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Hadrian, AR Tridrachm, Tarsus [= Tarsos], Province of Cilicia (SE Anatolia, now in Turkey), AD 117-138 (undated). Obv. Laureate head right, [ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΕ Τ]ΡA ΠΑΡ ΥΙ ΘΕ ΝΕΡ ΥΙ ΤΡΑI ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹEB / Rev. City-goddess Tyche, turreted and veiled, seated left on diphros [backless stool with four turned legs] (front leg & seat decorated as foreleg and wing of sphinx or griffin), holding palm branch in right hand and touching back corner of seat with left hand [type without cornucopiae in left hand]; at her feet to left, river-God Kydnos,* crowned with wreath of sedge-plant, swimming left with right arm upraised, [ΤΑ]Ρ-CΕΩΝ-ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩC. 23 mm., 9.39 g., 1 h. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Vol. III 3262 (2015); RPC III Online at https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/3/3262; Prieur 761 [Michel and Karin Prieur, Syro-Phoenician Tetradrachms (London, 2000)]; BMC Vol. 21 Cilicia, Tarsus 148 at p. 187 [Hill, G.F., A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum, Greek Coins of Lycaonia, Isauria, and Cilicia (London, 1900)]; SNG France Cilicia 1401-1403 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 2, Cilicia (Paris 1993)]. Purchased from Leu Numismatik AG, Winterthur, Switzerland, Web Auction 20, 16-18 Jul 2022, Lot 2065.


Next, Tyche with river god at her feet.

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Philip II, AD 244-249.
Roman provincial Æ 23.8 mm, 8.42 g, 11 h.
Mesopotamia, Nisibis, AD 244-49.
Obv: ΑVΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟVΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC CЄB, radiate and cuirassed bust left
Rev: IOV CЄΠ KOΛΩ NЄCIBI MHT, tetrastyle temple; statue of Tyche within, ram above Tyche's head, river god below.
Refs: BMC 22-23*; Sear GIC 4157; SNG Cop 240*; SNG Hunterian 2.
*BMC and SNG Cop erroneously attribute this coin to Philip I.

Next: Tetrastyle temple 

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2 hours ago, Roman Collector said:

Next: Tetrastyle temple 

Tiny one ... atop a hill? Or some kind of courtyard in perspective as I've seen proposed?


Syria, Zeugma. Philip II AE (29mm, 16.24g, 6h), 247-249.
Obv: ΑΥΤΟΚ Κ Μ ΙΟΥΛΙ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟϹ ϹΕΒ. Laureate, draped & cuirassed bust r., seen from rear. Countermark: Eagle, wings closed.
Rev: ΖΕΥΓΜΑΤΕΩΝ. Temple w/ four columns containing seated figure (Zeus?) facing, on rocky hilltop w/ buildings at the base & steps or colonnades on either side; below, Capricorn left.

Ref: RPC VIII (Temp) 8195; SGIC 4142 var; for countermark: Howgego 340.
Prov: Ex M. Slavin coll., acq. 23 Jun 2004; CNG EA 548 (18 Oct 2023) lot 1115 (part of)


NEXT: Another Philip I Provincial (including his wife and son)

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27 mm, 12,62 g.
Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. Otacilia Severa 244-249. Billon tetradrachm. 247.
ΜΑΡ ΩΤΑΚΙΛ ϹƐΟΥΗΡΑΝ ϹƐΒ, diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa, r., crescent at shoulders / ΔΗΜΑΡΧ ƐΞΟΥϹΙΑϹ ΥΠΑ ΤΟ Γ, ΑΝΤΙΟΧΙΑ, S C, eagle standing r., spreading wings, holding wreath in beak. RPC VIII, — (unassigned; ID 28993); Prieur 383; McAlee 1096.

Next - Antioch tetradrachm - having an empress portrait. 

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LUCANIA, Thurium as Copia (193-150 BCE) AE As. 9.40g, 22mm.

Obv: Laureate head of Janus

Rev: COPIA in right field; Cornucopia, caduceus and I (mark of value) in right field.

HN Italy 1935. Very rare. Ex AMCC3

Next: Janus

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27 mm, 14,23 g.
Roman Republic, Anonymous. Æ as. 157-156 BC.
Laureate head of Janus; above, mark (I) / [ROMA], Prow, right; before, denominational mark; below, inscription.
RRC 197-8B/1b (possible imitation)

Next - RR bronze 

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Roman Republic, moneyer: M. Atilius Serranus, AE quadrans, 148 BC, Rome mint. Obv: Head of Hercules r.; behind, three pellets. Rev: Prow r., above, M . ATILI (die break); below, [ROMA]. 17mm, 4.16g. Ref: RRC 214/5a.

Next: quadrans

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Not a spectacular example, but a bargain at auction.

