (Invested with the Tribunician Power, Consul of the 3th time).




Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus and not from Tyros...


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Caracalla Tetradrachm - Damascus

Obv:- ΑΥΤ ΚAI AN-ΤΩΝΙΝΟC CΕ, Laureate draped and cuirassed bust right seen from the rear
Rev:- ∆ΗΜΑΡΧ ΕΞ ΥΠΑΤΟCΤΟ ∆, Eagle standing facing, head left, wings open, wreath in beak, ram's head left between legs
Minted in Damascus (Syria). A.D. 215-217 (Prieur)
Reference:- Prieur 1209 (5 examples cited)


Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros and not from Damascus...

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2 minutes ago, maridvnvm said:

Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros and not from Damascus...

Ok... 😉 

Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Caracalla
Tetradrachm of the Roman Imperial Period 215/217 AD
Material: Silver; Diameter: 25mm; Weight: 14.50g
Mint: Gadara, Syria; Reference: Prieur 1591 (1 ex.)

Obverse: Radiate head of Caracalla right. The Inscription reads: ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC CEB for Autokrator Kaisaros Antoninos Sebastos (Imperator Caesar Antoninus Augustus); Reverse: Eagle standing facing, head and tail left, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak; between legs, the Three Graces within wreath. The Inscription reads: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞ ΥΠΑΤ Τ Δ for Demarchos exousia Hypatos to Delta (Invested with the Tribunician Power, Consul of the 4th time).




Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros, not from Damascus and not from Gadara...

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8 minutes ago, Prieure de Sion said:

Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros, not from Damascus and not from Gadara...


Caracalla (04/02/211-08/04/217) -Tetradrachme de billon de l'atelier de Hierapolis, c. 215-217
ΑΥΤ•Κ•Μ•Α•ΑΝΤΩΝЄΙΝΟC CЄΒ, Buste lauré de Caracalla à droite, vu de dos
ΔΗΜΑΡΧ Є•Ξ•ΥΠΑΤΟC ΤΟ Δ, Aigle de face les ailes déployées, la tête à droite, tenant dans son bec une couronne. Entre ses pattes, un lion avançant à droite.
25 mm - 14,17 gr - 2h
Ref : Prieur # 926, McAlee #674v, Sear #2649 var, 


Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros, not from Damascus, not from Gadara, and not from Hierapolis 😄 


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3 minutes ago, Qcumbor said:

Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros, not from Damascus, not from Gadara, and not from Hierapolis 😄 


Marcus Aurelius Severus Antoninus Caracalla
Tetradrachm of the Roman Imperial Period 215/217 AD
Material: Silver; Diameter: 25mm; Weight: 14.30g
Mint: Aradus, Syria; Reference: Prieur -

Obverse: Laureate head of Caracalla right. The Inscription reads: ΑΥΤ Κ ΜΑ Α ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC CEB for Autokrator Kaisaros Marcos Aurelios Antoninos Sebastos (Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus); Reverse: Eagle with opened wings to the left, head and tail to the right, below bull head. The Inscription reads: ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ЄΞ ΥΠΑΤ Τ Δ for Demarchos exousia Hypatos to Delta (Invested with the Tribunician Power, Consul of the 4th time).





Next: follow up, a Caracalla Tetradrachm not from Antioch, not from Laodicea, not from Berytus, not from Tyros, not from Damascus, not from Gadara, not from Hierapolis and not from Aradus... 😄 

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But it can be from Emesa


25 mm, 12,22 g.
Syria, Seleucis and Pieria, Emesa. Caracalla 198-217. AR tetradrachm. 215-217.
AΥ•T K M ANTΩNEINOC CE•B•, laureate bust right / ΔΗΜΑΡX ΕΞ VΠΑΤOC TO Δ, eagle standing facing, head left, with wreath in beak; H under beak; radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Shamash left between legs.
Prieur 983.

Next - Caracalla Tetradrachm, BUT FROM Antioch OR Laodicea OR Berytus OR Tyros OR Damascus OR Gadara OR  Hierapolis OR Edesa.

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SELEUCIS and PIERIA, Antioch. Caracalla. AD 198-217. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 11.14g). Struck circa AD 215-217. Laureate head right / Eagle standing facing, head and tail right, with wings spread, holding wreath in beak; between legs, star above crescent. Prieur 235. Good Fine.

I love the look of the eagle on this coin, so much character!


Next: Trajan tetradrachm, no mint restriction.

Caracalla, antioch, tetradrachm.jpg

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7 hours ago, Xeno said:

Next: Trajan tetradrachm, no mint restriction.


Trajan (28/01/98 - 08 ou 09/08/117) - Tetradrachme d'argent de l'atelier de Tyr, c. AD 103-111 (COS V)
ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙC ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟC CΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚ, Buste de Trajan lauré à droite. Massue dans le champ droit, aigle à droite sous le buste.
ΔΗΜΑΡΚ ΕΞ ΥΠΑTΕ, Buste lauré de Melquart/Hercule à droite, peau de lion nouée autour du cou.
15.34 gr
Ref : Prieur # 1495_179 (66), McAlee # 455, Sear #1088 var


Next Melquart


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