Anonymous Quadrans Minerva and Owl.jpg
Anonymous--Domitian to Antoninus Pius.
Roman AE quadrans, 14.9 mm, 2.51 g, 5 h.
Rome, A.D. 81-161.
Obv: Helmeted and draped bust of Minerva, right.
Rev: S-C, Owl standing left, head facing.
Ref: RIC 8.

Next: Owl on a Roman imperial or provincial coin. 

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Here another Quadrans 



Circa 81-161 AD. Æ Rome Quadrans (14 mm, 1.34 gm). Diademed and draped bust of Venus right / Dove standing right. RIC II 24; Cohen 10. Near VF

Next: Venus

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P. Clodius M.f. Turrinus

42 BC
AR Denarius (18mm, 3.86g)
O: Laureate head of Apollo right; lyre behind.
R: Diana Lucifera standing facing, holding two long torches, bow and quiver on her shoulder; M.F - CLODIVS flanking.
RSC Claudia 15; Crawford 424-23; Sydenham 1117; CRI 184; RSC Claudia 15; BMC 4290
ex Sayles & Lavender

Virgins, sing the Virgin Huntress;
Youths, the youthful Phoebus sing;
Sing Latona, she who bore them
Dearest to the eternal King:
Sing the heavenly maid who roves
Joyous, through the mountain groves;
She who winding waters loves;
Let her haunts her praises ring!

Sing the vale of Peneus’ river;
Sing the Delian deity;
The shoulder glorious with its quiver’
And the lyre of Mercury.
From our country, at our prayer -
Famine, plague, and tearful war
These, benign, shall drive afar
To Persia’s plains or Britain’s sea.

~ Horace (Odes 1,21)

Next: a reverse showing an ancient wonder (7+)


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The three Pyramids of Giza, plus a miniature version of the Great Sphinx on the obverse:

France, Directorate, AE Conquest of Lower Egypt, An VII (1798), Napoleon Bonaparte as Général de l'armée d'Orient (struck 1810 after Napoleon’s coronation as Emperor)*, Paris Mint. Artist: N.G.A. [Nicolas Guy Antoine] Brenet, under director Dominique Vivant, Baron Denon. Obv. River god Nile reclining to his left [after statue presently in Vatican Museum], holding sheaf of grain in his right hand, his left arm supported on sphinx (modeled after Great Sphinx, with lion’s body, front paws resting on exergue line, and head of pharaoh wearing royal headdress [Nemes]); beside Nile’s left shoulder, a cornucopiae with grapes; playing around and upon Nile, seven children or putti, including one standing before Nile’s left knee with his arm in mouth of small crocodile**; in exergue in three lines, CONQUÊTE DE LA | BASSE ÉGYPTE | AN VII; above exergue line to left, signed BRENET / Rev. View of the three pyramids of Giza, with Great Pyramid in foreground, missing capstone, second pyramid behind with casing on top intact, and third pyramid in background; in exergue in two lines, DENON DIR. G. [général] DU | MUSÉE C. D. [central des] ARTS; in two further lines beneath, _________ | BRENET.  David Thomason Alexander, A Napoleonic Medal Primer (2022), No. 14 (p. 40; ill. p. 41) (available at https://nnp.wustl.edu/library/book/618630); Hennin 850 at pp. 594-595 [Michel Hennin, Histoire numismatique de la révolution française . . . depuis l'ouverture des Etats-généraux jusqu'à l'établissement du gouvernement consulaire (Paris 1826)] (7 children); Todd pp. 78-79 (obv. ill. p. 53, rev. ill. p. 81) [Richard A. Todd, Napoleon’s Medals: Victory to the Arts (The History Press, UK, 2009)]; Zeitz 8 p. 48 (ill. p. 49) [Lisa & Joachim Zeitz, Napoleons Medaillen (Petersberg Imhof 2003)]; Julius 628 p. 39 [Sammlung Dr. [Paul] Julius, Heidelberg: Französische Revolution Napoleon I. und seine Zeit : Medaillen, Orden und Ehrenzeichen, Münzen (Auktion 11 Jan. 1932, Otto Helbing Nachf., München, Auktions-Katalog 66), available at Newman Numismatic Portal; Trésor Numismatique Vol. 13, 68.6 p. 89, ill. Planche LXVIII No. 6 [Paul Delaroche, Henriquel Dupont & Charles Lenormant, eds., Trésor de numismatique et de glyptique Fol. 13, Médailles de la Révolution Française, 5 Mai 1789 - 18 Mai 1804 (1836), available at gallica.bnf.fr] (7 children); Laskey VIII pp. 17-18 [Capt. J.C. Laskey, A Description of the Series of Medals Struck at the National Medal Mint by Order of Napoleon Bonaparte (London 1818)] (7 children);  33.08 mm., 13.73 g.  Purchased at nker [Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG, Osnabrück, Germany] eLive Auction 77, 17-19 Apr. 2023, Lot 2786 (from Collection of Siegfried von Schuckmann); ex Künker eLive Auction 46, July 2017, Lot 447; ex Leipziger Münzhandlung Auktion 60, Leipzig 16 May 2008, Lot 867 (Sammlung Hans-O. Finn).   [Footnotes omitted]


Next, another depiction of an ancient sculpture on a coin (ancient or modern) or medal.

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Somewhat mini wings, but they are spread

Elagabalus AR Denarius, Rome 220-222 AD
IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory flying left, open diadem in both hands, shields to both sides, star in right field. RSC 300. RIC 161. BMC 234. 2,8 g - 18,5 mm


NEXT: More Victory/Nike

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AE31, 16.49g
Anazarbus, Cilicia
Obverse: M OΠ ANTΩNINOC ΔIAΔOVMENIANOC K, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right
Reverse: ANAZAPB ЄNΔOΞ MHTROΠ, Two Nikai placing shield on tree-trunk

Next: Mor Diadumenian (Poor guy doesn't get enough love!)

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Diadumenian Caesar, AE Tetrassarion (4 Assaria), 217-218 AD, Nicopolis ad Istrum [Nikyup, Bulgaria] Mint, Moesia Inferior, Statius Longinus, Consular Legate. Obv. Bareheaded bust of Diadumenian right, draped and armored, seen from behind, M OPEL DIADOV-MENIANOC K (OV ligate) [ = Marcus Opellius Diadumenianus, Caesar] / Rev. Artemis, wearing short chiton, walking right, holding bow in left hand and drawing arrow from quiver in right hand, hound jumping behind her left foot, VΠ CTA ΛONΓINOV NIKOΠOΛITΩN ΠPOC I / CTPΩ in exergue [ =  Consular legate Longinus, (Governor) of the residents of Nikopolis on the (river) Istros].  AMNG I/I 1843 [Pick, Behrendt, Die antiken Münzen von Dacien und Moesien, Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands Vol. I/I  (Berlin, 1898) at p. 467]; Varbanov I 3743 [Varbanov, Ivan, Greek Imperial Coins And Their Values, Volume I: Dacia, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior (English Edition) (Bourgas, Bulgaria, 2005) at p. 308]; Hristova-Hoeft-Jekov [Hristova, H., H.-J. Hoeft, & G. Jekov. The Coins of Moesia Inferior 1st - 3rd c. AD: Nicopolis ad Istrum (Blagoevgrad, 2015)].


Next, Artemis (or Diana) with bow and arrow(s).

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16 mm, 3 g.
Lydia, Saitta. Faustina II 147-175. Ӕ.
ΦΑVϹΤƐΙΝΑ ϹƐΒΑϹΤΗ, draped bust of Faustina II, r. / ƐΠ Φ ΗΡΚΛΑΝΟV ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ, Artemis standing, r., drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow; to r., dog.
RPC IV.2, 11561.

Next - Faustina II, provincial coin. 

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Faustina II [Junior] (wife of Marcus Aurelius & daughter of Antoninus Pius), AE Obol, Alexandria, Egypt Mint, Year 12 of Antoninus Pius (AD 148/149). Obv. Draped bust right, hair in chignon at back of head, ΦΑVϹΤΙΝΑ ϹƐΒ(Α)ϹΤΗ / Rev. Crowned uraeus serpent [sacred cobra, worn by deities and pharaohs] standing erect to right, L beneath I – B across fields (L IB = Year 12). 18 mm., 4.18 g., 12 h. RPC [Roman Provincial Coinage] Online Vol. IV.4 15420 (temp.) (see https://rpc.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/coins/4/15420); Emmett 2037.12; Dattari Savio 9144; SNG France 4, Alexandrie II 2810 [Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, France Vol. 4, Alexandrie II, Hadrien – Antonin le Pieux – Nomes (Zurich 2018)]. Purchased at Nomos Obolos Auction 22, 6 March 2022, Lot 578.


Next, snake on Roman provincial coin.

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35 minutes ago, Dafydd said:


PESCENNIUS NIGER. 193-194 AD. AR Denarius (2.82 gm). Caesarea in Cappadocia mint.
RCV 2 6124  RSC 68

Next Salus seated.

This is not technically a Roman Provincial coin, but is a Roman Imperial coin, despite the place of minting. A denarius rather than a drachm, in Latin rather than Greek, and belongs in the Imperial catalogs rather than RPC.

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31 minutes ago, DonnaML said:

This is not technically a Roman Provincial coin, but is a Roman Imperial coin, despite the place of minting. A denarius rather than a drachm, in Latin rather than Greek, and belongs in the Imperial catalogs rather than RPC.

However, to move things along, I'll accept it anyway!

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